An Australian mother who gave birth to quintuplets in January has released a photo shoot of her unlikely new arrivals. Perth resident Kim Tucci, 26, took just two minutes to give birth to her four daughters and one son, who were conceived naturally ... The chance of conceiving quintuplets naturally is about one in 55 million ... ....
London mayor says presidential hopeful’s policy to ban Muslims from entering the US ‘isn’t just about me’ Sadiq Khan, the new mayor of London, has rebuffed Donald Trump’s suggestion that he could be an exception to Trump’s proposed policy to ban all Muslims from coming to the United States. Khan, th... ....
A crater formed nearly 65 million years ago when a massive asteroid struck the Earth has drawn interest from scientists who are now digging deep into the Gulf of Mexico, ABC News reported Tuesday.A team consisting of 33 scientists from around the world are collecting rock samples from the Chicxulub impact crater in the Yucatán Peninsula that scientists believe could hold clues about the history of life on Earth....
Rodrigo Duterte, the controversial mayor of Davao City, appeared to win the presidential election in the Philippines on Monday night, besting four challengers despite a campaign marred by rape jokes, death threats and various obscenities ... Under Philippine election law, the candidate with the most votes wins even without a clear majority. As of 1 a.m ... Duterte insists his forces only use deadly force when encountering violent resistance....
New claims that Portugese and Spanish explorers discovered New Zealand a century before AbelTasman sighted "a large land, uplifted high" have today been rubbished by a Kiwi historian ... "There is still not a solitary piece of evidence that has been found that confirms any European reached New Zealand before Tasman ... "But there is no firm evidence of Europeans reaching New Zealand before Abel Tasman in 1642."....
Expect increased traffic to begin around 6.30pm and at the conclusion of the event, estimated at 11.00pm; TasmanDrive will be closed from Convention Center Drive to Centennial / Marie P DeBartolo Way on Monday, May 16 at 9.30am and will remain closed through the conclusion of the event; Stadium-goers are encouraged to take public transportation....
A serious crash near Glenhope, in TasmanDistrict, south of Nelson, before 5 pm this afternoon, has closed State Highway 6 as police conduct a scene investigation and the vehicle is recovered ... ....
A milk tanker has rolled in the Tasman region this afternoon. Emergency services were called to the crash on the Kohatu-Kawatiri Highway on State Highway 6 at 2.40pm. A Fire Service spokesman says it's a serious crash and the... ....
Advertisement ... With the majority of the overseas-based Matildas players coming back for the match against New Zealand, coach Alen Stajcic is excited about playing their trans-Tasman rivals less than two months out from the Rio Games, where Australia face Canada, Germany and Zimbabwe in the group stage ... ....
New bridge interpretive display dedication set for May 24 in Astoria. Event to be held at Lewis and Clark RiverBridge at 11 a.m. ASTORIA-The dedication of a new bridge interpretive display that pays homage to famous bridge designer/engineer Conde B. McCullough and local bridge history is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 24 at the west end of the Lewis and Clark River Bridge on U.S....
— In the 1930s, many railroad bridges were elevated at a time when auto travel was increasing and the city of Syracuse was evolving ... The Onondaga Lake ParkwayBridge and the West Genesee RailroadBridge have been problematic for many truckers who are not familiar with the area. The Onondaga Lake Parkway Bridge is on one of the main roads that connects the city of Syracuse to the village of Liverpool ... The pedestrian bridge over Rt....
GovernorPat McCrory applauded a major milestone in replacing the Bonner Bridge on N.C. 12 crossing Oregon Inlet yesterday as the first piling was installed into Oregon Inlet that will form part of the foundation of the new bridge. 'As we lay the foundation of the new Bonner Bridge, we are one step closer to providing a much needed lifeline between the Outer Banks and mainland North Carolina,' said Governor McCrory....
Council announces plan to redesign community mental health service New service model will run centre in partnership with community Campaigners hail preservation of services despite cutbacks 'The Bridge is a valuable resource to our community' ... 'I have personally visited the Bridge and come to understand this is a lifeline to many and that service users rely on the activities there to improve their quality of life....
- Two bridges on Route C are going to receive new bridge decks in the next few months. The bridge over WeldonBranch is located just south of Route J and will be closed on May 23, 2016. The Panther CreekBridge, located north of Route J, will close after Memorial Day to allow more time for planting season ... Both bridges were built in 1969....
Beijing Jiaotong University held an award ceremony for outstanding science and technology personnel, on May 8, in Beijing, with 258 people winning the Mao YishengScience and TechnologyAward, named after one of China's foremost bridge designers ... It has 10 categories including bridge, soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, with the most renowned being the Bridge Award....