- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 609
Walasse Ting (Chinese: 丁雄泉, October 13, 1929 – May 17, 2010) was a Chinese-American visual artist and poet. His colorful paintings have attracted critical admiration and a popular following. Common subjects include nude women and cats, birds and other animals.
He was born in Shanghai in 1929. He left China in 1946 and lived for a while in Hong Kong, then settled in Paris in 1952. There, he associated with artists such as Karel Appel, Asger Jorn, and Pierre Alechinsky, members of the avant-garde group, CoBrA.
In 1957, he moved to the United States, and settled in New York where his work was influenced by pop art and abstract expressionism. He began primarily as an abstract artist, but the bulk of his work since the mid- 1970s has been described as popular figuratism, with broad areas of color painted with a Chinese brush and acrylic paint.
He lived in Amsterdam in the 1990s, but regularly moved between there and New York.
He is the author of 13 books, including "All in my Head" (Walasse Ting & Roland Topor, 1974) and "One Cent Life" (E.W Kornfeld, 1964) a portfolio of 62 original lithographs by 28 artists, including Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Tom Wesselmann, James Rosenquist, Asger Jorn, Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Kiki Kogelnik, Joan Mitchell and Sam Francis.
People have probably been making fun of the powerful, and self-deluding as long as others have collected power or self-importance. Satire has a long history, and satirists aim to expose folly and vice in all their guises. French illustrator Nicolas Vial has drawn satirical cartoons for the newspaper Le Monde for more than 30 years. He now works for the French magazine, Le Figaro. But, although we might wish our age had moved beyond such barbarity, this is a time when the pen so threatens some that they are fanatically determined to disprove the notion that the pen is mightier than the sword. Nicolas Vial’s home of Paris has inspired many artists, including Chinese artists like painter and poet Walasse Ting as well. He spent five years there, later living in both Amsterdam and New York. H...
Walasse Ting painting in his New York studio, 1985 for more information: http://www.delaive.com
Walasse Ting interviewed (in English) by Tineke de Nooij for Dutch Television (rtl4). Curtesy of Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam Please visit: http://www.delaive.com
Walasse Ting painting in the studio of Sam Francis in Venice, CA. Filmed by Nico Delaive
Our booth at Art Basel this year! Artists: Gao Xingjian, Walasse Ting, Wei Ligang, Yang Qi, Zhang Yirong, Mok Yat-san, and Man Fung-yi. Also see Wei Ligang's interview and artist demonstration!
Walasse Ting (Chinese: 丁雄泉, October 13, 1929 -- May 17, 2010) was a Chinese-American visual artist and poet.
http://www.clarkeny.com Go to our website to learn more! Lot # 44 Auction on Jan. 5, 2014 at Noon. Mid-Century, Asian, Artwork and more... Westchester's Premiere Auction. 914-833-8336 Clarke Auction Gallery.
Sam Francis and Walasse Ting talking about Andy Warhol. Filmed by Nico Delaive.
Sorry, this book is SOLD. Showcase of the new generation Pop Art and Cobra painters. 62 original lithographs, by Alan Davie (2), Alfred Jensen (3), Sam Francis (6), Walasse Ting (6), James Rosenquist (1), Pierre Alechinsky (5), Kimber Smith (6), Alfred Leslie (2), Antonio Saura (1), Kiki O.K. (1), Asger Jorn (2), Robert Indiana (2), Jean-Paul Riopelle (2), Karel Appel (5), Tom Wesselmann (2), Bram van Velde (1), Joan Mitchell (1), Allan Kaprow (1), Andy Warhol (1), Robert Rauschenberg (1), K.R.H. Sonderborg (1), Roy Lichtenstein (1), Oyvind Fahlstrom (1), Reinhoud (1), Claes Oldenburg (2), Jim Dine (1), Mel Ramos (2), Enrico Baj (2).
June 15, 1948 - July 28, 2004 Interviewed April 8, 2004 at the Capital Care Lynwood Nursing Home 8740 - 165 St. Edmonton, AB
...and you, who is your favorite Artist ? Please subscribe and like ! Artists in this video : Alzon, Nobuyoshi Araki, Andy Warhol, Sally Mann, Banksy, Vik Muniz,Andreas Gursky, Roy Lichtenstein, Fabienne Verdier, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Michael Dweck, Maurice Utrillo, Liu Bolin, Damien Hirst, Bernard Buffet, Joan Miró, Gerhard Richter, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Jim Dine, Marc Chagall, Fernando Botero, Diane Arbus, Takashi Murakami, Zhang Dali, Wayne Thiebaud, David Hockney, Victor Vasarely, Jock Sturges, Man Ray, Frank Stella, ..... Helmut Newton Robert Mapplethorpe Nan Goldin Raoul Dufy Alex Katz Sam Taylor-Wood Yayoi Kusama Robert Rauschenberg Thomas Ruff Shepard Fairey Fernand Léger Emil Nolde Ed Ruscha Annie Leibovitz Auguste Moreau Chuck Close Yoshitomo Nara Tom W...
...and you, who is your favorite Artist ? Please subscribe and like ! Artists in this video : Alzon, Nobuyoshi Araki, Andy Warhol, Sally Mann, Banksy, Vik Muniz,Andreas Gursky, Roy Lichtenstein, Fabienne Verdier, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Michael Dweck, Maurice Utrillo, Liu Bolin, Damien Hirst, Bernard Buffet, Joan Miró, Gerhard Richter, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Jim Dine, Marc Chagall, Fernando Botero, Diane Arbus, Takashi Murakami, Zhang Dali, Wayne Thiebaud, David Hockney, Victor Vasarely, Jock Sturges, Man Ray, Frank Stella, ..... Helmut Newton Robert Mapplethorpe Nan Goldin Raoul Dufy Alex Katz Sam Taylor-Wood Yayoi Kusama Robert Rauschenberg Thomas Ruff Shepard Fairey Fernand Léger Emil Nolde Ed Ruscha Annie Leibovitz Auguste Moreau Chuck Close Yoshitomo Nara Tom W...
Stéphane Aquin and Andres Duran talking about the retrospective exhibits of work by American Pop Artist Tom Wesselmann at the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal and Galerie de Bellefeuille.
...and you, who is your favorite Artist ? Artists in this video : Alzon, Nobuyoshi Araki, Andy Warhol, Sally Mann, Banksy, Vik Muniz,Andreas Gursky, Roy Lichtenstein, Fabienne Verdier. Please subscribe and like ! The other Masters : Jean-Michel Basquiat Keith Haring Michael Dweck Maurice Utrillo Liu Bolin Damien Hirst Bernard Buffet Joan Miró Gerhard Richter Pablo Picasso Alexander Calder Jim Dine Marc Chagall Fernando Botero Diane Arbus Takashi Murakami Zhang Dali Wayne Thiebaud David Hockney Victor Vasarely Jock Sturges Man Ray Frank Stella Helmut Newton Robert Mapplethorpe Nan Goldin Raoul Dufy Alex Katz Sam Taylor-Wood Yayoi Kusama Robert Rauschenberg Thomas Ruff Shepard Fairey Fernand Léger Emil Nolde Ed Ruscha Annie Leibovitz Auguste Moreau Chuck Close Yoshitomo Nara Tom Wesselman...
作詞:厲曼婷 作曲:KINA SHOUKICHI 編曲:鮑比達 花的心藏在蕊中 空把花期都錯過 你的心忘了季節 從不輕易讓人懂 為何不牽我的手 共聽日月唱首歌 黑夜又白晝 黑夜又白晝 人生為歡有幾何 春去春會來 花謝花會再開 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海 春去春會來 花謝花會再開 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海 花瓣淚飄落風中 雖有悲意也從容 你的淚晶瑩剔透 心中一定還有夢 為何不牽我的手 同看海天成一色 潮起又潮落 潮起又潮落 送走人間許多愁 春去春會來 花謝花會再開 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海 春去春會來 花謝花會再開 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海 注︰ 畫面以 Walasse Ting(採花大盜) 的作品組成。 The scenes are composed of the works of Walasse Ting(採花大盜). 謹謝/thank you. .
EXPOSITION "CORPS A CORPS" Visite avec Monique SARY déléguée aux affaires culturelles de Montigny-lès-Metz Du 15 janvier au 6 mars 2011, le Château de Courcelles accueille l'exposition "Corps à corps", en collaboration avec le Centre de la Gravure et de l'Image imprimée de la Communauté française de Belgique, La Louvière. Composée de plus de 70 gravures et estampes d'artistes de grande renommée de la seconde moitié du 20è siècle, cette exposition entend montrer l'actualité du thème du corps humain dans l'art et souligner la diversité des approches. Exposition ouverte du vendredi au dimanche de 14h à 18h. Entrée libre. Tout au long de l'histoire de l'art occidental, les artistes se sont préoccupés du corps humain vêtu ou dévêtu, isolé ou en groupe, entier ou fragmenté. Depuis ...
主持:彭德章 黃雅文 城中關注點 - 買樓風雲 過去十年,香港樓價一直拾級而上、屢創新高。在薪酬增長遠低於樓價升幅的情況下,年輕人要「上車」似是遙不可及。有地產商主席表示,要減少娛樂、儲錢等待入市時機;亦有人製作短片表達樓市如何逼瘋市民,大家應如何看待這個問題? (採訪:崔港英、吳婷婷、彭德章) 青年事務委員會兩個月前換屆,平均年齡降至四十歲,以為會更近年青人的心, 急料新主席劉鳴煒一返「買樓論」, 惹來「離地」、「與青年人脫節」的批評。 做了三年委員的劉國勳又有何看法?剛結婚卻只能住太太娘家的林勇琪, 又如何看青年政策? 嘉賓: 青年事務委員會委員劉國勳 社工林勇琪 情緒病對心靈造成極大煎熬、甚至殺人於無形,但社會往往忽略情緒病患者的需要。世衛指出,到2020年,單是抑鬱症便會成為全球第二大致命疾病,威力僅次於心臟病。情況來勢洶洶,但香港的醫療體系又是否足以應付需要?三位病患者──傅正斯、Rachel及阿平,將分享他們的經歷,讓我們一窺究竟。 (採訪:張潔茵) 雨傘運動並未隨清場落幕,部份佔領者早已重返金鐘留守,年過半百的王婆婆正是其一。她每天拾起地上木棉花,在政府總部外砌出雨傘圖案,只為提醒大家抗爭並未完結。王婆婆還憑詩寄意——「狼鯊越荒誔, 散花越璀璨,豪綻,無間。」 (採訪:吳婷婷)
第一節為初賽第二場,比賽共分為必答題、動作題、睇片題和搶答題四個環節,獲得總分最高的隊伍可進入複賽。 參賽學校包括︰ 綠組︰沙田循道衛理小學 紅組︰香港浸信會聯會小學 藍組︰聖公會主愛小學(梨木樹) 動作題︰ 第一個挑戰︰投石問路 這個挑戰須分組作賽,每組派三位隊員參加,其中一位隊員需要戴上眼罩,然後聽另外兩位隊員提示,穿過障礙物,然後將手上的球放入桶內,最快成功將球放入桶內的隊伍,可以得到70分,其次分別得到50分和30分,未能完成的組別一律只得30分。 第二個挑戰︰默默向上爬 這個挑戰須三組同時作賽,每組派三位隊員參加,每位隊員要將20個膠杯由頂層開始,一個一個疊到最底,直到將位於最底層的黃色膠杯移到最頂層,為一個循環,然後輪到第二位隊員,直到三位隊員完成後,搖鈴示意。最先完成的一隊有70分,其次是50和30分。 第二節為初賽第三場,比賽共分為必答題、動作題、睇片題和搶答題四個環節,獲得總分最高的隊伍可進入複賽。 參賽學校包括︰ 綠組︰將軍澳天主教小學 紅組︰北角官立小學 藍組︰迦密愛禮信小學 動作題︰ 第一個挑戰︰游繩抽樽 這個挑戰須分組作賽,每組派三位隊員參加,利用三條繩索,鬥快在五個樽之中,將屬於自己組別顏色的樽搬到指定地方,完成後搖鈴,最快一組有70分,其次是50和30分。 第二個挑戰︰巨大層層疊 這個挑戰須三組同時作賽,每組派兩位隊員參加,層層疊上面的積木分別寫有數字1、2、3,一位隊員要從主持手上抽出一張數字卡,另一位隊員要在層層疊中抽出一塊寫有該數字的積木,並將該積木放在層層疊的最頂層。最先令層層疊倒下的隊伍會失去比賽資格,餘下的兩隊再賽定輸贏。堅持到最後的一隊可得到70分,其次為50分和30分。 編導︰劉志山 助理編導︰曾芷蕙
歐洲的公共空間,可以自由的在街頭賣藝表演。香港有沒有街頭藝人文化?一班香港年輕人,當中最小的只有16歲,嘗試以街頭賣藝方式賺取旅費,到東歐四個城市旅行。 出發前學習「無伴奏合唱」為集體賣藝技倆,另外需各自準備自己的個人項目,期待親身體驗當地街頭文化,探討與香港不同的歐洲街頭賣藝生活, 了解不同地方的賣藝者以賣藝為生的苦與樂。
57 minutes of comedy , wit, fun fantastic insights............................... are not on this