The History of Earth (HD - 720P)
The Best Documentary Ever!! - The Story Of Earth And Life
Hidden Human History Movie - Hypothesis for Consideration Purpose Only! [Extraordinary Theory]
Earth's 10 Most Important Events in History
History of the World in Two Hours
History of the Earth in 5 1/2 minutes
Documentary | The Deepest Place On Earth - History Channel - National Geographic
Earth's history in the last 600 million years
Extraterrestrials & Secret Earth HIstory By Alex Collier
History of the Earth
History of Middle Earth part 1: the creation of Arda up to Dagor-nuin-Giliath
The Sun & The Earth: Crash Course Big History #3
The Secret History Of Aliens On Earth - Full Documentary (2013)
History Of All The Green Lanterns Of Earth!
The History of Earth (HD - 720P)
The Best Documentary Ever!! - The Story Of Earth And Life
Hidden Human History Movie - Hypothesis for Consideration Purpose Only! [Extraordinary Theory]
Earth's 10 Most Important Events in History
History of the World in Two Hours
History of the Earth in 5 1/2 minutes
Documentary | The Deepest Place On Earth - History Channel - National Geographic
Earth's history in the last 600 million years
Extraterrestrials & Secret Earth HIstory By Alex Collier
History of the Earth
History of Middle Earth part 1: the creation of Arda up to Dagor-nuin-Giliath
The Sun & The Earth: Crash Course Big History #3
The Secret History Of Aliens On Earth - Full Documentary (2013)
History Of All The Green Lanterns Of Earth!
The History of Life on Earth - Crash Course Ecology #1
The Evolution of Life on Earth
World History Documentary - Full History of The Earth- Full Documentaries
The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth w/ Michael Tellinger
Earth's formation and history
Our Story In 2 Minutes
A History of Earth's Climate
The Real History of the Earth, A Supressed Story of Reptilians & the Annunaki
A look at: Tolkien's "The Complete History of Middle-Earth" box set by Harper Collins
The history of the Earth describes the most important events and fundamental stages in the development of the planet Earth from its formation to the present day. Nearly all branches of natural science have contributed to the understanding of the main events of the Earth's past. The age of Earth is approximately one-third of the age of the universe. An immense amount of biological and geological change has occurred in that time span.
Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic outgassing likely created the primordial atmosphere, but it contained almost no oxygen and would have been toxic to humans and most modern life. Much of the Earth was molten because of extreme volcanism and frequent collisions with other bodies. One very large collision is thought to have been responsible for tilting the Earth at an angle and forming the Moon. Over time, such cosmic bombardments ceased, allowing the planet to cool and form a solid crust. Water that was brought here by comets and asteroids condensed into clouds and the oceans took shape. Earth was finally hospitable to life, and the earliest forms that arose enriched the atmosphere with oxygen. Life on Earth remained small and microscopic for at least one billion years. About 580 million years ago, complex multicellular life arose, and during the Cambrian period it experienced a rapid diversification into most major phyla. Around six million years ago, the primate lineage that would lead to chimpanzees (our closest living relatives) diverged from the lineage that would lead to modern humans.
Alex Collier is an alias of US citizen Ralph Amigron (who has also used Ralph Amagran). As "Collier," he claimed to be a contactee. He alleged that he has been in contact with inhabitants of the Andromeda constellation and purported to have messages to relay from these supposed visitors. "Collier's" Andromedans are of the Nordic aliens type, leaning toward the New Age "space brothers" subtype. Collier's statements include an elaborate "history" of the earth from his aliens' point of view. This secret history has elements of many other conspiracy theory and UFOlogy traditions, including Nibiru, Reptilians, grey aliens, colonizations of Earth by multiple extraterrestrial species, Lemuria, and Atlantis. Statements were made by "Collier" that he has been forced into obscurity due to threats made by "three well dressed men" who were allegedly part of a "Program". No corroboration has been made of any of these claims, either of being a "contactee" or of having been threatened into silence by any government organization. He has been openly accused by members of the UFOlogy community of having merely perpetrated a hoax.
Michael Tellinger is an author and songwriter who entered the South African music scene during the Apartheid years. His song "We come from Johannesburg" in 1986 was a nine-minute anti-apartheid epic. It was also the first Rap album to be released by a South African artist.[citation needed] The song was instantly banned due to its anti-government stance[citation needed]. Tellinger became a target of the regime: phone tapping, South African Police surveillance, several threats on his life, and other intimidatory tactics.[citation needed] The song was originally written by Michael Tellinger and Neil Johnson of Radio 702 fame in Los Angeles while living in exile. It was a response to Little Steven Van Zandt's "Sun City". Tellinger and Johnson wrote the rap epic to put on record a South African perspective on the situation in their country.
Tellinger released his first SA record in 1981, HAZEL, nominated for the SARIE award in that year as best male vocalist.[citation needed] Later in 1981 Tellinger played the part of Joseph in the opening of the State Theatre in Pretoria. The show toured with great success for 2 years.
The earth
Will save our arms
Well blink tonight
The earth will rot away
Well blink tonight
I really wish these snakes were your arm
I...I really wish you'd make up your mind
The earth disguised the lake
Well blink tonight
The earth earth will save our arms
Well blink tonight
I really wish these snakes were your arm
I...I really wish you'd make up your mind
How much
Can I
Remember me?
I'm still around
How much
Can I
Wretched faces, faces, faces, this is nothing new to me
But still, enraptured, don't keep grabbing the wind
This is a loaded gun, this is a loaded question
When can you stop? When is perfection?
Maybe I'm already the one out
Consolidate all of your fears
I, I can't take it, nothing sacred
This is of course as told from the knife
You painted your eyes to make them wide again
I tip my hat to the great, to the classics
This is not my face, this is this week's fear
This is not my voice, they tell you to speak the hesitation
This is not my fate, they can't take it, take it away, take it away
This is not mine anymore
Take hold, bring it all back down to, to the first love
This is not my fate
All in vain, all in vain, all in vain, all in vain
dear friend of mine
we're not so young
our simple lives
have come undone
i follow
to your home
you're in pieces
i hold on
to your hand
we all need that sometimes
i take it back
we're all deceived
those violent times were
not for us to see
i follow
to your home
you're in pieces
i hold on
to your hand
we all need that
so walk on
and shine on
we all need the earth
save it for someone
and say it to someone
who tells you to be strong
who wants you to be home
and preach to the limit
curse the fools who believed it
and this feel has a reason
It is a land where we live the sinful life
Lost in the dark so far from a crystal sky
We dream of another time
But please dry your tears don't cry
'Cause we'll never die never die
Never die
Planet of rain where a day gives way to night
Your chosen place and you feel it deep inside
Let go off despair and pain
Face calmly the sunshine and rain
As we'll never die never die
Never die
Free your broken heart
From doubts regrets and fears
Cast them to the wind
Wipe away your tears
In the stone you're not alone
The never-ending home
Keeps you warm from the cold
Please come to me
I can set you free
I can save you from the storm
Please come to me
I can set you free
I can save you from the storm
Wonderful house of iron, flame and ice
Just look around when you think of paradise
Don't be afraid of your dreams
We hold sway over the sins
And we'll never die never die
Never die...
Free your broken heart
From doubts regrets and fears
Cast them to the wind
Wipe away your tears
In the stone you're not alone
The neverending home
Keeps you warm from the cold
Please come to me
I can set you free
I can save you from the storm
Please come to me
I can set you free
The humans living asking more and more
We just don't realize, but the world is full of
You find them in yourself
The humans are asking more and more
Don't realize, but the world is full of treasures
You find them in yourself
What is necessary for our times today?
We must not do the same mistake
We all live in this blue planet
We live with this blue planet together
I think like that in the place where a nostalgic wind
When this place is gone
It means that we are lost
We're crying for the ideal that can not be thrown away
Our pleasure and sadness are in nature
We are born together, we share the time, and we die
What is necessary for our times today?
We must not do the same mistake
We all live in this blue planet
We live with this blue planet together
This planet is our family
The great nature always defends us
The water, the soil, and a blooming flower
Everything in this blue planet is beautiful
How can we make it dirty?
Can you think of it again?
We are all living in this earth
Where you find a beautiful nature, there is a peaceful
Let's live our life with all our might
You will shine like this planet
What can we do now?
It's more important to think about the future than look
back past mistakes