The Wayback Machine -
Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One
Interview with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President
DOWNLOADED the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)
Lars Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000
#5: Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection
That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)
Director Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster
Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)
Alex Winter on


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Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:16
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2013

Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One

Watch Chapter 2 Here: Director Alex Winter's documentary recalls the groundbreaking launch of Napster and the legal battles that sank the company. Downloaded focuses on two teenage friends, Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, who came up with a groundbreaking internet start-up while they were in college, dropped out and moved to northern California to launch their company. Subscribe to AOL On Originals: About 'Downloaded': Director Alex Winter's documentary recalls the groundbreaking launch of Napster and the legal battles that sank the company. More AOL On Original Shows: Inspiration Point: #CandidlyNicole: HardWired with iJustine: Anthony Eats America: Now Eat This with Rocco Dispirito:
  • published: 16 Sep 2013
  • views: 267 Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One
Interview with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:41
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Interview with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President

I just came across a great interview by Jimmy Fallon with Sean Parker at the NExTWORK conference. Sean Parker is the co-founder of Napster, former Facebook P... with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President
DOWNLOADED the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:17
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

DOWNLOADED the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)

A feature documentary about the rise and fall of Napster. By Alex Winter. For VH1 Rock Docs. Join Official Facebook Page "... the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)
Lars Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:08
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2011

Lars Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich and rapper Chuck D of Public Enemy debate the legal war over free music downloaded on the Internet. Iron Maiden uses piracy numbers to plan 'massive sellout' concert tours
  • published: 17 Apr 2011
  • views: 30779 Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 01 Mar 2014


Egoist by Napster (c) 2013-2014 Freshville Rec. 4ty track z VLL BLVCK, co 1 tys. dostaniecie kolejny. Napster: artwork by RMX x Napster RMX: Freshville Rec. Lyrics: Download:
  • published: 01 Mar 2014
  • views: 2112 - BLACK EGOIST [VLL BLVCK #8] [HQ]
#5: Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:49
  • Updated: 20 Jan 2014

#5: Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection

The fight between Metallica and Napster is #5 on Metal Injection's 10 most controversial moments in metal. Subscribe to Metal Injection on YouTube: FEATURING: MetalSucks' Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, Liquid Metal's Jose Mangin, Razor & Tie's Tim Brennan, Relapse Records' Bob Lugowe, God Forbid's Doc Coyle, Metal Injection's Robert Pasbani and Frank Godla, and the King of Metal, Dave Hill. FOLLOW US:
  • published: 20 Jan 2014
  • views: 2244 Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:49
  • Updated: 08 Mar 2014


Black Beauty by Napster (c) 2014 Freshville Rec. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Kobiet. Bones - SevereWeatherWarning to oryginał, więc to BLVCKMIX, gdyby ktoś miał problem. UKŁONY DLA WHITE NIGGA ZA MIX/MASTER, KOCHAM TEGO CZŁOWIEKA. Napster: mix/master White Nigga: artwork RMX: Freshville Rec.: download:
  • published: 08 Mar 2014
  • views: 2666 - BLACK BEAUTY [VLL BLVCK #5] [HQ]
That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:00
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)

Short programme, produced in the year 2000, on the emergence of a technology called Napster, the file sharing software application that revolutionised music ...
  • published: 30 Dec 2012
  • views: 447
  • author: gakaface Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)
Director Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:56
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Director Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster

What was really responsible for Napster's demise, and what went on behind the scenes? Director Alex Winter talks about "Downloaded," his documentary about fa...
  • published: 12 Mar 2013
  • views: 1151
  • author: Mashable Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:19
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013


The rise and fall of a revolutionary program. Tech Reporter Matt Hartley interviews Napster creator Shawn Fanning, former Napster CEO Hank Barry and Cary She... DOC1 HD 480p
Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:10
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)

Dave Grohl on Dennis Miller Show in 2001 talking about how downloading music should be perceived by the Industry, Great Speech. Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)
Alex Winter on
  • Order:
  • Duration: 34:37
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Alex Winter on "Bill & Ted," Napster and His Documentary, "Downloaded"

Alex Winter started his career as child actor (Lost Boys, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure) who moved on to a lenghty career as a writer and director. His mo... Winter on "Bill & Ted," Napster and His Documentary, "Downloaded"
Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:25
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)

Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)
  • published: 06 May 2008
  • views: 273909
  • author: Bruce87 Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)
Lars Ulrich: 'Napster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:27
  • Updated: 24 Sep 2013

Lars Ulrich: 'Napster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL

Lars Ulrich joins HuffPost Live to discuss the situation between Metallica and Napster. Subscribe to HuffPost Live Today: HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that puts you, the community, front and center. HuffPost Live streams 12 hours of original programming 5 days a week with highlights showing overnight and on weekends. We operate out of state-of-the-art studios in New York and Los Angeles and feature a rotating team of hosts and producers. Get More HuffPost Live! Watch: Follow: Like:
  • published: 24 Sep 2013
  • views: 230 Ulrich: 'Napster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL
  • Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One
    Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One
  • Interview with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President
    Interview with Sean Parker: co-founder of Napster and former Facebook President
  • DOWNLOADED the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)
    DOWNLOADED the Napster Documentary Film Trailer (2013)
  • Lars Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000
    Lars Ulrich, Chuck D And Charlie Rose On Napster In 2000
  • #5: Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection
    #5: Metallica v. Napster - 10 Most Controversial Moments in Metal on Metal Injection
  • That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)
    That Thing - The Napster Phenomenon (2000)
  • Director Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster
    Director Alex Winter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Napster
  • NAPSTER DOC1 HD 480p
    NAPSTER DOC1 HD 480p
  • Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)
    Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Downloading and Napster (2001)
  • Alex Winter on
    Alex Winter on "Bill & Ted," Napster and His Documentary, "Downloaded"
  • Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)
    Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Napster (Metallica Parody)
  • Lars Ulrich: 'Napster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL
    Lars Ulrich: 'Napster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL

Napster Documentary 'Downloaded' | Part One

Watch Chapter 2 Here: Director Alex Winter's documentary recalls the groundbreaking launch of Napster and the legal battles that sank the company. Downloaded focuses on two teenage friends, Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, who came up with a groundbreaking internet start-up while they were in college, dropped out and moved to northern California to launch their company. Subscribe to AOL On Originals: About 'Downloaded': Director Alex Winter's documentary recalls the groundbreaking launch of Napster and the legal battles that sank the company. More AOL On Original Shows: Inspiration Point: #CandidlyNicole: HardWired with iJustine: Anthony Eats America: Now Eat This with Rocco Dispirito:
  • published: 16 Sep 2013
  • views: 267

Nap­ster Doc­u­men­tary 'Down­load­ed' | Part One
Watch Chap­ter 2 Here: http://​aol.​it/​1dj9OLd Di­rec­tor Alex Win­ter's doc­u­men­tary re­calls the...
pub­lished: 16 Sep 2013
In­ter­view with Sean Park­er: co-founder of Nap­ster and for­mer Face­book Pres­i­dent
I just came across a great in­ter­view by Jimmy Fal­lon with Sean Park­er at the NExTWORK conf...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2011
au­thor: Eve­lio Areas
DOWN­LOAD­ED the Nap­ster Doc­u­men­tary Film Trail­er (2013)
A fea­ture doc­u­men­tary about the rise and fall of Nap­ster. By Alex Win­ter. For VH1 Rock Doc...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
Lars Ul­rich, Chuck D And Char­lie Rose On Nap­ster In 2000
Metal­li­ca drum­mer Lars Ul­rich and rap­per Chuck D of Pub­lic Enemy de­bate the legal war over...
pub­lished: 17 Apr 2011
Ego­ist by Nap­ster (c) 2013-2014 Freshville Rec. 4ty track z VLL BLVCK, co 1 tys. dostanie...
pub­lished: 01 Mar 2014
#5: Metal­li­ca v. Nap­ster - 10 Most Con­tro­ver­sial Mo­ments in Metal on Metal In­jec­tion
The fight be­tween Metal­li­ca and Nap­ster is #5 on Metal In­jec­tion's 10 most con­tro­ver­sial m...
pub­lished: 20 Jan 2014
Black Beau­ty by Nap­ster (c) 2014 Freshville Rec. Wszys­tkiego na­jlep­szego z okazji Dnia Ko...
pub­lished: 08 Mar 2014
That Thing - The Nap­ster Phe­nomenon (2000)
Short pro­gramme, pro­duced in the year 2000, on the emer­gence of a tech­nol­o­gy called Nap­ste...
pub­lished: 30 Dec 2012
au­thor: gakaface
Di­rec­tor Alex Win­ter Talks About the Rise and Fall of Nap­ster
What was re­al­ly re­spon­si­ble for Nap­ster's demise, and what went on be­hind the scenes? Dire...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
au­thor: Mash­able
The rise and fall of a rev­o­lu­tion­ary pro­gram. Tech Re­porter Matt Hart­ley in­ter­views Nap­ste...
pub­lished: 12 May 2009
Dave Grohl Great Speech on Music Down­load­ing and Nap­ster (2001)
Dave Grohl on Den­nis Miller Show in 2001 talk­ing about how down­load­ing music should be per...
pub­lished: 24 Feb 2012
Alex Win­ter on "Bill & Ted," Nap­ster and His Doc­u­men­tary, "Down­load­ed"
Alex Win­ter start­ed his ca­reer as child actor (Lost Boys, Bill & Ted's Ex­cel­lent Ad­ven­ture...
pub­lished: 09 Jun 2013
Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Nap­ster (Metal­li­ca Par­o­dy)
Weird Al Yankovic - Enter Nap­ster (Metal­li­ca Par­o­dy)...
pub­lished: 06 May 2008
au­thor: Bruce87
Lars Ul­rich: 'Nap­ster F*Cked With Us, We F*Ck With Them' | HPL
Lars Ul­rich joins Huff­Post Live to dis­cuss the sit­u­a­tion be­tween Metal­li­ca and Nap­ster. S...
pub­lished: 24 Sep 2013
Youtube results:
be­does: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​bedoesmhm nap­ster: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​nvpstxr?​ref=h...​
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2013
au­thor: be­doesXD
Mantra FR­SH­MIX by Nap­ster (c) 2014 Freshville Rec. Nap­ster: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​nvps...​
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2014
Black King by Nap­ster (c) 2014 Freshville Rec. Nap­ster: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​nvpstxr?...​
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2014
MAAHLOX'la biere c'com­bi­en' by NAP­STER
Retrou­vez le sur Tweet­er à @Maahlox­Of­fi­ciel...
pub­lished: 21 Nov 2013
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit
File - Israeli soldiers of the Golani brigade adjust their weapons during training near the border with Syria in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014.
Edit Daily Press
22 May 2014
AMMAN (Reuters) - Atop the hill of Tel Ahmar just a few kilometers from Israeli forces on the Golan Heights, Syrian Islamist fighters hoist the al Qaeda flag and praise their mentor Osama bin Laden ... Armed Forces. Saudi Arabia. Armed Conflicts. Wars and Interventions. Bashar Assad. Religious Conflicts. Arabian Peninsula. Finance. Al-Qaeda. Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). Osama bin Laden. Free Syrian Army ... View/Submit Comments for this story ... think-tank ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
photo: White House / Pete Souza
President Barack Obama holds a National Security Council meeting in the Situation Room of the White House, April 5, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Edit Mashable
21 May 2014
President Obama on Wednesday deployed about 80 Armed Forces personnel to Chad to help find the Nigerian schoolgirls who have been missing since April. Chad borders the eastern border of Nigeria, a region where officials suspect the Islamic militant group Boko Haram is keeping nearly 300 kidnapped girls. See also. Bring Back Our Girls. Why the World Is Finally Talking About Nigeria's Kidnapped Students ... Earlier this month, the U.S ... Image ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / Sakchai Lalit
Thai soldiers stand guard in front of the Democracy Monument after the coup Thursday, May 22, 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Edit Detroit news
22 May 2014
THANYARAT DOKSONE and JOCELYN GECKER Associated Press Comments. Thai soldiers stand guard after army chief General Prayut Chan-O-Cha met with anti-government and pro-government leaders at the Army Club in Bangkok on May 22, 2014. Thailand's army chief announced in an address to the nation on Thursday that the armed forces were seizing power after months of deadly political turmoil. (Pornchai Kittiwongsakul / Getty Images) ... to 5 a.m ... A A ... ....(size: 10.2Kb)

Edit The Los Angeles Times
24 May 2014
Five months after an ex-Napster executive was killed after being knocked from his bicycle by a patrol car on on Mulholland Drive, investigators have submitted an accident report to the district attorney's office. Prosecutors must now decide whether Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Andrew Wood's conduct violated the law. ------------. FOR THE RECORD ... ------------ Video ... 8 ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
24 May 2014
It’s time to pop open the cork and go grab a book, folks. May 25 is not only National Wine Day, it’s also Geek Pride Day, an annual holiday" that celebrates computer geeks, word nerds and brainiacs. Boston radio host Tim McEachern created the occasion ... Shawn Fanning – This computer programmer/entrepreneur created Napster in 1998 and forever changed the way we share music ... This very frugal visionary died of a heart attack in 2011....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
23 May 2014
Photo by Bruce Sterling. The Indro Montanelli park in downtown Milan in three days in May 2014,�during�WIRED NEXT FEST, was a meeting point of the best of Italian digital�culture. � ... These cab drivers were opposed to the use of "Uber," a smartphone application which would disrupt their business model.� Phones and databases are taking away jobs from humans -- a kind of networked Napster for cars.� ... ��....(size: 4.8Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
23 May 2014
It was a Friday night at Al Mar shortly before the dinner rush when I got to catch up with Giles Copp at the bar. We had originally planned to meet at reBar until we learned that the establishment had suddenly closed earlier that day ... I've come to know him over the last year or so and his story is something I admire ... BK. What does Version Industries mean?. GC ... BK ... GC ... BK ... made a huge splash in the distribution world defined by post-Napster ... ....(size: 10.0Kb)
Edit noodls
22 May 2014
(Source. Acquia Inc). Key Executive Appointments Help Acquia Capitalize on Growing Market Opportunity of Digital Business Optimization ... magazine's Build 100 for achieving significant, sustained growth during the past five years ... Sorenson also led finance operations for major mobile and media companies as CFO at EMI Music Publishing and the Bertlesmann eCommerce Group, which funded Napster, as well as at several early stage start ups....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Fast Company
21 May 2014
Image. Flickr user TechCrunch 1. Evan Williams ... 2. Jan Koum ... Image ... Image ... Co-founder of Napster, CEO of Brigade Media. Sean Parker is best known for being the co-founder of Napster and founding president of Facebook ... He and friend Shawn Fanning founded Napster, which Parker calls “Napster University,” because it taught him the entrepreneurial skills he used to later invest in tech companies including Facebook, Spotify, Airtime, and WillCall....(size: 6.9Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
21 May 2014
In this case the mad scientist in the beat lab is Swedish producer and DJ Avicii, and the song is 2013's "Wake Me Up" with Aloe Blacc ... Translation ... Streaming services such as Deezer (12 million active users, with 5 million paying), Rhapsody/Napster (1.7 million paying) are lingering behind, while other services like Microsoft's Xbox Music, Google Play All Access and Rdio have not revealed figures recently ... YouTube ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit The Guardian
21 May 2014
technology. Spotify says its lead is widening as paying subscribers reach 10m. Streaming music service reveals latest milestones, but will they win over artists like Coldplay and Beyoncé?. • Spotify ... Spotify’s rivals in the streaming music market include Deezer, which has 12m active users and 5m paying subscribers, and Rhapsody, which has 1.7m paying subscribers around the world, split between its Rhapsody and Napster brands ... ....(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit Palm Beach Post
19 May 2014
In a contentious Internet Week interview, the head of an online-TV-streaming startup is accused of stealing. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio left the stage, and Internet Week opened with a pause. A really awkward pause ... Supreme Court. He's no stranger to difficult questions ... magazine ... Touche ... He also compared Aereo to Napster ... retransmission fees); the basic arguments behind Aereo's legal cases ("They say you're like Napster," Wolff said....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit Vanity Fair
16 May 2014
Considering Americans spend more time consuming it than television, the Internet is horribly underrepresented in the awards department. Luckily, the Webbys are working hard to become the kind of high-profile honor Web designers, viral-video makers, and app builders rightly deserve ... We chatted with the former Napster intern and current Brooklyn father of two about his iPhone. Case. Yes ... Background. First New York apartment ... Last Text....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
15 May 2014
Sean Parker married Alexandra Lenas on May 1, 2013 in Big Sur, California according to the Daily Mail. Parker is of course the first president of Facebook and founder of Napster ... The location was the Ventana Inn & Spa ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Yahoo Daily News
14 May 2014
That song you have stuck in your head right now...would you like it to make money for you? That may not be a pipe dream for much longer ... View gallery ... Not convinced? Look no further than the Apple / Beats deal ... There was the wild west of Napster followed by the “pay-per-song” iTunes model and it seems now that what the consumer wants is the streaming capabilities that Beats, Apple, Pandora and Spotify all offer ... View gallery....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit noodls
14 May 2014
(Source. Stanford University) Stanford Report, May 14, 2014. Art installations and some of the best Bay Area food trucks round out the music and arts festival on May 17 ... Tickets are on sale now ... Vol. 1, issued in June 2013. In the two decades since forming the band, the members have developed a keen sense of social responsibility that is evident from their file-sharing activism during the Napster days to benefit concerts for Zimbabwe....(size: 5.8Kb)

Napster is a name given to two music-focused online services. It was originally founded as a pioneering peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service that emphasized sharing audio files, typically music, encoded in MP3 format. The original company ran into legal difficulties over copyright infringement, ceased operations and was eventually acquired by Roxio. In its second incarnation Napster became an online music store until it merged with Rhapsody on 1 December 2011.

Later companies and projects successfully followed its P2P filesharing example such as Gnutella, Freenet and many others. Some services, like Grokster, Madster and the original eDonkey network, were brought down or changed due to similar circumstances.

Napster was co-founded by Shawn Fanning, John Fanning, and Sean Parker. Initially, Napster was envisioned as an independent peer-to-peer file sharing service. The service, named after[which?] Fanning's hairstyle-based nickname, operated between June 1999 and July 2001. Its technology allowed people to easily share their MP3 files with other participants. Its ease of use led to massive copyright violations of music and film media, as well as other intellectual property.[citation needed] Although the original service was shut down by court order, the Napster brand survived after the company's assets were liquidated and purchased by other companies through bankruptcy proceedings.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Sean Parker interviews

Sean Parker (born 1979) is an American entrepreneur who was a co-founder of the file-sharing computer service Napster and the first president of the social networking Web site Facebook. He also co-founded Plaxo, Causes, and Airtime. As of March 2012, Parker's net worth was estimated to be $2.1 billion.

Parker was born in Herndon, Virginia to Diane Parker, a TV advertising broker, and Bruce Parker, a U.S. government oceanographer. When Parker was 7, his father taught him how to program on an Atari 800. Parker’s father, who put his family over his entrepreneurial dreams, told Parker "if you are going to take risks, take them early before you have a family."

As a teenager, Parker’s hobbies were hacking and programming. One night, while hacking into the network of a Fortune 500 company, Parker was unable to logout after his father unplugged his computer keyboard. Because his IP address was exposed, F.B.I. agents tracked down the 16-year-old. Since Parker was a minor, he was sentenced to community service.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Lars Ulrich interviews

Lars Ulrich (play /ˈʌlrɪk/ UL-rik; Danish: [lɑːs ˈulˀʁæg̊]; born December 26, 1963) is a Danish drummer, and one of the founding members of the American heavy metal band Metallica. He was born in Gentofte, Denmark to an upper-middle class family. A tennis player in his youth, Ulrich moved to Los Angeles, California at age sixteen to pursue his training; though rather than playing tennis, he became a drummer. After publishing an advertisement in a local Los Angeles newspaper called The Recycler, Ulrich met James Hetfield and formed Metallica.

Lars Ulrich was born on December 26, 1963 in Gentofte, Denmark to Torben Ulrich, a tennis player. Saxophonist Dexter Gordon was Ulrich's godfather. In February 1973, Torben obtained five passes for five of his friends to a Deep Purple concert that was being held in the same Copenhagen stadium as one of his tournaments. When it was discovered that one of the friends could not go, their ticket was handed over to the nine year-old Ulrich. The young Ulrich found himself mesmerized by the performance, buying the band's Fireball album the next day. The concert and the album had a considerable impact on Ulrich, inspiring his entrance into the world of rock and roll and later on, heavy metal. As a result of his newfound interest in music, he received his first drum kit from his grandmother at the age of twelve, a Ludwig. Ulrich originally intended to play tennis, and he moved to America in 1980.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Chuck D interviews

Carlton Douglas Ridenhour (born August 1, 1960), better known by his stage name, Chuck D, is an American rapper, author, and producer. He helped create politically and socially conscious rap music in the mid-1980s as the leader of the rap group Public Enemy.

Ridenhour was born in Queens, New York. After graduating from Roosevelt Junior-Senior High School, he went to Adelphi University on Long Island to study graphic design. He is the son of Lorenzo Ridenhour.

Upon hearing Ridenhour's demo track "Public Enemy Number One", fledgling producer/upcoming music-mogul Rick Rubin insisted on signing him to his Def Jam label.

Their major label albums were: Yo! Bum Rush the Show (1987), It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988), Fear of a Black Planet (1990), Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black (1991), Greatest Misses (1992), and Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age (1994). They also released a full length album soundtrack for the film He Got Game in 1998. Ridenhour also contributed (as Chuck D) to several episodes of the PBS documentary series The Blues. He has appeared as a featured artist on many other songs and albums, having collaborated with artists such as Janet Jackson, Kool Moe Dee, The Dope Poet Society, Run-DMC, Ice Cube, Rage Against The Machine, Anthrax, John Mellencamp and many others. In 1990, he appeared on "Kool Thing", a song by the alternative rock band Sonic Youth. In 1993, he executive produced Got 'Em Running Scared, an album by Ichiban Records group Chief Groovy Loo and the Chosen Tribe.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Charlie Rose interviews

Charles Peete "Charlie" Rose, Jr. (born January 5, 1942) is an American television talk show host and journalist. Since 1991 he has hosted Charlie Rose, an interview show distributed nationally by PBS since 1993. He has also co-anchored CBS This Morning since January 2012. Rose, along with Lara Logan, has hosted the revived CBS classic Person to Person, a news program during which celebrities are interviewed in their homes, originally hosted from 1953 to 1961 by Edward R. Murrow.

Rose was born in Henderson, North Carolina, the only child of Margaret Frazier and Charles Peete Rose, Sr., tobacco farmers who owned a country store. As a child, Rose lived above his parents' store in Henderson and helped out with the family business from age seven. Rose admitted in a Fresh Dialogues interview that as a child his insatiable curiosity was constantly getting him in trouble. A high school basketball star, Rose entered Duke University intending to pursue a degree with a pre-med track, but an internship in the office of Democratic North Carolina Senator B. Everett Jordan got him interested in politics. Rose graduated in 1964 with a bachelor's degree in history. At Duke, he was a member of the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity. He earned a Juris Doctor from the Duke University School of Law in 1968. He met his wife, Mary (née King), while attending Duke.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
