Setting The Stage for a New Century
"Setting The Stage For A New Century" is a documentary chronicling the journey towards the renovation of the historic Dorset Playhouse as well as the courageous final days of its Founding Artistic Director, Jill Charles. (c) 2001, All Rights Reserved.
published: 19 Jan 2016
Exploring Ibogaine for Addiction Treatment
Proponents of ibogaine, a psychedelic (or more technically a "oneirogenic") drug, believe it to be one of the best ways to help someone overcome an addiction, especially to opiates. We visited an ibogaine treatment center in Portugal to learn more about it firsthand.
Learn more about Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal: https://tabularasaretreat.com
Search for Ibogaine-Assisted Treatment on our site: https://luxuryrehab.in/treatment-methods/ibogaine-assisted-treatment/
published: 23 Mar 2019
Ibogaine Treatment: Does it Actually Work for Addiction? | Dr. B
This is a quick bite from Dr. B on his thoughts on Ibogaine treatment and whether it works for addiction treatment or if more studies are needed for it.
If you are new to this channel and you found this video informative please subscribe for weekly videos on medication-assisted treatment and addiction recovery:
➡️ http://bit.ly/DrBSub
Recover from addiction by calling me: (800) 779-4715
Or visit: https://american-addiction.com/
To watch this entire interview between Derek Lambert and Dr. B click here:
What is Ibogaine?
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance that has been demonstrated to interrupt substance use disorders,1 as well as possess other neurological and psychological benefits. It is found naturally in a number of pl...
published: 11 Oct 2019
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight! Matt vs Game Part 1 - YoVideogames
Get your Elgato Game Capture HD!
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YoVideogames Facebook Page! http://on.fb.me/Nl2kPa
published: 18 Feb 2016
Carnegie Mellon U Gubernatorial Forum
Pittsburgh PA, 1.26.2014: The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club joined with the 14th Ward Democratic Committee, the 7th Ward Democratic Committee, and the CMU Democrats to sponsor a Democratic Gubernatorial Forum on Sunday, January 26, 2014. The forum was held at McConomy Auditorium on the Carnegie Mellon University Campus at 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
The doors opened at 1 p.m, and the Forum ran until 3:30 p.m.
Welcoming the audience were Sam Hens-Greco, Chair of the 14th Ward Mark Kamlet, Provost and Executive Vice President, & Carnegie Mellon University Elena Karras, President, CMU College Democrats.
Moderators were Krysia Kubiak Vila-Roger & Professor Paul Klein.
published: 27 Jan 2014
Canada Gairdner Global Health- Dr. David Lewis
Download the slides at:
published: 09 Dec 2013
Setting The Stage for a New Century
"Setting The Stage For A New Century" is a documentary chronicling the journey towards the renovation of the historic Dorset Playhouse as well as the courageous...
"Setting The Stage For A New Century" is a documentary chronicling the journey towards the renovation of the historic Dorset Playhouse as well as the courageous final days of its Founding Artistic Director, Jill Charles. (c) 2001, All Rights Reserved.
"Setting The Stage For A New Century" is a documentary chronicling the journey towards the renovation of the historic Dorset Playhouse as well as the courageous final days of its Founding Artistic Director, Jill Charles. (c) 2001, All Rights Reserved.
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 126
Exploring Ibogaine for Addiction Treatment
Proponents of ibogaine, a psychedelic (or more technically a "oneirogenic") drug, believe it to be one of the best ways to help someone overcome an addiction, e...
Proponents of ibogaine, a psychedelic (or more technically a "oneirogenic") drug, believe it to be one of the best ways to help someone overcome an addiction, especially to opiates. We visited an ibogaine treatment center in Portugal to learn more about it firsthand.
Learn more about Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal: https://tabularasaretreat.com
Search for Ibogaine-Assisted Treatment on our site: https://luxuryrehab.in/treatment-methods/ibogaine-assisted-treatment/
Proponents of ibogaine, a psychedelic (or more technically a "oneirogenic") drug, believe it to be one of the best ways to help someone overcome an addiction, especially to opiates. We visited an ibogaine treatment center in Portugal to learn more about it firsthand.
Learn more about Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal: https://tabularasaretreat.com
Search for Ibogaine-Assisted Treatment on our site: https://luxuryrehab.in/treatment-methods/ibogaine-assisted-treatment/
- published: 23 Mar 2019
- views: 711
Ibogaine Treatment: Does it Actually Work for Addiction? | Dr. B
This is a quick bite from Dr. B on his thoughts on Ibogaine treatment and whether it works for addiction treatment or if more studies are needed for it.
This is a quick bite from Dr. B on his thoughts on Ibogaine treatment and whether it works for addiction treatment or if more studies are needed for it.
If you are new to this channel and you found this video informative please subscribe for weekly videos on medication-assisted treatment and addiction recovery:
➡️ http://bit.ly/DrBSub
Recover from addiction by calling me: (800) 779-4715
Or visit: https://american-addiction.com/
To watch this entire interview between Derek Lambert and Dr. B click here:
What is Ibogaine?
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance that has been demonstrated to interrupt substance use disorders,1 as well as possess other neurological and psychological benefits. It is found naturally in a number of plant sources, principally in a member of the Apocynaceae family known as iboga (usually Tabernanthe iboga), which has been used for centuries by traditional communities in West Africa for ritual and healing purposes.
This is a quick bite from Dr. B on his thoughts on Ibogaine treatment and whether it works for addiction treatment or if more studies are needed for it.
If you are new to this channel and you found this video informative please subscribe for weekly videos on medication-assisted treatment and addiction recovery:
➡️ http://bit.ly/DrBSub
Recover from addiction by calling me: (800) 779-4715
Or visit: https://american-addiction.com/
To watch this entire interview between Derek Lambert and Dr. B click here:
What is Ibogaine?
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance that has been demonstrated to interrupt substance use disorders,1 as well as possess other neurological and psychological benefits. It is found naturally in a number of plant sources, principally in a member of the Apocynaceae family known as iboga (usually Tabernanthe iboga), which has been used for centuries by traditional communities in West Africa for ritual and healing purposes.
- published: 11 Oct 2019
- views: 255
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight! Matt vs Game Part 1 - YoVideogames
Get your Elgato Game Capture HD!
YoVideogames Livestream!
Follow Me! http://www.twitter.com/maximil...
Get your Elgato Game Capture HD!
YoVideogames Livestream!
Follow Me! http://www.twitter.com/maximilian_
YoVideogames Facebook Page! http://on.fb.me/Nl2kPa
Get your Elgato Game Capture HD!
YoVideogames Livestream!
Follow Me! http://www.twitter.com/maximilian_
YoVideogames Facebook Page! http://on.fb.me/Nl2kPa
- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 10391
Carnegie Mellon U Gubernatorial Forum
Pittsburgh PA, 1.26.2014: The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club joined with the 14th Ward Democratic Committee, the 7th Ward Democratic Committee, and the ...
Pittsburgh PA, 1.26.2014: The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club joined with the 14th Ward Democratic Committee, the 7th Ward Democratic Committee, and the CMU Democrats to sponsor a Democratic Gubernatorial Forum on Sunday, January 26, 2014. The forum was held at McConomy Auditorium on the Carnegie Mellon University Campus at 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
The doors opened at 1 p.m, and the Forum ran until 3:30 p.m.
Welcoming the audience were Sam Hens-Greco, Chair of the 14th Ward Mark Kamlet, Provost and Executive Vice President, & Carnegie Mellon University Elena Karras, President, CMU College Democrats.
Moderators were Krysia Kubiak Vila-Roger & Professor Paul Klein.
Pittsburgh PA, 1.26.2014: The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club joined with the 14th Ward Democratic Committee, the 7th Ward Democratic Committee, and the CMU Democrats to sponsor a Democratic Gubernatorial Forum on Sunday, January 26, 2014. The forum was held at McConomy Auditorium on the Carnegie Mellon University Campus at 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
The doors opened at 1 p.m, and the Forum ran until 3:30 p.m.
Welcoming the audience were Sam Hens-Greco, Chair of the 14th Ward Mark Kamlet, Provost and Executive Vice President, & Carnegie Mellon University Elena Karras, President, CMU College Democrats.
Moderators were Krysia Kubiak Vila-Roger & Professor Paul Klein.
- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 61
Canada Gairdner Global Health- Dr. David Lewis
Download the slides at:
Download the slides at:
Download the slides at:
- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 22