
Liver Anatomy and Blood Supply
http://www.facebook.com/ArmandoHasudungan Image: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8Ss3-wJf...
published: 14 Mar 2013
author: Armando Hasudungan
Liver Anatomy and Blood Supply
Liver Anatomy and Blood Supply
http://www.facebook.com/ArmandoHasudungan Image: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8Ss3-wJfHrpNnczTF9xMTVZSVE/edit?usp=sharing.- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 11518
- author: Armando Hasudungan

Liver Overview Explained Clearly!
Understand the main functions of the liver and the associated clinical laboratory tests wi...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: MEDCRAMvideos
Liver Overview Explained Clearly!
Liver Overview Explained Clearly!
Understand the main functions of the liver and the associated clinical laboratory tests with this clear explanation from Dr. Roger Seheult. Video 1 of 4 in t...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 5924
- author: MEDCRAMvideos

Even though the liver is separate from the GI tract, it is critical for nutrient digestion...
published: 15 May 2014
Even though the liver is separate from the GI tract, it is critical for nutrient digestion, metabolism, storage, and detoxification. Learn how the liver helps us digest food and store it for when we need energy. By Raja Narayan. Visit us (http://www.khanacademy.org/science/healthcare-and-medicine) for health and medicine content or (http://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat) for MCAT related content. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Khan Academy video.- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 930

Alcohol and Liver Disease: Drinking yourself to Death (Full Documentary)
Alcohol and Liver Disease: Drinking yourself to Death (Full Documentary)...
published: 13 Mar 2014
Alcohol and Liver Disease: Drinking yourself to Death (Full Documentary)
Alcohol and Liver Disease: Drinking yourself to Death (Full Documentary)
Alcohol and Liver Disease: Drinking yourself to Death (Full Documentary)- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 15

"The Liver" by Barbara ONeill
Did you know that cancer cannot hold into your body when your liver is working well? Lets ...
published: 16 May 2012
author: BeyondPatmos
"The Liver" by Barbara ONeill
"The Liver" by Barbara ONeill
Did you know that cancer cannot hold into your body when your liver is working well? Lets find out how to look after your liver andndash; the only organ in y...- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 5179
- author: BeyondPatmos

Liver Cancer Symptoms
Click on the link above for a free guide to choosing and buying di...
published: 27 Dec 2013
Liver Cancer Symptoms
Liver Cancer Symptoms
http://utahtexans.com/ Click on the link above for a free guide to choosing and buying dietary supplements! The liver is the second largest organ in the body and is similar to an oil filter on an automobile. One of its primary jobs is to filter out waste as well as poisons. It also helps absorb nutrients and it creates proteins. Our body is made up of billions of cells. These cells are constantly reproducing themselves as well as dying. Just on the skin we lose 40,000 skin cells each minute and millions every day. The smartest people are not exactly sure what causes cancer, but they all do agree that it begins with a damaged cell. Sure a few abnormal cells are kept under control by our immune system and they don't do anything. When these cells start to create copies of themselves at an extremely rapid pace then this is when it's a problem. The liver breaks down red blood cells and this creates bilirubin. This bilirubin stuff gives stools there brown color and if the liver isn't working correctly the liver starts to fail in producing bilirubin. What occurs next is that stools give off a white chalky appearance and not the brown, which is healthy color. The liver has a job of helping to create chemicals known as bile salts, which assist with digestion. Within the liver pathways become blocked with cancer cells, and this salt enters the bloodstream. Next it turns the skin and eyes a yellowish appearance, almost as if a person has a golden glow to their skin. Also these salts can make someone want to itch their body a lot, as well as give off a swollen leg appearance. As toxins accumulate in your system a person could experience general weakness and fatigue, as well as a feeling of wanting to vomit. There could be some abdominal pain, having a loss of appetite, and a not normal loss of weight. One of the biggest risk factors to getting this type of cancer would be drinking tons of alcohol. The liver has these enzymes that break down alcohol, These cells can process only a certain amount of alcohol at a time and if there is too much, the liver gets damaged. . Another great thing someone can do to improve their liver health would be to stop smoking tobacco. Besides lung cancer it can create cancer in the liver. Cigarettes are full of toxic chemicals and when they enter the bloodstream the liver must filter these toxins out, so a person doesn't get sick. Lastly there are a variety of herbal remedies that can help someone prevent this disease, one example would be coq10, which helps a lot with cell health. . Before you go out and start to purchase dietary supplements to improve your health it's important to realize the dangers. The fact is that in many countries including the United States manufacturers of supplements do not have to prove that their product is safe before selling it. They also don't have to list any negative side effects. Due to this there are supplements right now being sold that actually do more harm than good. The million dollar question is how can you identify these harmful products so you don't buy them? Since most supplements say similar things and look the same it's not easy. To make your life a little easier I have created a guide on the process of choosing and buying dietary supplements. A few things you will learn in this guide will be how to identify a good supplement brand, so you don't purchase one that is harmful. It talks about laws that protect consumers, herbal medicines, what to take for certain ailments and more. It's also completely free and you can learn more by clicking on the link http://utahtexans.com/.- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 5

Liver anatomy and function | Human Anatomy and Physiology video 3D animation | elearnin
Liver anatomy and function | Human Anatomy and Physiology video 3D animation | elearnin....
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: elearnin
Liver anatomy and function | Human Anatomy and Physiology video 3D animation | elearnin
Liver anatomy and function | Human Anatomy and Physiology video 3D animation | elearnin
Liver anatomy and function | Human Anatomy and Physiology video 3D animation | elearnin.- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 1326
- author: elearnin

Reversing Fatty Liver
What is fatty liver disease and how do you get it? More importantly, how do you fix it? Wa...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: Sandra Cabot
Reversing Fatty Liver
Reversing Fatty Liver
What is fatty liver disease and how do you get it? More importantly, how do you fix it? Watch and listen to Dr Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska ...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 13691
- author: Sandra Cabot

In this Video-Lecture, Professor Fink presents the functional anatomy of the Liver, the Ga...
published: 11 Apr 2012
author: professorfink
In this Video-Lecture, Professor Fink presents the functional anatomy of the Liver, the Gallbladder and the Pancreas. Included in the description of the Live...- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 13125
- author: professorfink

House Call: Do You Have a Fatty Liver?
The most common disease in America is something you probably never heard of, but it affect...
published: 26 Sep 2013
House Call: Do You Have a Fatty Liver?
House Call: Do You Have a Fatty Liver?
The most common disease in America is something you probably never heard of, but it affects 90 million Americans and is a major risk factor for diabetes, heart attacks, and even cancer. It's called fatty liver, and it's caused by the 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour in our diet. Fatty liver creates a whole cascade of issues, including: • Inflammation • Insulin resistance • Pre-diabetes and diabetes • Abnormal cholesterol • High blood pressure • Heart attack • Cancer Watch this week's edition of House Call with Dr. Hyman to learn about the root causes of fatty liver and how to fix it. Wishing you health and happiness, Mark Hyman, MD- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 860

14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver
Help detox your liver naturally through the foods you eat. Dr. Group gives his list of the...
published: 21 May 2013
author: Global Healing Center
14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver
14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver
Help detox your liver naturally through the foods you eat. Dr. Group gives his list of the top 14 Foods to help cleanse the liver. Visit http://www.globalhea...- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 56319
- author: Global Healing Center

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy
http://www.naturalliverdiet.com In the last video you learned a lot about what you liver d...
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: naturalliverdiet
How to Keep Your Liver Healthy
How to Keep Your Liver Healthy
http://www.naturalliverdiet.com In the last video you learned a lot about what you liver does for your body, and even a few tips on how to keep it happy and ...- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 36815
- author: naturalliverdiet

Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Living Donor Liver Transplantation using a Reduced Segment Graft 京都大学医学部講義ビデオ 臓器移植 江川裕人 助教...
published: 13 Mar 2008
author: KyoDaiOcw
Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Living Donor Liver Transplantation using a Reduced Segment Graft 京都大学医学部講義ビデオ 臓器移植 江川裕人 助教授 平良薫 助手.- published: 13 Mar 2008
- views: 166770
- author: KyoDaiOcw
Youtube results:

Heal Your Liver in 6 months (2011)
PURCHASE DR. STOKES NEW BOOK http://www.drstephenstokes.com/ Dr. Stokes rants about how st...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: Stephen Stokes
Heal Your Liver in 6 months (2011)
Heal Your Liver in 6 months (2011)
PURCHASE DR. STOKES NEW BOOK http://www.drstephenstokes.com/ Dr. Stokes rants about how stupid people abuse their liver and how it is possible to rebuild a s...- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 2668
- author: Stephen Stokes

What Alcohol Can Do To Your Liver
Dr. Drew shows a pair of twins, who love drinking, what happens to the liver when cirrhosi...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: DrDrewLCTV
What Alcohol Can Do To Your Liver
What Alcohol Can Do To Your Liver
Dr. Drew shows a pair of twins, who love drinking, what happens to the liver when cirrhosis destroys it.- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 96683
- author: DrDrewLCTV

Liver Biopsy Procedure
This is a liver biopsy procedure performed by Dr. Joseph Galati, in Houston, Texas. He is ...
published: 05 Apr 2010
author: Joe Galati, M.D.
Liver Biopsy Procedure
Liver Biopsy Procedure
This is a liver biopsy procedure performed by Dr. Joseph Galati, in Houston, Texas. He is President of Liver Specialists of Texas, and Medical Director of th...- published: 05 Apr 2010
- views: 153938
- author: Joe Galati, M.D.