Cultures of Resistance: Love Boat or Hate Boat? An Interview with IHH
The Turkish NGO IHH began in 1992 as a humanitarian mission to offer relief to victims inj...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: CulturesofResistance
Cultures of Resistance: Love Boat or Hate Boat? An Interview with IHH
Cultures of Resistance: Love Boat or Hate Boat? An Interview with IHH
The Turkish NGO IHH began in 1992 as a humanitarian mission to offer relief to victims injured and displaced during the Bosnian war. They have held Special C...- published: 11 Aug 2010
- views: 985
- author: CulturesofResistance
Humanitarian Principles: Perspectives from an Islamic NGO
In conversation with - Hüseyin Oruç from the the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, a Tur...
published: 04 Jun 2013
Humanitarian Principles: Perspectives from an Islamic NGO
Humanitarian Principles: Perspectives from an Islamic NGO
In conversation with - Hüseyin Oruç from the the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, a Turkish NGO, talks about humanitarian principles and their implementat...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 863
- author: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Free Gaza Flotilla - The Smoking Gun (Joniversity MIRROR)
So who exactly was behind the Free Gaza Flotilla? What were their aims? Have you even ever...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: JoniversityMirror
Free Gaza Flotilla - The Smoking Gun (Joniversity MIRROR)
Free Gaza Flotilla - The Smoking Gun (Joniversity MIRROR)
So who exactly was behind the Free Gaza Flotilla? What were their aims? Have you even ever heard of the Turkish NGO - IHH? Or as it calls itself "The Foundat...- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 442
- author: JoniversityMirror
UCI exposes the IHH / Free Gaza "Ship of Horrors," terrorist-run Mavi Marmara!
The Mavi Marmara, the lead ship of 6 (also the largest) was prepared with at least 50 trai...
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: Esther Levens
UCI exposes the IHH / Free Gaza "Ship of Horrors," terrorist-run Mavi Marmara!
UCI exposes the IHH / Free Gaza "Ship of Horrors," terrorist-run Mavi Marmara!
The Mavi Marmara, the lead ship of 6 (also the largest) was prepared with at least 50 trained, military-style terrorists who sucessfully ambushed the Israeli...- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 4183
- author: Esther Levens
Turkey calls Morsi's removal unacceptable coup
Turkey says the overthrow of Egypt's democratically-elected President Mohammed Morsi was a...
published: 05 Jul 2013
author: PressTVGlobalNews
Turkey calls Morsi's removal unacceptable coup
Turkey calls Morsi's removal unacceptable coup
Turkey says the overthrow of Egypt's democratically-elected President Mohammed Morsi was a military coup, calling for his immediate release from house arrest...- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 804
- author: PressTVGlobalNews
Turkish/Qatari convoy of flour heads for Syria
A convoy of thirty trucks chartered by the Turkish Islamist IHH humanitarian organization ...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: AFP
Turkish/Qatari convoy of flour heads for Syria
Turkish/Qatari convoy of flour heads for Syria
A convoy of thirty trucks chartered by the Turkish Islamist IHH humanitarian organization and a Qatari NGO left Istanbul Thursday to deliver 850 tons of flou...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 282
- author: AFP
A1 Report - Turqi, 25 arrestime ne zyrat IHH flitej se çonin shqiptare ne Siri
Mediat turke bëjnë të ditur se policia turke ka shkatërruar një celulë islamike që çon luf...
published: 14 Jan 2014
A1 Report - Turqi, 25 arrestime ne zyrat IHH flitej se çonin shqiptare ne Siri
A1 Report - Turqi, 25 arrestime ne zyrat IHH flitej se çonin shqiptare ne Siri
Mediat turke bëjnë të ditur se policia turke ka shkatërruar një celulë islamike që çon luftëtarë në Siri. Mësohet se 25 persona pjesë e Fondacionit Humanitare IHH janë ndaluar në provincën jugore të Kilis, si pjesë e një operacioni kundër organizatës terroriste "Al-Kaeda. Bastisje është pjesë e operacioneve të njëkohshme kundër Al-Kaedas në gjashtë provincat, duke përfshirë Stamboll, Van, Kilis, Adana, Gaziantep dhe Kayseri", shkruan Hyrijet. Në vitin 2013 një agjenci e lajmeve gjysmë-shtetërore e Iranit , agjencioni "FNA (Fars news agency) raportonte se organizata turke rekrutonte myslimanë shqiptarë për të luftuar në Siri. Kjo agjenci në një shkrim të datës 14 gusht 2013 të titulluar Exclusive: Turkish NGO Recruiting Muslim Albanians for War in Syria shkruante se fondacioni IHH, i cili vepron si fondacion fetar dhe ndihmës humanitare kishte rekrutuar dhe transferuar një numër prej 769 shqiptarësh në Siri. Këto shqiptarë i bashkoheshin ushtrisë çlirimtare të Sirisë. Kjo agjenci i referohet një personi, i cili duhet të jetë shqiptar, por ka dashur të mbetet i paidentifikuar për shkak se kishte frikë se rrezikonte jetën. Sipas FNA ky fondacion vepronte në koordinim të plotë me ministrin e Jashtëm turk Ahmet Davutogul dhe grupin ekstremist. Ai i ka treguar se shqiptarët vinin nga Tirana në Turqi dhe i nënshtroheshin stërvitjeve ushtarake nga oficerë amerikanë të dalë në pension dhe që ishin vendosur në një bazë ushtarake Reyhanli në provincën Hatay të Turqisë jugore. "Grupi i fundit që ishte rekrutuar përbëhej nga 90 shqiptarë të cilët kishin flutuar nga Tirana në Stamboll me një avion turk nr 1078 në qershor të 2013."- thotë ai. I pyetur në lidhje me shkakun e dezertimit burimi citohet të ketë thënë :Pavarësisht përpjekjeve të IHH për të rekrutuar ushtarë për Ushtrinë Çlirimtare të Sirisë, rreht 450 shqiptarë myslimanë dezertuan pas disa javësh luftime, dhe bashkimit me al Nusra Front, një grup i Alkaedas që drejtonte luftën e kryengritjes. Burimi thotë se ai është kthyer në Shqipëri pasi kishte parë krimet që kryheshin nga grupet terroriste kundër civilëve në Siri. Madje ai tregon se ishte kthyer në Shqipëri por kishte refuzuar të takonte familjen e tij pasi kishte frikë nga reagimet e shërbimeve të inteligjencës turke dhe mercenarëve të tyre në Shqipëri. Ai shton se kishte takuar familjen vetëm pasi kjo e fundit ishte larguar nga Tirana. IHH: DUAN TE NDALOJNE NDIHMAT HUMANITARE Fondacioni IHH përmes një njoftimi për shtyp thotë se ky operacion ka qëllim që të ndalojë këtë fondacion të dërgojë ndihma humanitare në Siri. "Po përpiqen ta nxjerrin IHH si një fondacion që ka lidhje me organizatën terroriste."- thuhet në deklaratën e tyre. Ata e konsiderojnë "një sulm" ndaj organizatës ë të madhe që dërgon ndihma në Siri. DETAJ Po në qershor të 2013 nga Tirana është larguar drejt Sirisë familja e Diamant Rashës, muxhahedit shqiptar i cili u vra gjatë luftimeve në Siri.- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 60
Zionists hold rally at Times Square June 14, 2010; Censorship!!!
Supporters of Free Gaza Flotilla Massacre by the IDF hold a rally at Times Square. Rally t...
published: 15 Jun 2010
author: caltechharvard
Zionists hold rally at Times Square June 14, 2010; Censorship!!!
Zionists hold rally at Times Square June 14, 2010; Censorship!!!
Supporters of Free Gaza Flotilla Massacre by the IDF hold a rally at Times Square. Rally tries to "smear" a Turkish NGO, IHH, and not allow the passengers of...- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 634
- author: caltechharvard
Turkey Border 2012 News
Syrian refugees sheltering in Turkey had a happy surprise on Saturday when a local aid org...
published: 01 Nov 2013
Turkey Border 2012 News
Turkey Border 2012 News
Syrian refugees sheltering in Turkey had a happy surprise on Saturday when a local aid organisation gave out treats to the children to celebrate Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan devoted to dawn-to-dusk fasting and prayers. Around 20 Syrian families have come to Hacipasa close to Turkey s border with Syria after fleeing clashes in the Syrian border towns of Salqin and Azmarin. For these homeless people displaced by conflict the festival of Eid - traditionally a time for families to get together and for feasting - is a poignant time. Officials from the Turkish NGO IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has stepped in bringing gifts to ensure that at least for the children Eid can be a happy time this year. We have brought gifts and toys for about 105 children for the Eid. We hope that they will soothe their suffering even for a bit. The children are not aware of the war and what is really going on. So they are the only ones who will be celebrating Eid as it should be celebrated said IHH volunteer Mustafa Cagli. We hope that Syria will be liberated after the Eid and that they will be able to celebrate a second Eid in their homeland he added. That wish was echoed by grateful refugee Mehmed Zeyden. I want to thank IHH all the benefactors from Turkey and outside for their help. They even entered Syria and helped our people in Idlib Hama and Aleppo. Many thanks to everyone and all the channels walking hand in hand with us. God willing we will celebrate an even better Eid when Bashar al-Assad is taken down because right now people are being massacred. I hope next Eid will be better.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 0
Syrian News-Syria: conflict causes increased suffering in Idlib New HD 720p
Following her visit to Idlib in northern Syria, the head of the ICRCs Damascus delegation ...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Syrian News-Syria: conflict causes increased suffering in Idlib New HD 720p
Syrian News-Syria: conflict causes increased suffering in Idlib New HD 720p
Following her visit to Idlib in northern Syria, the head of the ICRCs Damascus delegation Marianne Gasser explains how the conflict is affecting people there and how the ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent are responding.syrian news,syria.syria war,Syria #1 Rebels Battle Regime for Munition Motherlode in Mahin - Homs Region 7-Nov-13 { معركة تحرير مستودعات مهين مع هادي العبدالله ج2 } --- حمص7 Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemical Weapons Syria Conflict Politics News President Obama Syria Barack Obama on Syria Syria chemical attack Syria war 2013 Syria chemical weapons Syria war 2013 this week Syria news Syria fighting Syria war 2013 today Syrian gas attack Syrian army Syrian mujahideen Syrian mujahideen 2013 Assad interview Syrian mujahideen new videos Syrian rebels Syria rebels Assad bashar syria civil war in syria war in syria syria rebels syria free free syria syria news syria war hezbollah syria war 2013 today syrian civil war syria battle syria august 2013 syria september 2013 syria july 2013 syria war 2013 this week syria war august 2013Syrian refugees sheltering in Turkey had a happy surprise on Saturday when a local aid organisation gave out treats to the children to celebrate Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan devoted to dawn-to-dusk fasting and prayers. Around 20 Syrian families have come to Hacipasa close to Turkey s border with Syria after fleeing clashes in the Syrian border towns of Salqin and Azmarin. For these homeless people displaced by conflict the festival of Eid - traditionally a time for families to get together and for feasting - is a poignant time. Officials from the Turkish NGO IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has stepped in bringing gifts to ensure that at least for the children Eid can be a happy time this year. We have brought gifts and toys for about 105 children for the Eid. We hope that they will soothe their suffering even for a bit. The children are not aware of the war and what is really going on. So they are the only ones who will be celebrating Eid as it should be celebrated said IHH volunteer Mustafa Cagli. We hope that Syria will be liberated after the Eid and that they will be able to celebrate a second Eid in their homeland he added. That wish was echoed by grateful refugee Mehmed Zeyden. I want to thank IHH all the benefactors from Turkey and outside for their help. They even entered Syria and helped our people in Idlib Hama and Aleppo. Many thanks to everyone and all the channels walking hand in hand with us. God willing we will celebrate an even better Eid when Bashar al-Assad is taken down because right now people are being massacred. I hope next Eid will be better. syria today, syria war, syria 2013, syria new, syria news, damascus, syria damascus, syrian army, syrian, accident, syria execution, iran, israel bombs syria, israel, lebanon, egypt, the news, uk news, bbc news, russia today, syria civil war, syria crisis, syrian war, syrian news, syrian revolution,- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 5
Violent Riot Targets Israel Embassy in Turkey
Israel-Gaza co...
published: 18 Jul 2014
Violent Riot Targets Israel Embassy in Turkey
Violent Riot Targets Israel Embassy in Turkey
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1N85MiTQ-N0gsI3XBCCYbw?sub_confirmation=1 Israel-Gaza conflict: Turkish protesters raise Palestinian flag outside Israeli consulate in Istanbul. Violent Riot Targets Israel Embassy in Turkey; IHH Head Says 'Turkish Jews Will Pay Dearly. As IDF forces entered Gaza on Thursday night in the latest phase of Israel's ongoing Operation Protective Edge, violent riots broke out around Turkey threatening the local Jewish community and Israeli institutions. The head of the IHH terror-tied humanitarian NGO behind the infamous Mavi Marmara Flotilla, Bulent Yildirim, told local television station Haber Turk that "Turkish Jews will pay dearly" for Israel's actions. "Israel is acting like a spoiled child," Yildirim said. "Jewish tourists, don't dare come to Turkey. Tonight and tomorrow we are going to hold a different kind of protest, we do not have patience anymore." "The Zionists are putting the future of the Jews in danger, we can not hold back our youngsters anymore," he said. At the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul and the Israeli Embassy in Ankara crowds of protesters gathered and shouted anti-Israel slogans. "Fight! Martyrdom!" they were heard saying in Istanbul. Protesters attempted to enter the building where the Consulate is located three times and lit a fire nearby. Haber Turk described the scene as a "battlefield environment" and rioters were seen throwing stones and bottles at police. In Ankara an Israeli flag was removed by rioters and replaced by Palestinian and Turkish flags. Police were able to push the crowd back at times. Among the rioters were some of the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) parliament members, according to local reports. After some time, police used tear gas to confront the protesters. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-turkish-protesters-raise-palestinian-flag-outside-israeli-consulate-in-istanbul-9614041.html- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 1
Censorship In Times Square
RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversia...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Censorship In Times Square
Censorship In Times Square
RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversial ad in Times Square. How far is too far or should everything be ga... From: Please like PigMine's FaceBook page here: Subscribe to ... top forex brokers,best forex brokers,best forex broker,uk forex brokers,100 forex brokers,forex brokers list,finance,latest news,usa news,bloomberg news,stoc... Published on Dec 2, 2013 RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversial ad in Times Square. How far is too far o... top forex brokers,best forex brokers,best forex broker,uk forex brokers,100 forex brokers,forex brokers list,finance,latest news,usa news,bloomberg news,stoc... Supporters of Free Gaza Flotilla Massacre by the IDF hold a rally at Times Square. Rally tries to smear a Turkish NGO, IHH, and not allow the passengers of... RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversial ad in Times Square. How far is too far or should everything be game in the world of advertising,... RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversial ad in Times Square. How far is too far or should everything be game in the world of advertising,... RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the latest example of censorship of a controversial ad in Times Square. How far is too far or should everything be game in the world of advertising,... The following Media Advisory is provided by Students for a Free Tibet: Media Advisory: Tibetans, New Yorkers to Protest China's State-Run Media Ad in Times S... They New York Times is blocked by censors in China following a story critical of the country's premier. They just come back a bunch of times and give it negative votes and shut people's comments up. Update: 7/2010 This is an example of Censorship of a real terrorist attack. Note the disjointed reports and the way the officials had no decisive comment to ... For more news visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛ Thanks! Here is a link to the video that was Censored! Someone (no doubt a freedom loving patriot) has re uploaded a version that is still available here /wa... Harvard psychologists conducted a study recently, which found that not only are humans remembering less and relying on the Internet more, but we're consideri... Bring out the Pickles! Gary receives troubling news about his idol, Tarzan Jones. Cheeks has an undesirable encounter with a group of Times Square Elmos. G... A surveillance camera planted by MIT technicians captures internet activist Aaron Swartz tapping into a school computer to download files from JSTOR, a servi... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!! Please visit: for the latest news commentary by Global Government News. Please donate to GGN: .... Today on the net, web users in China bypass censorship to comment on the Tiananmen Square car crash. Growing opposition to shale gas fracking in Canada. And ... Youtube has gone to great lengths to remove this video - but we will keep uploading it! They don't want you to hear this! desteni.co.za equalmoney.org desten... What Happened on the wolrd? Unnecessary Censorship. Allstar Weekend talks about their upcoming release All The Way.- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 1
Two senior al Qaeda suspects detained in Turkey
Two senior al Qaeda suspects have been captured by Turkish police. The announcement comes ...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Two senior al Qaeda suspects detained in Turkey
Two senior al Qaeda suspects detained in Turkey
Two senior al Qaeda suspects have been captured by Turkish police. The announcement comes after... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2014/01/15/two-senior-al-qaeda-suspects-detained-in-turkey Two senior al Qaeda suspects have been captured by Turkish police. The announcement comes after raids were carried out across six provinces on Tuesday in which 22 suspects were detained. They face charges of helping Al-Qaeda members fighting in neighbouring Syria by sending arms and facilitating travel of fighters from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Syria via Turkey. The Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) confirmed that one of their storage facilities was raided. The organisation denies all links with al Qaeda and the deputy prime minister was forced to admit the allegations were false. The police chief in charge of the raid was also dismissed. It is not the first time the organisation has been accused. In January, Turkish security forces stopped a truck loaded with weapons on the border with Syria. The driver claimed to be working for the IHH. The NGO were quick to denounce him as acting alone and not on behalf of the organisation. Responding to the raid, the General Secretary of IHH, Yasar Kutlay, pointed the finger at Israel, in light of their tense history. "According to Israel, during the Gaza flotilla episode, in one way or another, our organisation was said to use dirty tricks, dirty relationships" he said. He continued: "In actual fact the flotilla incident unveiled them. Since then, Israel has been wanting to stop our activities by making false claims and creating charges that we are tied to al Qaeda." The NGO was the driving force behind the flotilla to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2010. Nine Turkish activists were killed and dozens injured when Israeli commandos descended from helicopters on flotilla ships to prevent them reaching Gaza. Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 26
Tragedy of Arakan People.wmv
This video shot by some journalists when they went to Arakan for the investigation of myst...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: ahmet guven
Tragedy of Arakan People.wmv
Tragedy of Arakan People.wmv
This video shot by some journalists when they went to Arakan for the investigation of mystic tragedy of Muslims. UN is closing her both eyes not to see this ...- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 3783
- author: ahmet guven
Youtube results:
The Audacity of Hope
May 31, 2010, the Israeli navy boards several alleged humanitarian ships attempting to bre...
published: 09 Aug 2010
author: NTDTV
The Audacity of Hope
The Audacity of Hope
May 31, 2010, the Israeli navy boards several alleged humanitarian ships attempting to break the blockade on Gaza. [Ann Wright, Passenger on May 31st Flotill...- published: 09 Aug 2010
- views: 431
- author: NTDTV
Chechenian Children at 4th International Orphans' Get Together Program
The video shows the performence of the Cehchenian orphan children, who are regularly suppo...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: IHHen
Chechenian Children at 4th International Orphans' Get Together Program
Chechenian Children at 4th International Orphans' Get Together Program
The video shows the performence of the Cehchenian orphan children, who are regularly supported by our Sponsor Family System, came to Turkey by invitation of ...- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 87
- author: IHHen
İHH Yetim Birimi Başkanı Murat Yılmaz Ülke TV'de Birinci Sayfa Programı'nda
İHH Yetim Birimi Başkanı Murat Yılmaz Ülke TV'de Birinci Sayfa Programı'nda Mustafa Yıldız...
published: 07 Feb 2013
İHH Yetim Birimi Başkanı Murat Yılmaz Ülke TV'de Birinci Sayfa Programı'nda
İHH Yetim Birimi Başkanı Murat Yılmaz Ülke TV'de Birinci Sayfa Programı'nda
İHH Yetim Birimi Başkanı Murat Yılmaz Ülke TV'de Birinci Sayfa Programı'nda Mustafa Yıldız'ın konuğuydu. 1 Şubat'da start verilen ve 31 Mart'a kadar sürecek olan İHH 2013 Yetim Dayanışma Günleri hakkında bilgi veren Murat Yılmaz, dünya üzerindeki kimsesiz ve yetim çocuklarla ilgili çarpıcı istatistikleri açıkladı. www.ihh.org.tr- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 138
Ethiopian Children at the 4th Orphans' Get Together Program
The video shows the performence of the Ethiopian orphan children, who are regularly suppor...
published: 01 May 2012
author: IHHen
Ethiopian Children at the 4th Orphans' Get Together Program
Ethiopian Children at the 4th Orphans' Get Together Program
The video shows the performence of the Ethiopian orphan children, who are regularly supported by our Sponsor Family System, came to Turkey by invitation of I...- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 110
- author: IHHen