- published: 09 Apr 2016
- views: 32516
The Nuremberg U-Bahn is a metro run by VAG Nürnberg (Verkehrsaktiengesellschaft Nürnberg or Nuremberg Transport Corporation), which itself is a member of the VGN (Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg or Greater Nuremberg Transport Network). The Nuremberg U-Bahn is Germany's newest metro, having begun operation in 1972. In 2008, driverless and fully automated trains have been introduced and count as Germany's first automatic U-Bahn system. The current network of the Nuremberg U-Bahn is composed of three lines, serving 46 stations, and comprising 35 kilometres (22 mi) of operational route. Its DT1 vehicles are largely the same design as the A cars found on the Munich U-Bahn, and both transport companies once lent each other trainsets as reserve rolling stock for major events (such as the Munich Olympics) at the time when both systems were quite new. Such swaps are now no longer possible, as the rolling stock on each system has developed in ways that would require it to undergo modification for use on the other system. The newer Nuremberg trains (the DT2, for example) are incompatible with the Munich system.
Rapid transit, also known as metro, subway or underground is a type of high-capacity public transport generally found in urban areas. Unlike buses or trams, rapid transit systems are electric railways that operate on an exclusive right-of-way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or other vehicles of any sort, and which is often grade separated in tunnels or on elevated railways.
Modern services on rapid transit systems are provided on designated lines between stations typically using electric multiple units on rail tracks, although some systems use guided rubber tyres, magnetic levitation, or monorail. The stations typically have high platforms, without steps inside the trains, requiring custom-made trains in order to avoid gaps. They are typically integrated with other public transport and often operated by the same public transport authorities. However, some rapid transit systems have at-grade intersections between a rapid transit line and a road or between two rapid transit lines. It is unchallenged in its ability to transport large numbers of people quickly over short distances with little use of land. Variations of rapid transit include people movers, small-scale light metro, and the commuter rail hybrid S-Bahn.
The Nuremberg Metro, U-Bahn VAG Nürnberg
U Bahn Nürnberg - Underground Tube Nuremberg - U3 komplette Fahrt
U-Bahn Nürnberg 2016 - The Metro in Nuremberg, Germany -1080p
Nürnberg U-Bahn drivers eye view, U2 Flughafen - Hauptbahnhof *HD*
U-Bahn Nürnberg Führerstandsmitfahrt DT3 Linie U2
Nuremberg, U-Bahn train departing from Hauptbahnhof station
U-Bahn Nürnberg - Nuremberg Metro (2016)
Fahrerlose U-Bahn Nürnberg - Fully automatic driverless metro/underground train Nurenberg
[Nürnberg] DT2 - Fürth Hauptbahnhof (U-Bahn U1)
[Nürnberg] DT3 - Wöhrder Wiese (U-Bahn U2/U3)
A quick round around the Bavarian city subway system, featuring the new DT3 automatic trainsets. April 2016
The Nuremberg U-Bahn is Germany's newest metro, having begun operation in 1972. In 2008, driverless and fully automated trains have been introduced and count as Germany's first automatic U-Bahn system. The current network of the Nuremberg U-Bahn is composed of three lines, serving 46 stations, and comprising 35 kilometres (22 mi) of operational route - Please subcribe to my new channel dedicated to biking: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiol_TJeQn9pPWwik05oGsw/feed
Automatic DT3 trains in the U2 line, Flughafen Airport - Röthenbach Including stations and control announcements.
Führerstandsmitfahrt im komplett automatisch betriebenen U-Bahn-Triebwagen DT3 auf der Linie U2 zwischen Nürnberg Flughafen und Hauptbahnhof. Produktion: Daniel Evers Johannes Bauer © 2016 WupperVideo Tags: Nürnberg, Nuernberg, Nuremberg, Bayern, Bavaria, Deutschland, Germany, U-Bahn, U2, Untergrund, Bahn, DB, Underground, Fahrerstand, Eisenbahn, Personen, ÖPNV, VGN, GoPro, WupperVideo, VAG, Verkehrs Aktiengesellschaft Nürnberg, Schienen, Railway, Train, Underground, Subway, Automatik, Geister, Bahnsteig, Platform, AGT
Nuremberg, Germany. http://metrobits.org - Line U2 train departing from Hauptbahnhof station (central station).
Échange voyageurs de rames DT2 à la station Fürth Hauptbahnhof, sur la ligne de métro U1 de Nuremberg.
Échange voyageurs d'une rame DT3 à la station Wöhrder Wiese, sur les lignes U-Bahn U2 et U3 du métro de Nuremberg.
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