
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Full Documentary "Armenia, the Land of Noah" A travel across Armenia, one of the most fasc...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Full Documentary "Armenia, the Land of Noah" A travel across Armenia, one of the most fascinating places in Europe. The marvelous adaptation of the Armenian people, their exemplary spiritual strength and the establishment of enduring culture have made possible the consolidation of a lineage that for millennia, has kept alive the legacy of one of the world's oldest civilizations. Full Documentaries playlist | Subscribe our Channel for more Full Documentaries; http://www.youtube.com/user/PlanetDocChannel?sub_confirmation=1- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 73

Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Armenia: Aram MP3 - Not Alone live at the Eurovision ...
published: 10 May 2014
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Armenia: Aram MP3 - Not Alone live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 73045

Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE 2014 Eurovision Song Contest First Semi-Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Armenia: Aram MP3 - Not Alone live at the Eurovision S...
published: 06 May 2014
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE 2014 Eurovision Song Contest First Semi-Final
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE 2014 Eurovision Song Contest First Semi-Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Armenia: Aram MP3 - Not Alone live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 First Semi-Final- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 301

Armenia Music Awards 2014 part_1 (Moscow) /Армения Музыкальная Премия 1_отделение (Москва)
Armenia Music Awards LEGENDS. 6 April 2014 Kremlin Palace. IX церемония в области армянско...
published: 14 May 2014
Armenia Music Awards 2014 part_1 (Moscow) /Армения Музыкальная Премия 1_отделение (Москва)
Armenia Music Awards 2014 part_1 (Moscow) /Армения Музыкальная Премия 1_отделение (Москва)
Armenia Music Awards LEGENDS. 6 April 2014 Kremlin Palace. IX церемония в области армянской музыкальной индустрии в диаспоре, (Звезды Армении Анелик - 2006, Ташир 2007-2010, Армения 2011-2014). Премия в области армянской музыкальной индустрии имеет многолетнюю историю. На протяжении 9 лет церемония вручения «Armenia» Music Awards транслируется в прямом эфире на 136 стран мира и имеет 35 миллионную аудиторию. Любовь зрителя и высокая популярность премии подтверждается высокопрофессиональным уровнем организации, зрелищным современным шоу и ежегодным составом ее участников. Обычно церемония вручения наград проходит в классическом формате, в котором представлена 21 номинация (Хит года, Певец года, Певица года, Альбом года и т.д.) Во время церемонии почетные гости вручают номинанту именную позолоченную статуэтку, созданную известным скульптором в виде планеты и дерева, символизирующую объединение армянских диаспор в 136 странах мира. На разных церемониях гостями и номинантами «Armenia» Music Awards были такие звезды и выдающиеся артисты как: Ален Делон, Владимир Спиваков, Демис Руссос, Дживан Гаспарян, Зураб Соткилава, Иосиф Кобзон, Ирина Аллегрова, Константин Орбелян, Хулио Иглесиас и многие другие. В 2014 году организаторы премии - продюсерский центр «Армения Продакшн» - приняли решение провести церемонию в специальном формате "ЛЕГЕНДА". Все номинанты 2014 года являются теми людьми, которые внесли неоценимый вклад в развитие армянской музыкальной культуры, а также в ее пропаганду за пределами Армении. Во время торжественной церемонии будет объявлено 14 имен, удостоенных премии "ЛЕГЕНДА". В качестве почетных номинантов 2014 года приглашены: Артур Григорян, Артур Месчян, Давид Тухманов, Дживан Гаспарян, Ирина Аллегрова, Константин Орбелян, Малхас, Мишель Легран, Оганнес Чекиджян, Офеля Амбарцумян, Роберт Амирханян, Рози Армен, Рубен Ахвердян, Рубен Матевосян, Серж Танкян, Стас Намин, Татевик Оганнесян, Тигран Мансурян, Шарль Азнавур, Шер. Специальной наградой «В ПАМЯТЬ О ЛЕГЕНДАХ» удостаиваются: Авет Тертерян, Алексей Экимян, Арам Хачатурян, Арно Бабаджанян, Гоар Гаспарян, Лусине Закарян, Михаил Таривердиев, Оганнес Бадалян, Эльвина Макарян.- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 1281

Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
Powered by: http://www.eurovision.tv Aram MP3 will represent Armenia at the 2014 Eurovisio...
published: 14 Mar 2014
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
Powered by: http://www.eurovision.tv Aram MP3 will represent Armenia at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, Denmark, with the song Not Alone.- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 248697

Interesting Russia Today documentary about Yerevan, Capital of Armenia.
Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia and one of the world's oldest continuou...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Interesting Russia Today documentary about Yerevan, Capital of Armenia.
Interesting Russia Today documentary about Yerevan, Capital of Armenia.
Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia and one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. Situated along the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenia- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 33

Armenia welcomes you (Yerevan City) [720p] 2012
8 minutes of Armenia (Yerevan city) directed by : Arthur Sukiasyan edited by : Armen Mkrya...
published: 22 Jul 2012
author: Armenia
Armenia welcomes you (Yerevan City) [720p] 2012
Armenia welcomes you (Yerevan City) [720p] 2012
8 minutes of Armenia (Yerevan city) directed by : Arthur Sukiasyan edited by : Armen Mkryan cameraman : Ashot Boyajyan producer : Armen Anmeghikyan.- published: 22 Jul 2012
- views: 9011
- author: Armenia

Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and FULL Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia...
published: 06 Jun 2014
Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and FULL Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and FULL Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,goal,all goals,highlights,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany,Armenia,Deutchland,Deutschland Armenien,Armenien,Deutschland vs Armenien 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014 full match,full,but,总结,summary,resumen,match,resume,full match,todos,full highlights,uefa,alle,γκολ,fiammifero,resumo,fósforo,tor,tore,ziel,Գերմանիա Հայաստան,Գերմանիա,Հայաստան,World cup,Brazil vs Serbia 2014 Highlights HD FRIENDLY MATCH 720p Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and Highlights HD 2014 Deutschland vs Armenien 6-1 Alle Tore und Highlights HD 2014 Deutschland vs Armenien 6-1 Alle Tore und Höhepunkte HD 2014 Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and FULL Highlights HD 2014 Match Day All Goals Germany: Andre Schürrle 52' Lucas Podolski 71' Benedikt Höwedes 73' Miroslove Klose 76' Mario Götze 82' 89' Armenia Henrih Mhitaryan 69'- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 8664

Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan
yerkir am հրթիռներից դողացող խաղաղություն
Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan...
published: 11 Sep 2013
Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan
Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan
yerkir am հրթիռներից դողացող խաղաղություն Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 42052

Serge Tevosyan 2012-2013 (Street Workout Armenia)
Сергей Тевосян, Армения, город Арташат
Видео отчет за 2012-2013 года
Two Steps Fro...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Serge Tevosyan 2012-2013 (Street Workout Armenia)
Serge Tevosyan 2012-2013 (Street Workout Armenia)
Сергей Тевосян, Армения, город Арташат Видео отчет за 2012-2013 года Music Two Steps From Hell -- Heart of Courge Hans Zimmer -- Time (Instrumental Core Remix) Street Workout Armenia http://www.facebook.com/StreetWorkoutArmenia (on Facebook) http://vk.com/streetworkoutarmenia (Группа Вконтакте) http://odnoklassniki.ru/group/52504074780791 (группа на одноклассниках)- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 33095

My Armenia (documentary, in english)
A documentary "My Armenia", Rejas Films production (in english)....
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: 1KJG1
My Armenia (documentary, in english)
My Armenia (documentary, in english)
A documentary "My Armenia", Rejas Films production (in english).- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 80462
- author: 1KJG1

Nagorno Karabagh 1992 War Dacumentary - Crusade For The Other Armenia
Nagorno Karabagh 1992 War Dacumentary - Crusade for the Other Armenia «Խաչակրություն Մյուս...
published: 05 Apr 2013
author: Khachakirner1992
Nagorno Karabagh 1992 War Dacumentary - Crusade For The Other Armenia
Nagorno Karabagh 1992 War Dacumentary - Crusade For The Other Armenia
Nagorno Karabagh 1992 War Dacumentary - Crusade for the Other Armenia «Խաչակրություն Մյուս Հայաստանի համար» «Զերկալոյի» վառ երևակայությունը «Երկիր», 10 սեպտե...- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 7629
- author: Khachakirner1992

What happened to Armenia
A short illustration of historic events that led to the current situation of Armenia. It i...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: Marco Polo
What happened to Armenia
What happened to Armenia
A short illustration of historic events that led to the current situation of Armenia. It includes the historic homeland of armenians and how the turks migrat...- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 83146
- author: Marco Polo

Highlights: Italia-Armenia 2-2 (15 ottobre 2013)
Florenzi e Balotelli salvano l'Italia, in svantaggio per due volte a Napoli contro l'Armen...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Highlights: Italia-Armenia 2-2 (15 ottobre 2013)
Highlights: Italia-Armenia 2-2 (15 ottobre 2013)
Florenzi e Balotelli salvano l'Italia, in svantaggio per due volte a Napoli contro l'Armenia- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 37231
Vimeo results:

8 minutes of Armenia (MP4)
The first postcard in a series of short documentaries about life in Armenia produced for A...
published: 31 May 2011
author: Aid Armenia
8 minutes of Armenia (MP4)
The first postcard in a series of short documentaries about life in Armenia produced for Aid Armenia.
directed by : Arthur Sukiasyan
edited by : Armen Mkryan
cameraman : Ashot Boyajyan
producer : Armen Anmeghikyan

Fabulous Armenia - Enjoy !...
The small movie about climbing in Armenia on basalt with Alex Chabot and Pippa Planques....
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: Sam BIÉ
Fabulous Armenia - Enjoy !...
The small movie about climbing in Armenia on basalt with Alex Chabot and Pippa Planques.

Armenian Perseverance
Armenia is not widely known. Few know its history, the problems and the difficulties peopl...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: Nico Bastens
Armenian Perseverance
Armenia is not widely known. Few know its history, the problems and the difficulties people have to face. Many people leave their country, others persevere. This documentary gives a glimpse on it. After a short retrospect on historical events it zooms in to the life of an Armenian family. How does their daily life look like, what issues are important to them and what effort and perseverance does it take them building a better family house.
Armenië is niet alom bekend. Weinigen kennen haar historie, de problemen en moeilijkheden welke de mensen ondervinden. Velen verlaten hun land, anderen volharden. Deze documentaire geeft een impressie daarvan. Na een korte terugblik op historische gebeurtenissen gaat de focus naar het leven van een Armeense familie. Hoe ziet hun dagelijks leven eruit, welke zaken houden hen bezig en zijn belangrijk voor hen. En welke inspanning en doorzettingsvermogen kost hen het bouwen van een betere woning voor het gezin.
Youtube results:

Армения :Чехия 2:1 Все голы Armenia vs Czech Rep հայաստան չեխիա 06.09.2013
published: 06 Sep 2013
Армения :Чехия 2:1 Все голы Armenia vs Czech Rep հայաստան չեխիա 06.09.2013
Армения :Чехия 2:1 Все голы Armenia vs Czech Rep հայաստան չեխիա 06.09.2013
http://www.animargaryan.org/- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 218

HAPPY We Are Children From Armenia
Clap along and say Ayo! to happy children everywhere. Then visit www.weareayo.org to learn...
published: 31 May 2014
HAPPY We Are Children From Armenia
HAPPY We Are Children From Armenia
Clap along and say Ayo! to happy children everywhere. Then visit www.weareayo.org to learn how YOU can help these 4 minutes of happiness last forever for Armenia's children. "Happy" - Pharrell Williams ********* Say "Ayo!" with us! ...on our website: www.weareayo.org ...on Facebook: facebook.com/weareayo ...on Twitter: twitter.com/weareayo- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 11947

Vladimir Putin has arrived to Armenia on a state visit
At the invitation of President Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Russian Federation Vladimi...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Vladimir Putin has arrived to Armenia on a state visit
Vladimir Putin has arrived to Armenia on a state visit
At the invitation of President Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has arrived to Armenia on a state visit 02.12.2013 At the invitation of President Serzh Sargsyan, today the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has arrived to Armenia on a state visit. The delegation of the RF President comprises Ministers, high-level officials from the Presidential Administration, governors, and heads of the leading Russian companies representing different areas. Among those who have arrived to Yerevan are, in particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy of the Chairman of the Government Igor Shuvalov, Minister of Education and Science Dmitri Livanov, Minister of Energy Alexander Novak, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyev, Minister of Transportation and the Russian Co-Chair of the Armenian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation Maxim Sokolov, Minister of Agriculture Nikolay Fyodorov, First Deputy Minister of Defense Arkadi Bakhin, Deputy Minister for Economic Development Alexei Likhachev, Head of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Alexander Fomin, Director General of Rosatom Company Sergei Kirienko, Head of the Federal Tourism Agency Alexander Radkov, President of Rosneft Company Igor Sechin, President of VTB Bank Andrei Kostin, Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors Alexei Miller, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the Armenian-Russian Parliamentary Cooperation Commission Nikolai Ryzhkov, Senior Vice-Chair of the Russian Railways Company Valeri Reshyetnikov and other officials. At the Shirak airport of Gyumri, after the official ceremony of welcoming the President of the Russian Federation, Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin at the V. Ajemian State Drama Theater participated at the opening of the Third Interregional Forum "Russia. Armenia. Customs Union." At the plenary session of the Forum, which is conducted with the participation of the representatives of the central and regional state bodies, representatives of non-governmental sector and numerous businessmen (over five hundred) the two Presidents made welcoming remarks. Before that the Presidents of the two countries visited the exhibition presenting marzes of Armenia and regions of Russia which is aimed at the development of cooperation between the regions of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation and at revealing Armenia's potential and new opportunities for cooperation from the perspective of Armenia's membership in the Customs Union. At the Gyumri State Drama Theater Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin through the direct television space bridge observed the ceremony of full commissioning of the 5th energy unit of Hrazdan hydro-power station. Since January 2013, the hydro-power station has been working in the probationary-productive regime. At the Forum venue, the Presidents of Armenia and Russia participated also at the stamp cancelling ceremony dedicated to the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The two stamps issued on the occasion, show sports in which the Armenian team will participate at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi: the first depicts skiing, while the second is dedicated to downhill skiing. The left corner of the stamps depicts the Sochi hills. After the opening of the Third Armenian-Russian Interregional Forum, Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin in Gyumri, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the 1988 earthquake in Spitak will place a wreath at the Memorial dedicated to the victims of the earthquake and will pay tribute to their memory. Later, they will visit the military base n. 102 dislocated in Gyumri.- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 10535

Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia...
published: 06 Jun 2014
Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and Highlights HD 2014
Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014,goal,all goals,highlights,Germany vs Armenia 2014,Germany,Armenia,Deutchland,Deutschland Armenien,Armenien,Deutschland vs Armenien 2014,Germany vs Armenia 2014 full match,full,but,总结,summary,resumen,match,resume,full match,todos,full highlights,uefa,alle,γκολ,fiammifero,resumo,fósforo,tor,tore,ziel,Գերմանիա Հայաստան,Գերմանիա,Հայաստան,World cup,Brazil vs Serbia 2014 Highlights HD FRIENDLY MATCH 720p Germany vs Armenia 6-1 All Goals and Highlights HD 2014 Deutschland vs Armenien 6-1 Alle Tore und Highlights HD 2014 Deutschland vs Armenien 6-1 Alle Tore und Höhepunkte HD 2014 All Goals Germany: Andre Schürrle 52' Lucas Podolski 71' Benedikt Höwedes 73' Miroslove Klose 76' Mario Götze 82' 89' Armenia Henrih Mhitaryan 69'- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 301