Latest Column

Dr Muriel Newman

Free Markets Under Attack

To the surprise of many, the Catholic Church’s Pope Francis has begun attacking the free market, going so far as to declare it a “new tyranny”. But before you start thinking that here in New Zealand we are relatively immune from any such radical influence on public policy, you might consider the similarities between Pope Francis and David Cunliffe.

Latest Guest

Allister Heath

The Pope attacks capitalism

It is with great sadness that I must take exception to the Pope’s views on economics and business. His hostility to capitalism, shared by the Church of England, is tragically misplaced.

This Month On NZCPR

Dr Muriel Newman

Family Violence and Child Poverty

With the September 20 election less than three months away, and voters increasingly tuning into politics, we should expect to see a range of political advocacy groups promoting their causes. A particular target will be the 800,000 registered voters who failed to vote in 2011, since this voting bloc could affect the outcome of the election.

Lindsay Mitchell

Discussing Child Poverty in New Zealand

Authored by Jonathon Boston and Simon Chapple, Child Poverty in New Zealand was published on June 18, 2014. Two major reasons for child poverty are presented: Child poverty is a result of inadequate benefits, and Child poverty is the result of unemployment.

Dr Muriel Newman

Figures on home ownership and facts about affordability

Housing is set to feature strongly in the forthcoming election campaign as a result of widespread concerns about home affordability and the so-called declining rate of home ownership. The problem is that both of these issues have become so highly politicised that it is difficult to differentiate fact from fiction. So, for the record, let’s set down some facts.

Michael Littlewood

Are home-ownership rates really falling?

There is a significant problem with the data on home-ownership. There are too many gaps in the questions asked in the 2013 Census for us to be certain about any recent trends in home-ownership rates.

Dr Muriel Newman

Immigration – and the European Elections

With net migration predicted to exceed 40,000 this year, immigration is shaping up to be a key election issue. The turnaround in migration numbers is not being caused by a blow-out in the number of non-New Zealanders entering the country, but rather by fewer Kiwis departing for Australia and more coming home.

Brian Gaynor

Challenge and reward in growing ethnic mix

The 2013 Census figures show that overseas-born New Zealand residents now represent 23.6 per cent of the country’s total population, compared with 21.8 per cent in the 2006 Census and 18.7 per cent in the 2001 Census.

Dr Muriel Newman

Maori Seats Undermine Democracy

The main political news over the last week was the formal announcement of the marriage of convenience between Hone Harawira’s Mana Party and Kim Dotcom’s Internet Party. The merger of a party based on a reserved Maori seat, that claims to represent disadvantaged Maori, with a party founded by a foreign multi-millionaire fraudster, reeks of hypocrisy.

NZCPR Working Group Project

Analysis of Submissions to the Constitutional Advisory Panel

Thanks to Denis McCarthy of the NZCPR Working Group Project, a summary of the 5,259 submissions to the Constitutional Advisory Panel on New Zealand's constitutional arrangements is provided in this report.