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Take action against the Herald’s lies

Written By: - Date published: 8:32 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 6 comments
Categories: you couldn't make this shit up

The Herald needs to explain why they think they can print anti-democratic lies and get away with it.

Make them answer. Make a complaint.


Polity: Labour’s fiscal plan: B+

Written By: - Date published: 2:30 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 17 comments


I’m a glass half-full kind of a guy, so I want to start by emphasising the parts of  Labour’s just-released fiscal plan that I like. The good: commitment to paying off government debt during economic good times, tax rate changes are welcome, and targeting tax avoidance by large multinationals. Bad: the top tax rate is still too low, and no need to signal second term tax cuts. Overall I would give this package a B+.

Labour’s alternative budget

Written By: - Date published: 1:00 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 85 comments


Labour has announced details of its alternative budget with the headline a change in the top tax rate to 36 cents in the dollar for the top 2% of taxpayers.

CTU: Labour’s financial plan will make life fairer for working Kiwis

Written By: - Date published: 12:56 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 6 comments


Labour’s Fiscal Plan shows a clear and positive difference from National. Those who earn over over 150,000 will pay more tax and applying tax to trusts to combat tax avoidance, are welcome steps to reducing inequality and the unfairness of the tax system.  It’s a relief to see more effort in stopping the billions of dollars of tax evasion. Labour’s commitment to funding the real costs of Health and Education, taking account of rising costs and the changing population, forces National to front up and say what it is going to do to prevent our public services from deteriorating further.

NRT: Climate Voter

Written By: - Date published: 12:41 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 9 comments

climate voter

On Monday, an alliance of environmental organisations launched the Climate Voter campaign. The aim is to get people to signal their intention to vote on the basis of climate change policy, in the hope of driving parties to compete for that bloc of support. I think this is a good thing. At the same time, it needs to get a lot more people to sign up for it to have the sort of impact it wants. These mass-signalling exercises can work. So, if you care about the climate, sign up.

Key and Herald embarrassed as Liu statement changes

Written By: - Date published: 12:19 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 106 comments

john key trust me

The Herald has now published details of a further statement from Donghua Liu which directly contradicts previous claims.  So what did it do to ensure the accuracy of the original claims and why did it print those allegations without verification?  And who is the mysterious person who prepared a statement that with the benefit of hindsight was clearly inaccurate?

Being media again

Written By: - Date published: 12:15 pm, June 25th, 2014 - 34 comments

Dolphin Over World 2010

I’ll be in Wellington from the 4th to the 7th for the Labour party congress on the 5-6th. I’ll be on a media pass again which will relieve me of the duties that I have usually had to undergo as a delegate, like having to think too much. This will be the first congress I have attended as media. I’m expecting to have a lazy time watching others work. If you’re around Wellington, come and see David Cunliffe’s speech on Sunday. He is promising a big speech about what he and Labour will be taking to the voters this year.

Smith plans sale of trees to fund DOC

Written By: - Date published: 11:24 am, June 25th, 2014 - 98 comments


Nick Smith is proposing to introduce under urgency legislation which will allow the removal of felled trees from conservation areas on the West Coast. The sense of cynical politics involved in this measure is strong …

Tales from the underbelly of John Key’s NZ

Written By: - Date published: 9:59 am, June 25th, 2014 - 107 comments


The underbelly of John Key’s “rockstar economy” is mostly kept in the shadows, but every so often more tales emerge from the growing numbers of homeless. Vote left & vote the bastards out, this election!

Open mike 25/06/2014

Written By: - Date published: 6:56 am, June 25th, 2014 - 137 comments


Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Reverse ferret bites PM on arse.

Written By: - Date published: 2:46 pm, June 24th, 2014 - 81 comments

Cameron slater john key

PM John Key has performed a backflip by now suggesting Donghua Liu should front up with evidence to support the NZ Herald’s unsubstantiated claim that he donated substantial sums to Labour. This is a world away from his previous position that it was up to Labour to show that no donation was made. It’s increasingly looking like it simply not true and the Herald has been played like a fiddle. And two, the fiddle planter is Cameron Slater, the PM’s bestie from way back.

NRT: The Jones appointment

Written By: - Date published: 11:53 am, June 24th, 2014 - 44 comments


When I first heard of this appointment, I commented that if McCully had offered Jones a briefcase full of cash rather than a specially-created high-paying job to resign, we’d call it what it is: Corruption and bribery of member of Parliament. From what I’ve seen in this release, I stand by that.

Updated:  It looks like this appointment either violated the Cabinet Manual or is in violation of the State Sector Act. Whatever way you look at this, the appointment appears to broken some laws. Perhaps some journos would like to look up from bullshit from National’s dirty tricks blogger and care to investigate a real story?

Polity: TPP deal on rocks. Surprise!

Written By: - Date published: 11:41 am, June 24th, 2014 - 9 comments

free-trade trans-pacific partnership TPP

John Key is abandoning hope of a TPP deal. As it stands at present there is nothing in it for New Zealand. Of course the usual ugly swamp that is US internal politics is making the deal descend into a mire.

Expect nothing to happen for another year or two, and maybe the damn thing will never happen.

The spirit of ’35

Written By: - Date published: 10:32 am, June 24th, 2014 - 50 comments

Micky Savage crowd

Jan Logie’s post: “Work  and Income – stories from hidden people” is a must read:  stories from a divisive society, under a callous government that benefits the few at the expense of too many. We can do much better than that.  Vote for change this election!

Why the left despair about NZ’s main stream media

Written By: - Date published: 9:03 am, June 24th, 2014 - 254 comments


The media seem to be mesmerized by John Key.  He can start a media beat up by talking publicly about a rumour then get a sympathetic headline when stating that Donghua Liu should reveal his evidence, even though it was Key who made the claim publicly.  Yet after a week of bad press for Labour over a claim for which there is no real proof Key’s role is not scrutinised and he seems to get away with it.

Open mike 24/06/2014

Written By: - Date published: 6:30 am, June 24th, 2014 - 240 comments


Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Labour’s Electorate-only Candidates

Written By: - Date published: 10:31 pm, June 23rd, 2014 - 36 comments

Labours women

Before we get too carried away patting those Labour MPs on the back for withdrawing from the list process in order to ‘give way’ to fresh talent, someone should take a closer look at clause 356 of the Labour Party constitution.

NRT: Our misogynistic political media

Written By: - Date published: 6:25 pm, June 23rd, 2014 - 43 comments

Labours women

In previous elections, the major parties have submitted lists heavily dominated by men, and this passes without comment. This year, Labour has submitted one with a slight imbalance (53:47) towards women. The reaction is sadly predictable. Misogynist reporting. Also incorrect, there is no gender rule. Not mentioned: Labour’s list is gender-balanced up to position 40; that slight imbalance comes from the bottom, unelectable end of the list and will not translate into caucus places.

Imperator Fish: Critics slam Labour list selections – again

Written By: - Date published: 2:08 pm, June 23rd, 2014 - 19 comments

imperator fish

Some things are so predicable that Imperator Fish can write about them years ahead. Like the typical reactions to the Labour list. Let us observe the predictability of the right and others to it today. Marks for any bit of originality, but don’t be surprised if there aren’t any.

Labour list announced

Written By: - Date published: 2:06 pm, June 23rd, 2014 - 189 comments


The Labour list for 2014 has been announced.

Polity: Colin Craig confused

Written By: - Date published: 1:30 pm, June 23rd, 2014 - 27 comments

Colin Craig son of national

This morning’s news from the Fairfax/Ipsos poll is that 81% of New Zealanders hate coat-tailing and want it gone. I agree with them. So does Labour. So do the Greens. So do Internet MANA. National, of course, relishes coat-tailing. So – to the 81% – if you want 2014 to be the last election with any coat-tailing, vote for a change of government. In the meantime of course, we have Crazy Colin Craig who thinks that Key’s job is to give just him a seat, entirely of his own accord, with no “insipid” discussions about the quid pro quo. Good luck with that.

John Key: a tale of two ‘truths’

Written By: - Date published: 9:08 am, June 23rd, 2014 - 34 comments


John Key claimed he didn’t know about the big shift in the US-NZ surveillance relationship in 2009.  Now he claims he always likes to be fully briefed on intelligence matters. Robert David Steele points the way from  such anti-democratic governance & misinformation, to an open source everything revolution.

Local Bodies: Politics, Sharks and Voter Apathy

Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, June 23rd, 2014 - 8 comments


I had a conversation at our farmer’s market this morning about how my election campaign was going and the person I was speaking to had the view that all politicians don’t actually do much, apart from talking. I find that this thinking is actually fairly common, many people talk about the nonsense that goes on in Parliament and how all politicians are as bad as each other, “It doesn’t matter who you vote for, nothing really changes.”  I find this view really frustrating, but at the same time I can see why people may feel this way.

Open mike 23/06/2014

Written By: - Date published: 6:55 am, June 23rd, 2014 - 282 comments


Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

The middle of Queens birthday weekend? Yeah right!

Written By: - Date published: 5:12 pm, June 22nd, 2014 - 219 comments

finger wagging smiley

Ok, so according to the NZ Herald Donhua Liu is alleging that a fund raiser was held on Sunday 3rd of June 2007.

That is the Sunday in the middle of Queens birthday weekend. To say that is hardly credible is an understatement. No-one schedules fund-raisers on Sunday. They certainly don’t do it in a long weekend. And can’t the journalists at the Herald read a calendar?
Updated: This mornings Herald story looks like being more about face saving than accuracy, and the interview on Morning Report make the journalistic process at the Herald look even more dodgy.

The police must investigate the alleged Liu donations because…

Written By: - Date published: 5:05 pm, June 22nd, 2014 - 24 comments

imperator fish

Scott Yorke makes some excellent arguments in favour of a full police investigation into the Liu saga.

Colin Craig to run in East Coast Bays – McCully sacrificed

Written By: - Date published: 3:18 pm, June 22nd, 2014 - 46 comments

Colin Craig son of national

In a speech today Colin Craig has confirmed that he will be standing in Murray McCully’s seat of East Coast Bays.

Does a ‘news medium’ consist of spreading defamation, lies and rumours?

Written By: - Date published: 2:55 pm, June 22nd, 2014 - 45 comments


The Whaleoil blog is in court on Monday. There is a full day session in the High Court in Auckland looking at the appeal by Cameron Slater against Judge Blackie’s decision in the District Court that the blog is not a news medium. Therefore Slater was not a journalist, and was therefore not able to protect his sources who provided stolen material to allow him to apparently defame Matthew Blomfield. The decision will probably provide case law about the status of blogs in the law and the responsibilities of news mediums.

NZ Herald – again that curious lack of detail

Written By: - Date published: 2:20 pm, June 22nd, 2014 - 112 comments


I’ve been around the Labour party campaigners for a long time. I’d have expected to hear of auction sales of near to $100,000 by rumour if nothing else. It is possible that I didn’t. But then so is time travel. Quite simply the NZ Heralds reporting of Liu’s letter without any corroboration or details about where and when isn’t what I expect from journalists. It is what I expect from Whaleoil – a simple smear. I hadn’t realised that the Herald was that desperate.

Open mike 22/06/2014

Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, June 22nd, 2014 - 322 comments


Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

The Purpose of Government

Written By: - Date published: 9:40 pm, June 21st, 2014 - 7 comments


Bryan Gould writes on this in the latest post on the AUT Briefing Papers website. Gould quotes from Senator Elizabeth Warren’s classic speech “Nobody got rich on their own. Nobody.” Gould’s conclusion – A renewed debate about the purpose of government is well overdue – amen to that.

Important links

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    Labour | 23-06
  • Labour will fund the Capital Connection
    The next Labour government will ensure the future of the Capital Connection by funding it on a similar basis to other commuter rail services, say Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Phil Twyford and Labour’s MP for Palmerston North Iain Lees-Galloway....
    Labour | 23-06
  • Labour will offer 100% Red-Zone Buy-Out
    A Labour government will ensure that all owners of red-zoned properties in Canterbury receive a buy-out offer of 100% of the 2007 rateable value of their land, says Labour’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Spokesperson Ruth Dyson. “A 100% buy-out offer is...
    Labour | 22-06
  • Statement from Moira Coatsworth, Labour Party President, Donghua Liu report...
    Labour | 22-06
  • NZ needs to work within UN framework on Iraq crisis
    John Key should not be making up foreign policy on the hoof and pledging support for possible unilateral action by the United States in Iraq, the Green Party said today.In New York earlier this week, New Zealand Foreign Minister McCully...
    Greens | 22-06
  • Surge in patronage shows need for City Rail Link
    A 13.1 percent surge in Auckland rail patronage in the year to May shows the Government needs to start on the Auckland City Rail Link immediately, the Green Party said today."The Government has set arbitrary and unachievable targets as its...
    Greens | 22-06
  • New Zealanders don’t believe John Key about US spying
    New Zealanders believe Edward Snowden ahead of John Key when it comes to the US spying on us, the Green Party said today.John Key has previously downplayed New Zealanders concerns that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been involved...
    Greens | 21-06
  • A storm is no reason to change our conservation law
    New Zealand's wild conservation land should be protected from logging, the Green Party said today. National has announced plans to allow logging of native forest on public land on the West Coast damaged in Cyclone Ita. "It is illegal to...
    Greens | 20-06
  • Labour will lift cap for medical students
    Labour is backing calls from the country’s medical students to lift a government-imposed seven year study cap. “Medical students are being stopped in their tracks by National’s limit on student support, Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson Maryan Street says. “The government...
    Labour | 20-06
  • Electricity demand down – prices up
    The electricity market is broken and not delivering to Kiwis, said Labour’s Energy Spokesperson, David Shearer. “The latest government figures show that demand for electricity is the lowest it’s been since 2009. Yet in that time prices have risen 19%...
    Labour | 20-06
  • Govt tricky on real cost of asset sales
    The true costs of the Government's asset sales are over $640 million, more than five times the $120.6 million National is claiming today, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said."The Government is being extremely tricky when it says Treasury's cost for...
    Greens | 20-06
  • Key doing deal with US that benefits Wall Street
    John Key needs to tell the public why New Zealand is currently involved in a trade deal to benefit Wall Street at the expense of Queen Street, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.The text of a 19-page, international...
    Greens | 20-06
  • Misleading costs the final insult on asset sales
    Today’s claim by the Government that the cost of the asset sales programme was $120 million is just a lie, says Labour’s SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove. “The Government and Treasury need to be straight up with the taxpayer on the costs...
    Labour | 20-06
  • Cartwright appointment to war crimes panel welcomed
    Labour congratulates Dame Silvia Cartwright on her appointment to the United Nations Human Rights Council investigation into war crimes and human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. “Her reputation is second to none and we are delighted she will be contributing...
    Labour | 19-06
  • Future Māori leaders celebrated
    Last night’s celebration of the 2013/2014 recipients Ngarimu VC and 28th Maori Battalion was a reminder to all who attended the importance of nurturing our future leaders, but also remembering those who laid the foundations for us today to celebrate...
    Labour | 19-06
  • Father and son join the picket line in Mangere against booze outlet
    Mana Movement leader Hone Harawira and Mana supporters will be standing alongside the Mangere community this Saturday as it protests the decision of the Auckland District Licensing Committee to grant yet another licence to sell cheap booze in the area....
    Mana | 19-06
    Mana candidate for Waiariki Annette Sykes kicks off her Waiariki Bus Tour of her electorate this Saturday 21 June in Tauranga with her campaign team and volunteers. “I’m looking forward to getting out and about in my electorate this coming...
    Mana | 19-06
    “When I invited applications for a Press Officer on Facebook, it drew such a lot of attention it even made the Dominion Post!” said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira. “But when I said ‘no prima donna’s please;...
    Mana | 19-06
  • Great start for Internet MANA
    Today’s poll is a great start for Internet MANA” says Annette Sykes, MANA President, “and we’re looking forward to that support building over the coming months.” The poll showed 2.1% support for Internet MANA which would give the newly formed...
    Mana | 19-06
    The announcement of the Internet Party’s candidates list today gets the full backing from Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau. “This announcement is great news for Internet MANA” said Hone Harawira. “We’ve already chosen our first...
    Mana | 19-06
  • Denniston gamble more eco-vandalism from National
    Allowing opencast mining at Denniston is another example of short-sighted environmental vandalism from National, the Green Party said today. Late yesterday the Government issued an Authority to Enter and Operate (AEO) to Australia's Bathurst Resources Ltd, for its planned opencast...
    Greens | 19-06
  • Police shouldn’t have to play ‘pick the priority’
    Forcing police to pull resources from one area to cover for shortfalls in another is the inevitable consequence of the Government’s $40 million funding cut, Labour’s Police spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says. Police confirmed today that drug squads in four districts...
    Labour | 19-06
  • GDP up but households not getting their fair share of it
    New Zealand households facing increasing costs from rising interest rates and stagnant wage growth are not getting their fair share of economic growth, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today. Figures released today by Statistics New Zealand show that Gross...
    Greens | 18-06
  • Joyce must come clean on pay negotiation meddling
    Despite his own claims that Ministers should not be involved in state sector pay rounds, Steven Joyce was so closely involved in discussions at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that negotiations were adjourned to seek his approval, Labour’s Economic...
    Labour | 18-06
  • Key used Banks’ vote to sell our assets
    The Key Government has been able to sell our assets, make life worse for New Zealand workers, and weaken our environmental laws due to John Banks' sole, discredited vote, Green Party open government spokesperson Holly Walker said today.During the current...
    Greens | 18-06
  • Green Party celebrates EPA iron sands decision
    The Green Party has welcomed the Environment Protection Agency's (EPA) decision not to allow massive seabed mining in the habitat of the world's most endangered dolphin - the Maui's Dolphin - and close to a blue whale breeding ground.The proposal...
    Greens | 18-06
  • Provinces being hit hard by government policies
    The overheated Auckland housing market and the Reserve Bank’s response to lift interest rates are causing massive damage to our provinces, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says. “Leading economist Shamubeel Eaqub has called the latest rise in the official cash...
    Labour | 17-06
  • Nats’ nix is no answer to Labour’s nest egg
    National has admitted it has no ambition, no ideas and no hope for low income Kiwis wanting a nest egg in their retirement, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says. “Finance Minister Bill English revealed all when crying crocodile tears over Labour’s...
    Labour | 17-06
  • Govt opening up Maui’s dolphin habitat for petroleum exploration
    The situation for New Zealand's highly endangered Maui's dolphin is dire, and the Government is making it worse by opening up more of their habitat to petroleum exploration and drilling, the Green Party said today.The Green Party obtained documents under...
    Greens | 17-06
  • HARAWIRA: Harawira gives a big Tick For Kids
    Anything that puts our kids at the forefront will always get the big tick from me” said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau when speaking about the Tick For Kids campaign to put children at the...
    Mana | 17-06
  • Debate on Crown entities, public organisations, and State Enterprises
    The Education and Science Committee’s report on the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) made an important point about how TEC is having to cope with ongoing cuts to tertiary sector funding, rather than manage a stronger budget for the sector. And...
    Mana | 17-06
  • Bennett has no excuse for not working together on domestic violence
    There is no excuse for Paula Bennett’s continued refusal to commit to working across parties to stop domestic violence and child abuse, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Sue Moroney says. “Ms Bennett confirmed this afternoon that she won’t be pursuing a...
    Labour | 17-06
  • Ae Marika! 17 June 2014
    If I’m ever down doing constituency work in either Waitakere or on the North Shore on the weekends, I always pop into either the Otara or the Avondale flea markets to get a feel for how the community is rolling...
    Mana | 17-06
  • No safety requirements, no consultation, no jobs … No way!
    “A foreign multi-national has been given the green light to explore and drill for oil and gas off the West Coast of Northland, without adequate safety regulations, without any requirement for consultation and without any jobs for the local population”,...
    Mana | 17-06
  • Ticking all the right boxes
    Tick for Kids, a campaign to encourage political parties to put children at the centre of their decision-making, has the full backing of the Labour Party which has pledged to do exactly that, its Children’s spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says. “As...
    Labour | 16-06
  • Labour’s KiwiSaver policy announcement
    Click here for all the details....
    Labour | 16-06
  • All Kiwis to have a nest egg under Labour
    A Labour government will ensure all New Zealanders have a long-term nest egg and help them grow their KiwiSaver pool by an average of $150,000, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says. “Today I am outlining how Labour’s universal KiwiSaver policy will...
    Labour | 16-06
  • More questions for Rennie and Rebstock
    The flawed inquiry into the leak of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs report last year is leading to more questions for State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie and its author Paula Rebstock, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Maryan Street says. “The involvement...
    Labour | 16-06
  • Ummmm, why do the Police have 7 foreign hacker servers in NZ when Australia...
    Ummmmmmmm? What the hell? The latest hate crime against our privacy that is being exposed is a corporate entity called Hacking Team that help Police use existing communications systems to hack in and spy on those the Police are hunting...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Earth to dolphin lovers – Labour aren’t going to drill and kill Maui’...
    You would think days after all guiltily being manipulated into running National’s manufactured Donghua Liu smear the media would maybe pause before creating their next over hyped story. Apparently not. Breathless posturing by the media insinuating that Labour somehow want...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • 7 falsehoods in Donghua Liu manufactured smear
    I’m not sure if anyone else is counting, but the new clarifications that Mr Donghua Liu has made to the Herald from his 6 week old non-legal signed statement now suggest that there were 7  falsehoods. Let’s count them shall we?...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Extra benefits received by many Unite members
    MIL OSI – Source: Unite Union – Headline: Extra benefits received by many Unite members Unite Union tries to negotiate additional benefits for members that can’t be passed on to non-members. It is one of the very irritating thing about...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Dealing with pay equity too hard for Government
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Dealing with pay equity too hard for Government Labour is backing a call by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner for the Government to set targets to close the gender pay gap in...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • John Key – Stop playing politics with West Coast windfall timber
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: John Key – Stop playing politics with West Coast windfall timber John Key should stop playing politics with the issue of harvesting windfall timber on the West Coast and give time for...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Labour’s financial plan will make life fairer for working Kiwis
    MIL OSI – Source: CTU – Headline: Labour's financial plan will make life fairer for working Kiwis Labour’s Fiscal Plan shows a clear and positive difference from National. “Those who earn over over 150,000 will pay more tax and applying...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Support for USA in Iraq “not a deal to die for” – Harawira
    MIL OSI – Source: Mana Movement – Headline: Support for USA in Iraq “not a deal to die for” – Harawira Posted on June 25, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“When John Key says ‘New Zealand fully supports...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Labour’s alternative Budget for a strong economy and fair society
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Labour’s alternative Budget for a strong economy and fair society A Labour Government will run surpluses while investing in health and education, and paying off National’s record debt, Labour Leader David Cunliffe...
    The Daily Blog | 25-06
  • Cough, cough – so what you are in fact saying is that the $100k wine ...
    Oh dear, this is going to be difficult to explain, so it turns out that the $100 000 wine and $15 000 book do not in fact exist… Controversial businessman Donghua Liu has issued a new statement to the Herald...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Why do National hate dolphins so much?
    Why do National hate dolphins so much?...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • NZ needs more crime prevention not more prisons
    MIL OSI – Source: Green Party – Headline: NZ needs more crime prevention not more prisons Tuesday, 24 Jun 2014 | Press Release New Zealand needs more initiatives aimed at reducing our prison population, Green Party justice spokesperson David Clendon...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Pursuit of oil dollars defies science and reason: Why do National hate Maui...
    We’ve almost come to expect the Government’s dismissal of good science, ever since our Prime Minister denied the evidence presented by Dr Mike Joy about the state of our rivers, on BBC’s Hard Talk TV programme. The Government denies all...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Why raising the minimum wage won’t make prices go up
    Every week we come across bosses arguing that that “can’t afford” a pay rise for their workers. Right wing economists and commentators also argue against an increase in the minimum wage because it will only lead to a rise in...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • The Donghua Liu Affair threatens to unravel – PM and NZ Herald caught up ...
    . . Continued from: The Donghua Liu timeline – Damn lies, dirty tricks, and a docile media . 1. Preface . On 23 June, I described a sequence of events relating to business migrant, Donghua Liu, which culminated in the...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • GUEST BLOG: Kelly Ellis – Justice will be served when we replace anger wi...
    The Court is arranged in preparation for the unspeakable sadness of victims reading their Victim Impact Statements. The barrier between the public gallery and the body of the court has three boxes of tissues, placed equidistant along the top rail....
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • NZIFF 2014 opening night review: Locke – 5 stars
    It is testament to the strength of the NZIFF that last night’s opening night was packed tight. Every year it grows in popularity as Aucklanders embrace the festival with gusto. This years beautiful, exciting and impressive cinema is a mouthwatering...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Let’s go on the Attack!
    MIL OSI – Source: Unite Union – Headline: Let’s go on the Attack! By Joe Carolan, Unite Union Organiser and Mana Movement candidate Unite organiser Joe Carolan with microphone If we want to bring John Key’s government down, its time...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • English fooling no-one on inequality
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: English fooling no-one on inequality Bill English’s narrow and selective focus on a small subset of inequality statistics is fooling no-one, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says. “Bill English is yet again...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • National Minister misleads Parliament over Maui’s
    MIL OSI – Source: Green Party – Headline: National Minister misleads Parliament over Maui's Tuesday, 24 Jun 2014 | Press Release While the International Whaling Commission is calling for even greater protections for Maui’s dolphins, this National Government is putting...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Sick Leave vs Performance
    MIL OSI – Source: Unite Union – Headline: Sick Leave vs Performance Unite Union Call Centre Organiser Shanna Reeder took a call recently from a Unite Union member upset that she had been giving a bad performance review leading to...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Call for calm after school incident
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Call for calm after school incident Mangere MP Su’a William Sio is calling for calm and patience following this morning’s alleged stabbing at Pacific Christian School. “Our first thoughts are with the...
    The Daily Blog | 24-06
  • Getting paid for hours actually worked!
    MIL OSI – Source: Unite Union – Headline: Getting paid for hours actually worked! 24Jun Unite Union is still coming across cases where workers are cheated out of hours they have actually worked – even at big companies. During a...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Sudan: Woman condemned to death released after international pressure
    MIL OSI – Source: Amnesty International NZ – Headline: Sudan: Woman condemned to death released after international pressure Today’s release of Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Christian Sudanese woman sentenced to death by hanging for ‘apostasy’ and to flogging for ‘adultery’,...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Dark day for media freedom as Al Jazeera journalists convicted
    MIL OSI – Source: Amnesty International NZ – Headline: Dark day for media freedom as Al Jazeera journalists convicted The conviction today of three Al Jazeera English journalists accused of “falsifying news” and belonging to or assisting the banned Muslim...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Amnesty International launches new App to fight attack, kidnap and torture
    MIL OSI – Source: Amnesty International NZ – Headline: Amnesty International launches new App to fight attack, kidnap and torture A new Panic Button app, to give human rights defenders urgent help from their own networks when facing attack, kidnapping,...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Malaysia must end ban on Christians saying ‘Allah’
    MIL OSI – Source: Amnesty International NZ – Headline: Malaysia must end ban on Christians saying ‘Allah’ Malaysia’s ban on Christians using the word “Allah” to refer to God is an abuse against free speech and must be scrapped, Amnesty...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • 50 million reasons for some fresh thinking on refugees
    Judith Collins photobombs Brad Pitt at refugee talkfest The terrible fact that the number of refugees in the world has topped 50 million has been given widespread media coverage this week. Almost pro forma, coverage of this statistical milestone has...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Lorde smacks down Young Nats
    Lorde smacks down Young Nats...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Key amazingly u-turns on the entire claim that Donghua Liu has donated $10...
    Did everyone just see this? Key returns home after going on the news in Washington reciting claims Donghua Liu has donated hundreds of thousands to the Labour Party, and it turns out there is no record of any donations because...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • How sexist is Fairfax media? Since when was ‘Female dominated’ a bad th...
    Poor old Labour, if it’s not $100 000 bottles of wine and $15000 books that never existed and were a distressing example of our mainstream swallowing a National Party manufactured smear with no self reflection, it’s their new list being described...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • John Key opens election season with American jolly
    President Barack Obama spoke for over five minutes without notes from his armchair at the press audience in the White House. The boom mics splayed below the pair like great grey ferrets jostling with each other. Obama was relaxed and...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Hey Mr Key, how about using that friendship with Obama for some actual good...
    What is the point Key being Obama’s best friend forever if Key can’t call on Obama to do the right thing? America co-sponsored the latest coup in Egypt and they have the behind the scenes muscle to force Eqypt to behave....
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • How sexist is Fairfax media? Since when was ‘Female dominated’ a bad th...
    Poor old Labour, if it’s not $100 000 bottles of wine and $15000 books that never existed and were a distressing example of our mainstream swallowing a National Party manufactured smear with no self reflection, it’s their new list being described...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Nat’s courts good, Labour’s courts bad?!
    . . It seems that some special Courts are “bad”, according to National; . . … whilst other special Courts are good, according to National; . . Kinda hard to know what National thinks is a “good” or “bad” idea…...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Labour List 2014
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Labour List 2014 1       David Cunliffe 2       David Parker 3       Grant Robertson 4       Annette King 5       Jacinda Ardern 6       Nanaia Mahuta 7       Phil Twyford 8       Clayton Cosgrove 9       Chris Hipkins 10     Sue...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • John Key must come clean over coat-tailing
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: John Key must come clean over coat-tailing John Key and the National Party must come clean now over their coat-tailing intentions for the upcoming election, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says. “The Prime...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Labour will fund the Capital Connection
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Labour will fund the Capital Connection The next Labour government will ensure the future of the Capital Connection by funding it on a similar basis to other commuter rail services, say Labour’s...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Labour will offer 100% Red-Zone Buy-Out
    MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Headline: Labour will offer 100% Red-Zone Buy-Out A Labour government will ensure that all owners of red-zoned properties in Canterbury receive a buy-out offer of 100% of the 2007 rateable value of their...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • Labour Party List 2014
    LABOUR LIST 2014 1David Cunliffe 2David Parker 3Grant Robertson 4Annette King 5Jacinda Ardern 6Nanaia Mahuta 7Phil Twyford 8Clayton Cosgrove 9Chris Hipkins 10Sue Moroney 11Andrew Little 12Louisa Wall 13David Shearer 14Su’a William Sio 15Maryan Street 16Phil Goff 17Moana Mackey 18Kelvin Davis...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • GUEST BLOG: Curwen Ares Rolinson – East Coast Blase
    There’s something really, really stupid afoot in the electorate of East Coast Bays. You see, a specter is haunting the North Shore. A specter of Conservatism! And whether Murray McCully, or Jamie Whyte … all those on the Right whom you’d assume would...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • The Donghua Liu timeline – Damn lies, dirty tricks, and a docile media
    . . Preface “The style of political journalism is an important issue as increasing political resources go into controlling news and there are fewer news media resources  available to cut through the spin. Such a situation plays into the hands...
    The Daily Blog | 23-06
  • NZ needs to work within UN framework on Iraq crisis
    MIL OSI – Source: Green Party – Headline: NZ needs to work within UN framework on Iraq crisis Sunday, 22 Jun 2014 | Press Release With the exception of self-defence, New Zealand should never support any military action that is...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • Surge in patronage shows need for City Rail Link
    MIL OSI – Source: Green Party – Headline: Surge in patronage shows need for City Rail Link Sunday, 22 Jun 2014 | Press Release “The Government has set arbitrary and unachievable targets as its excuse to delay work on the...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • The Empire Strikes Back
    If Labour thought it could name and shame prominent members of the Government and get away with it, then it had another thing coming. And this week, it came. With the PM in the White House, David Cunliffe found himself...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • BREAKING: I have just signed a statement claiming I donated $10billion to J...
    I’ve just signed a statement saying that I’ve donated ten billion dollars to John Key for a bottle of cheap gin – where’s my front page and lead item on the TV news? The woeful quality of journalism that has...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • D Day for the wolf that cries boy
    Today is Cameron Slater’s day in the High Court, desperately trying to claim he is a journalist and as such doesn’t have to hand over his hard disk to Matt Blomfield, the businessman who Slater mercilessly destroyed in 2012. Blomfield...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • Facts about that mystery $100 000 bottle of wine and standards of Journalis...
    Front page of the paper screaming $100 000 bottle of wine with David Cunliffe’s face next to it. Look, we all appreciate that it terrifies the mainstream media that the Left might actually win this election, but concocted stories about $100 000...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • BLOGWATCH: Rob Salmond’s ‘game’
    Rob Salmond has attacked Chris Trotter for Trotter’s criticism of the ‘game’ Rob Salmond has tried to deconstruct Labour’s strategy down to. Rob Salmond was David Shearer’s political advisor. You’ll remember Shearer,  he was that bloke who couldn’t articulate any...
    The Daily Blog | 22-06
  • East Coast Bays worst electorate for Colin Craig to try and win
    “Let me Baptize you” – Photo credit: Fairfax Craig likely to contest East Coast Bays seatConservative Party leader Colin Craig is today expected to announce he will contest Murray McCully’s East Coast Bays seat in the September election. East Coast...
    The Daily Blog | 21-06
  • iPredict 2014 Election Update: Peters in control
    Support for NZ First increases · Winston Peters forecast to hold balance of power and back National · National able to govern without NZ First if Conservatives win an electorate · 2017 election race narrows · Ruth Dyson now in...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • FMA and the SFO on Ross appeal decision
    The Financial Markets Authority and the Serious Fraud Office welcome the decision by the Court of Appeal to dismiss Mr Ross’s appeal seeking to have his minimum non-parole period reduced....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • ALCP Immigration Policy Announcement
    Reform is needed to New Zealand's immigration laws, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party (ALCP) says. The party has called for cannabis convictions to be removed as a barrier to immigration....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Bad and good news for Thames Timber workers
    Bad and good news for Thames Timber workers The announcement this afternoon that Southern Cross Forest Products Thames Timber Ltd (Thames Timber) will be sold to Profiles Woodproducts Limited has been dampened by an announced concurrent restructuring,...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • NZEI welcomes Labour’s commitment to prioritise education
    NZEI Te Riu Roa welcomes Labour’s plan to make real and much-needed new investment in children’s futures, announced in its fiscal policy today....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Violent Kids
    Another jolting story in the news this week: a child left critically ill after an attack by another child with scissors. Fortunately, stabbing by students is rare but rage is not. The coaches at The Parenting Place increasingly see parents...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Another Child’s Death and the People’s Report
    The highly anticipated People’s Report stemming from the Owen Glenn enquiry has been followed by a saddening case in point – yet another preventable death of a young Kiwi child. The report diagnoses the sickness in our society, but, Footsteps...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Commission calls for EEO targets for the Public Service
    Government chief executives need to institute EEO targets says EEO Commissioner Dr Jackie Blue....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Still a significant gender pay gap – targets needed
    The Pay Equity Challenge Coalition supports the call from the Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Commissioner, Dr Jackie Blue, for targets to close gender and ethnic pay gaps. In the past two years there has been no change in the public...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Code of welfare for temporary housing of companion animals
    New Zealanders are being invited to have their say on the newly drafted animal welfare standards for the temporary housing of companion animals. The proposed Code of Welfare: Temporary Housing of Companion Animals describes the minimum standards and best practice...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • “Coromandel Electorate One of NZ’s Most Mature”
    Coromandel MP Scott Simpson says he’s not surprised his electorate has been revealed as one of New Zealand’s most senior....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Fishing company fined for operating illegally
    Albacore Fisheries Ltd of Wellington was yesterday (24 June) fined $12,000 in the Wellington District Court for fishing without the required Safe Ship Management (SSM) certificate....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • PSA urges State Services Commission to act on report
    The Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi (PSA) is urging the State Services Commission (SSC) to take action on a Human Rights Commission (HRC) report that identifies barriers to Equal Employment opportunities (EEO) across the...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Labour’s plan makes life fairer for working Kiwis
    Labour’s Fiscal Plan shows a clear and positive difference from National....
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Labour Wants to Chase Away Golden Goose
    “The 2 per cent of New Zealanders who earn over $150,000 already pay 22 per cent of the total. We can’t expect high earners to stay in New Zealand if we continue to slap more tax on those most able...
    Scoop politics | 25-06
  • Internet Party to Lead Copyright Law Reform
    People wanting to watch TV blockbusters such as Game of Thrones at the same time as the rest of the world will benefit from changes to copyright law proposed today by the Internet Party....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Don’t play politics with babies and families today
    Lobby group 26 for Babies is urging National not to play politics on a bill to extend paid parental leave when it comes up for further deliberations today....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Do as I Say, Not as I Do, From Auckland Transport
    Responding to news that Auckland Transport is spending more than $100,000 of ratepayers’ money on a shuttle bus to transport workers between its offices, rather than utilising the public transport network, Taxpayers' Union Executive Director, Jordan Williams...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Tool to help children speak up about violence launched
    Jade Speaks Up, a new multimedia resource to help keep children safe from violence was launched at Parliament on Monday with over 150 government and community leaders present to give their support....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Collins congratulated on latest victims’ initiative
    The Sensible Sentencing Trust has congratulated the Justice Minister, Judith Collins on the latest initiative to help protect victims. The Victims Orders against Violent Offenders Bill passed its final reading last night. The Bill means victims of serious...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • All welcome for Jamie Whyte’s Takapuna address
    Dr Jamie Whyte welcomes all members of the public and media to join him for an address at the Takapuna Boating Club this Saturday, June 28....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Joint and several liability changes could go further
    Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is pleased to see the suggested changes to joint and several liability regime announced by the Law Commission today, but the changes do not go far enough....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • End of an era for union leader
    Public Service Association national secretary Brenda Pilott ends 10 years at the helm this Friday....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • NZ Initiative to host Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner
    The New Zealand Initative is set to host Australia’s new Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson for two lectures in Auckland and Wellington next week....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • EPMU condemns imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalists
    EPMU condemns imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalists The Print and Media industry council of the EPMU condemns the prosecution and imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt. “This is a serious threat to the freedom of the press,” says Joe...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Joint And Several Liability Retainention Recommended
    In their Report, Liability of Multiple Defendants (NZLC R132), which was tabled in the House of Representatives today, the Law Commission recommends that the existing rule of “joint and several liability” be retained, with some modifications....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Taranaki Offenders Get Road Safety Message
    Whanganui/Taranaki Community Corrections partnered with emergency services, road safety agencies and a funeral director to deliver an innovative road safety programme to 60 community-based offenders at Bell Block in New Plymouth on Saturday 21 June....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • National Civil Defence Emergency Plan Must address diversity
    The Government’s proposed new national civil emergency management plan needs to better recognise and provide for the diversity of New Zealand communities, says Multicultural New Zealand....
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Labour MP calls on countries to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty
    President of Parliamentarians for Global Action Ross Robertson has called upon PGA members worldwide to assertively advocate and reach out to their respective Governments to promote signature and ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) so that it may...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Inequality: the defining issue of our time
    The growing inequality gap between the rich and the ‘rest’ has become one of the key political issues of 2014. It’s a topic that award-winning author and journalist Max Rashbrooke will address at a free public lecture on the Albany...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • KiwiRail Subsidies Not ‘Sustainable’
    Responding to media reports that the Labour Party will prop up the unprofitable Capital Connection railway, Jordan Williams, Executive Director of the Taxpayers’ Union says: “Labour wants to spend the equivalent of paying $3,040 per year to each commuter...
    Scoop politics | 24-06
  • Māori electorate populations are younger
    All seven Māori electorates have younger populations than the general electorates – the youngest population being in Hauraki-Waikato, with a median age of 23.4 years – according to the latest 2013 Census figures released by Statistics New Zealand...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • 20-year age gap between general electorate populations
    The median age of people living in the Coromandel and Otaki electorates (47.9 years) is 20 years older than that of people in Mangere (27.9 years), according to the latest 2013 Census figures released by Statistics New Zealand today....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Opening the debate on the quality of our democracy
    People in Wellington and beyond can help to kick-start a much-needed critical examination of our democracy on August 1 and 2. Public Good and the St Andrews Trust for the Study of Religion and Society (SATRS) are hosting Democracy, Ethics...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Trafficking in Persons Report 2014 – ECPAT
    ECPAT Child ALERT Trust acknowledges the latest Trafficking in Persons Report from the US Government released on Saturday. Whilst it is pleasing to see that NZ retains its Tier 1 status it concerns us that the report states New Zealand...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • BSC members agree premium above minimum wage for cleaners
    Members of Building Service Contractors of New Zealand (BSC) have agreed to pay their cleaning staff at least 35c per hour above the minimum wage....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Craig Can’t Count
    The tax policy Colin Craig announced yesterday will increase income tax for everyone who earns more than $36,000. That is almost everyone in full time employment....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • New book tells graphic story of abuse and modern slavery
    New book tells graphic story of abuse and modern slavery on boats fishing for New Zealand quota...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • New Zealand Schools Reap Rewards with Terracycle
    Over 200 schools across the country are participating in a nationwide recycling programme run by innovative recycling company TerraCycle to save wrappers from landfill and fundraise towards a local project. TerraCycle’s national programmes repurpose...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Bullying guidelines for schools significant step forward
    The publication of the Ministry of Education’s bullying prevention guidelines for schools is significant says the Human Rights Commission. “Children have a right to be free from violence and abuse in school and our schools need support to ensure...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Human Rights Commission condemns attack on transgender woman
    The Human Rights Commission has condemned a weekend attack that’s left a young transgender woman fighting for her life in Wellington Hospital....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Multicultural New Zealand celebrates 25 years
    Multicultural New Zealand, the Federation of Multicultural Councils, will celebrate its 25th anniversary at its annual general meeting in Wellington this weekend....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Labour List for the 2014 Election Announced
    “An outstanding group of talented New Zealanders was selected for Labour’s list over the weekend. Our Moderating Committee met on both Saturday and Sunday in Auckland and agreed a list of 64 List candidates. The Party’s renewal and the number...
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Former NZ Police Officer receives international award
    Dr Nina Westera has been awarded the 2014 International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Practitioner Excellence Award....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • New Zealand Must Take a Stand Against Slavery
    Today the United States State Department released its yearly “Trafficking in Persons Report” and singled out Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela and the Gambia for taking insufficient action against human trafficking....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Govt secret plan to keep ACC judges out of access to justice
    Cabinet has signed off on a paper to remove access to the Courts for injured New Zealanders. The plan, which has not had any consultation, proposes ousting judges from deciding the facts of ACC cases....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Quake Outcasts welcome Labour promise to red zoned residents
    On the 3rd anniversary of the first "red zone" announcement Quake Outcasts welcome Labour's promise to treat all red zoned residents equally- by offering to buy their land and homes for 100 percent of the 2007 rating valuation....
    Scoop politics | 23-06
  • Rodney Local Board ‘Ratepayer Raid’ Costs Aucklanders $170k
    The Taxpayers’ Union is condemning the $170,000 spending spree undertaken by the Rodney Local Board upon members discovering unspent ratepayer money. Responding to a local media report that the Board went on a spending spree when they discovered...
    Scoop politics | 22-06
  • Green Party candidate to share lessons in leadership
    Green Party candidate and ex-pupil to share lessons in leadership with Westlake Girls High School...
    Scoop politics | 22-06
  • Ready to Vote in 2014? Check Your Mailbox to See
    One of 2014’s biggest mailouts starts today, as the Electoral Commission launches its campaign to make sure all eligible New Zealanders are ready to take part in the 2014 General Election on September 20....
    Scoop politics | 22-06
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