
LAPD Recruits
Follow the 510 Class from the start of the LAPD Academy to graduation. Video courtesy of ...
published: 01 Mar 2014
LAPD Recruits
LAPD Recruits
Follow the 510 Class from the start of the LAPD Academy to graduation. Video courtesy of the Los Angeles Times.- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 7

Game and T.I. In INTENSE Standoff
That's when an angry T.I. and Game stormed out of the club ... mistakenly believing COPS ...
published: 30 Apr 2014
Game and T.I. In INTENSE Standoff
Game and T.I. In INTENSE Standoff
That's when an angry T.I. and Game stormed out of the club ... mistakenly believing COPS beat their guys up. They got into it big time with the LAPD and that's when the standoff begins.- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 35

Ο Προκόπης, ο Θωμάς και ο Λουκάς είναι τρεις αστυνομικοί που είχαν την ... ατυχία να είναι...
published: 19 Jul 2013
Ο Προκόπης, ο Θωμάς και ο Λουκάς είναι τρεις αστυνομικοί που είχαν την ... ατυχία να είναι παρόντες σε μια ληστεία τραπέζης και να μην την πάρουν χαμπάρι! Η συνέπεια είναι να μετατεθούν στο χειρότερο αστυνομικό τμήμα της πόλης, που έχει ως διοικητή τον πεθερό του Προκόπη, τον Λάμπρο. Αυτή η τιμωρία τους πεισμώνει και αποφασίζουν κι οι τρεις να σβήσουν την...ντροπή πιάνοντας τους ληστές και επιστρέφοντας τα κλοπιμαία. ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ Πρωταγωνιστούν: Ιεροκλής Μιχαηλίδης (Προκόπης), Κρατερός Κατσούλης (Θωμάς), Γιώργος Χρυσοστόμου (Λουκάς), Βάνα Ραμπότα ('Ολγα), Βίκυ Παπαδοπούλου (Αθηνά), Κωνσταντία Χριστοφορίδου (Λίτσα), Αστέριος Πελτέκης (Αστέριος), Χριστίνα Μαντέση (Ζωή), οι βοηθοί Στέφη Πουλοπούλου (Ρίτα), Βαγγέλης Τάκος (Φρανκ), Δημοσθένης Φίλιππας (Μελέτης) και στο ρόλο του Λάμπρου ο 'Αλκης Παναγιωτίδης. Guest: Μάγδα Τσαγγάνη (Ελπίδα), Μιχαήλ 'Ανθης (Καράφλας) Απόδοση σεναρίου: Αποστόλης Τσαούσογλου -Νίκος Παπαδόπουλος Σκηνοθεσία: Στέφανος Μπλάτσος Εκτέλεση παραγωγής: STUDIO ATA- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 214

LAPD Code 3 to Assist
Los Angeles Police Department supervisor responds Code 3 in vehicle to assist in South Los...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: RIHAPhoto
LAPD Code 3 to Assist
LAPD Code 3 to Assist
Los Angeles Police Department supervisor responds Code 3 in vehicle to assist in South Los Angeles.- published: 28 Jan 2012
- views: 439466
- author: RIHAPhoto

Remembering LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee
This is a tribute to Officer Nick Lee from some of the people he knew and loved from his L...
published: 22 Apr 2014
Remembering LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee
Remembering LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee
This is a tribute to Officer Nick Lee from some of the people he knew and loved from his LAPD family. The message is from Nick's LAPD family to his Family at home. I had the pleasure of working with him when completing a project for a child in Rhode Island struggling with Leukemia. Although not the most excited about being put in front of a camera, he put his fears aside to help brighten the day of a child he has never met. Any information needed regarding the video contact the content creator Officer Joel Morales 37799@lapd.lacity.org from LAPD's 77th Street Division. Music "Heavy Feet" by LOCAL NATIVES "The Wire" by HAIM- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 2236

Powerful Woman Refuses to Back Down Against the Cops/L.A.P.D. - Down Street$
"NBC, ABC, CBS!!!!" - Walton Jordan You'll always get it here first, Raw and Uncut! Consta...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: SiliconCheef
Powerful Woman Refuses to Back Down Against the Cops/L.A.P.D. - Down Street$
Powerful Woman Refuses to Back Down Against the Cops/L.A.P.D. - Down Street$
"NBC, ABC, CBS!!!!" - Walton Jordan You'll always get it here first, Raw and Uncut! Constantly straddling the boundary between brilliant, boring, and innovat...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 53688
- author: SiliconCheef

A big Thank You to the Los Angeles Air Support Unit for hosting myself and my good friend ...
published: 04 Nov 2013
A big Thank You to the Los Angeles Air Support Unit for hosting myself and my good friend for an awesome 2 1/2 hour ride along patrolling the skies over the city of Los Angeles on a beautiful late Friday afternoon.- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 396

Tyler Seddon's Birthday Message from the LAPD
LAPD has troops for Tyler too! Kick that Leukemia right where it hurts an get better budd...
published: 04 Mar 2014
Tyler Seddon's Birthday Message from the LAPD
Tyler Seddon's Birthday Message from the LAPD
LAPD has troops for Tyler too! Kick that Leukemia right where it hurts an get better buddy we are rooting for you! Contact LAPD 77th street Division Officer Joel Morales Jr #37799 (37799@lapd.lacity.org) for information on a city tour with the Police airship (helecopter) or whatever Police Vehicle we can get our hands on. All of our specialized units would also like Tyler to tour the facilities and check out the Toy that the finest Law Enforcement Agency in the world has to offer if he is ever in or near Los Angeles. MUSIC: BACKGROUND: "It's Not Over" by Bag Raiders CREDITS: "Silver City" by Hey Champ- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 8802

Southern California Police Pursuit Assault On Police Officer Suspect (LAPD)
New Channel: http://goo.gl/TnhYZR New Channel Subscribe: http://goo.gl/DpF6Bf Southern Cal...
published: 24 Feb 2014
author: HighSpeedPursuits
Southern California Police Pursuit Assault On Police Officer Suspect (LAPD)
Southern California Police Pursuit Assault On Police Officer Suspect (LAPD)
New Channel: http://goo.gl/TnhYZR New Channel Subscribe: http://goo.gl/DpF6Bf Southern California Police Pursuit Assault On Police Officer Suspect (LAPD) Sub...- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 22271
- author: HighSpeedPursuits

Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight!
Not A Care In The World: Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Dayli...
published: 12 Feb 2014
Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight!
Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight!
Not A Care In The World: Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight! lol Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight! Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight! Guy Smashes LAPD Cop Car & Steals Laptop Out Of It In Broad Daylight! WorldStarNationTV Vine Comp Compilation Best Vines- published: 12 Feb 2014
- views: 3378

Venice Woman Going off Big Time on LAPD @ the Red Hot Chili Peppers Rooftop Concert.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Rooftop Concert with no permit @ Venice beach....
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: tonyvera1902
Venice Woman Going off Big Time on LAPD @ the Red Hot Chili Peppers Rooftop Concert.
Venice Woman Going off Big Time on LAPD @ the Red Hot Chili Peppers Rooftop Concert.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Rooftop Concert with no permit @ Venice beach.- published: 05 Feb 2012
- views: 67803
- author: tonyvera1902

The Real LAPD Clip
Teams of Los Angeles police officers are responding to reports of a drive by shooting by a...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: AtlanticLondon
The Real LAPD Clip
The Real LAPD Clip
Teams of Los Angeles police officers are responding to reports of a drive by shooting by a local gang. One senior officer will be responding to the shooting ...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 30660
- author: AtlanticLondon

LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee Funeral Procession- 3/13/14
Lee and his partner, a rookie officer who also attended the servi...
published: 15 Mar 2014
LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee Funeral Procession- 3/13/14
LAPD Officer Nicholas Choung Lee Funeral Procession- 3/13/14
NICHOLAS CHOUNG LEE, 40 Lee and his partner, a rookie officer who also attended the service, were responding to a call Friday, March 7th, when their vehicle collided with a dump truck near Robert Lane and Loma Vista Drive in the city of Beverly Hills. His partner, a recent LAPD Academy graduate, was treated at a hospital and released. R.I.P Officer Lee- published: 15 Mar 2014
- views: 809
Youtube results:

Shooting Threat/North Hollywood/LAPD,LASD,LASPD On scene
Los Angeles Valley College LAVC SHOOTING THREAT Someone called 911 and said they were goin...
published: 10 Jun 2014
Shooting Threat/North Hollywood/LAPD,LASD,LASPD On scene
Shooting Threat/North Hollywood/LAPD,LASD,LASPD On scene
Los Angeles Valley College LAVC SHOOTING THREAT Someone called 911 and said they were going to shoot everyone up at LAVC because of their bad grades that is what i heard i the scanner!The police are investigating to find out who made the call.LAPD,LASD,LASPD ON scene- published: 10 Jun 2014
- views: 203

LAPD Cops Being Azzholes Tho I Come in Peace
I offer them the proverbial olive branch to show peace, yet they STILL wanna wage war. The...
published: 19 May 2013
author: thenappyhoe83
LAPD Cops Being Azzholes Tho I Come in Peace
LAPD Cops Being Azzholes Tho I Come in Peace
I offer them the proverbial olive branch to show peace, yet they STILL wanna wage war. They are officers with the 77th station/ division. Not all cops are li...- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 4666
- author: thenappyhoe83

LAPD Reserve Officers
LAPD Reserve Officers....
published: 03 May 2012
author: lapdonline lapdonline
LAPD Reserve Officers
LAPD Reserve Officers
LAPD Reserve Officers.- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 1284
- author: lapdonline lapdonline

LAPD The Way It Was
This is a Documentary filmed in 1976 at RAMPART DIVISION and aired in ...
published: 27 Jan 2014
LAPD The Way It Was
LAPD The Way It Was
LAPD AFTER ADAM-12 This is a Documentary filmed in 1976 at RAMPART DIVISION and aired in 1977. The TV Series ADAM-12 ended production one year earlier in 1975. The VHS video tape copy that was uploaded to YouTube was originally :50 minutes in length and had many audio and video problems. I took every measure to preserve the realistic authenticity of this film... then re-edited, enhanced the audio and added a low-level background soundtrack creating a newly edited :30 minute retrospect while making every attempt to maintain the original theme and intent of the Documentary intact. Only one year after ADAM-12 left the airwaves on NBC, the LAPD looks much the same. The Sam Browne buckle belts are back with no sign of buckle-less Velcro duty belts or clamshell holsters (a few Velcro handcuff cases and keepers can be seen) worn by the officers in this Documentary and absolutely NO sign of a Matador police car...even though some will argue that the car was used in service till the early '80s. However, try to find an LAPD AMC Matador cop car in any old news footage after 1976... you will find a flurry of Fury's. http://ADAM12Code3.com- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 10