Change le monde
Change le monde
Change le monde
this song is really nice :D I like it. Now, this version is Karaoke :D.
Le Noel ou tout a change 2014 FRENCH
Le Noel ou tout a change 2014 FRENCH
Le Noel ou tout a change 2014 FRENCH
Le change, le geste indispensable
Le change, le geste indispensable
Le change, le geste indispensable
Les conseils de la sage femme :
Lavez-vous les mains avant et après chaque change.
Gardez toujours une main posée sur Bébé.
Changez Bébé avant ou après chaque repas et dès que la couche est souillée.
Avant la nuit assurez-vous que la couche est propre.
Afin de prévenir rougeurs et irritations, appliquez en couche épaisse une crème protectrice isolante à la fin de chaque change ou au moins au dernier change avant la nuit.
+ de conseils sur http://www.clubmamansklorane.com/
www.casarhema.fr contact : +33148128682 / +33629917016 casarhema@hotmail.fr il est strictement interdit de télécharger ou vendre nos vidéos pour quelque rais...
Change le monde (Heal the world) - United Planet : Version Officielle
Change le monde (Heal the world) - United Planet : Version Officielle
Change le monde (Heal the world) - United Planet : Version Officielle
Le groupe United Planet, composé de plusieurs chanteurs de la chorale des Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy, a eu l'honneur d'avoir accompagné sur scène Mic...
Change le monde de Michael Jackson
Change le monde de Michael Jackson
Change le monde de Michael Jackson
Hommage au décés le 25 juin 2009 à Los Angeles de Michael Jackson. Le Choeur d'Enfants Amazing Grace chante "Change le monde". Titre original: "Heal The Worl...
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
Music video by Scorpions performing Wind Of Change. (C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Hommage Michael Jackson - Clip "Change le monde"
Hommage Michael Jackson - Clip "Change le monde"
Hommage Michael Jackson - Clip "Change le monde"
Clip Hommage à Michael Jackson par les fans Français. Mise en scène | Jamie & Flo Jackson Organisation du projet | Jamie & Flo Jackson Paroliers | Andry & Ja...
TP de SAPAT : le change du nourisson
TP de SAPAT : le change du nourisson
TP de SAPAT : le change du nourisson
Dans le cadre des cours du Bac Pro Service A la Personne et Aux Territoires du Lycée de la Nature et du Vivant de Somme Vesle. Devenez amis de www.facebook.com/legta.naturevivant et rendez nous visite sur http://lycee-somme-vesle.fr/
Le Dessous des Cartes - La Chine change
Le Dessous des Cartes - La Chine change
Le Dessous des Cartes - La Chine change
Documentaire concernant " Le dessous des cartes " présenté par Jean-Christophe Victor, résumant la situation économique de la Chine à long terme et les éventuels changements à venir.
Le Code a change - Bande Annonce
Le Code a change - Bande Annonce
Le Code a change - Bande Annonce
Un film de Danièle THOMPSON - Après «Fauteuils dorchestre» la nouvelle comédie chorale de Danièle Thompson portée par le plus beau casting français de lannée...
Alain SOUCHON Le monde change de peau
Alain SOUCHON Le monde change de peau
Alain SOUCHON Le monde change de peau
Alain Souchon – Bidon / Le Monde Change De Peau
Le monde change, et vous ?
Le monde change, et vous ?
Le monde change, et vous ?
Vinci, la multinationale chargée de construire l’aéroport de Notre Dame des Landes, vient de sortir une vidéo à peine croyable où se mêlent peur, capitalisme, constats alarmants et propagande croissanciste. Le clip est à lui seul symptomatique de la croyance qui gangrène la société : on va sauver le monde en faisant toujours plus.
Migre Le Tigre - Waves Of Change | Official Video
Migre Le Tigre - Waves Of Change | Official Video
Migre Le Tigre - Waves Of Change | Official Video
Music Video directed by André Schwerdel.
WAVES OF CHANGE from the upcoming 7“ EP:
Release: March 16, 2015 by Schall und Rauch Platten.
Song recorded, mixed and mastered by the almighty and incredibly attractive Joachim „Joegg“ Budweiser @ A Cyborgs Place.
No Rüfis were harmed during the making of this video.
More stuff on:
Wanna order a physical copie of my records?
Then contact me on:
See you around!
Loose Change 2 - Vérités sur le 11 Septembre [FR]
Loose Change 2 - Vérités sur le 11 Septembre [FR]
Loose Change 2 - Vérités sur le 11 Septembre [FR]
Heal the World - Change le monde
Heal the World - Change le monde
Heal the World - Change le monde
Heal the world- change le monde. Ceci est un petit résumé de ce que la vie nous offre de merveilleux et qu'ont se doit de préserver sans aucune escuse.
Ben [14] Le Monopoly change ses règles #ONDAR
Ben [14] Le Monopoly change ses règles #ONDAR
Ben [14] Le Monopoly change ses règles #ONDAR
ONDAR Ben Le Monopoly change ses règles 14ème passage Note du jury: 67/80 Note du public: 18/20 Note finale: 85/100 23 avril 2014 On n'demande qu'à en rire D...
Romanticka'a aka Big Row-Le boy a change [official video]
Romanticka'a aka Big Row-Le boy a change [official video]
Romanticka'a aka Big Row-Le boy a change [official video]
[ FAVORIS ] Mes indispensables pour bébé / Le bain, le change, le repas
[ FAVORIS ] Mes indispensables pour bébé / Le bain, le change, le repas
[ FAVORIS ] Mes indispensables pour bébé / Le bain, le change, le repas
On se retrouve chaque Lundi & Samedi matin sur ma chaine pour une nouvelle vidéo! Les Mercredi vous trouverez souvent une vidéo bonus =).
Si vous aimez mes vidéos, n'hésitez pas à me soutenir en vous abonnant à ma chaine (totalement gratuit !).
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Ce que je porte
• Mes B.O:
• Mon vernis:
• Mon top:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
Les produits mentionnés dans la vidéos:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Infos utiles:
• Code promo IHERB: Q
Imany - Please and change
Imany - Please and change
Imany - Please and change
Voir toutes les vidéos du Live : http://lefigaro.fr/musique/le-live/ Imany interprète Please and change pour Le Live, l'émission musicale du Figaro.
Tout savoir sur le Snap-Change
Tout savoir sur le Snap-Change
Tout savoir sur le Snap-Change
Un tour très visuel pour aujourd'hui : le Snap-Change !
Divination au téléphone expliqué - Mentalisme
Informations générales :
Il est important de savoir que ma chaîne réalise des vidéos sur le thème de l'explication et de l'apprentissage de la magie, aussi bien avec des cartes qu'avec des objets !
Cependant vous pouvez trouver d'autres vidéos tel que des vidéos de manipulations de cartes, ou de mentalisme !
Si après le visionnage de cette vidéo, vous a avez appris quelque chose d'intéressant ou que cette vidéo vous a tout simplement plût je vous invite à aimer cette vidéo, à commenter j'y répondrais le plus rapidement !
Je vous invite
Change le monde
this song is really nice :D I like it. Now, this version is Karaoke :D.
wn.com/Change Le Monde
this song is really nice :D I like it. Now, this version is Karaoke :D.
- published: 11 Mar 2011
- views: 151941
Le change, le geste indispensable
Les conseils de la sage femme :
Lavez-vous les mains avant et après chaque change.
Gardez toujours une main posée sur Bébé.
Changez Bébé avant ou après chaque repas et dès que la couche est souillée.
Avant la nuit assurez-vous que la couche est propre.
Afin de prévenir rougeurs et irritations, appliquez en couche épaisse une crème protectrice isolante à la fin de chaque change ou au moins au dernier change avant la nuit.
+ de conseils sur http://www.clubmamansklorane.com/
wn.com/Le Change, Le Geste Indispensable
Les conseils de la sage femme :
Lavez-vous les mains avant et après chaque change.
Gardez toujours une main posée sur Bébé.
Changez Bébé avant ou après chaque repas et dès que la couche est souillée.
Avant la nuit assurez-vous que la couche est propre.
Afin de prévenir rougeurs et irritations, appliquez en couche épaisse une crème protectrice isolante à la fin de chaque change ou au moins au dernier change avant la nuit.
+ de conseils sur http://www.clubmamansklorane.com/
- published: 25 Jun 2013
- views: 574
www.casarhema.fr contact : +33148128682 / +33629917016 casarhema@hotmail.fr il est strictement interdit de télécharger ou vendre nos vidéos pour quelque rais...
wn.com/Le Temps Change De Role Dans Le Jeu De La Vie Avec Past Marcello Tunasi
www.casarhema.fr contact : +33148128682 / +33629917016 casarhema@hotmail.fr il est strictement interdit de télécharger ou vendre nos vidéos pour quelque rais...
Change le monde (Heal the world) - United Planet : Version Officielle
Le groupe United Planet, composé de plusieurs chanteurs de la chorale des Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy, a eu l'honneur d'avoir accompagné sur scène Mic...
wn.com/Change Le Monde (Heal The World) United Planet Version Officielle
Le groupe United Planet, composé de plusieurs chanteurs de la chorale des Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy, a eu l'honneur d'avoir accompagné sur scène Mic...
Change le monde de Michael Jackson
Hommage au décés le 25 juin 2009 à Los Angeles de Michael Jackson. Le Choeur d'Enfants Amazing Grace chante "Change le monde". Titre original: "Heal The Worl...
wn.com/Change Le Monde De Michael Jackson
Hommage au décés le 25 juin 2009 à Los Angeles de Michael Jackson. Le Choeur d'Enfants Amazing Grace chante "Change le monde". Titre original: "Heal The Worl...
- published: 26 Jun 2009
- views: 135400
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
Music video by Scorpions performing Wind Of Change. (C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group
wn.com/Scorpions Wind Of Change
Music video by Scorpions performing Wind Of Change. (C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group
- published: 01 Nov 2009
- views: 125329211
Hommage Michael Jackson - Clip "Change le monde"
Clip Hommage à Michael Jackson par les fans Français. Mise en scène | Jamie & Flo Jackson Organisation du projet | Jamie & Flo Jackson Paroliers | Andry & Ja...
wn.com/Hommage Michael Jackson Clip Change Le Monde
Clip Hommage à Michael Jackson par les fans Français. Mise en scène | Jamie & Flo Jackson Organisation du projet | Jamie & Flo Jackson Paroliers | Andry & Ja...
- published: 01 Sep 2010
- views: 56422
TP de SAPAT : le change du nourisson
Dans le cadre des cours du Bac Pro Service A la Personne et Aux Territoires du Lycée de la Nature et du Vivant de Somme Vesle. Devenez amis de www.facebook.com/legta.naturevivant et rendez nous visite sur http://lycee-somme-vesle.fr/
wn.com/Tp De Sapat Le Change Du Nourisson
Dans le cadre des cours du Bac Pro Service A la Personne et Aux Territoires du Lycée de la Nature et du Vivant de Somme Vesle. Devenez amis de www.facebook.com/legta.naturevivant et rendez nous visite sur http://lycee-somme-vesle.fr/
- published: 25 Oct 2014
- views: 86
Le Dessous des Cartes - La Chine change
Documentaire concernant " Le dessous des cartes " présenté par Jean-Christophe Victor, résumant la situation économique de la Chine à long terme et les éventuels changements à venir.
wn.com/Le Dessous Des Cartes La Chine Change
Documentaire concernant " Le dessous des cartes " présenté par Jean-Christophe Victor, résumant la situation économique de la Chine à long terme et les éventuels changements à venir.
- published: 21 Sep 2014
- views: 68
Le Code a change - Bande Annonce
Un film de Danièle THOMPSON - Après «Fauteuils dorchestre» la nouvelle comédie chorale de Danièle Thompson portée par le plus beau casting français de lannée...
wn.com/Le Code A Change Bande Annonce
Un film de Danièle THOMPSON - Après «Fauteuils dorchestre» la nouvelle comédie chorale de Danièle Thompson portée par le plus beau casting français de lannée...
- published: 24 Jul 2009
- views: 45429
Alain SOUCHON Le monde change de peau
Alain Souchon – Bidon / Le Monde Change De Peau
wn.com/Alain Souchon Le Monde Change De Peau
Alain Souchon – Bidon / Le Monde Change De Peau
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 37
Le monde change, et vous ?
Vinci, la multinationale chargée de construire l’aéroport de Notre Dame des Landes, vient de sortir une vidéo à peine croyable où se mêlent peur, capitalisme, constats alarmants et propagande croissanciste. Le clip est à lui seul symptomatique de la croyance qui gangrène la société : on va sauver le monde en faisant toujours plus.
wn.com/Le Monde Change, Et Vous
Vinci, la multinationale chargée de construire l’aéroport de Notre Dame des Landes, vient de sortir une vidéo à peine croyable où se mêlent peur, capitalisme, constats alarmants et propagande croissanciste. Le clip est à lui seul symptomatique de la croyance qui gangrène la société : on va sauver le monde en faisant toujours plus.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 173
Migre Le Tigre - Waves Of Change | Official Video
Music Video directed by André Schwerdel.
WAVES OF CHANGE from the upcoming 7“ EP:
Release: March 16, 2015 by Schall und Rauch Platten.
Song recorded, mixed and mastered by the almighty and incredibly attractive Joachim „Joegg“ Budweiser @ A Cyborgs Place.
No Rüfis were harmed during the making of this video.
More stuff on:
Wanna order a physical copie of my records?
Then contact me on:
See you around!
wn.com/Migre Le Tigre Waves Of Change | Official Video
Music Video directed by André Schwerdel.
WAVES OF CHANGE from the upcoming 7“ EP:
Release: March 16, 2015 by Schall und Rauch Platten.
Song recorded, mixed and mastered by the almighty and incredibly attractive Joachim „Joegg“ Budweiser @ A Cyborgs Place.
No Rüfis were harmed during the making of this video.
More stuff on:
Wanna order a physical copie of my records?
Then contact me on:
See you around!
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 1498
Heal the World - Change le monde
Heal the world- change le monde. Ceci est un petit résumé de ce que la vie nous offre de merveilleux et qu'ont se doit de préserver sans aucune escuse.
wn.com/Heal The World Change Le Monde
Heal the world- change le monde. Ceci est un petit résumé de ce que la vie nous offre de merveilleux et qu'ont se doit de préserver sans aucune escuse.
Ben [14] Le Monopoly change ses règles #ONDAR
ONDAR Ben Le Monopoly change ses règles 14ème passage Note du jury: 67/80 Note du public: 18/20 Note finale: 85/100 23 avril 2014 On n'demande qu'à en rire D...
wn.com/Ben 14 Le Monopoly Change Ses Règles Ondar
ONDAR Ben Le Monopoly change ses règles 14ème passage Note du jury: 67/80 Note du public: 18/20 Note finale: 85/100 23 avril 2014 On n'demande qu'à en rire D...
[ FAVORIS ] Mes indispensables pour bébé / Le bain, le change, le repas
On se retrouve chaque Lundi & Samedi matin sur ma chaine pour une nouvelle vidéo! Les Mercredi vous trouverez souvent une vidéo bonus =).
Si vous aimez mes vidéos, n'hésitez pas à me soutenir en vous abonnant à ma chaine (totalement gratuit !).
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Ce que je porte
• Mes B.O:
• Mon vernis:
• Mon top:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
Les produits mentionnés dans la vidéos:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Infos utiles:
• Code promo IHERB: QZN711
- Lien du site IHERB: http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=QZN711
5$ de remise jusqu'à 40$ d'achat
10$ de remise au dessus de 40$ d'achat
• Mon lien de parrainage Beauté Privée (bénéficiez de 5€ de remise sur votre première commande) : http://bp.ht/8jr15
• Mon lien de parrainage IGRAAL: http://fr.igraal.com/#parrain=ulti-matum
• Retrouve toutes les explications sur le fonctionnement du site IGRAAL pour gagner de l'argent avec tes achats en ligne:
• Je filme avec: Sony Handycam CX HD 115
• Mon logiciel de montage: Windows movie maker
• Contact: sophiemakeupdiary@hotmail.fr
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Les vidéos les plus demandées
• Mon rangement make up #1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqZD0KaKkE
• Mon rangement make up #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD7HHBvQilg
Mon rangement make up #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHw2MbXSF3s
• Comment faire pousser ses ongles plus vite? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGIG9eiCSPM
• Mon maquillage quotidien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmEYZEZNNdE
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Retrouve moi là-bas:
• Ma chaine de vlog: http://www.youtube.com/user/SophieDecorHome
• Ma FAN PAGE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sophie-Make-Up-Diary/358318464183390?ref=hl
• Mon Instagram: Sophiemakeupdiary
• Mon instagram vide dressing: levidedressingdarthuretsophie
• Mon blog: http://sophiemakeupdiary.blogspot.com
• Mon Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SophieMakeUp_YT
• Mon Pinterest: http://fr.pinterest.com/sophiedecor/
• Mon blog: http://sophiemakeupdiary.blogspot.fr/
wn.com/Favoris Mes Indispensables Pour Bébé Le Bain, Le Change, Le Repas
On se retrouve chaque Lundi & Samedi matin sur ma chaine pour une nouvelle vidéo! Les Mercredi vous trouverez souvent une vidéo bonus =).
Si vous aimez mes vidéos, n'hésitez pas à me soutenir en vous abonnant à ma chaine (totalement gratuit !).
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Ce que je porte
• Mes B.O:
• Mon vernis:
• Mon top:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
Les produits mentionnés dans la vidéos:
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Infos utiles:
• Code promo IHERB: QZN711
- Lien du site IHERB: http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=QZN711
5$ de remise jusqu'à 40$ d'achat
10$ de remise au dessus de 40$ d'achat
• Mon lien de parrainage Beauté Privée (bénéficiez de 5€ de remise sur votre première commande) : http://bp.ht/8jr15
• Mon lien de parrainage IGRAAL: http://fr.igraal.com/#parrain=ulti-matum
• Retrouve toutes les explications sur le fonctionnement du site IGRAAL pour gagner de l'argent avec tes achats en ligne:
• Je filme avec: Sony Handycam CX HD 115
• Mon logiciel de montage: Windows movie maker
• Contact: sophiemakeupdiary@hotmail.fr
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Les vidéos les plus demandées
• Mon rangement make up #1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqZD0KaKkE
• Mon rangement make up #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD7HHBvQilg
Mon rangement make up #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHw2MbXSF3s
• Comment faire pousser ses ongles plus vite? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGIG9eiCSPM
• Mon maquillage quotidien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmEYZEZNNdE
☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ ° ☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ~ ๑ °
☞ Retrouve moi là-bas:
• Ma chaine de vlog: http://www.youtube.com/user/SophieDecorHome
• Ma FAN PAGE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sophie-Make-Up-Diary/358318464183390?ref=hl
• Mon Instagram: Sophiemakeupdiary
• Mon instagram vide dressing: levidedressingdarthuretsophie
• Mon blog: http://sophiemakeupdiary.blogspot.com
• Mon Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SophieMakeUp_YT
• Mon Pinterest: http://fr.pinterest.com/sophiedecor/
• Mon blog: http://sophiemakeupdiary.blogspot.fr/
- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 623
Imany - Please and change
Voir toutes les vidéos du Live : http://lefigaro.fr/musique/le-live/ Imany interprète Please and change pour Le Live, l'émission musicale du Figaro.
wn.com/Imany Please And Change
Voir toutes les vidéos du Live : http://lefigaro.fr/musique/le-live/ Imany interprète Please and change pour Le Live, l'émission musicale du Figaro.
- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 63588
Tout savoir sur le Snap-Change
Un tour très visuel pour aujourd'hui : le Snap-Change !
Divination au téléphone expliqué - Mentalisme
Informations générales :
Il est important de savoir que ma chaîne réalise des vidéos sur le thème de l'explication et de l'apprentissage de la magie, aussi bien avec des cartes qu'avec des objets !
Cependant vous pouvez trouver d'autres vidéos tel que des vidéos de manipulations de cartes, ou de mentalisme !
Si après le visionnage de cette vidéo, vous a avez appris quelque chose d'intéressant ou que cette vidéo vous a tout simplement plût je vous invite à aimer cette vidéo, à commenter j'y répondrais le plus rapidement !
Je vous invite également à vous abonner afin de visionné d'autres de mes vidéos et de pouvoir me suivre dans ma progression !
wn.com/Tout Savoir Sur Le Snap Change
Un tour très visuel pour aujourd'hui : le Snap-Change !
Divination au téléphone expliqué - Mentalisme
Informations générales :
Il est important de savoir que ma chaîne réalise des vidéos sur le thème de l'explication et de l'apprentissage de la magie, aussi bien avec des cartes qu'avec des objets !
Cependant vous pouvez trouver d'autres vidéos tel que des vidéos de manipulations de cartes, ou de mentalisme !
Si après le visionnage de cette vidéo, vous a avez appris quelque chose d'intéressant ou que cette vidéo vous a tout simplement plût je vous invite à aimer cette vidéo, à commenter j'y répondrais le plus rapidement !
Je vous invite également à vous abonner afin de visionné d'autres de mes vidéos et de pouvoir me suivre dans ma progression !
- published: 22 May 2014
- views: 69
Surfing For Change: Travel Guide To Nicaragua (Full Movie 2013)
Surfing For Change: Travel Guide To Nicaragua (Full Movie 2013)
Surfing For Change: Travel Guide To Nicaragua (Full Movie 2013)
Join the movement at http://www.surfingforchange.com Organization highlighted in movie: http://www.projectwoo.org The Plastic Free Hotel : http://www.themaph...
GTA 5 - Peyote Plants Location Guide (Play as an Animal) [PS4 & Xbox One]
GTA 5 - Peyote Plants Location Guide (Play as an Animal) [PS4 & Xbox One]
GTA 5 - Peyote Plants Location Guide (Play as an Animal) [PS4 & Xbox One]
Walkthrough \ Guide video showing all the locations for the "Peyote Plants" Collectibles in Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that will let you play as a random animal (Land, Sea or Air).
A big thanks goes to UnspokenOuch, Muffins,NONEED2RUN, Mikee2882, Ultravox, SXGaming, Manway112, EpicPonyMuffins, Cysiek, zw4rtlicht, finath, Jenkins Bradbury, raphael.telle, RockstarsPlayer, Jon_Leyva, rimmer888, Rapkat22543, snowwatch34 and all the guys who helped at GTAForums.com
0:03 - Intro
0:23 - Peyote Plant #1 - Sea - Los Santos International Airport - LOS SANTOS
2:02 - Peyote Plant
How to change the travel on your RockShox Solo Air fork
How to change the travel on your RockShox Solo Air fork
How to change the travel on your RockShox Solo Air fork
In recent years forks with on-the-fly travel adjustment have fallen out of fashion, and rightly so. Most riders don’t want to change the length of their fork, and the geometry of their bike, mid-ride. However, from time to time travel adjustment is useful. You may wish to alter the geometry or attitude of your bike or you may have bought a new frame with different suspension needs and you may want to transfer your current fork over to it.
If you have a RockShox Solo Air fork then changing the travel is pretty easy and a relatively cheap option. For around £70 (the price of a new Solo Air Spring Assembly), and an hour or so of your time, and y
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members
One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-new.
From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes an incredible rendition of the legendary Bob Marley song "One Love" with Keb' Mo' and Manu Chao. This is the third video from the documentary and a follow up to the classic "Stand By Me" and the incredible "Don't Worry." Released in celebration of Bob Marley's birthday on February 6th, this tribute to the legend is performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled t
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Official Music Video)
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Official Music Video)
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Official Music Video)
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan present the Vocal Mix of their hit Revolution!
Download on iTunes HERE : http://smarturl.it/itunes_revolution
Download on Beatport NOW : http://btprt.dj/19MbL5p
Subscribe to Spinnin' TV HERE : http://bit.ly/SPINNINTV
This is a big one! An all-star cast consisting of R3hab, NERVO and Ummet Ozcan present one of the biggest club hits of the last months. Revolution is one of those tracks that screams dance floor as well as radio. In addition to extremely powerful production this Vocal Mix boasts mesmerizing vocals by the NERVO sisters. Join the Revolution NOW!
Tiesto : 'Support'
Armin van Buuren : 'Wi
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Boeing Prepares the 787-9 Dreamliner for the 2015 Paris Air Show
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Laos Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Laos.
Laos is a tropical country in the heart of Indochina and was once known as ‘The realm of a million elephants’. Set amid mountains and surrounded by China, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar, Laos lay undiscovered for many years but today it is gradually opening its doors and its dreamlike royal cities, contemplative temple complexes, mysterious plains and ethnic mountain villages are now accessible to all. The capital, Vientiane, originated at the point at which the first navigable section of the Mekong River joins with the Gulf Of Thailand, once an important trading route to South China. We travel north into
Québec, Changing of the Guard, Citadelle - Canada HD Travel Channel
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Québec, Changing of the Guard, Citadelle - Canada HD Travel Channel
Changing of the Guard -- Quebec http://www.myvideomedia.com English see below [dt.] Die Zitadelle von Québec ist Nordamerikas einzige erhaltene Wehranlage. S...
War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-n...
HOW TO JOIN ANONYMOUS - A BEGINNER'S GUIDE Preface: So you want to join Anonymous? You can not join Anonymous. Nobody can join Anonymous. Anonymous is not an...
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BARCELONA FOOD TOUR: http://barcelonafoodtour.com
LE SEU: http://www.formatgerialaseu.com
L'ANTIC BOCOI DEL GOTIC: http://www.bocoi.net/www.bocoi.net/English.html
ZONA D'OMBRA: http://www.zonadombra.es
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How to do London: Weather - London Travel Guide
How to do London: Weather - London Travel Guide
How to do London: Weather - London Travel Guide
Want more travel guide tips? Head to our website! http://www.visitlondon.com
Whether you visit London when it's glorious sunshine or pouring with rain, learn how to handle London weather like a local with our How to do London series!
Go to http://www.visitlondon.com/ - the official London city guide for everything you need to get started in London including ideas for where to go, things to do, upcoming events, activities and London attractions.
Typical London weather, well, there is nothing typical about it! No need to fear though, as there are always things to do and places to see in London which will keep you entertained whatever the
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All of the classes have gone through changes, but in this case I decided to showcase a major change to druid transformations and how they work- particularly travel form.
Find out more about Warlords of Draenor: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/warlords-of-draenor/
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Follow me on Twitter: @FrosterDH
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Europe's highest ski centre, Val Thorens, France is a modern, purpose built resort with an excellent snow record and superb skiing and snowboarding to suit enthusiasts of all abilities and skills. Skiing starts from the middle of the village, while those who want to go further afield can purchase the Three Valleys area ski pass offering access to the network of runs around Val Thorens, Les Menuires, Méribel, Mottaret, Courchevel and La Tania.
The new funitel Le Bouquetin carries 2,000 skiers per hour between Val Thorens and the Belleville valley. Skiers who have purchased only the local area lift pass can upgrade in the resort (at an extra
Tokyo Travel Guide: Narita Airport to Central Tokyo
Tokyo Travel Guide: Narita Airport to Central Tokyo
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Link to current fare discounts: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pdf/e_kippu_20140303.pdf
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Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indon
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Mongolia is known among travelers as the land of nomads, birthplace of the Great king Genghis Khan and of many histories, dating all the way back to Paleolithic Age. It is home to hospitable, gracious herders who cherish their land, animals and culture in all its natural beauty.
In today’s fast changing world, Mongolia is considered as one of the few travel destinations and a place designed for travellers and adventure seekers that can offer beautiful unspoiled nature, endless steppes, massive ranging mountains, crystal clear lakes, parched conditions of the Gobi and interested in exploring the nomadic culture and unrivalled hospitality which
Corset Training/ Waist Training
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Corset Training/ Waist Training
I purchased mine from:
How I lost 60lbs after Pregnancy video:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Frequently Asked Questions:
I've noticed a lot of the same questions in the comments, so here's some general answers for you guys! Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more big questions you would like me to include in this section.
Link to the exact corset I have?
I purchased this years ago, for personal use with no thoughts of creating a video on it. Before I did the video I tried to find the exact same one but couldn't. There are MAN
Surfing For Change: Travel Guide To Nicaragua (Full Movie 2013)
Join the movement at http://www.surfingforchange.com Organization highlighted in movie: http://www.projectwoo.org The Plastic Free Hotel : http://www.themaph...
wn.com/Surfing For Change Travel Guide To Nicaragua (Full Movie 2013)
Join the movement at http://www.surfingforchange.com Organization highlighted in movie: http://www.projectwoo.org The Plastic Free Hotel : http://www.themaph...
GTA 5 - Peyote Plants Location Guide (Play as an Animal) [PS4 & Xbox One]
Walkthrough \ Guide video showing all the locations for the "Peyote Plants" Collectibles in Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that will let you play as a random animal (Land, Sea or Air).
A big thanks goes to UnspokenOuch, Muffins,NONEED2RUN, Mikee2882, Ultravox, SXGaming, Manway112, EpicPonyMuffins, Cysiek, zw4rtlicht, finath, Jenkins Bradbury, raphael.telle, RockstarsPlayer, Jon_Leyva, rimmer888, Rapkat22543, snowwatch34 and all the guys who helped at GTAForums.com
0:03 - Intro
0:23 - Peyote Plant #1 - Sea - Los Santos International Airport - LOS SANTOS
2:02 - Peyote Plant #2 - Land - El Burro Heights - LOS SANTOS
3:51 - Peyote Plant #3 - Land - Los Santos International Airport - LOS SANTOS
5:05 - Peyote Plant #4 - Land - La Puerta - LOS SANTOS
6:26 - Peyote Plant #5 - Sea - Del Perro Pier - LOS SANTOS
8:28 - Peyote Plant #6 - Air - Vespucci Beach - LOS SANTOS
9:50 - Peyote Plant #7 - Land - Mirror Park - LOS SANTOS
11:13 - Peyote Plant #8 - Air - Pacific Ocean - LOS SANTOS
12:54 - Peyote Plant #9 - Air - West Vinewood - LOS SANTOS
14:17 - Peyote Plant #10 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
15:34 - Peyote Plant #11 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
17:21 - Peyote Plant #12 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
18:59 - Peyote Plant #13 - Land - Tongva Hills - LOS SANTOS
20:13 - Peyote Plant #14 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
22:07 - Peyote Plant #15 - Land - Redwood Lights Track - LOS SANTOS
23:43 - Peyote Plant #16 - Land - Ron Alternates Wind Farm - LOS SANTOS
24:49 - Peyote Plant #17 - Land - Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY
26:40 - Peyote Plant #18 - Land - Mount Josiah - BLAINE COUNTY
29:10 - Peyote Plant #19 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
30:10 - Peyote Plant #20 - Land - Mount Gordo - BLAINE COUNTY
31:44 - Peyote Plant #21 - Air - Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY
33:51 - Peyote Plant #22 - Land - Paleto Bay - BLAINE COUNTY
35:00 - Peyote Plant #23 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
36:19 - Peyote Plant #24 - Air - Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY
37:31 - Peyote Plant #25 - Air - Raton Canyon - BLAINE COUNTY
39:01 - Peyote Plant #26 - Sea - Alamo Sea - BLAINE COUNTY
40:55 - Peyote Plant #27 - Land - Raton Canyon - BLAINE COUNTY
Video recorded on: Sony PlayStation 4
GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fan-channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, Bully and many others.
This channel is in no way tied to Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive.
Follow GTA Series Videos on:
|| YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/GTASeriesVideos
|| Google+ - http://www.google.com/+GTASeriesVideos
|| Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/GTASeriesNews
|| Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/GTASeries
For more info and videos visit:
http://www.GTASeriesVideos.com | http://www.GTA-Series.com | http://www.GTA-Downloads.com | http://www.Games-Series.com
wn.com/Gta 5 Peyote Plants Location Guide (Play As An Animal) Ps4 Xbox One
Walkthrough \ Guide video showing all the locations for the "Peyote Plants" Collectibles in Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that will let you play as a random animal (Land, Sea or Air).
A big thanks goes to UnspokenOuch, Muffins,NONEED2RUN, Mikee2882, Ultravox, SXGaming, Manway112, EpicPonyMuffins, Cysiek, zw4rtlicht, finath, Jenkins Bradbury, raphael.telle, RockstarsPlayer, Jon_Leyva, rimmer888, Rapkat22543, snowwatch34 and all the guys who helped at GTAForums.com
0:03 - Intro
0:23 - Peyote Plant #1 - Sea - Los Santos International Airport - LOS SANTOS
2:02 - Peyote Plant #2 - Land - El Burro Heights - LOS SANTOS
3:51 - Peyote Plant #3 - Land - Los Santos International Airport - LOS SANTOS
5:05 - Peyote Plant #4 - Land - La Puerta - LOS SANTOS
6:26 - Peyote Plant #5 - Sea - Del Perro Pier - LOS SANTOS
8:28 - Peyote Plant #6 - Air - Vespucci Beach - LOS SANTOS
9:50 - Peyote Plant #7 - Land - Mirror Park - LOS SANTOS
11:13 - Peyote Plant #8 - Air - Pacific Ocean - LOS SANTOS
12:54 - Peyote Plant #9 - Air - West Vinewood - LOS SANTOS
14:17 - Peyote Plant #10 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
15:34 - Peyote Plant #11 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
17:21 - Peyote Plant #12 - Land - Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS
18:59 - Peyote Plant #13 - Land - Tongva Hills - LOS SANTOS
20:13 - Peyote Plant #14 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
22:07 - Peyote Plant #15 - Land - Redwood Lights Track - LOS SANTOS
23:43 - Peyote Plant #16 - Land - Ron Alternates Wind Farm - LOS SANTOS
24:49 - Peyote Plant #17 - Land - Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY
26:40 - Peyote Plant #18 - Land - Mount Josiah - BLAINE COUNTY
29:10 - Peyote Plant #19 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
30:10 - Peyote Plant #20 - Land - Mount Gordo - BLAINE COUNTY
31:44 - Peyote Plant #21 - Air - Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY
33:51 - Peyote Plant #22 - Land - Paleto Bay - BLAINE COUNTY
35:00 - Peyote Plant #23 - Sea - Pacific Ocean - BLAINE COUNTY
36:19 - Peyote Plant #24 - Air - Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY
37:31 - Peyote Plant #25 - Air - Raton Canyon - BLAINE COUNTY
39:01 - Peyote Plant #26 - Sea - Alamo Sea - BLAINE COUNTY
40:55 - Peyote Plant #27 - Land - Raton Canyon - BLAINE COUNTY
Video recorded on: Sony PlayStation 4
GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fan-channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, Bully and many others.
This channel is in no way tied to Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive.
Follow GTA Series Videos on:
|| YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/GTASeriesVideos
|| Google+ - http://www.google.com/+GTASeriesVideos
|| Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/GTASeriesNews
|| Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/GTASeries
For more info and videos visit:
http://www.GTASeriesVideos.com | http://www.GTA-Series.com | http://www.GTA-Downloads.com | http://www.Games-Series.com
- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 5038
How to change the travel on your RockShox Solo Air fork
In recent years forks with on-the-fly travel adjustment have fallen out of fashion, and rightly so. Most riders don’t want to change the length of their fork, and the geometry of their bike, mid-ride. However, from time to time travel adjustment is useful. You may wish to alter the geometry or attitude of your bike or you may have bought a new frame with different suspension needs and you may want to transfer your current fork over to it.
If you have a RockShox Solo Air fork then changing the travel is pretty easy and a relatively cheap option. For around £70 (the price of a new Solo Air Spring Assembly), and an hour or so of your time, and you can have any fork travel you need. It’s also an easy mod — the only special tools needed are a pair of circlip pliers.
In this guide we’ve converted a 29-inch 160mm Pike to 130mm, but if your fork is in good condition and you don’t mind swapping a few more parts over you can buy an air shaft on its own for half the price of the air assembly.
wn.com/How To Change The Travel On Your Rockshox Solo Air Fork
In recent years forks with on-the-fly travel adjustment have fallen out of fashion, and rightly so. Most riders don’t want to change the length of their fork, and the geometry of their bike, mid-ride. However, from time to time travel adjustment is useful. You may wish to alter the geometry or attitude of your bike or you may have bought a new frame with different suspension needs and you may want to transfer your current fork over to it.
If you have a RockShox Solo Air fork then changing the travel is pretty easy and a relatively cheap option. For around £70 (the price of a new Solo Air Spring Assembly), and an hour or so of your time, and you can have any fork travel you need. It’s also an easy mod — the only special tools needed are a pair of circlip pliers.
In this guide we’ve converted a 29-inch 160mm Pike to 130mm, but if your fork is in good condition and you don’t mind swapping a few more parts over you can buy an air shaft on its own for half the price of the air assembly.
- published: 05 Jan 2015
- views: 1147
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members of the French court languished in Versailles where incredible pageantry and opulence dominated and the king celebrated in majestic style. A hundred hectares of ingenious garden design with a strict symmetry of wide star-shaped garden paths that seem to be without end. With its historic buildings, the eighty metre high granite mound of Le Mont-Saint-Michel is like something from a fairy tale. Due to its unique location and architectural splendour this picturesque village is often referred to as the Wonder Of The Occident. The Emerald Coast is a world of foaming white surf and dramatic cliffs. Saint Malo is the proud and solemn “Town Of Corsairs” as the yacht harbour of today once contained pirate ships. The historic centre of Nice, Vielle Ville, has maintained its charm and boasts the most well displayed fish market on the whole Cote D`Azur and a fruit and flower market that each day offers fresh produce and satisfies all the requirements of its most demanding customers. This is a journey to many corners of France - a fascinating journey not to be missed!
wn.com/France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members of the French court languished in Versailles where incredible pageantry and opulence dominated and the king celebrated in majestic style. A hundred hectares of ingenious garden design with a strict symmetry of wide star-shaped garden paths that seem to be without end. With its historic buildings, the eighty metre high granite mound of Le Mont-Saint-Michel is like something from a fairy tale. Due to its unique location and architectural splendour this picturesque village is often referred to as the Wonder Of The Occident. The Emerald Coast is a world of foaming white surf and dramatic cliffs. Saint Malo is the proud and solemn “Town Of Corsairs” as the yacht harbour of today once contained pirate ships. The historic centre of Nice, Vielle Ville, has maintained its charm and boasts the most well displayed fish market on the whole Cote D`Azur and a fruit and flower market that each day offers fresh produce and satisfies all the requirements of its most demanding customers. This is a journey to many corners of France - a fascinating journey not to be missed!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 77422
One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-new.
From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes an incredible rendition of the legendary Bob Marley song "One Love" with Keb' Mo' and Manu Chao. This is the third video from the documentary and a follow up to the classic "Stand By Me" and the incredible "Don't Worry." Released in celebration of Bob Marley's birthday on February 6th, this tribute to the legend is performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe.
"Playing For Change Songs Around The World" CD/DVD available now at http://www.playingforchange.com/marketplace/. Order the "War/No More Trouble," "Stand By Me," "Don't Worry," and "One Love" videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes! http://tinyurl.com/pfcitunes
We are honored to announce the release of PFC3: Songs Around The World - available everywhere now! This CD/DVD set highlights the passion and talent of 185 musicians from 31 different countries. Buy PFC3 Here: http://playingforchange.com/marketplace-offer/playing-for-change-3-songs-around-the-world-cddvd/
See the PFC Band live: http://playingforchange.com/live
To learn more about the work of the PFC Foundation, visit http://www.playingforchange.org
wn.com/One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-new.
From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes an incredible rendition of the legendary Bob Marley song "One Love" with Keb' Mo' and Manu Chao. This is the third video from the documentary and a follow up to the classic "Stand By Me" and the incredible "Don't Worry." Released in celebration of Bob Marley's birthday on February 6th, this tribute to the legend is performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe.
"Playing For Change Songs Around The World" CD/DVD available now at http://www.playingforchange.com/marketplace/. Order the "War/No More Trouble," "Stand By Me," "Don't Worry," and "One Love" videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes! http://tinyurl.com/pfcitunes
We are honored to announce the release of PFC3: Songs Around The World - available everywhere now! This CD/DVD set highlights the passion and talent of 185 musicians from 31 different countries. Buy PFC3 Here: http://playingforchange.com/marketplace-offer/playing-for-change-3-songs-around-the-world-cddvd/
See the PFC Band live: http://playingforchange.com/live
To learn more about the work of the PFC Foundation, visit http://www.playingforchange.org
- published: 05 Feb 2009
- views: 20297648
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Official Music Video)
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan present the Vocal Mix of their hit Revolution!
Download on iTunes HERE : http://smarturl.it/itunes_revolution
Download on Beatport NOW : http://btprt.dj/19MbL5p
Subscribe to Spinnin' TV HERE : http://bit.ly/SPINNINTV
This is a big one! An all-star cast consisting of R3hab, NERVO and Ummet Ozcan present one of the biggest club hits of the last months. Revolution is one of those tracks that screams dance floor as well as radio. In addition to extremely powerful production this Vocal Mix boasts mesmerizing vocals by the NERVO sisters. Join the Revolution NOW!
Tiesto : 'Support'
Armin van Buuren : 'Will test! ⅘!'
Afrojack : 'Finally!'
W&W; : 'Will support in our radioshow'
Showtek : 'Bomb!'
Martin Garrix : 'Supporting'
Sander van Doorn : 'Played in my radioshow'
Dash Berlin : 'Support here'
Thomas Gold : 'Wickeeeed'
Danny Howard / BBCR1 : 'Two birds with one stone on this! BIG!'
Pete Tong : 'Essential New Tune in my USA show'
Join R3hab:
Join Ummet Ozcan:
Directed by: Jaakko Manninen & Hannu Aukia
Produced by: Sophie McNeil
wn.com/R3Hab Nervo Ummet Ozcan Revolution (Official Music Video)
R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan present the Vocal Mix of their hit Revolution!
Download on iTunes HERE : http://smarturl.it/itunes_revolution
Download on Beatport NOW : http://btprt.dj/19MbL5p
Subscribe to Spinnin' TV HERE : http://bit.ly/SPINNINTV
This is a big one! An all-star cast consisting of R3hab, NERVO and Ummet Ozcan present one of the biggest club hits of the last months. Revolution is one of those tracks that screams dance floor as well as radio. In addition to extremely powerful production this Vocal Mix boasts mesmerizing vocals by the NERVO sisters. Join the Revolution NOW!
Tiesto : 'Support'
Armin van Buuren : 'Will test! ⅘!'
Afrojack : 'Finally!'
W&W; : 'Will support in our radioshow'
Showtek : 'Bomb!'
Martin Garrix : 'Supporting'
Sander van Doorn : 'Played in my radioshow'
Dash Berlin : 'Support here'
Thomas Gold : 'Wickeeeed'
Danny Howard / BBCR1 : 'Two birds with one stone on this! BIG!'
Pete Tong : 'Essential New Tune in my USA show'
Join R3hab:
Join Ummet Ozcan:
Directed by: Jaakko Manninen & Hannu Aukia
Produced by: Sophie McNeil
- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 13689467
Boeing Prepares the 787-9 Dreamliner for the 2015 Paris Air Show
Watch as Boeing’s expert crew rehearses the flying display that will be performed at the 2015 Paris Air Show. Get a preview before the show! To learn more visit http://www.boeing.com/commercial
wn.com/Boeing Prepares The 787 9 Dreamliner For The 2015 Paris Air Show
Watch as Boeing’s expert crew rehearses the flying display that will be performed at the 2015 Paris Air Show. Get a preview before the show! To learn more visit http://www.boeing.com/commercial
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 762
Le désert de Gobi - France 5
Les Déserts France 5
Le desert de Gobi - Mongolie
wn.com/Le Désert De Gobi France 5
Les Déserts France 5
Le desert de Gobi - Mongolie
- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 34
Laos Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Laos.
Laos is a tropical country in the heart of Indochina and was once known as ‘The realm of a million elephants’. Set amid mountains and surrounded by China, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar, Laos lay undiscovered for many years but today it is gradually opening its doors and its dreamlike royal cities, contemplative temple complexes, mysterious plains and ethnic mountain villages are now accessible to all. The capital, Vientiane, originated at the point at which the first navigable section of the Mekong River joins with the Gulf Of Thailand, once an important trading route to South China. We travel north into the pure Asia of bygone times, a land full of adventure where there is little tourism, past many villages with small markets at the roadside and various temple complexes. Most of Laos consists of rugged mountain areas and only a small number of roads connect the country’s few large towns. We repeatedly pass through large valleys flanked by densely wooded mountain slopes until karst covered mountains appear and reveal yet another captivating landscape. Amid this romantic area on the banks of the Mekong River is a town that is one of Laos’ most impressive historic destinations, Luang Prabang, which became the official residence of the monarchy in 1453 and remained so for several centuries. Thirty five monasteries that accommodate around seven hundred monks as well as a thousand novices and also the city’s many splendid temples highlight the deep religious faith that determines the everyday life of Luang Prabang. Laos is one of the most fascinating countries in South East Asia: a sleepy paradise that is slowly awakening. It is a land trapped somewhere between age-old traditions and a modern way of life.
wn.com/Laos Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Laos.
Laos is a tropical country in the heart of Indochina and was once known as ‘The realm of a million elephants’. Set amid mountains and surrounded by China, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar, Laos lay undiscovered for many years but today it is gradually opening its doors and its dreamlike royal cities, contemplative temple complexes, mysterious plains and ethnic mountain villages are now accessible to all. The capital, Vientiane, originated at the point at which the first navigable section of the Mekong River joins with the Gulf Of Thailand, once an important trading route to South China. We travel north into the pure Asia of bygone times, a land full of adventure where there is little tourism, past many villages with small markets at the roadside and various temple complexes. Most of Laos consists of rugged mountain areas and only a small number of roads connect the country’s few large towns. We repeatedly pass through large valleys flanked by densely wooded mountain slopes until karst covered mountains appear and reveal yet another captivating landscape. Amid this romantic area on the banks of the Mekong River is a town that is one of Laos’ most impressive historic destinations, Luang Prabang, which became the official residence of the monarchy in 1453 and remained so for several centuries. Thirty five monasteries that accommodate around seven hundred monks as well as a thousand novices and also the city’s many splendid temples highlight the deep religious faith that determines the everyday life of Luang Prabang. Laos is one of the most fascinating countries in South East Asia: a sleepy paradise that is slowly awakening. It is a land trapped somewhere between age-old traditions and a modern way of life.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 90994
Québec, Changing of the Guard, Citadelle - Canada HD Travel Channel
Changing of the Guard -- Quebec http://www.myvideomedia.com English see below [dt.] Die Zitadelle von Québec ist Nordamerikas einzige erhaltene Wehranlage. S...
wn.com/Québec, Changing Of The Guard, Citadelle Canada Hd Travel Channel
Changing of the Guard -- Quebec http://www.myvideomedia.com English see below [dt.] Die Zitadelle von Québec ist Nordamerikas einzige erhaltene Wehranlage. S...
War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-n...
wn.com/War No More Trouble | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here: http://www.playingforchange.com/membership-n...
HOW TO JOIN ANONYMOUS - A BEGINNER'S GUIDE Preface: So you want to join Anonymous? You can not join Anonymous. Nobody can join Anonymous. Anonymous is not an...
wn.com/How To Join Anonymous A Beginner'S Guide Mobile
HOW TO JOIN ANONYMOUS - A BEGINNER'S GUIDE Preface: So you want to join Anonymous? You can not join Anonymous. Nobody can join Anonymous. Anonymous is not an...
Change settings to HD for best quality. If you enjoyed this video, please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1C2Eoat
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TWITTER: http://twitter.com/travel_sassy
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/travelsassy
HOTEL MONTECARLO: http://www.montecarlobcn.com
BARCELONA FOOD TOUR: http://barcelonafoodtour.com
LE SEU: http://www.formatgerialaseu.com
L'ANTIC BOCOI DEL GOTIC: http://www.bocoi.net/www.bocoi.net/English.html
ZONA D'OMBRA: http://www.zonadombra.es
TAPEO: http://www.tapeoborn.cat/home-page.html
MUSIC: Japanese Wallpaper & Montgomery http://bit.ly/1z31bDp
wn.com/Eating Barcelona Solo | Travel Sassy
Change settings to HD for best quality. If you enjoyed this video, please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1C2Eoat
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/travel_sassy
BLOG: http://travel-sassy.com
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/travel_sassy
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/travelsassy
HOTEL MONTECARLO: http://www.montecarlobcn.com
BARCELONA FOOD TOUR: http://barcelonafoodtour.com
LE SEU: http://www.formatgerialaseu.com
L'ANTIC BOCOI DEL GOTIC: http://www.bocoi.net/www.bocoi.net/English.html
ZONA D'OMBRA: http://www.zonadombra.es
TAPEO: http://www.tapeoborn.cat/home-page.html
MUSIC: Japanese Wallpaper & Montgomery http://bit.ly/1z31bDp
- published: 09 May 2015
- views: 3
How to do London: Weather - London Travel Guide
Want more travel guide tips? Head to our website! http://www.visitlondon.com
Whether you visit London when it's glorious sunshine or pouring with rain, learn how to handle London weather like a local with our How to do London series!
Go to http://www.visitlondon.com/ - the official London city guide for everything you need to get started in London including ideas for where to go, things to do, upcoming events, activities and London attractions.
Typical London weather, well, there is nothing typical about it! No need to fear though, as there are always things to do and places to see in London which will keep you entertained whatever the weather. Join your guides Tasha and Mennar as they enjoy fantastic London experiences in all four seasons of the year. Find out what average temperatures you can expect, how much rain we get per season and learn how to enjoy the weather just like a local.
Spring, summer, autumn or winter: London offers something wonderful every day of the year. From world-class tourist attractions to glorious parks, from shopping to boating, ice skating to street food and everything in between, you're sure to enjoy London all year round.
Subscribe for more travel guides from http://www.visitlondon.com
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Want to see more of Tasha?
Tasha on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/tashaxgreen
Tasha's Twitter : https://twitter.com/TashaGGreen
Tasha's Instagram : http://instagram.com/tashaggreen
Tasha's Blog : http://tashaggreen.blogspot.co.uk/
wn.com/How To Do London Weather London Travel Guide
Want more travel guide tips? Head to our website! http://www.visitlondon.com
Whether you visit London when it's glorious sunshine or pouring with rain, learn how to handle London weather like a local with our How to do London series!
Go to http://www.visitlondon.com/ - the official London city guide for everything you need to get started in London including ideas for where to go, things to do, upcoming events, activities and London attractions.
Typical London weather, well, there is nothing typical about it! No need to fear though, as there are always things to do and places to see in London which will keep you entertained whatever the weather. Join your guides Tasha and Mennar as they enjoy fantastic London experiences in all four seasons of the year. Find out what average temperatures you can expect, how much rain we get per season and learn how to enjoy the weather just like a local.
Spring, summer, autumn or winter: London offers something wonderful every day of the year. From world-class tourist attractions to glorious parks, from shopping to boating, ice skating to street food and everything in between, you're sure to enjoy London all year round.
Subscribe for more travel guides from http://www.visitlondon.com
Like us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/visitlondon
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Follow us on Instagram : http://instagram.com/visitlondonofficial
Want to see more of Tasha?
Tasha on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/tashaxgreen
Tasha's Twitter : https://twitter.com/TashaGGreen
Tasha's Instagram : http://instagram.com/tashaggreen
Tasha's Blog : http://tashaggreen.blogspot.co.uk/
- published: 23 May 2014
- views: 69748
Warlords of Draenor Beta: Druid Travel Form Changes
All of the classes have gone through changes, but in this case I decided to showcase a major change to druid transformations and how they work- particularly travel form.
Find out more about Warlords of Draenor: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/warlords-of-draenor/
Find me on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1jp1b71
Follow me on Twitter: @FrosterDH
wn.com/Warlords Of Draenor Beta Druid Travel Form Changes
All of the classes have gone through changes, but in this case I decided to showcase a major change to druid transformations and how they work- particularly travel form.
Find out more about Warlords of Draenor: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/warlords-of-draenor/
Find me on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1jp1b71
Follow me on Twitter: @FrosterDH
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 16
3 Time 7 Figure Producer Speaks Of (Go Fun Places)
Go Fun Places is an exciting company poised to change both the travel and leisure industry as well as the home business industry. Connect with the person tha...
wn.com/3 Time 7 Figure Producer Speaks Of (Go Fun Places)
Go Fun Places is an exciting company poised to change both the travel and leisure industry as well as the home business industry. Connect with the person tha...
Skiing - Val Thorens, France - Unravel Travel TV
Europe's highest ski centre, Val Thorens, France is a modern, purpose built resort with an excellent snow record and superb skiing and snowboarding to suit enthusiasts of all abilities and skills. Skiing starts from the middle of the village, while those who want to go further afield can purchase the Three Valleys area ski pass offering access to the network of runs around Val Thorens, Les Menuires, Méribel, Mottaret, Courchevel and La Tania.
The new funitel Le Bouquetin carries 2,000 skiers per hour between Val Thorens and the Belleville valley. Skiers who have purchased only the local area lift pass can upgrade in the resort (at an extra charge) to the Three Valleys pass. Here first time skiers can learn on a dedicated area for beginners, intermediates can enjoy the many blue and red runs, while advanced skiers can test themselves on a number of long, steep descents.
To Book a Ski Break in Val Thorens, France visit email bookings@unraveltravel.eu
To see photographs of Val Thorens visit the Unravel Travel Facebook www.unraveltravel.eu
Skiers who purchase the local area lift pass only may upgrade locally for an extra charge to the 3 Valleys pass. There is a dedicated learning area for beginners, plenty of blues and reds for intermediates and for experts a number of long, steep descents.
Val Thorens is a popular resort for boarders, attracting them in numbers each season. There are pistes to suit all abilities. There is a fun park, with a half-pipe and sound system, which hosts weekly competitions.
Après Ski
Val Thorens is one of the liveliest French resorts at night. There is a great selection of bars, restaurants and clubs to suit all tastes. Après ski lasts throughout the night at some of the most popular bars, including the Frog and Roast Beef, the Snesko and the Ski Rock Café. Restaurants include the Scapin Pub for pizza and pasta, Chalet des Glaciers for gourmet cuisine and Les Clarines for a special night out.
Val Thorens is excellent for beginners with many wide, gentle slopes and a local area lift pass covering just the Val Thorens region. There is a dedicated learning area for beginners and the local ski school enjoys a high reputation.
This is a real paradise for intermediates with many red and blue runs to test the skills! There are good cruising blue runs from Val Thorens to Les Menuires for a change of scenery.
Experts can enjoy a number of long steep descents plus high altitude powder and glacier skiing. Enjoy world class mogul-bashing on the long steep Cîme de Caron black run. Overall there are numerous opportunities for advanced skiers.
Val Thorens is a popular resort for boarders, attracting them in numbers each season. There are pistes to suit all abilities. There is a fun park, with a half-pipe and sound system, which hosts weekly competitions.
Selection of Hotels In Val Thorens, France
Belambra Les Olympiades Apartments (3 Star)
This complex of newly renovated apartments offers good value accommodation in a great location.
Hotel Le Val Thorens (3 Star PLus)
This luxury hotel has three restaurants serving traditional, regional and gourmet food. Excellent facilities and high standards of service have made the Hotel Le Val Thorens a firm favourite with Topflight guests.
Le Cheval Blanc Apartments (3 Star)
Occupying a prime piste-side position, Le Cheval Blanc also boasts excellent facilities.
Residence LAltineige (2 Star Plus)
This ideally located complex, linked by a covered passageway to the resort centre, caters well for groups.
Further Details Click Here
Residence Le Tikal (3 Star)
These spacious, recently renovated apartments enjoy a quiet position at the entrance to the resort centre with a good selection of shops, bars, restaurants and leisure facilities close by.
Temples Du Soleil (2 Star Plus)
Spread over five buildings and offering a wide range of leisure facilities, this lively complex enjoys direct access to the slopes.
Village Montana Apartments (3 Star Plus)
These apartments are located in three different blocks and offer direct access to the slopes.
To Book a Ski Break in Val Thorens, France email bookings@unraveltravel.eu
Unravel Travel http://www.unraveltravel.eu
wn.com/Skiing Val Thorens, France Unravel Travel Tv
Europe's highest ski centre, Val Thorens, France is a modern, purpose built resort with an excellent snow record and superb skiing and snowboarding to suit enthusiasts of all abilities and skills. Skiing starts from the middle of the village, while those who want to go further afield can purchase the Three Valleys area ski pass offering access to the network of runs around Val Thorens, Les Menuires, Méribel, Mottaret, Courchevel and La Tania.
The new funitel Le Bouquetin carries 2,000 skiers per hour between Val Thorens and the Belleville valley. Skiers who have purchased only the local area lift pass can upgrade in the resort (at an extra charge) to the Three Valleys pass. Here first time skiers can learn on a dedicated area for beginners, intermediates can enjoy the many blue and red runs, while advanced skiers can test themselves on a number of long, steep descents.
To Book a Ski Break in Val Thorens, France visit email bookings@unraveltravel.eu
To see photographs of Val Thorens visit the Unravel Travel Facebook www.unraveltravel.eu
Skiers who purchase the local area lift pass only may upgrade locally for an extra charge to the 3 Valleys pass. There is a dedicated learning area for beginners, plenty of blues and reds for intermediates and for experts a number of long, steep descents.
Val Thorens is a popular resort for boarders, attracting them in numbers each season. There are pistes to suit all abilities. There is a fun park, with a half-pipe and sound system, which hosts weekly competitions.
Après Ski
Val Thorens is one of the liveliest French resorts at night. There is a great selection of bars, restaurants and clubs to suit all tastes. Après ski lasts throughout the night at some of the most popular bars, including the Frog and Roast Beef, the Snesko and the Ski Rock Café. Restaurants include the Scapin Pub for pizza and pasta, Chalet des Glaciers for gourmet cuisine and Les Clarines for a special night out.
Val Thorens is excellent for beginners with many wide, gentle slopes and a local area lift pass covering just the Val Thorens region. There is a dedicated learning area for beginners and the local ski school enjoys a high reputation.
This is a real paradise for intermediates with many red and blue runs to test the skills! There are good cruising blue runs from Val Thorens to Les Menuires for a change of scenery.
Experts can enjoy a number of long steep descents plus high altitude powder and glacier skiing. Enjoy world class mogul-bashing on the long steep Cîme de Caron black run. Overall there are numerous opportunities for advanced skiers.
Val Thorens is a popular resort for boarders, attracting them in numbers each season. There are pistes to suit all abilities. There is a fun park, with a half-pipe and sound system, which hosts weekly competitions.
Selection of Hotels In Val Thorens, France
Belambra Les Olympiades Apartments (3 Star)
This complex of newly renovated apartments offers good value accommodation in a great location.
Hotel Le Val Thorens (3 Star PLus)
This luxury hotel has three restaurants serving traditional, regional and gourmet food. Excellent facilities and high standards of service have made the Hotel Le Val Thorens a firm favourite with Topflight guests.
Le Cheval Blanc Apartments (3 Star)
Occupying a prime piste-side position, Le Cheval Blanc also boasts excellent facilities.
Residence LAltineige (2 Star Plus)
This ideally located complex, linked by a covered passageway to the resort centre, caters well for groups.
Further Details Click Here
Residence Le Tikal (3 Star)
These spacious, recently renovated apartments enjoy a quiet position at the entrance to the resort centre with a good selection of shops, bars, restaurants and leisure facilities close by.
Temples Du Soleil (2 Star Plus)
Spread over five buildings and offering a wide range of leisure facilities, this lively complex enjoys direct access to the slopes.
Village Montana Apartments (3 Star Plus)
These apartments are located in three different blocks and offer direct access to the slopes.
To Book a Ski Break in Val Thorens, France email bookings@unraveltravel.eu
Unravel Travel http://www.unraveltravel.eu
- published: 05 Jan 2010
- views: 50725
Tokyo Travel Guide: Narita Airport to Central Tokyo
Tokyo Travel Guide: Narita Airport to Central Tokyo. Here is a quick guide to your transportation options once you land at Narita International Airport, 60km to the east of Tokyo. I decided to purchase the N'Ex Suica Card and took the Narita Express Train to Tokyo Station. Hopefully you find this short video helpful.
Link to current fare discounts: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pdf/e_kippu_20140303.pdf
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wn.com/Tokyo Travel Guide Narita Airport To Central Tokyo
Tokyo Travel Guide: Narita Airport to Central Tokyo. Here is a quick guide to your transportation options once you land at Narita International Airport, 60km to the east of Tokyo. I decided to purchase the N'Ex Suica Card and took the Narita Express Train to Tokyo Station. Hopefully you find this short video helpful.
Link to current fare discounts: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pdf/e_kippu_20140303.pdf
Subscribe to my channel!
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- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 37843
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indonesian culture, etiquette and impressions of the daily routine for an unforgettable journey.
Search phrases:
Sasak, Hati Hati, tube surfing, fish market, beach barbeque, boat trip, surf
Claudia Wasserfallen (CH), Simone Trachsel (CH), Philipp Meir (CH), Gery Zollinger (CH), Ralph Conrad (CH), Michael Schmid (CH), Patrick Rentsch (CH), Thomas Blome (D), Meike (D), Daniel Koenig (D), Indar (RI), Rasiun (RI)
Production-Date: September to October 2008
Production team:
Gerrit Baron (executive producer)
Florian Totzauer (2nd camera)
Isabell Mahr (3rd camera & photographer)
wn.com/Close2Lombok A Surf Travel Guide About Lombok, Indonesia
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indonesian culture, etiquette and impressions of the daily routine for an unforgettable journey.
Search phrases:
Sasak, Hati Hati, tube surfing, fish market, beach barbeque, boat trip, surf
Claudia Wasserfallen (CH), Simone Trachsel (CH), Philipp Meir (CH), Gery Zollinger (CH), Ralph Conrad (CH), Michael Schmid (CH), Patrick Rentsch (CH), Thomas Blome (D), Meike (D), Daniel Koenig (D), Indar (RI), Rasiun (RI)
Production-Date: September to October 2008
Production team:
Gerrit Baron (executive producer)
Florian Totzauer (2nd camera)
Isabell Mahr (3rd camera & photographer)
- published: 02 Jan 2012
- views: 36259
Travel Tips: Europe Tipping Guide
Sonia Gil & friends show you how much to tip in Europe. See new travel adventures w/Sonia every Thursday: http://bit.ly/SoniasTravelsYT Whether you're in a r...
wn.com/Travel Tips Europe Tipping Guide
Sonia Gil & friends show you how much to tip in Europe. See new travel adventures w/Sonia every Thursday: http://bit.ly/SoniasTravelsYT Whether you're in a r...
Mongolia, Nature by Nomads | Travel to Mongolia | Mongolia Video Guide |
Mongolia is known among travelers as the land of nomads, birthplace of the Great king Genghis Khan and of many histories, dating all the way back to Paleolithic Age. It is home to hospitable, gracious herders who cherish their land, animals and culture in all its natural beauty.
In today’s fast changing world, Mongolia is considered as one of the few travel destinations and a place designed for travellers and adventure seekers that can offer beautiful unspoiled nature, endless steppes, massive ranging mountains, crystal clear lakes, parched conditions of the Gobi and interested in exploring the nomadic culture and unrivalled hospitality which have been kept for centuries.
wn.com/Mongolia, Nature By Nomads | Travel To Mongolia | Mongolia Video Guide |
Mongolia is known among travelers as the land of nomads, birthplace of the Great king Genghis Khan and of many histories, dating all the way back to Paleolithic Age. It is home to hospitable, gracious herders who cherish their land, animals and culture in all its natural beauty.
In today’s fast changing world, Mongolia is considered as one of the few travel destinations and a place designed for travellers and adventure seekers that can offer beautiful unspoiled nature, endless steppes, massive ranging mountains, crystal clear lakes, parched conditions of the Gobi and interested in exploring the nomadic culture and unrivalled hospitality which have been kept for centuries.
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 256
Corset Training/ Waist Training
I purchased mine from:
How I lost 60lbs after Pregnancy video:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Frequently Asked Questions:
I've noticed a lot of the same questions in the comments, so here's some general answers for you guys! Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more big questions you would like me to include in this section.
Link to the exact corset I have?
I purchased this years ago, for personal use with no thoughts of creating a video on it. Before I did the video I tried to find the exact same one but couldn't. There are MANY similar ones, which is why I gave you a detailed description of how to find the corset that is best for YOU. If you follow the guidelines you will find a corset that will fit you well and do the job, and one you like (maybe you want a pink one, I know I did lol but I settled for black).
Long? Regular?
I am 5'2", my corset is regular. Long is for 5'6" and taller I BELIEVE (not 100% sure)
Can you sleep with the corset on?
Yes, you technically can, and people do it. I don't do it and wouldn't personally recommend it.
Can you workout with the corset on?
No. There are special waist trainers to wear during workouts. A steel boned corset is not one of them.
When can you begin corset training?
There is no specific age where you can start corset training. Use your judgement. Honestly, I personally wouldn't start any younger than my 20s. Remember your body is still growing and changing, you want that to allow to happen naturally. Maybe you will grow into a perfect hourglass shaped figure in your teens and will be perfectly happy with your body shape! Give mother nature a chance to work her magic on you before you attempt to tweek anything.
Weight Loss?
This is not a diet or a weight loss plan. Using a corset for waist training is exactly that - training your waist into a new shape. You still need to live a healthy and active lifestyle to lose any weight. This is not a miracle solution. It will however help you feel full faster which may help with portion size but don't do this alone with plans of losing weight.
Side Note:
You are all AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL exactly! how! you! are!! As females we are so over-critical of ourselves and are always trying to tweek or improve. That's great! BUT! remember that you're beautiful and perfect exactly the way you are now, and any small "improvements" should only be because they make YOU Feel Better, not because you need to change anything, and DEFINITELY not for anyone else. I love all of you so much, just for taking the time to watch my vids. While I understand, and am a victim of the pressures of wanting to fit a "perfect" image, I love you the way you are, right now.
VLOG Channel: http://www.youtube.com/missbarbiebabytv
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/MissBarbieBabyMUA
♡*♡*♡*♡ Other Videos you may enjoy ♡*♡*♡*♡
White Teeth At Home How to and Demo
Foundation Routine for Flawless Face
Complete Skin Care Routine for Smooth Hydrated Skin
How I Lost 60 lbs After Pregnancy Part 1 & 2
Travel Essentials: What's in my Carry On + Purse
My Long, Strong, Healthy Hair Care Routine
What's in My BAAAGGGG TAG!
My BIRTHDAY Get Ready With Me
My Perfect Eyebrows Tutorial
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My Go-To White Teeth Secret:
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Use Code rocio3 for $110 OFF any single curling wand or flat iron
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My Fav makeup brushes: FREE gift with any $30 purchase!
My Fav Website for huge discounts on designer stuff -
If you are a BUSINESS/COMPANY and would like to contact me, please direct all inquiries to BookRocio@gmail.com
wn.com/Corset Training Waist Training
I purchased mine from:
How I lost 60lbs after Pregnancy video:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Frequently Asked Questions:
I've noticed a lot of the same questions in the comments, so here's some general answers for you guys! Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more big questions you would like me to include in this section.
Link to the exact corset I have?
I purchased this years ago, for personal use with no thoughts of creating a video on it. Before I did the video I tried to find the exact same one but couldn't. There are MANY similar ones, which is why I gave you a detailed description of how to find the corset that is best for YOU. If you follow the guidelines you will find a corset that will fit you well and do the job, and one you like (maybe you want a pink one, I know I did lol but I settled for black).
Long? Regular?
I am 5'2", my corset is regular. Long is for 5'6" and taller I BELIEVE (not 100% sure)
Can you sleep with the corset on?
Yes, you technically can, and people do it. I don't do it and wouldn't personally recommend it.
Can you workout with the corset on?
No. There are special waist trainers to wear during workouts. A steel boned corset is not one of them.
When can you begin corset training?
There is no specific age where you can start corset training. Use your judgement. Honestly, I personally wouldn't start any younger than my 20s. Remember your body is still growing and changing, you want that to allow to happen naturally. Maybe you will grow into a perfect hourglass shaped figure in your teens and will be perfectly happy with your body shape! Give mother nature a chance to work her magic on you before you attempt to tweek anything.
Weight Loss?
This is not a diet or a weight loss plan. Using a corset for waist training is exactly that - training your waist into a new shape. You still need to live a healthy and active lifestyle to lose any weight. This is not a miracle solution. It will however help you feel full faster which may help with portion size but don't do this alone with plans of losing weight.
Side Note:
You are all AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL exactly! how! you! are!! As females we are so over-critical of ourselves and are always trying to tweek or improve. That's great! BUT! remember that you're beautiful and perfect exactly the way you are now, and any small "improvements" should only be because they make YOU Feel Better, not because you need to change anything, and DEFINITELY not for anyone else. I love all of you so much, just for taking the time to watch my vids. While I understand, and am a victim of the pressures of wanting to fit a "perfect" image, I love you the way you are, right now.
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- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 1945906