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Our Facebook - Keep in contact with RAC and help spread the word by connecting with us through Facebook. More>>

Visiting detainees in Brisbane's detention centre - Brisbane has a small detention centre. RAC regularly visits there. You can join us. More>>

Organising meeting, 16th July - Join the refugee rights campaign. Come to the organizing meeting. All refugee supporters welcome. More>>

Vigil for refugee rights, 18th July - Come to King George Square, 5pm Friday to honour asylum seekers being attacked by Australia. More>>

Vigil for Reza Berati and other asylum seekers - Join us to remember Reza Berati and other asylum seekers. 18th July. More>>

Freedom seeker: Roots, rock, reggae for refugees - Concert fundraiser for refugees, the Valley, 14th September. More>>

Ninety-nine days with no boat arrivals -but at what price? - Human price of stopping the boats. Article by Oliver Laughland, The Guardian, 28th March 2014. More>>

Government pressures Manus asylum seekers to return home - Government pressures Manus asylum seekers to return home. 14th March More>>

Scott Morrison should be put in the dock - Article by Michael Gordon (The Age & Sydney Morning Herald) 24th February. More>>

Scott Morrison must resign. Manus Island must be closed. - Media release, 22nd February, 2014. From Ian Rintoul. More>>

Minister can't guarantee safety on Manus Island; Manus staff regret - Media release, 20th February, 2014. Circulated by Ian Rintoul. More>>

Synthesised account of attacks on Manus - Account of attacks on Manus, compiled by RRAN in WA. Posted 19th February. More>>

Murdered Manus asylum seeker was Faili Kurd - Media release, 18th February, 2014. More>>

Police and locals run amok on Manus - One of the earliest reports. Media release by Ian Rintoul, 18th February, 2014. More>>

Eyewitness account of Manus Island horror - Eyewitness account of Manus Island horror, 18th February. More>>

Article from The Age about UN criticism of Australian policies, 23rd August - Australia is disgracing itself internationally. Read about it. More>>

Malcolm Fraser: Vietnamese refugees were a boon, not a burden - Malcolm Fraser on current refugee policies. More>>

Essential listening: important radio documentary - ABC Radio National doco on horror of bridging visas. Listen at ABC website; download transcript. More>>

Detention deja vu as victimising begins anew - Chris Rau, sister of Cornelia, on the new offshore processing nightmare. 15th August. More>>

Richard Ackland on deaths at sea, Sydney Morning Herald - Is it really the people smugglers to blame? 7th September. More>>

Australia's blame in asylum seeker deaths - Natalie O'Brien's articles about the true causes of asylum seeker deaths at sea. June 2012. More>>

Story in The Age: "Wife, Mother...Security Threat". - Ranjini, refugee whose life has been ruined by ASIO assessment. Story from The Age, 18th May. More>>

ACTU Congress: New policy on refugees & asylum seekers - Good news. ACTU adopts refugee friendly policies. 16th May. More>>

Darwin hospital struggling with asylum trauma - Cost of detention, from ABC News, 20th March. More>>

Media release: Australia shares responsibility for asylum seekers' deaths at sea - These deaths are indeed terrible events. But more humane, not tougher, policies are the answer. More>>

Tony Kevin on the asylum seeker boat disaster - Tony Kevin, researcher into the SIEV-X disaster, sees similarities with the latest asylum-seeker tragedy. More>>

Newspaper article: Tom Keneally on detainee suicide - The inevitable result of Australia's detention regime: despair leading to destruction of human souls. More>>

Paul Syvret, The Courier-Mail, 18th October 2011 - The case against offshore processing, the Malaysian Solution and mandatory detention. More>>

Debunking the Myths - Debunking the myths about asylum seekers in 2010. More>>

People Sumggling - Bob Ellis provides comment and asks some pertinent questions. From ABC Unleased More>>

Christmas Island - The Indian Ocean Solution. Published in The Monthly, September 2009. Everything you ever wanted to know about our off shore detention centre. More>>

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