Danny MacAskill's Gymnasium
▶︎ Watch more from Danny MacAskill 👉https://win.gs/DannysGymnasium
▶︎ Haven't subscribed to Red Bull Bike yet? You know what to do 🤘
New Year, New Tricks. Scottish Trials Bike legend Danny MacAskill shows us in his new film ‘Gymnasium’ that there are other ways to make your mark in the gym. Not a regular gym-goer by his own admission, YouTube sensation Danny stars in his new film and attempts to show the world that staying in shape doesn’t have to be daunting.
In his latest return to our screens, Danny seeks refuge from the ‘New Year, New Me’ craze by creating his personalised fitness playground in a long forgotten hall at his local sports complex. Even though performing a perfect bar routine while still on two wheels isn’t for everyone, Danny has found that it’s a case of no chain, no g...
published: 07 Jan 2020
10+ ting du SKAL VIDE inden gymnasium!
Her er de bedste råd jeg kan give til dig, som snart starter på gymnasie. Jeg håber at du kunne bruge videoen til noget nyttigt♡
Mail: annahaarupmunch@gmail.com
Insta/tiktok/pinterest: annahaarupmunch
Spotify: Anna Munch
Min insta sellout: annamunchsellout
subs lige nu: 42.300
Vi ses på snart!
published: 05 Apr 2022
Lehrerin werden: Mein Berufseinstieg am Gymnasium | alpha Uni
Nadine ist Lehrerin am Christoph-Scheiner-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt. Sie ist Berufsanfängerin, aktuell im zweiten Berufsjahr und unterrichtet die Fächer Deutsch, Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft.
Für Nadine ist jeder Schultag eine Herausforderung für sich und etwas ganz Neues. Die schönste Zeit des Tages ist für sie das unterrichten. Für ihre 8. Klasse bereitet sie eine Unterrichtsstunde über die Ursachen der französischen Revolution vor.
#Lehrerin #Lehramt #Gymnasium #alphauni
Mehr zum Gehalt, Skills und Zukunftsaussichten haben wir euch hier zusammengefasst: https://ardalpha.de/s/5sIt0tU
Autorin: Katrin Focke
Kamera und Schnitt: Moritz Mayer
CvD: Tobias Henkenhaf
Channel Management: Marinus Zängerl
Projektleitung: Lennart Bedford-Strohm
Redaktion: Corinna Benning
published: 26 Oct 2022
They Told Us, Immigrants Can't Go to Gymnasium 😱🇩🇪How Our American Kids Got into a German Gymnasium
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
published: 31 Oct 2021
Ingen over - Marselisborg Gymnasium (Official Music Video)
Dette er den officielle 3.G-anthem, lavet i forbindelse med 3.G'ernes første morgensamling på Marselisborg Gymnasium 2021.
Credits til video/sang;
Instrueret af;
Bao Truong & Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Skrevet og sunget af;
Marcus Bach Riis(Flotte)
Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Victor Bay Rasmussen
VIktor Hahn-Hundsdahl
Silas Thaysen Kjær
Daniel Brøgger Bertelsen
Ali Yunus
Karl Legarth
Bao Truong
Filmet og Redigeret af;
Bao Productions
Produceret af;
Stor tak til;
Der Kuhstall, Aarhus
F2 Films
Langenæs Kirken
Endvidere tak til alle statister fra 3g årgangen
Kontakt for video
Insta: @bao_productions_
Mail: baomt02@gmail.com
published: 17 Sep 2021
Chancengleichheit in der Bildung | Mit Migrationshintergrund ans Gymnasium | Doku | SRF Dok
An Schweizer Gymnasien stammen weniger als zehn Prozent der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus fremdsprachigen Familien. Das Projekt ChagALL des Seminars Unterstrass in Zürich bereitet Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund auf die Aufnahmeprüfung für das Gymnasium vor. Gemeinsam ist den Jugendlichen der starke Wunsch nach einer guten Bildung, die für die Integration der Zugewanderten ein wichtiger Faktor ist.
🔔 Abonniere jetzt SRF Dok auf YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/srfdok?sub_confirmation=1
Die einen wurden hier geboren, die anderen kamen mit ihren Eltern in die Schweiz. Die Jugendlichen, die im Film porträtiert werden, stammen aus verschiedensten Kulturräumen: Somalia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka aber auch Auslandschweizer befinden sich darunter. Die Gründe, weshalb der Nachwuchs der zugew...
published: 07 Jul 2020
Gymnasium Room Tour
Take a tour of our Gymnasium with founder, Lev Glazman! For the passionate and energetic, this is an astonishingly playful space for the mind and body. Visit themaker.com/gymnasium to learn more.
published: 23 Dec 2020
Back to School Haul GYMNASIUM � Schulsachen kaufen für neue Schule! Clarielle Johann Loop Mamiseelen
Back to School Haul für das Gymnasium! Wir kaufen die Schulsachen für Clara und Johann! Viel Spaß beim neuen VLOG :D
Claras Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clarielle__
Johanns Instagram: https://instagram.com/johann_loop
*Im Video erwähnt & Empfehlungen:
* Affiliate Links dienen zum schnellen Auffinden der Produkte und ich werde am Verkauf beteiligt, ohne, dass dem Käufer Mehrkosten entstehen. Die Produkte können selbstverständlich auch anderweitig gekauft werden.
Mehr Videos von mir:
Leere XXL Haustour https://youtu.be/19gK5akouVc
Schulsachen für 1. Klasse einkaufen https://...
published: 21 Aug 2022
Gymnasium vs. Hauptschule - Zuspätkommen😂AlpaySanti #Shorts
#Shorts #Youtubeshorts #alpaysanti #witzig #lustig
🧿YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkImxpZ7pzrNtUie92sDeFw
🧿INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alpaysanti/​
🧿TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@alpaysanti?so...​
💻Business Anfragen:
published: 08 Oct 2022
Danny MacAskill's Gymnasium
▶︎ Watch more from Danny MacAskill 👉https://win.gs/DannysGymnasium
▶︎ Haven't subscribed to Red Bull Bike yet? You know what to do 🤘
New Year, New Tricks. Scot...
▶︎ Watch more from Danny MacAskill 👉https://win.gs/DannysGymnasium
▶︎ Haven't subscribed to Red Bull Bike yet? You know what to do 🤘
New Year, New Tricks. Scottish Trials Bike legend Danny MacAskill shows us in his new film ‘Gymnasium’ that there are other ways to make your mark in the gym. Not a regular gym-goer by his own admission, YouTube sensation Danny stars in his new film and attempts to show the world that staying in shape doesn’t have to be daunting.
In his latest return to our screens, Danny seeks refuge from the ‘New Year, New Me’ craze by creating his personalised fitness playground in a long forgotten hall at his local sports complex. Even though performing a perfect bar routine while still on two wheels isn’t for everyone, Danny has found that it’s a case of no chain, no gain as he’s able to do what he loves and stay in shape at the same time.
WATCH Danny's Other Films:
Imaginate: http://win.gs/ImaginateRBTV
Epecuen: http://win.gs/EpecuenRBTV
Subscribe to Danny on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kOkY1nYc0uADWRiRH64Rw
Follow Danny on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danny_macaskill/?hl=en
Follow Danny on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DannyMacAskill
Website: http://www.dannymacaskill.co.uk/
Song: “I’m On My Way� performed by The Proclaimers
#DannyMacAskill #DannysGymnasium #trialbike
Experience the world of Red Bull Bike like you have never seen it before. With the best bike videos, from Mountain Bike Downhill to Cross Country plus BMX and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Subscribe to Red Bull Bike on Youtube: https://win.gs/SubToRedBullBike
Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: http://onelink.to/yfbct7
Watch Red Bull TV: https://win.gs/WatchRBTVBike
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U
Red Bull Bike on Facebook: https://win.gs/RedBullBikeFacebook
Red Bull Bike on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullBikeInstagram
▶︎ Watch more from Danny MacAskill 👉https://win.gs/DannysGymnasium
▶︎ Haven't subscribed to Red Bull Bike yet? You know what to do 🤘
New Year, New Tricks. Scottish Trials Bike legend Danny MacAskill shows us in his new film ‘Gymnasium’ that there are other ways to make your mark in the gym. Not a regular gym-goer by his own admission, YouTube sensation Danny stars in his new film and attempts to show the world that staying in shape doesn’t have to be daunting.
In his latest return to our screens, Danny seeks refuge from the ‘New Year, New Me’ craze by creating his personalised fitness playground in a long forgotten hall at his local sports complex. Even though performing a perfect bar routine while still on two wheels isn’t for everyone, Danny has found that it’s a case of no chain, no gain as he’s able to do what he loves and stay in shape at the same time.
WATCH Danny's Other Films:
Imaginate: http://win.gs/ImaginateRBTV
Epecuen: http://win.gs/EpecuenRBTV
Subscribe to Danny on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kOkY1nYc0uADWRiRH64Rw
Follow Danny on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danny_macaskill/?hl=en
Follow Danny on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DannyMacAskill
Website: http://www.dannymacaskill.co.uk/
Song: “I’m On My Way� performed by The Proclaimers
#DannyMacAskill #DannysGymnasium #trialbike
Experience the world of Red Bull Bike like you have never seen it before. With the best bike videos, from Mountain Bike Downhill to Cross Country plus BMX and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Subscribe to Red Bull Bike on Youtube: https://win.gs/SubToRedBullBike
Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: http://onelink.to/yfbct7
Watch Red Bull TV: https://win.gs/WatchRBTVBike
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U
Red Bull Bike on Facebook: https://win.gs/RedBullBikeFacebook
Red Bull Bike on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullBikeInstagram
- published: 07 Jan 2020
- views: 14803899
10+ ting du SKAL VIDE inden gymnasium!
Her er de bedste råd jeg kan give til dig, som snart starter på gymnasie. Jeg håber at du kunne bruge videoen til noget nyttigt♡
Mail: annahaarupmunch@gmail.co...
Her er de bedste råd jeg kan give til dig, som snart starter på gymnasie. Jeg håber at du kunne bruge videoen til noget nyttigt♡
Mail: annahaarupmunch@gmail.com
Insta/tiktok/pinterest: annahaarupmunch
Spotify: Anna Munch
Min insta sellout: annamunchsellout
subs lige nu: 42.300
Vi ses på snart!
Her er de bedste råd jeg kan give til dig, som snart starter på gymnasie. Jeg håber at du kunne bruge videoen til noget nyttigt♡
Mail: annahaarupmunch@gmail.com
Insta/tiktok/pinterest: annahaarupmunch
Spotify: Anna Munch
Min insta sellout: annamunchsellout
subs lige nu: 42.300
Vi ses på snart!
- published: 05 Apr 2022
- views: 58660
Lehrerin werden: Mein Berufseinstieg am Gymnasium | alpha Uni
Nadine ist Lehrerin am Christoph-Scheiner-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt. Sie ist Berufsanfängerin, aktuell im zweiten Berufsjahr und unterrichtet die Fächer Deutsch, ...
Nadine ist Lehrerin am Christoph-Scheiner-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt. Sie ist Berufsanfängerin, aktuell im zweiten Berufsjahr und unterrichtet die Fächer Deutsch, Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft.
Für Nadine ist jeder Schultag eine Herausforderung für sich und etwas ganz Neues. Die schönste Zeit des Tages ist für sie das unterrichten. Für ihre 8. Klasse bereitet sie eine Unterrichtsstunde über die Ursachen der französischen Revolution vor.
#Lehrerin #Lehramt #Gymnasium #alphauni
Mehr zum Gehalt, Skills und Zukunftsaussichten haben wir euch hier zusammengefasst: https://ardalpha.de/s/5sIt0tU
Autorin: Katrin Focke
Kamera und Schnitt: Moritz Mayer
CvD: Tobias Henkenhaf
Channel Management: Marinus Zängerl
Projektleitung: Lennart Bedford-Strohm
Redaktion: Corinna Benning
Du suchst dein Traumstudium oder deinen Traumjob? alpha Uni hilft dir, beides zu finden! Bei uns bekommst du jede Woche echte Einblicke, Inspiration und Orientierung. Ehrlich und direkt, von denen, die es wissen müssen: Studierende und Berufseinsteiger:innen!
alpha Uni ist ein Format der Redaktion Wissen & Bildung aktuell des Bayerischen Rundfunks.
â–º Mehr von uns: https://www.ardalpha.de/alpha-uni/index.html
â–º Impressum: https://www.br.de/unternehmen/service/impressum/index.html
In den Kommentaren gelten unsere alpha Uni-Community-Regeln:
Nadine ist Lehrerin am Christoph-Scheiner-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt. Sie ist Berufsanfängerin, aktuell im zweiten Berufsjahr und unterrichtet die Fächer Deutsch, Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft.
Für Nadine ist jeder Schultag eine Herausforderung für sich und etwas ganz Neues. Die schönste Zeit des Tages ist für sie das unterrichten. Für ihre 8. Klasse bereitet sie eine Unterrichtsstunde über die Ursachen der französischen Revolution vor.
#Lehrerin #Lehramt #Gymnasium #alphauni
Mehr zum Gehalt, Skills und Zukunftsaussichten haben wir euch hier zusammengefasst: https://ardalpha.de/s/5sIt0tU
Autorin: Katrin Focke
Kamera und Schnitt: Moritz Mayer
CvD: Tobias Henkenhaf
Channel Management: Marinus Zängerl
Projektleitung: Lennart Bedford-Strohm
Redaktion: Corinna Benning
Du suchst dein Traumstudium oder deinen Traumjob? alpha Uni hilft dir, beides zu finden! Bei uns bekommst du jede Woche echte Einblicke, Inspiration und Orientierung. Ehrlich und direkt, von denen, die es wissen müssen: Studierende und Berufseinsteiger:innen!
alpha Uni ist ein Format der Redaktion Wissen & Bildung aktuell des Bayerischen Rundfunks.
â–º Mehr von uns: https://www.ardalpha.de/alpha-uni/index.html
â–º Impressum: https://www.br.de/unternehmen/service/impressum/index.html
In den Kommentaren gelten unsere alpha Uni-Community-Regeln:
- published: 26 Oct 2022
- views: 247647
They Told Us, Immigrants Can't Go to Gymnasium 😱🇩🇪How Our American Kids Got into a German Gymnasium
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite...
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
📖 See the blog post that goes with this video here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com/how-our-american-kids-got-into-a-german-gymnasium-part-i
I get all of my music, sounds, and stock footage from Envato Elements. They have video editing courses, too! For just $15 a month, they offer UNLIMITED downloads. The best deal I've found out there. Use this link to try it out! https://1.envato.market/2r0ekM
I've been using Lingoda to learn and speak German - they have really good live classes with a native German speaker! Use my link https://learn.lingoda.com/en/referral/avyenk and get 50 EUR off your first purchase!
🇩🇪 See all of the other videos in this school series here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJxD0uLOS4s&list;=PLMUy6rPvNf97Cn8enlrCvxJER3nrRMmPd
🇩🇪 See all of our Life in Germany blog posts and videos here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com
🇩🇪 See our Life in Germany YouTube playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96RmlBl22TCRUbrY3rTdPtb
🇩🇪See our Traveling with Kids playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96Ml8PvPznoX6r61eVtSgoV
We are a family of six, with four kids and a cat 😹, who moved from the USA to Germany in February of 2021 to pursue our dreams of adventure, travel, learning another language, and integrating into German life. We hope you enjoy our videos about our journey to integrate - the highs and the lows of being foreigners on the adventure of a lifetime.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymerrymessygermanlife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyMerryMessyGermanLife
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MerryMessyLife
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerryMessyLife
Visit the Website: https://mymerrymessylife.com/
Visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyMerryMessyLife
See My Book, Detox Your Home, on Amazon: https://amzn.to/31NjzRv
0:00 - Autumn scenes from the river in our town
00:58 - Intro - the German secondary school system
5:17 - How Grundschule began when we arrived
8:07 - Their teachers began to say they needed to go to Gymnasium
9:35 - We visited our first Gymnasium, and it didn't go well!
15:48 - We began talking to other Gymnasiums
18:23 - We created a backup plan with other Gymnasiums & Realschules but were still worried
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
📖 See the blog post that goes with this video here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com/how-our-american-kids-got-into-a-german-gymnasium-part-i
I get all of my music, sounds, and stock footage from Envato Elements. They have video editing courses, too! For just $15 a month, they offer UNLIMITED downloads. The best deal I've found out there. Use this link to try it out! https://1.envato.market/2r0ekM
I've been using Lingoda to learn and speak German - they have really good live classes with a native German speaker! Use my link https://learn.lingoda.com/en/referral/avyenk and get 50 EUR off your first purchase!
🇩🇪 See all of the other videos in this school series here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJxD0uLOS4s&list;=PLMUy6rPvNf97Cn8enlrCvxJER3nrRMmPd
🇩🇪 See all of our Life in Germany blog posts and videos here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com
🇩🇪 See our Life in Germany YouTube playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96RmlBl22TCRUbrY3rTdPtb
🇩🇪See our Traveling with Kids playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96Ml8PvPznoX6r61eVtSgoV
We are a family of six, with four kids and a cat 😹, who moved from the USA to Germany in February of 2021 to pursue our dreams of adventure, travel, learning another language, and integrating into German life. We hope you enjoy our videos about our journey to integrate - the highs and the lows of being foreigners on the adventure of a lifetime.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymerrymessygermanlife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyMerryMessyGermanLife
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MerryMessyLife
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerryMessyLife
Visit the Website: https://mymerrymessylife.com/
Visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyMerryMessyLife
See My Book, Detox Your Home, on Amazon: https://amzn.to/31NjzRv
0:00 - Autumn scenes from the river in our town
00:58 - Intro - the German secondary school system
5:17 - How Grundschule began when we arrived
8:07 - Their teachers began to say they needed to go to Gymnasium
9:35 - We visited our first Gymnasium, and it didn't go well!
15:48 - We began talking to other Gymnasiums
18:23 - We created a backup plan with other Gymnasiums & Realschules but were still worried
- published: 31 Oct 2021
- views: 69927
Ingen over - Marselisborg Gymnasium (Official Music Video)
Dette er den officielle 3.G-anthem, lavet i forbindelse med 3.G'ernes første morgensamling på Marselisborg Gymnasium 2021.
Credits til video/sang;
Dette er den officielle 3.G-anthem, lavet i forbindelse med 3.G'ernes første morgensamling på Marselisborg Gymnasium 2021.
Credits til video/sang;
Instrueret af;
Bao Truong & Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Skrevet og sunget af;
Marcus Bach Riis(Flotte)
Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Victor Bay Rasmussen
VIktor Hahn-Hundsdahl
Silas Thaysen Kjær
Daniel Brøgger Bertelsen
Ali Yunus
Karl Legarth
Bao Truong
Filmet og Redigeret af;
Bao Productions
Produceret af;
Stor tak til;
Der Kuhstall, Aarhus
F2 Films
Langenæs Kirken
Endvidere tak til alle statister fra 3g årgangen
Kontakt for video
Insta: @bao_productions_
Mail: baomt02@gmail.com
Dette er den officielle 3.G-anthem, lavet i forbindelse med 3.G'ernes første morgensamling på Marselisborg Gymnasium 2021.
Credits til video/sang;
Instrueret af;
Bao Truong & Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Skrevet og sunget af;
Marcus Bach Riis(Flotte)
Thor Alexandar Kirkegaard
Victor Bay Rasmussen
VIktor Hahn-Hundsdahl
Silas Thaysen Kjær
Daniel Brøgger Bertelsen
Ali Yunus
Karl Legarth
Bao Truong
Filmet og Redigeret af;
Bao Productions
Produceret af;
Stor tak til;
Der Kuhstall, Aarhus
F2 Films
Langenæs Kirken
Endvidere tak til alle statister fra 3g årgangen
Kontakt for video
Insta: @bao_productions_
Mail: baomt02@gmail.com
- published: 17 Sep 2021
- views: 82642
Chancengleichheit in der Bildung | Mit Migrationshintergrund ans Gymnasium | Doku | SRF Dok
An Schweizer Gymnasien stammen weniger als zehn Prozent der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus fremdsprachigen Familien. Das Projekt ChagALL des Seminars Unterstrass ...
An Schweizer Gymnasien stammen weniger als zehn Prozent der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus fremdsprachigen Familien. Das Projekt ChagALL des Seminars Unterstrass in Zürich bereitet Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund auf die Aufnahmeprüfung für das Gymnasium vor. Gemeinsam ist den Jugendlichen der starke Wunsch nach einer guten Bildung, die für die Integration der Zugewanderten ein wichtiger Faktor ist.
🔔 Abonniere jetzt SRF Dok auf YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/srfdok?sub_confirmation=1
Die einen wurden hier geboren, die anderen kamen mit ihren Eltern in die Schweiz. Die Jugendlichen, die im Film porträtiert werden, stammen aus verschiedensten Kulturräumen: Somalia,
Afghanistan, Sri Lanka aber auch Auslandschweizer befinden sich darunter. Die Gründe, weshalb der Nachwuchs der zugewanderten Familien in den höheren Bildungsstätten stark untervertreten ist, sind vielfältig: besonders ausschlaggebend sind die fehlende fachliche Unterstützung der Eltern und die mit dem familiären Hintergrund einhergehende Sprachbarriere. Wegen der hohen sozialen Selektivität der Schulen werden, laut Schweizer Fachleuten, Migrantenkinder und -jugendliche in der Schweiz in unterschiedlichem Ausmass systematisch benachteiligt. Auch in den Sekundarschulen oder Realschulen würden sie durch die Lehrpersonen, vielmals auch unbewusst, tiefer beurteilt.
Das Seminar Unterstrass in Zürich hat vor rund zehn Jahren das Projekt „ChagALL“ (Chancengerechtigkeit durch Arbeit an der Lernlaufbahn) lanciert. Begabte Jugendliche von Migrantenfamilien mit niedrigen Einkommen werden in diesem Programm auf die Prüfung für die Mittelschule vorbereitet. Falls ihnen der Eintritt ins Gymnasium gelingt, werden sie auch während ihrer Zeit im Gymnasium fachlich unterstützt.
Dokumentarfilmer Yusuf Yeşilöz begleitet in seinem neuen Dokumentarfilm eine Gruppe dieser Jugendlichen während acht Monaten auf dem Weg zur Gymiprüfung. Zusätzlich zur Sekundarschule besuchen die Schülerinnen und Schüler am Mittwochnachmittag und am Samstagvormittag sechs Stunden den Vorbereitungskurs für die Gymiprüfung. Ebenfalls kommen noch einige Stunden Hausaufgaben hinzu. Diese Doppelbelastung führt mit der Zeit zu einer Schwächung der Motivation. Die Chagall-Leitung begleitet die Schüler jedoch von nahe, führt individuelle Gespräche mit ihnen und versucht herauszufinden, wo der Schuh drückt.
Der Erfolg des Programms der letzten Jahre betrug im Durchschnitt rund siebzig Prozent. Für diesen einzigartigen Erfolg ist in erster Linie der starke Wille der Schülerinnen und Schüler ausschlaggebend. Sie zeigen eine grosse Bereitschaft, ihre Freizeit zu opfern. Das gemeinsame Lernen und die Gruppendynamik motivieren sie zusätzlich. Der Zusatzunterricht bietet ihnen gute Voraussetzungen, ihre Defizite aufzuholen. Die Lernenden haben ein klares Ziel vor Augen: eine höhere Bildung. Und sie wissen, dass dies ohne einen grossen Sonderaufwand nicht möglich ist.
Erstausstrahlung: 15.06.2017
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Die Teams von SRF Dok berichten faktentreu, verzichten auf «scripted reality» und sind der journalistischen Redlichkeit verpflichtet. Das Credo der Redaktion: Wir zeigen das Leben in all seinen Schattierungen.
Social Media Netiquette von SRF:
â–º https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette
#SRFDok #Doku #Bildung #migration #SRF
An Schweizer Gymnasien stammen weniger als zehn Prozent der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus fremdsprachigen Familien. Das Projekt ChagALL des Seminars Unterstrass in Zürich bereitet Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund auf die Aufnahmeprüfung für das Gymnasium vor. Gemeinsam ist den Jugendlichen der starke Wunsch nach einer guten Bildung, die für die Integration der Zugewanderten ein wichtiger Faktor ist.
🔔 Abonniere jetzt SRF Dok auf YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/srfdok?sub_confirmation=1
Die einen wurden hier geboren, die anderen kamen mit ihren Eltern in die Schweiz. Die Jugendlichen, die im Film porträtiert werden, stammen aus verschiedensten Kulturräumen: Somalia,
Afghanistan, Sri Lanka aber auch Auslandschweizer befinden sich darunter. Die Gründe, weshalb der Nachwuchs der zugewanderten Familien in den höheren Bildungsstätten stark untervertreten ist, sind vielfältig: besonders ausschlaggebend sind die fehlende fachliche Unterstützung der Eltern und die mit dem familiären Hintergrund einhergehende Sprachbarriere. Wegen der hohen sozialen Selektivität der Schulen werden, laut Schweizer Fachleuten, Migrantenkinder und -jugendliche in der Schweiz in unterschiedlichem Ausmass systematisch benachteiligt. Auch in den Sekundarschulen oder Realschulen würden sie durch die Lehrpersonen, vielmals auch unbewusst, tiefer beurteilt.
Das Seminar Unterstrass in Zürich hat vor rund zehn Jahren das Projekt „ChagALL“ (Chancengerechtigkeit durch Arbeit an der Lernlaufbahn) lanciert. Begabte Jugendliche von Migrantenfamilien mit niedrigen Einkommen werden in diesem Programm auf die Prüfung für die Mittelschule vorbereitet. Falls ihnen der Eintritt ins Gymnasium gelingt, werden sie auch während ihrer Zeit im Gymnasium fachlich unterstützt.
Dokumentarfilmer Yusuf Yeşilöz begleitet in seinem neuen Dokumentarfilm eine Gruppe dieser Jugendlichen während acht Monaten auf dem Weg zur Gymiprüfung. Zusätzlich zur Sekundarschule besuchen die Schülerinnen und Schüler am Mittwochnachmittag und am Samstagvormittag sechs Stunden den Vorbereitungskurs für die Gymiprüfung. Ebenfalls kommen noch einige Stunden Hausaufgaben hinzu. Diese Doppelbelastung führt mit der Zeit zu einer Schwächung der Motivation. Die Chagall-Leitung begleitet die Schüler jedoch von nahe, führt individuelle Gespräche mit ihnen und versucht herauszufinden, wo der Schuh drückt.
Der Erfolg des Programms der letzten Jahre betrug im Durchschnitt rund siebzig Prozent. Für diesen einzigartigen Erfolg ist in erster Linie der starke Wille der Schülerinnen und Schüler ausschlaggebend. Sie zeigen eine grosse Bereitschaft, ihre Freizeit zu opfern. Das gemeinsame Lernen und die Gruppendynamik motivieren sie zusätzlich. Der Zusatzunterricht bietet ihnen gute Voraussetzungen, ihre Defizite aufzuholen. Die Lernenden haben ein klares Ziel vor Augen: eine höhere Bildung. Und sie wissen, dass dies ohne einen grossen Sonderaufwand nicht möglich ist.
Erstausstrahlung: 15.06.2017
🔔 Jetzt SRF Dok auf YouTube abonnieren und die Glocke aktivieren:
👇 Mehr zum Thema Dokus & Reportage gibt es hier:
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👀 Mehr Dokus auf Play SRF:
Die Teams von SRF Dok berichten faktentreu, verzichten auf «scripted reality» und sind der journalistischen Redlichkeit verpflichtet. Das Credo der Redaktion: Wir zeigen das Leben in all seinen Schattierungen.
Social Media Netiquette von SRF:
â–º https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette
#SRFDok #Doku #Bildung #migration #SRF
- published: 07 Jul 2020
- views: 63942
Gymnasium Room Tour
Take a tour of our Gymnasium with founder, Lev Glazman! For the passionate and energetic, this is an astonishingly playful space for the mind and body. Visit th...
Take a tour of our Gymnasium with founder, Lev Glazman! For the passionate and energetic, this is an astonishingly playful space for the mind and body. Visit themaker.com/gymnasium to learn more.
Take a tour of our Gymnasium with founder, Lev Glazman! For the passionate and energetic, this is an astonishingly playful space for the mind and body. Visit themaker.com/gymnasium to learn more.
- published: 23 Dec 2020
- views: 1571
Back to School Haul GYMNASIUM � Schulsachen kaufen für neue Schule! Clarielle Johann Loop Mamiseelen
Back to School Haul für das Gymnasium! Wir kaufen die Schulsachen für Clara und Johann! Viel Spaß beim neuen VLOG :D
Back to School Haul für das Gymnasium! Wir kaufen die Schulsachen für Clara und Johann! Viel Spaß beim neuen VLOG :D
Claras Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clarielle__
Johanns Instagram: https://instagram.com/johann_loop
*Im Video erwähnt & Empfehlungen:
* Affiliate Links dienen zum schnellen Auffinden der Produkte und ich werde am Verkauf beteiligt, ohne, dass dem Käufer Mehrkosten entstehen. Die Produkte können selbstverständlich auch anderweitig gekauft werden.
Mehr Videos von mir:
Leere XXL Haustour https://youtu.be/19gK5akouVc
Schulsachen für 1. Klasse einkaufen https://youtu.be/JBY2dAP7xbA
1 Tag baden am Strand https://youtu.be/UQrQCaKoDqo
Live Reaktion auf Traumgarten https://youtu.be/CiTWTdJ7RpU
Zelten im Garten https://youtu.be/VO8s8oQirus
Nancy Barop
cc Regus 4. OG
Neuer Wall 50
20354 Hamburg
Tel: 040- 822 138 168
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE304 631 917
Geschäftlicher Kontakt: mamiseelen [at] gmail.com
Inhaltlich Verantwortliche gem. §55II RStV:
Nancy Barop
cc Regus 4. OG
Neuer Wall 50
20354 Hamburg
Geschäftlicher Kontakt: mamiseelen [at] gmail.com
Dieses Video enthält unbezahlte Markennennung und/oder Markenerkennung.
#backtoschool #schule #gymnasium
Musik: Epidemic Sound
Danke für so eine tolle Community! Ihr seid die Besten! Bis zum nächsten Video!!
xoxo Nancy
Back to School Haul für das Gymnasium! Wir kaufen die Schulsachen für Clara und Johann! Viel Spaß beim neuen VLOG :D
Claras Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clarielle__
Johanns Instagram: https://instagram.com/johann_loop
*Im Video erwähnt & Empfehlungen:
* Affiliate Links dienen zum schnellen Auffinden der Produkte und ich werde am Verkauf beteiligt, ohne, dass dem Käufer Mehrkosten entstehen. Die Produkte können selbstverständlich auch anderweitig gekauft werden.
Mehr Videos von mir:
Leere XXL Haustour https://youtu.be/19gK5akouVc
Schulsachen für 1. Klasse einkaufen https://youtu.be/JBY2dAP7xbA
1 Tag baden am Strand https://youtu.be/UQrQCaKoDqo
Live Reaktion auf Traumgarten https://youtu.be/CiTWTdJ7RpU
Zelten im Garten https://youtu.be/VO8s8oQirus
Nancy Barop
cc Regus 4. OG
Neuer Wall 50
20354 Hamburg
Tel: 040- 822 138 168
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE304 631 917
Geschäftlicher Kontakt: mamiseelen [at] gmail.com
Inhaltlich Verantwortliche gem. §55II RStV:
Nancy Barop
cc Regus 4. OG
Neuer Wall 50
20354 Hamburg
Geschäftlicher Kontakt: mamiseelen [at] gmail.com
Dieses Video enthält unbezahlte Markennennung und/oder Markenerkennung.
#backtoschool #schule #gymnasium
Musik: Epidemic Sound
Danke für so eine tolle Community! Ihr seid die Besten! Bis zum nächsten Video!!
xoxo Nancy
- published: 21 Aug 2022
- views: 1143243
Gymnasium vs. Hauptschule - Zuspätkommen😂AlpaySanti #Shorts
#Shorts #Youtubeshorts #alpaysanti #witzig #lustig
🧿YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkImxpZ7pzrNtUie92sDeFw
🧿INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alp...
#Shorts #Youtubeshorts #alpaysanti #witzig #lustig
🧿YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkImxpZ7pzrNtUie92sDeFw
🧿INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alpaysanti/​
🧿TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@alpaysanti?so...​
💻Business Anfragen:
#Shorts #Youtubeshorts #alpaysanti #witzig #lustig
🧿YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkImxpZ7pzrNtUie92sDeFw
🧿INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alpaysanti/​
🧿TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@alpaysanti?so...​
💻Business Anfragen:
- published: 08 Oct 2022
- views: 1603675
How our daughter got into a German Gymnasium? || What are her experiences?
#gymnasium #germanschool #lebenmitmichelle
published: 01 Feb 2022
The German School System | Meet The Germans
Do you know your "Gymnasium" from your "Gesamtschule"?
The German school system is certainly complicated. For this week's Meet the Germans, Rachel heads back to the classroom to get to grips with the different types of schools and to find out what kids like about going to school in Germany.
Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. As a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic – from German books to German-Turkish culture or Germany's obsession with cars. This week: German schools and the education system.
#Germany #School #MeetTheGermans
Follow Meet the Germans on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_meetthegermans/
Watch more Meet the Germans videos here: http...
published: 16 Feb 2022
Travel and live in Germany | Das Gymnasium in Deutschland #Gymnasium #Germany #germanschool
published: 08 Sep 2022
A day in German school | English class | Gymnasium Brandis
This is a video about my English class in Germany (Gymnasium)
I try to speak German â–¶ https://youtu.be/Z9Mej-4D5Ss
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
published: 09 Dec 2018
The German Gymnasium, London | allthegoodies.com
The German Gymnasium is the huge, newly opened restaurant from Sir Terrence Conran/D&D; London at Kings Cross - with German and central European dishes on its menu.
Allthegoodies London: http://www.allthegoodies.com/london/german-gymnasium.html
Music: Prelude No. 8 av Chris Zabriskie er lisensiert under en Creative Commons Attribution-lisens (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Kilde: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
published: 13 Jun 2016
They Told Us, Immigrants Can't Go to Gymnasium 😱🇩🇪How Our American Kids Got into a German Gymnasium
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
published: 31 Oct 2021
German Gymnasium | St Pancras
Derek O'Reilly chats with the manager of German Gymnasium. Once a German Gymnastics Society in the 1800's it is now a German themed bar and restaurant.
published: 04 Aug 2023
A Look At The Fun German Gymnasium Restaurant, London
German Gymnasium mezzanine is a refined restaurant, including its own free walk in cocktail bar and overlooking the action in the buzzing Grand Café. It's a seriously stylish space, serving Mittel European dishes. Its wine list is something special too, with wonderful wines from Germany, Austria and beyond.
The German Gymnasium is located at 1 Kings Boulevard (formerly 26 Pancras Road), London close to the new international railway station of St Pancras. It was constructed in 1864–65 for the German Gymnastics Society, a sporting association established in London in 1861 by Ernst Ravenstein. The National Olympian Association used the Gymnasium as one of the venues for its first ever Games here in 1866, shortly after the German Gymnasium was opened.
Designed by Edward A. Gruning and built by...
published: 14 Mar 2022
Fact check: German schools | DW English
Schools aren’t a federal matter in Germany. State ministries are responsible for personnel and syllabus questions. And the ‘dual system’ approach, which combines practical experience with classroom learning, is also a unique aspect of education here.
For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/the-german-education-system/av-41562166
published: 29 Nov 2017
A day in German high school | EXCHANGE YEAR
This is my day in German high school (Gymnasium). I hope you enjoy it.
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
published: 04 Aug 2018
The German School System | Meet The Germans
Do you know your "Gymnasium" from your "Gesamtschule"?
The German school system is certainly complicated. For this week's Meet the Germans, Rachel heads back t...
Do you know your "Gymnasium" from your "Gesamtschule"?
The German school system is certainly complicated. For this week's Meet the Germans, Rachel heads back to the classroom to get to grips with the different types of schools and to find out what kids like about going to school in Germany.
Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. As a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic – from German books to German-Turkish culture or Germany's obsession with cars. This week: German schools and the education system.
#Germany #School #MeetTheGermans
Follow Meet the Germans on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_meetthegermans/
Watch more Meet the Germans videos here: https://bit.ly/MtG_YouTubePlaylist
Subscribe to DW Euromaxx:
Would you like to find out more about Euromaxx?
â–¸Website: dw.com/lifestyle
â–¸Facebook: facebook.com/dw.euromaxx
â–¸Instagram: instagram.com/dw_euromaxx
DW Euromaxx brings you engaging insights into European cultures and lifestyles.
Do you know your "Gymnasium" from your "Gesamtschule"?
The German school system is certainly complicated. For this week's Meet the Germans, Rachel heads back to the classroom to get to grips with the different types of schools and to find out what kids like about going to school in Germany.
Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. As a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic – from German books to German-Turkish culture or Germany's obsession with cars. This week: German schools and the education system.
#Germany #School #MeetTheGermans
Follow Meet the Germans on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_meetthegermans/
Watch more Meet the Germans videos here: https://bit.ly/MtG_YouTubePlaylist
Subscribe to DW Euromaxx:
Would you like to find out more about Euromaxx?
â–¸Website: dw.com/lifestyle
â–¸Facebook: facebook.com/dw.euromaxx
â–¸Instagram: instagram.com/dw_euromaxx
DW Euromaxx brings you engaging insights into European cultures and lifestyles.
- published: 16 Feb 2022
- views: 608577
A day in German school | English class | Gymnasium Brandis
This is a video about my English class in Germany (Gymnasium)
I try to speak German â–¶ https://youtu.be/Z9Mej-4D5Ss
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://yout...
This is a video about my English class in Germany (Gymnasium)
I try to speak German â–¶ https://youtu.be/Z9Mej-4D5Ss
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
This is a video about my English class in Germany (Gymnasium)
I try to speak German â–¶ https://youtu.be/Z9Mej-4D5Ss
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
- published: 09 Dec 2018
- views: 260449
The German Gymnasium, London | allthegoodies.com
The German Gymnasium is the huge, newly opened restaurant from Sir Terrence Conran/D&D; London at Kings Cross - with German and central European dishes on its ...
The German Gymnasium is the huge, newly opened restaurant from Sir Terrence Conran/D&D; London at Kings Cross - with German and central European dishes on its menu.
Allthegoodies London: http://www.allthegoodies.com/london/german-gymnasium.html
Music: Prelude No. 8 av Chris Zabriskie er lisensiert under en Creative Commons Attribution-lisens (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Kilde: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
The German Gymnasium is the huge, newly opened restaurant from Sir Terrence Conran/D&D; London at Kings Cross - with German and central European dishes on its menu.
Allthegoodies London: http://www.allthegoodies.com/london/german-gymnasium.html
Music: Prelude No. 8 av Chris Zabriskie er lisensiert under en Creative Commons Attribution-lisens (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Kilde: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
- published: 13 Jun 2016
- views: 4782
They Told Us, Immigrants Can't Go to Gymnasium 😱🇩🇪How Our American Kids Got into a German Gymnasium
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite...
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
📖 See the blog post that goes with this video here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com/how-our-american-kids-got-into-a-german-gymnasium-part-i
I get all of my music, sounds, and stock footage from Envato Elements. They have video editing courses, too! For just $15 a month, they offer UNLIMITED downloads. The best deal I've found out there. Use this link to try it out! https://1.envato.market/2r0ekM
I've been using Lingoda to learn and speak German - they have really good live classes with a native German speaker! Use my link https://learn.lingoda.com/en/referral/avyenk and get 50 EUR off your first purchase!
🇩🇪 See all of the other videos in this school series here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJxD0uLOS4s&list;=PLMUy6rPvNf97Cn8enlrCvxJER3nrRMmPd
🇩🇪 See all of our Life in Germany blog posts and videos here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com
🇩🇪 See our Life in Germany YouTube playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96RmlBl22TCRUbrY3rTdPtb
🇩🇪See our Traveling with Kids playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96Ml8PvPznoX6r61eVtSgoV
We are a family of six, with four kids and a cat 😹, who moved from the USA to Germany in February of 2021 to pursue our dreams of adventure, travel, learning another language, and integrating into German life. We hope you enjoy our videos about our journey to integrate - the highs and the lows of being foreigners on the adventure of a lifetime.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymerrymessygermanlife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyMerryMessyGermanLife
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MerryMessyLife
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerryMessyLife
Visit the Website: https://mymerrymessylife.com/
Visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyMerryMessyLife
See My Book, Detox Your Home, on Amazon: https://amzn.to/31NjzRv
0:00 - Autumn scenes from the river in our town
00:58 - Intro - the German secondary school system
5:17 - How Grundschule began when we arrived
8:07 - Their teachers began to say they needed to go to Gymnasium
9:35 - We visited our first Gymnasium, and it didn't go well!
15:48 - We began talking to other Gymnasiums
18:23 - We created a backup plan with other Gymnasiums & Realschules but were still worried
Here's our story of how we got two of our American children into a German gymnasium. As you can tell from the title of our video - it was not easy! It was quite the challenge, especially because we had to figure out the whole process with our basic German skills just months after moving to Germany in February of 2021. There's a lot of debate in Germany on the secondary school system as it is and how there's a lot of pressure on students in fourth grade to choose which kind of school they will attend - Gymnasium, Realschule, or Mittleschule (Hauptschule). German friends - let us know your experience and what you think of the system in the comments!
To learn more about the German school system, we recommend:
📖 See the blog post that goes with this video here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com/how-our-american-kids-got-into-a-german-gymnasium-part-i
I get all of my music, sounds, and stock footage from Envato Elements. They have video editing courses, too! For just $15 a month, they offer UNLIMITED downloads. The best deal I've found out there. Use this link to try it out! https://1.envato.market/2r0ekM
I've been using Lingoda to learn and speak German - they have really good live classes with a native German speaker! Use my link https://learn.lingoda.com/en/referral/avyenk and get 50 EUR off your first purchase!
🇩🇪 See all of the other videos in this school series here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJxD0uLOS4s&list;=PLMUy6rPvNf97Cn8enlrCvxJER3nrRMmPd
🇩🇪 See all of our Life in Germany blog posts and videos here - https://mymerrymessygermanlife.com
🇩🇪 See our Life in Germany YouTube playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96RmlBl22TCRUbrY3rTdPtb
🇩🇪See our Traveling with Kids playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUy6rPvNf96Ml8PvPznoX6r61eVtSgoV
We are a family of six, with four kids and a cat 😹, who moved from the USA to Germany in February of 2021 to pursue our dreams of adventure, travel, learning another language, and integrating into German life. We hope you enjoy our videos about our journey to integrate - the highs and the lows of being foreigners on the adventure of a lifetime.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymerrymessygermanlife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyMerryMessyGermanLife
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MerryMessyLife
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerryMessyLife
Visit the Website: https://mymerrymessylife.com/
Visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyMerryMessyLife
See My Book, Detox Your Home, on Amazon: https://amzn.to/31NjzRv
0:00 - Autumn scenes from the river in our town
00:58 - Intro - the German secondary school system
5:17 - How Grundschule began when we arrived
8:07 - Their teachers began to say they needed to go to Gymnasium
9:35 - We visited our first Gymnasium, and it didn't go well!
15:48 - We began talking to other Gymnasiums
18:23 - We created a backup plan with other Gymnasiums & Realschules but were still worried
- published: 31 Oct 2021
- views: 69927
German Gymnasium | St Pancras
Derek O'Reilly chats with the manager of German Gymnasium. Once a German Gymnastics Society in the 1800's it is now a German themed bar and restaurant.
Derek O'Reilly chats with the manager of German Gymnasium. Once a German Gymnastics Society in the 1800's it is now a German themed bar and restaurant.
Derek O'Reilly chats with the manager of German Gymnasium. Once a German Gymnastics Society in the 1800's it is now a German themed bar and restaurant.
- published: 04 Aug 2023
- views: 592
A Look At The Fun German Gymnasium Restaurant, London
German Gymnasium mezzanine is a refined restaurant, including its own free walk in cocktail bar and overlooking the action in the buzzing Grand Café. It's a ser...
German Gymnasium mezzanine is a refined restaurant, including its own free walk in cocktail bar and overlooking the action in the buzzing Grand Café. It's a seriously stylish space, serving Mittel European dishes. Its wine list is something special too, with wonderful wines from Germany, Austria and beyond.
The German Gymnasium is located at 1 Kings Boulevard (formerly 26 Pancras Road), London close to the new international railway station of St Pancras. It was constructed in 1864–65 for the German Gymnastics Society, a sporting association established in London in 1861 by Ernst Ravenstein. The National Olympian Association used the Gymnasium as one of the venues for its first ever Games here in 1866, shortly after the German Gymnasium was opened.
Designed by Edward A. Gruning and built by Piper and Wheeler, the German Gymnasium is a 2+1�2-story multi-coloured stock brick building with a roof constructed from laminated wood trusses with cast iron fillets. The roof is an important early example of the use of laminated timber to give broad spans. The roof trusses – some 20m wide – are as experimented with but replaced at nearby King's Cross Station. Part of the western end of the building was lost to make way for the construction of the new international rail terminal of St Pancras. A new end wall has been created in keeping with the rest of the structure.
The building has been listed Grade II on the National Heritage List for England since January 1976.
German Gymnasium mezzanine is a refined restaurant, including its own free walk in cocktail bar and overlooking the action in the buzzing Grand Café. It's a seriously stylish space, serving Mittel European dishes. Its wine list is something special too, with wonderful wines from Germany, Austria and beyond.
The German Gymnasium is located at 1 Kings Boulevard (formerly 26 Pancras Road), London close to the new international railway station of St Pancras. It was constructed in 1864–65 for the German Gymnastics Society, a sporting association established in London in 1861 by Ernst Ravenstein. The National Olympian Association used the Gymnasium as one of the venues for its first ever Games here in 1866, shortly after the German Gymnasium was opened.
Designed by Edward A. Gruning and built by Piper and Wheeler, the German Gymnasium is a 2+1�2-story multi-coloured stock brick building with a roof constructed from laminated wood trusses with cast iron fillets. The roof is an important early example of the use of laminated timber to give broad spans. The roof trusses – some 20m wide – are as experimented with but replaced at nearby King's Cross Station. Part of the western end of the building was lost to make way for the construction of the new international rail terminal of St Pancras. A new end wall has been created in keeping with the rest of the structure.
The building has been listed Grade II on the National Heritage List for England since January 1976.
- published: 14 Mar 2022
- views: 1353
Fact check: German schools | DW English
Schools aren’t a federal matter in Germany. State ministries are responsible for personnel and syllabus questions. And the ‘dual system’ approach, which combine...
Schools aren’t a federal matter in Germany. State ministries are responsible for personnel and syllabus questions. And the ‘dual system’ approach, which combines practical experience with classroom learning, is also a unique aspect of education here.
For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/the-german-education-system/av-41562166
Schools aren’t a federal matter in Germany. State ministries are responsible for personnel and syllabus questions. And the ‘dual system’ approach, which combines practical experience with classroom learning, is also a unique aspect of education here.
For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/the-german-education-system/av-41562166
- published: 29 Nov 2017
- views: 72834
A day in German high school | EXCHANGE YEAR
This is my day in German high school (Gymnasium). I hope you enjoy it.
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLe...
This is my day in German high school (Gymnasium). I hope you enjoy it.
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
This is my day in German high school (Gymnasium). I hope you enjoy it.
My best vid, German Bakery tour â–¶https://youtu.be/VxVM2tNqlOk
My instagram â–¶ @TheHebeLee http://www.instagram.com/thehebelee/
My Facebook â–¶ https://www.facebook.com/HebeExchange...
Snapchat â–¶ @hebe900211 https://www.snapchat.com/add/hebe900211
E-Mail â–¶ hebe900211@yahoo.com.tw
Ask me questions in comment or on social media!
Love from Hebe the Taiwanese!
- published: 04 Aug 2018
- views: 1373418