
Coming soon
published: 23 Oct 2013
Coming soon https://www.facebook.com/AmandeuceAviationChannel- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 1011

Lufthansa long haul inflight experience onboard A330-300
This time without the usual channel banner but with captions - as some of you have suggest...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Lufthansa long haul inflight experience onboard A330-300
Lufthansa long haul inflight experience onboard A330-300
This time without the usual channel banner but with captions - as some of you have suggested in recent comments. Hope you like the video!- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 376

Dokumentation über die Lufthansa aus dem Jahre 1991
Der Titel "Wer wird denn gleich in die Luft gehen" wurde 1991 im deutschen Fernsehen ausge...
published: 12 Jan 2014
Dokumentation über die Lufthansa aus dem Jahre 1991
Dokumentation über die Lufthansa aus dem Jahre 1991
Der Titel "Wer wird denn gleich in die Luft gehen" wurde 1991 im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt - Interviews von meist innerdeutschen Fluggästen über Erfahrungen über die Staatsairline - sehr interessant wies damals lief - bspw. wurden Verspätungen erst ab 1h offiziell erfasst...- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 94

Pilot's View || Airbus A380 Lufthansa First Approach & Landing at San Fransisco Airport
Atterrissage inaugural d'un Airbus A-380 à San Francisco. Magnifique ! Et cette fois, ce n...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: SpottingPlanes AirportHD
Pilot's View || Airbus A380 Lufthansa First Approach & Landing at San Fransisco Airport
Pilot's View || Airbus A380 Lufthansa First Approach & Landing at San Fransisco Airport
Atterrissage inaugural d'un Airbus A-380 à San Francisco. Magnifique ! Et cette fois, ce n'est pas une simulation : voici une vraie approche, un vrai atterri...- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 21122
- author: SpottingPlanes AirportHD

Lufthansa Boeing 747-8 Takeoff at Frankfurt Airport (full HD)
Lufthansa Boeing 747-830 D-ABYC to Washington Dulles (IAD) (Flightnumber: LH418) taxis and...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: SoltauCruiser
Lufthansa Boeing 747-8 Takeoff at Frankfurt Airport (full HD)
Lufthansa Boeing 747-8 Takeoff at Frankfurt Airport (full HD)
Lufthansa Boeing 747-830 D-ABYC to Washington Dulles (IAD) (Flightnumber: LH418) taxis and takes off at Frankfurt Main (FRA) on runway 25C Don't miss my "Fra...- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 123192
- author: SoltauCruiser

A380 vs 747-8i - Lufthansa Economy Class Reviews and Comparison!
It's the age old question. Airbus vs Boeing - which aircraft is better? Well, in this vide...
published: 17 Nov 2013
A380 vs 747-8i - Lufthansa Economy Class Reviews and Comparison!
A380 vs 747-8i - Lufthansa Economy Class Reviews and Comparison!
It's the age old question. Airbus vs Boeing - which aircraft is better? Well, in this video you will find out my opinion and see a close comparison between the two types as the world's two largest passenger airplanes face off! I hope you enjoyed this video! I tried to be as objective as possible. PLEASE don't start fights in the comment section. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. Just be nice about it haha :P Don't miss one of my videos on TV!!! Monday November 18th at 9PM GMT on Channel 4 in the UK! http://www.channel4.com/programmes/fear-of-flying-caught-on-camera *SOCIAL* Make sure you follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dantorp11 Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Dantorp11 Google+: https://plus.google.com/+dantorp11/about HELP ME OUT: A donation of any size enables me to pre-book seats, take taxies to spotting locations and more! They are greatly appreciated: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=G9MLDLZQQNRUN Sorry about the strange lag and errors in some parts of the videos. These occured when rendering the video and unfortunately I can't do anything about them. Information: Lufthansa 454 FRA-SFO operated by an Airbus A380-800 with reg D-AIMB. Lufthansa 418 FRA-IAD operated by a Boeing 747-8i with reg D-ABYD. I have the rights to all the footage in this video. Disclaimer: This video is based on my personal opinion. I have not been paid to produce the following content. Every statement and comparison in this video is made based on my experience. I am a frequent flyer, having flown on every "major" aircraft in the industry. You may not agree with my opinion, but I strive to be objective and I have no personal connection to either airplane manufacture.- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 568

Lufthansa: Documentary Lufthansa A380 ENGLISH
Lufthansa: Documentary Lufthansa A380 ENGLISH
Great documentary (English Spoken) about th...
published: 01 Sep 2013
Lufthansa: Documentary Lufthansa A380 ENGLISH
Lufthansa: Documentary Lufthansa A380 ENGLISH
Lufthansa: Documentary Lufthansa A380 ENGLISH Great documentary (English Spoken) about the NEW Lufthansa A380. You will also find plenty of additional information about flight preparation, airport facilities, crew, Lufthansa First Class, Lufthansa Business Class and Lufthansa Economy Class service on the NEW A380 Lufthansa flagship. Book your Lufthansa A380 tickets @ http://www.generalfly.nl/ Copyright: Smithsonian Channel.- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 64

Lufthansa First Class SFO-MUC May 2014
LH 459 First Class Flight San Francisco to Munich
A340-600 Seat 2K
May 2014...
published: 17 Jun 2014
Lufthansa First Class SFO-MUC May 2014
Lufthansa First Class SFO-MUC May 2014
LH 459 First Class Flight San Francisco to Munich A340-600 Seat 2K May 2014- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 15

PilotsEYE.tv - A380 Landing KSFO San Francisco SUBTITLES English (without commentary)
Lufthansa Airbus A380 landing in San Francisco KSFO - Original version with English Subtit...
published: 10 Jul 2013
author: PilotsEYE.tv
PilotsEYE.tv - A380 Landing KSFO San Francisco SUBTITLES English (without commentary)
PilotsEYE.tv - A380 Landing KSFO San Francisco SUBTITLES English (without commentary)
Lufthansa Airbus A380 landing in San Francisco KSFO - Original version with English Subtitles. Partly taken from the DVD | BD "PilotsEYE.tv A380 SAN FRANCISC...- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 41501
- author: PilotsEYE.tv

[AirClips] Flying Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F from Frankfurt to New York JFK incl. full cockpit landing!
Now that Lufthansa Cargo is welcoming its brand new Boeing 777F fleet come join me for a c...
published: 23 Aug 2013
[AirClips] Flying Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F from Frankfurt to New York JFK incl. full cockpit landing!
[AirClips] Flying Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F from Frankfurt to New York JFK incl. full cockpit landing!
Now that Lufthansa Cargo is welcoming its brand new Boeing 777F fleet come join me for a cockpit ride on their lovely MD-11F tri-jet! The friendly crew is letting us have a deep look inside the cockpit during all phases of the flight which gives you a lovely impression of their day-to-day business.- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 336

Lufthansa LH477 YVR-MUC First Class
Am 31.7.2013 kommt in Vancouver ein Airbus A 330-300 aus München an. Der Flug mit der Numm...
published: 17 Aug 2013
Lufthansa LH477 YVR-MUC First Class
Lufthansa LH477 YVR-MUC First Class
Am 31.7.2013 kommt in Vancouver ein Airbus A 330-300 aus München an. Der Flug mit der Nummer LH476 wird auf dem Rückflug zur LH477. Man sieht das Boarding, die First Class, Pushback und das Rollen zur Startbahn. Man hört diverse Ansagen. Es erfolgt der Start auf der 08R in YVR sowie der Steigflug mit einer wunderschönen Sicht auf Vancouver. Später erfolgt der Landeanflug sowie die Landung in MUC auf der 08L.- published: 17 Aug 2013
- views: 185

Rund um die Welt in 66 Stunden / Lufthansa Cargo
Frankfurt Airport. Sie starten Richtung Westen, Kurs USA, und kommen 66 Stunden später aus...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: DokuCont
Rund um die Welt in 66 Stunden / Lufthansa Cargo
Rund um die Welt in 66 Stunden / Lufthansa Cargo
Frankfurt Airport. Sie starten Richtung Westen, Kurs USA, und kommen 66 Stunden später aus dem fernen Osten zurück. Frachtflieger transportieren Luxuslimousi...- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 18582
- author: DokuCont

Reportage Lufthansa Cargo
published: 23 May 2013
author: Jan Honvehlmann
Reportage Lufthansa Cargo
Vimeo results:

Lufthansa Bmx Spine Jam
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: Timo Stabentheiner
Lufthansa Bmx Spine Jam

Lufthansa Anywake
Anywake is an alarm clock that takes you places. It wakes you up to the sound of a randoml...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: Monterosa
Lufthansa Anywake
Anywake is an alarm clock that takes you places. It wakes you up to the sound of a randomly selected city in the world. To turn off the alarm, you have to guess which one. And if you get it right, you get a discount on a planeticket with Lufthansa to that city.
By DDB Stockholm and Monterosa.
Youtube results:

PilotsEYE.tv - QUITO - MD-11F - Lufthansa Cargo - "The Lady and the closed Strip"
PE.tv's 1st flight with an MD-11 Cargofreighter to the meanwhile closed airport "Quito".
published: 22 Nov 2013
PilotsEYE.tv - QUITO - MD-11F - Lufthansa Cargo - "The Lady and the closed Strip"
PilotsEYE.tv - QUITO - MD-11F - Lufthansa Cargo - "The Lady and the closed Strip"
PE.tv's 1st flight with an MD-11 Cargofreighter to the meanwhile closed airport "Quito". Pre-Order at amazon.de http://petv.co/amzdeuio Pre-Order at amazon.uk http://petv.co/amzukuio Release planned for End of Feb 2014 H i g h t l i g h t s - GPWS fault, Kleiner Fehler - schnelle Reparatur - Was hat die MD-11F, was andere nicht haben - ABNORMAL ist hier nur die Liste - Wolkenslalom am Äquator - Vogelschlag in Sao Paulo - Zeig mir, wo die Rosen blühen - Oma Käthe ist an allem Schuld - Quito SEQU - Airport closed, forever - Tail Accessory Compartment; Der Commander im Maschinenraum - Hör mal wer da spricht; Die Geschichte der Stimme aus dem Hintergrund- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 9944

Lufthansa A330-300 Taxi and Takeoff from Munich Airport!
Enjoy this beautiful, snowy takeoff from Munich! The aircraft, D-AIKQ was exactly 11 month...
published: 12 May 2013
author: Dantorp11 Aviation
Lufthansa A330-300 Taxi and Takeoff from Munich Airport!
Lufthansa A330-300 Taxi and Takeoff from Munich Airport!
Enjoy this beautiful, snowy takeoff from Munich! The aircraft, D-AIKQ was exactly 11 months old on the day of this flight so it was definitely a shiny, stunn...- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 50815
- author: Dantorp11 Aviation

Die Lufthansa erneuert ihre Flotte
Die heutigen Flugzeuge sollen Kosten, Kerosin und Lärm einsparen. Lufthansa kommt diesem A...
published: 02 May 2014
Die Lufthansa erneuert ihre Flotte
Die Lufthansa erneuert ihre Flotte
Die heutigen Flugzeuge sollen Kosten, Kerosin und Lärm einsparen. Lufthansa kommt diesem Anspruch nach und modernisiert Ihre Flotte mit 300 neuen Flugzeugbestellungen. Das ist nicht nur für die Umwelt und Flughafenanwohner gut, sondern wirkt sich auch positiv auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Airlines aus.- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 550

Mit 55 in den Ruhestand: Traumberuf Lufthansa-Pilot
In Deutschland drehte sich in der vergangenen Woche alles um eine Frage: Wie komme ich am ...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Mit 55 in den Ruhestand: Traumberuf Lufthansa-Pilot
Mit 55 in den Ruhestand: Traumberuf Lufthansa-Pilot
In Deutschland drehte sich in der vergangenen Woche alles um eine Frage: Wie komme ich am schnellsten aus dem lästigen Arbeitsleben raus? Frau Nahles möchte uns am liebsten mit 63 in Rente schicken. Und die Lufthansapiloten haben schon mit 55 die Faxen dicke. Der Stress über den Wolken sei einfach zu groß und ohne eine zehnprozentige Gehaltserhöhung auch kaum zu ertragen.- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 1921