The Wayback Machine -
† Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †
Nut Shot Montage - Sniper Elite III Gameplay
Assassin's Creed 3 E3 Frontier Gameplay Demo [UK]
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Castle of Doom (All Minikits)
Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du suuuuuc ...
Will Patch 2.1 Define Diablo III: Reaper of Souls?
Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Getting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save Tobruk (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaberoun (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
HAUNTED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III Highlights)
Sniper Elite III: Afrika (#4) ROJO KONTRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TYGRYSA (Roj-Playing Games!)
#3 Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika - Misja 3 - Halfaya Pass - Polski Gameplay (Let's Play PL)


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† Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †
† Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †
  • Duration: 1:05
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014†_Carpenter_Brut_EP_III_Propaganda_†
Nut Shot Montage - Sniper Elite III Gameplay
Nut Shot Montage - Sniper Elite III Gameplay
  • Duration: 2:20
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2014

Here's a gameplay montage of Sniper Elite III's unique animations for testicular kills. Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - Gameplay & Guides - Trailers - Mobile Gaming - Like - Follow - Stream Live -
Assassin's Creed 3 E3 Frontier Gameplay Demo [UK]
Assassin's Creed 3 E3 Frontier Gameplay Demo [UK]
  • Duration: 7:02
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Watch as Connor traverses the vast Frontier on a mission to assassinate an enemy who infringes upon his people's freedom and liberty. More Info: The American...'s_Creed_3_E3_Frontier_Gameplay_Demo_UK_
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Castle of Doom (All Minikits)
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Castle of Doom (All Minikits)
  • Duration: 15:44
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 100% guide for the stage "Castle of Doom". This video shows the location of all 10 minikits on the 22nd and final level in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 100% Walkthrough Playlist: 01:06 to 01:18 - Minikit #1 01:30 to 01:41 - Minikit #2 01:50 to 02:22 - Minikit #3 04:13 - Minikit #4 05:07 to 05:31 - Minikit #5 - Destroy 5 pieces hanging from the ceiling. 07:30 - Minikit #6 09:50 to 09:59 - Minikit #7 11:47 - Minikit #8 - Destroy 10 skulls (#1 07:37, #2 08:05, #3 08:58, #4 09:07, #5 10:42, #6 11:07, #7 11:24, #8 11:33, #9 11:37, #10 11:46) 12:04 - Minikit #9 - Construct 5 probe droids (#1 02:25, #2 05:37, #3 05:54, #4 08:00, #5 11:55) 12:18 to 13:00 - Minikit #10 - Hit all the switches Game Information: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Developer: Traveller's Tales Check out my playlist section for many more 100% LEGO Videogame walkthroughs:
Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du suuuuuc ...
Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du suuuuuc ...
  • Duration: 17:12
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Mon plug dj : ----------- FTP : Feed The Patrick Serveur multi privé sur Feed The Beast ------------------------ Membres actuels : Alexclick : As2piK: Aurelien Sama : Aypierre : Azenetmc : Bill Silverlight : Bxakid : Eddytor : EpeeForte : Ephys : Flaming Talisker : Foxseen : HarryLafranc : Jazeruth : Muzaren : Nocxx : Ralmn : Richie3366: Shorty : Souls: Tado : Tagazok : Thoyy : Zephirr : -------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Twitter : Ma Chaine Twitch : Site de farmcraft : Site de FTB :
Will Patch 2.1 Define Diablo III: Reaper of Souls?
Will Patch 2.1 Define Diablo III: Reaper of Souls?
  • Duration: 2:54
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2014

Here's a quick look at all of the features that you can expect in the first major patch for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - Gameplay & Guides - Trailers - Mobile Gaming - Like - Follow - Stream Live -
Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Getting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Getting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • Duration: 10:59
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Buy this game! Sniper Elite III Playlist: Twitter: Facebook: Main Channel:'s_Play_Walkthrough_Playthrough_on_PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save Tobruk (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save Tobruk (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • Duration: 10:56
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Buy this game! Sniper Elite III Playlist: Twitter: Facebook: Main Channel:'s_Play_Walkthrough_Playthrough_on_PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaberoun (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaberoun (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • Duration: 11:57
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Buy this game! Sniper Elite III Playlist: Twitter: Facebook: Main Channel:'s_Play_Walkthrough_Playthrough_on_PC)
HAUNTED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III Highlights)
HAUNTED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III Highlights)
  • Duration: 14:45
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2014

► Full broadcast HERE: ◄ To this day visitors of Halfaya Pass claim to have heard the Haunted Half-Track shouting in German and crashing into things... *CUE X-FILES THEME* These are some funny moments from my Sniper Elite 3 Pre-Release livestream on June 25th. This was ALSO my first official Twitch stream, so thanks to everyone who tuned in! My Twitter: My Facebook: My Instagram: My Twitch: MY PAL! General APL - ----------------------------------- ENDSONG 'Azalea' - MDK MDK YouTube: MDK SoundCloud: *used with permission MUSIC 'Remember The Heroes' - Jason Shaw License: CC Attribution 3.0 SOUND EFFECTS 'Jab' - Mike Koenig License: CC Attribution 3.0 'wooshs 04 (medium)' - toyoto License: CC Attribution 3.0!_(Sniper_Elite_III_Highlights)
Sniper Elite III: Afrika (#4) ROJO KONTRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TYGRYSA (Roj-Playing Games!)
Sniper Elite III: Afrika (#4) ROJO KONTRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TYGRYSA (Roj-Playing Games!)
  • Duration: 32:08
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Porównaj ceny tej gry: Seria ze Sniper Elite V2: Seria z Nazi Zombie Army 1: Seria z Nazi Zombie Army 2: Funny Moments ze Sniper Elite V2: Funny Moments z Nazi Zombie Army 1: Sniper Elite III: Afrika od studia Rebellion to trzecia część serii snajperskich wojennych strzelanek. Akcja gry ponownie osadzona jest w realiach II wojny światowej, tym razem jednak kampania odbywa się na terenach Afryki. Jebanie Boomheadshotów na potęgę! W przenośni i dosłownie - posyłamy nazistów do piachu! W slow-mo i w rentgenie! Wyrzynamy nazistowskie plemię! Roj-Playing Games! - Gameplay inny niż wszystkie! SUBUJ KANAŁ: FB FANPAGE: WTYCZKA: APLIKACJA: GRY: KUP KOSZULKĘ: TU: LUB TU: Intro & Outro by MrKibass Muzyka: Devin Martin - Killbot Muzyka: Feed Me - One Click HeadshotŁG,_CZYLI_POLOWANIE_NA_TYGRYSA_(Roj-Playing_Games!)
#3 Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika - Misja 3 - Halfaya Pass - Polski Gameplay (Let's Play PL)
#3 Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika - Misja 3 - Halfaya Pass - Polski Gameplay (Let's Play PL)
  • Duration: 29:53
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika lub jak kto woli Let's Play z gry Sniper Elite III: Afrika. 27 czerwca miała premierę dość oczekiwana przez was gra jaką jest. Sniper Elite III ukazał się na Xbox 360/PS3/Xbox One/PS4 i PC. "Sniper Elite III: Afrika to trzecia część serii snajperskich wojennych strzelanek. Grę wyprodukowało studio Rebellion, czyli ten sam zespół, który odpowiadał za dwie poprzednie odsłony. Akcja ponownie osadzona jest w realiach II wojny światowej. Tym razem jednak autorzy porzucili lokacje europejskie i zamiast tego osadzili kampanię na terenach Afryki. Zmianie nie uległa natomiast postać głównego bohatera. Ponownie jest nim Karl Fishburne, czyli strzelec wyborowy pracujący dla dowództwa amerykańskich sił zbrojnych. Tryb dla pojedynczego gracza składa się z serii misji, w większości polegających na wyeliminowaniu konkretnego celu. Droga do niego jest zawsze trudna i wymaga często przekradania się między wrogimi oddziałami oraz cichego wykańczania nieprzyjacielskich żołnierzy. Możemy również przypuścić frontalny atak, co ściągnie nam na jednak głowę wszystkie okoliczne patrole." - Jeśli podobał Ci się film zostaw łapkę w górę. Możesz też mnie odwiedzić na Facebooku: Tutaj najczęściej odbywają się streamy: Śledzić mnie na Twitchu: Zadać pytanie na ask.FM: Obejrzeć zdjęcia na Instagramie: Moje koszulki:'s_Play_PL)
PUMA Football | First Look at Arsenal, Part III
PUMA Football | First Look at Arsenal, Part III
  • Duration: 0:16
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Behind the scenes at the #StrongerTogether shoot. Mastering moves with every take.|_First_Look_at_Arsenal,_Part_III
Sniper Elite III - Afrika | Let's Play en Español | Capitulo 3
Sniper Elite III - Afrika | Let's Play en Español | Capitulo 3
  • Duration: 44:07
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Twitter -------!/richar1979BC Instagram -- Estamos en 1942,en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial,en el Norte de África. Desembarcamos con la mision de parar el avance alemán en el continente africano. Los "Afrika Korps" con sus tanques "Tiger" son el enemigo a batir. Nuestras herramientas... nuestro M1 Garand,el sigilo y nuestra punteria. Ultima entrega de "Sniper Elite" y mi primera toma de contacto con esta conocida saga. Espero que paseis un buen rato y,como siempre,gracias por vuestro tiempo. Saludos y PaZ! *PUNTOS IMPORTANTES SOBRE MI/NUESTRO CANAL* (Imprescindibles para comprender cómo es mi/nuestro canal y cuál es su sentido) 1º Mis Let's Play NO son guías, ni Walkthrough, ni Tutoriales ni nada parecido. Son solo mis vivencias y experiencias jugando y disfrutando de uno de mis hobbies, los videojuegos...Y que gracias a Youtube puedo compartir con todo aquel que quiera verlo. 2º En mis vídeos no trato de enseñar a jugar a nadie. Solo trato de divertirme, yo mismo ante todo, y que todo aquel que vea los vídeos pase un rato entretenido. Esto es entretenimiento puro y duro...tanto para mí como para vosotros (o al menos eso intento xD). 3º Juego como yo quiero, al ritmo que me marco yo mismo o como yo creo conveniente. Es mi juego/partida = mi experiencia. No hay debate posible. Entiende que como a ti ni se te pasaría por la cabeza que te dijeran cómo tienes que jugar, a mi me pase lo mismo. No trates de "obligarme" a jugar como tú quieres. NO confundir este punto con "aconsejar". Vuestros consejos siempre los tengo en cuenta, os los agradezco y los agradeceré siempre. 4º Personalmente,no pasa nada si en algun momento se me pasa algun objeto,item... Si no termino alguna mision secundaria,Quest... Mi objetivo no es conseguir terminar el juego al 100%. No soy un Caza-Logros / me quita el sueño los Platinos. Mi verdadero objetivo es pasarmelo bien y disfrutar del juego sin agobios o comederos de cabeza...y si por ello "sacrifico" una pequeña parte de la experiencia...bien empleada está. Primero diversion entretenimiento y despues,el resto. 5º Si ver mis vídeos te frustra, te molesta o te pone de mal humor, por el motivo que sea (como por ejemplo que no te gusta como juego), simplemente no veas los vídeos o desuscríbete. Puede ser que, simplemente, tú y mi canal no seáis compatibles. Hay miles de canales de contenido gaming y seguro que en alguno encontrarás lo que buscas! ^^ 6º Este canal tiene, ante todo, como único fin tiene que pasemos juntos un rato agradable. Teniendo como base el buen ambiente y el buen rollo, me gustaría que este fuese un punto de reunión para todos los amantes de este genial mundo que son los videojuegos. Comenta y opina siempre que quieras...Pero, por supuesto, siempre desde el respeto. 7º En este canal, mi/nuestro canal... No permitiré de ninguna manera muestras de odio, insultos o mal rollo. Ante la más mínima intención de romper esta armonía... Bloquearé al usuario responsable sin miramientos. No permitiré que este canal, que intento/intentamos que esté basado en el respeto y buen ambiente, sea manchado por nada ni por nadie. Del mismo modo, no permitiré que se haga spoiler en este canal de ninguno de los juegos que se están subiendo. Cualquiera que haga spoiler, será directamente bloqueado. Entiendo que el spoiler es una manera más de faltar el respecto a la gente que viene a pasar un buen rato y que quiere seguir la historia a través de los vídeos. 8º Nunca podre agradeceros todo lo que me aportáis. Gracias por conseguir hacerme feliz. Recordad que este vuestro también. Gracias por todo...cuidaos, PaZ. Richar|_Let's_Play_en_Español_|_Capitulo_3
Solarstone & Orkidea - Slowmotion III
Solarstone & Orkidea - Slowmotion III
  • Duration: 7:59
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Download here: Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV : ‪‬ A tradition that's unofficially linked their last 4 years with a 3-strong arc of 'Slowmotion' tracks, each has augured a major new Solarstone or Orkidea release or project. As the first purpose-produced track from his forthcoming, keenly anticipated 'Electronic Architecture³'compilation, No. 'III' in the series is no different. Together the pair deliver another piece of righteously dark, long and supremely strong subterranean-minded trance. Solarstone & Orkidea are back to strike three for three with the latest in their sequential 'Slowmotion' series. The pair's Original Mix steams from port through coolly undulated bass waves and casually swelled 80s-edged synthesis, tipping a blasé vocal salute to arch synth-masters Yello as it embarks. Churning those waters ever deeper, female siren-song harmonies heighten its atmosphere, before Richard & Tapio channel the track into the glockenspiel-like orchestral chime of the break. With the tempo's dial securely locked to trance-progressive, 'Slowmotion III" proceeds to deliver one laser-lit FX tweak, frisson-filled sequential development and masterfully delivered key change after another. Pure mood-food for those that like to explore the dark underbelly of trance, the Original Mix of 'Slowmotion III' arrives on Beatport on June 30th. Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV : ‪‬ Spotify: ‪‬ Facebook: ‪‬ Twitter: ‪‬
  • Duration: 3:18
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Král akčních RPG, po kterém nese tento žánr hovorový název „diablovka" a jeho třetí kontroverzní díl, který je proklínaný i milovaný zároveň, se dočkal nového datadisku. Tento datadisk byl Blizzardem popisován jako vzkříšení Krista, který měl napravit spoustu chyb a navrátit naštvané fanoušky zpět. Otázka zní -- Opravdu se to povedlo? Redaktor: Tomáš Volf - Likandros Recenze původně vysílána v Indian #76 ■ Dej si Indiana do odběrů a získej zlatého bludišťáka! Sledujte, sdílejte, zapojte se! Jsme pořad o hrách pro každého! Buďte u toho s námi! Každý týden novinky z celé scény počítačových a konzolových her. Živé streamy, let's playe, recenze, reportáže, vše vtipně, originálně a hlavně od hráčů pro hráče! ● WEB: ● FACEBOOK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● YOUTUBE: Vyrobilo FiolaSoft Studio (c) 2014 - Všechna práva vyhrazena.ČESKÁ_RECENZE
  • Duration: 25:04
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

☛Facebook: ✓ ☛Livestream: ✓ ☛FloPack: ☛Seed: -1832832685 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeżeli film Ci się spodobał nie zapomnij go ocenić. Dzięki‼ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zarejestruj się a bardzo mi pomożesz, dziękuję! ✩ World of Tanks: ✩ ✩ Royal Quest:✩ ✩ Lord of The Rings Online:✩ ✩ War Thunder: ✩ ✩ Anno Online: ✩ ✩ Aion:✩ĘKSZY_DUNGEON_W_MINECRAFCIE
Nikon D810 vs Canon 5D mark III
Nikon D810 vs Canon 5D mark III
  • Duration: 5:58
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2014

Nikon D810 vs Canon 5D mark III Video Test Lenses used :- On Nikon D810 - 85MM 1.4G On Canon 5D mark III - Sigma 85mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM Lens For Canon
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #21 - Hostage Crisis (All Minikits)
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #21 - Hostage Crisis (All Minikits)
  • Duration: 12:13
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2014

LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 100% guide for the stage "Hostage Crisis". This video shows the location of all 10 minikits on the 21th level in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. The time stamp for each of the 10 minikits in this video is listed below. Any minikit that I had already gotten in story mode is shown again in free play and included in the time stamps below. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 100% Walkthrough Playlist: 00:45 to 01:07 - Minikit #1 01:20 to 01:38 - Minikit #2 01:41 - Minikit #3 01:50 to 02:37 - Minikit #4 03:15 to 04:13 - Minikit #5 - Destroy 5 LEGO mice 04:30 to 05:24 - Minikit #6 05:38 to 05:50 - Minikit #7 07:53 to 08:47 - Minikit #8 - Complete the Indiana Jones mini-game. 09:03 to 09:30 - Minikit #9 09:40 to 10:37 - Minikit #10 Game Information: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Developer: Traveller's Tales/playlist?list=PLYpDU5ElRBflBZ3CVw4KJ5gyoRsACmxGw
Unboxing Sniper Elite III - PC
Unboxing Sniper Elite III - PC
  • Duration: 7:52
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2014

Una bala, un muerto
ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke
ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke
  • Duration: 19:21
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2014

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to David Icke about his predictions with ISIS and the possible start of WWIII. David breaks down many esoteric historical writings and the current political situation that can lead to bringing in other countries to war. To find out more about David Check out Check out our 2nd channel Support WeAreChange by Subscribing HERE Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Stalk Luke on Instagram: Rep WeAreChange Merch Proudly: OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out We take BITCOIN too 12HdLgeeuA87t2JU8m4tbRo247Yj5u2TVP
World Cup 2014 Higlights of the week III - World Cup with Unisport
World Cup 2014 Higlights of the week III - World Cup with Unisport
  • Duration: 5:33
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2014

World Cup 2014 has advanced to the knock-out stages and today Joltter takes a look at some of the gear that made the highlights during the previous week. Who do you think will become the top scorer of the tournament? Let us know in the comments section below! Our homepage and store: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube channel:
Nerd³ Plays... Sniper Elite III
Nerd³ Plays... Sniper Elite III
  • Duration: 15:20
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2014

Boom. Headshot. Game Link: Steam Link: End theme by the incredible Dan Bull: All other music is in game music. It makes me want to not get freaked out that everyone is a skeleton. Nerd³ Site! Dad³ Channel! Second Channel! Twitch Channel! Nerd³ Twitter! Subreddit! T-Shirts!³_Plays..._Sniper_Elite_III
  • † Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †
    † Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †
  • Nut Shot Montage - Sniper Elite III Gameplay
    Nut Shot Montage - Sniper Elite III Gameplay
  • Assassin's Creed 3 E3 Frontier Gameplay Demo [UK]
    Assassin's Creed 3 E3 Frontier Gameplay Demo [UK]
  • LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Castle of Doom (All Minikits)
    LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Castle of Doom (All Minikits)
  • Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du suuuuuc ...
    Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du suuuuuc ...
  • Will Patch 2.1 Define Diablo III: Reaper of Souls?
    Will Patch 2.1 Define Diablo III: Reaper of Souls?
  • Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Getting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
    Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Getting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save Tobruk (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
    Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save Tobruk (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaberoun (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
    Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaberoun (Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough on PC)
  • HAUNTED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III Highlights)
    HAUNTED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III Highlights)
  • Sniper Elite III: Afrika (#4) ROJO KONTRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TYGRYSA (Roj-Playing Games!)
    Sniper Elite III: Afrika (#4) ROJO KONTRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TYGRYSA (Roj-Playing Games!)
  • #3 Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika - Misja 3 - Halfaya Pass - Polski Gameplay (Let's Play PL)
    #3 Zagrajmy w Sniper Elite III: Afrika - Misja 3 - Halfaya Pass - Polski Gameplay (Let's Play PL)
  • PUMA Football | First Look at Arsenal, Part III
    PUMA Football | First Look at Arsenal, Part III
  • Sniper Elite III - Afrika | Let's Play en Español | Capitulo 3
    Sniper Elite III - Afrika | Let's Play en Español | Capitulo 3

† Carpenter Brut EP III Propaganda †

  • published: 01 Jul 2014
  • views: 2190

† Car­pen­ter Brut EP III Pro­pa­gan­da †
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Nut Shot Mon­tage - Sniper Elite III Game­play
Here's a game­play mon­tage of Sniper Elite III's unique an­i­ma­tions for tes­tic­u­lar kills. V...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2014
As­sas­sin's Creed 3 E3 Fron­tier Game­play Demo [UK]
Watch as Con­nor tra­vers­es the vast Fron­tier on a mis­sion to as­sas­si­nate an enemy who infri...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2012
au­thor: ubisoft
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 100% Guide #22 - Cas­tle of Doom (All Minikits)
LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 100% guide for the stage "Cas­tle of Doom". This video sho...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Feed the Patrick III - Ep. 7 - Nous faut du su­u­u­u­uc ...
Mon plug dj : http://​plug.​dj/​tado/​ ----------- FTP : Feed The Patrick Serveur multi privé ...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Will Patch 2.1 De­fine Di­a­blo III: Reaper of Souls?
Here's a quick look at all of the fea­tures that you can ex­pect in the first major patch fo...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2014
Sniper Elite III - Part 2 - Get­ting Sneaky (Let's Play / Walk­through / Playthrough on PC)
Buy this game! http://​amzn.​to/​1qe4kcc Sniper Elite III Playlist: http://​bit.​ly/​1lMQkVR T...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Sniper Elite III - Part 1 - Save To­bruk (Let's Play / Walk­through / Playthrough on PC)
Buy this game! http://​amzn.​to/​1qe4kcc Sniper Elite III Playlist: http://​bit.​ly/​1lMQkVR T...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Sniper Elite III - Part 3 - Gaber­oun (Let's Play / Walk­through / Playthrough on PC)
Buy this game! http://​amzn.​to/​1qe4kcc Sniper Elite III Playlist: http://​bit.​ly/​1lMQkVR T...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
HAUNT­ED HALF-TRACK! (Sniper Elite III High­lights)
► Full broad­cast HERE: http://​bit.​ly/​1ohqSHD ◄ To this day vis­i­tors of Hal­faya Pass clai...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2014
Sniper Elite III: Afri­ka (#4) ROJO KON­TRA CZOŁG, CZYLI POLOWANIE NA TY­GRYSA (Roj-Play­ing Games!)
Porównaj ceny tej gry: http://​tinyurl.​com/​nh898d4 Seria ze Sniper Elite V2: http://tinyurl...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
#3 Za­gra­jmy w Sniper Elite III: Afri­ka - Misja 3 - Hal­faya Pass - Pol­s­ki Game­play (Let's Play PL)
Za­gra­jmy w Sniper Elite III: Afri­ka lub jak kto woli Let's Play z gry Sniper Elite III: Af...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
PUMA Foot­ball | First Look at Ar­se­nal, Part III
Be­hind the scenes at the #Stronger­To­geth­er shoot. Mas­ter­ing moves with every take....
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Sniper Elite III - Afri­ka | Let's Play en Español | Ca­pit­u­lo 3
Twit­ter ------- http://​twitter.​com/#!/​richar1979BC In­sta­gram -- http://​instagram.​com/​mrblu...​
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Youtube results:
So­lar­stone & Orkidea - Slow­mo­tion III
Down­load here: http://​bit.​ly/​slowmotionIII Sub­scribe to Black Hole Record­ings TV : ‪http:/...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Král akčních RPG, po kterém nese tento žánr hov­orový název „di­a­blov­ka" a jeho třetí kon­tro...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
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pub­lished: 01 Jul 2014
Nikon D810 vs Canon 5D mark III
Nikon D810 vs Canon 5D mark III Video Test Lens­es used :- On Nikon D810 - 85MM 1.4G ...
pub­lished: 29 Jun 2014
photo: AP / Ricardo Mazalan
Argentina head coach Diego Maradona, right, looks at Argentina's Lionel Messi
Edit Baltimore Sun
14 Jul 2014
Argentina forward Lionel Messi did not deserve to win the World CupGolden Ball” as the tournament's best player, according to his compatriot and former great Diego Maradona. Messi received the award after Argentina lost 1-0 to Germany in the final Sunday but he looked far from happy as he went up to collect the trophy ... “I think he did deserve it....(size: 1.9Kb)
photo: AP / Militant video
This image made from video posted on a militant website Saturday, July 5, 2014, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, delivering a sermon at a mosque in Iraq.
Edit Al Jazeera
14 Jul 2014
So Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi claims he has replaced the caliphs of old; those men of wisdom and learning who presided over the glorious days of Islamic civilisation, from the first Abu Bakr, father-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, to the last one, Abdulmecid II (1868-1944), the last Sunni caliph of Islam from the Ottoman dynasty.  ... An article in The Economist published recently, entitled "The Tragedy of the Arabs", argues ... 1265. Source.....(size: 6.3Kb)
photo: US Navy / U.S. Navy photo (
A GOES-12 infrared satellite image provided by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, Calif., showing the status of Tropical Storm Gustav at approximately 11 am EST.
Edit Sun Star
15 Jul 2014
MANILA - Seven provinces are now under public storm warning signal No. 3 as typhoon "Glenda" has maintained its strength and continues to move westward towards Bicol Region, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Tuesday. PAGASA weather forecaster Alvin Pura said public storm warning signal No ... Pura said typhoon Glenda continues to move westward at 20 kph ... to 8 p.m.....(size: 3.3Kb)
photo: AP / Eric Draper
A patron passes a painting inside the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, N.M., Tuesday, June 10, 1997. The small town is bracing for its biggest invasion yet, the 50th anniverary of an alleged UFO
Edit The Times of India
15 Jul 2014
CHARAMA (Chhattisgarh). Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region. According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks ... Extensive research is needed for further findings ... ....(size: 2.1Kb)
photo: AP / Eduardo Verdugo
In this Friday, July 11, 2014 photo, people are rafted to the Mexican shore, across the Suchiate river that separates Tecun Uman, Guatemala and Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, on a makeshift raft made from inner tubes of trucks attached to wooden boards on their way to the U.S.
16 Jul 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "Borders are scratched across the hearts of men, by strangers with a calm, judicial pen, and when the borders bleed we watch with dread the lines of ink along the map turn red." -Mayra Mannes, American Writer and Novelist. Before detailed maps and during Europe's Age of Exploration, the location of "new" land was made by ship pilots and their rutters ... In 2009, the U.S ... Supported by U.S ... 4-5. ....(size: 6.7Kb)

Edit The State
17 Jul 2014
Frank W. Golson III has joined Columbia-based GMK Associates as company-wide controller ... Rebekah Friedman. Submissions....(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit StreetInsider
17 Jul 2014
Visit at http.// for the full story. ....(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit Syracuse
17 Jul 2014
The postseason accolades continued for Warren Hill of the 2014 National Champion Onondaga Community College men's lacrosse team as the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region III named the Oshweken, Ontario native its Male Athlete of the Year on Wednesday after an outstanding 2014 campaign.   ...   ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Canoe
17 Jul 2014
Veteran wide receiver Arland Bruce III has launched a lawsuit against all nine CFL teams, CFL commissioner Mark Cohon, the CFL Players Association and others, claiming he played while still suffering the effects of a previous concussion in 2012, according to a report ... Lions on Sept ... He was cleared to play on Nov ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
17 Jul 2014
Pharmacovigilance Market [Clinical Trial Phases (Pre-Clinical Studies, Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV or Post-Marketing Surveillance) and Service Providers (In-House and Contract Outsourcing] - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends ... Phase I to III and post marketing surveillance (PMS) ... 4.1.4 Phase III trial. Global Clinical Trial Phase III Pharmacovigilance Market Revenue, 2011 – 2019 (USD Million)....(size: 19.8Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
(Source. Ipsen SA). PRESS RELEASE New England Journal of Medicine publishes Ipsen's Somatuline® CLARINET® Phase III results in patients with metastatic gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors ... Paris (France), 17 July 2014 - Ipsen (Euronext ... CLARINET®, an investigational phase III randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the antiproliferative effects of Somatuline® was conducted in 48 centers across 14 countries ... Engl. J....(size: 13.7Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
ACKNOWLEDGING the interest of Brazil to receive the AWiFS and the LISS-III data from the Indian Resourcesat-2 satellite at the Cuiabá earth station in Brazil for natural resources management, on a basis similar to that agreed for Resourcesat-1 under the Cooperative Program signed on December 2008 between ISRO, AEB and National Institute for Space Research (INPE);....(size: 9.7Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
The Article III reasons against a suit by Speaker Boehner may not get juices flowing on Capitol Hill but the Justice Department is licking its chops at how judges will disdain the House suit as an invitation to a distastefully political grudge-match ... There is Article III injury in fact in a subpoena enforcement case, because a House committee has a concrete right - unique to that committee-to the testimony or documents. ... III....(size: 21.6Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
17 Jul 2014
London. Stung by India’s Level III charge, which is rarely slapped, against James Anderson, England have retaliated on two fronts ... A well-placed source indicated that captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and coach Duncan Fletcher “insisted” that a Level III charge be made against Anderson ... As a level III charge can be placed directly before the ICC, India didn’t have to keep Match Referee David Boon in the loop ... DHONI....(size: 4.6Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
When a General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company approves any proposal of the following (i), (ii), or (iii) (or when the same is approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors or a Representative Executive, if no such resolution by a General Shareholders' Meeting is required), the Company may acquire the Offered Stock Acquisition Rights without charge on a day separately determined by the Board of Directors....(size: 15.0Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
(Source. Bank of Japan) July 17, 2014. The Amended Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) Comes. Into Effect on July 17, 2014. 1 ... 2. Key points of the amendment to strengthen the CMIM are as follows ... 3 ... (Attachments). 1 ... 1 ... - To increase the IMF de-linked portion to 30% iii) Maturity, Supporting periods and Monitoring ... (ELDMB) ... (iii) Monetary policy ... (v) Data adequacy iii) Duration of Access, Arrangement periods, Maturity and Monitoring....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
17 Jul 2014
After inquiry chairman David Murray questioned if banks may need to hold more capital, Mr Smith called for a ''pause'' in new regulation as the industry adapted to the wave of global banking rules known as Basel III ... ''We need to really ensure that what has been agreed under Basel III is now implemented uniformly across the G20 and then we just need ......(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Jul 2014
If there is insufficient space for your answers, please include attachment(s) by clicking on the paper clip icon on the bottom left-hand corner or in item 3 of Part II or item 10 of Part III ... Except for item 4 of Part III, please select only one option from the relevant check boxes ... (Please proceed to complete Part III) ... Page 2 of 6 Part III - For an ......(size: 10.9Kb)

III (iii) may refer to:

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, or IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he is the author of 19 books and has attracted a global following that cuts across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called "the Rosetta Stone for conspiracy junkies."

Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychic told him he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him so he could educate others. In March 1991 he held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" – a phrase he said later the media had misunderstood – and the following month told the BBC's Terry Wogan show that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

The stillness of Contemplation is allowed in billions of woeful cries,
So astonishingly simultaneous and in unison,
Each and every second,
They defuse each other in such a perfect manner,
Equaling the most inscrutable of all
Doctrine of Mystical Substitution, Mystical Body, Sanctorum Communionem,
Celebrate the Sin of one reflecting, tectonic forces alike, upon the multitude
The fruit that is forbidden
Holds the greatest potential for providing infinite knowledge
Spiritual Incest and the defilement of the temple of the Holy Spirit
Ritualized and Immanent...
The pursuit of perversity, is it not but a mask
On the search for meaning and knowledge?
The purest of all Holocausts shall be perpetrated
By a loving hand, never knowing if it provided felicity
Or the vilest of everlasting torments
... No man can see Me and live!
? Et proiectus est draco ille magnus serpens antiquus qui vocatur Diabolus et Satanas qui
Seducit universum orbem proiectus est in terram et angeli eius cum illo missi sunt?
May Repentance be nothing more than a mask of algolagnia?
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
(Consummatum est
? Nous n'avons pas d'autre moyen que la douleur
Pour sentir notre proper existence spirituelle et divine;
Nous n'en avons pas d'autre pour la fair sentire à nos semblables?
? And we have the prophetic word made more sure
You will do well to pay attention to this as a lamp shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts?

Ennen syntya muinaisen ajan
Ennen asettamista kuun ja auringon valon
Olit Sina, tiesit tulevan, nait olevan
Ennen syntya Lintujen radan
Ennen kasvua jylhan korven ja salon
Elit Sina, tiesit tulevan, nait olevan
Ikiaikainen olet Sina, Vanhaikainen
Sinussa on Kolme ja Sina olet Yksi
Isa, Poika ja Henki, Jumala Kolminainen
Lausuit sanan, virkoit virkkeen
Synnytit hengen ja materian, kaikkeuden
Loit elaman, nakymattoman ja nakyvaisen
Kotkan kaartelemaan ylle vuorten korkeiden
Suden juoksemaan keskelle lumisten hankien
Seka naita vallitsemaan loit ihmisen
Ikiaikainen olet Sina, Vanhaikainen
Sinussa on Kolme ja Sina olet Yksi
Isa, Poika ja Henki, Jumala Kolminainen
Sina hallitset sen, mita silma ei nae
Sina kasket sita, mita korva ei kuule
Sina ymmarrat sen, mita ajatus ei tavoita

Suddenly I see a battlefield
A lonely boy dressed for war
The enemy gleams with their savage steel
Promising slaughter like before
With fear in their eyes the men start to rise for the fall
The battle begins and terror sets in for them all
The lonely boy soon meets his fate
A deep wound from a deadly blade
And as he falls down to the dust
Smelling blood and tasting rust
He knows no help will come
All alone his life is done
And as the dream is ending
He's calling out my name
Into the lair of the sun god
Into the lair of the sun god
Into the lair of the sun god

In the given process, sabotage is a necessary resolve - a determined line of defence.
In the given context, obstruction is a necessary control - a vested right to exclusion.
Sanctioned, stamped and filed on the hallowed grounds of fiscal security: the front line which fortunes all depend.
From the courtiers in the halls of Versailles,
To the grab-mongers who warmed the seats in Uruguay,
The message is clear: these promises will never eventuate.
Armed with trace-chain and pack-saddle on a roughshod crusade to capture,
To enclose, to clog arteries and fill silos,
Because the last frame broken is the first scrap claimed.
Scarcity is woven into law. Values frozen into code.
We are delivered, reduced to the sum of all variables, aggregated, correlated and collapsed as so much data.
Sorted as targets and prospects through the means and metaphors of war: by design, by disinvestement, by self-eviction - a quiet withdrawal.
Marked and managed with GIS precision.
Take the knight, leave the pawn.
Geodemographic solutions for predictive indexing.
Bold jargon, kind euphemism for the consigned spaces to live out our days.
Running our heads against walls of words, against apologists for hype, against regimes without borders, and the rest follows from it.
Manoeuvres of restriction, delay, and hindrance have a large share in the ordinary conduct of business.
[Thorstein Veblen, The Engineers and the Pricing System]
In the given process, sabotage is a necessary resolve - a determined line of defence.
In the given context, obstruction is a necessary control - a vested right to exclusion.

[Madd Kapp:]
They say it all happens in 3's
So you can take these 3 verses, take caution and freeze
I got 3 rules, never disrespect my work
Never hate and keep my focus trained on my thirst
I got 3 personalities and this one's Kapp
One's Kenny Sane, the other's unknown on the map
I got 3 letters sent from the friend of the cunt
They send about 3 to the crib, every month
I'm barred out of 3 bars down the street where I live
3 more out in the burbs from some shit that I did
3 undercover officers who thinkin I'm sellin
Tryin to get me 3 felonies, 3 people tellin
3 guns and 3 soldiers put an end to the yellin
False witnesses don't get shit, but 3 in the melon
Laid out for 3 days, 3 mile procession
3 hours for the service, 3 days to forget him
3 different agencies look for me, they suspectin
3 scenarios, a lot of questions
3 loopholes and 3 lessons
Last fuckin month there's 3 weddings, 3 funerals
3 new enemies plottin what to do to you
3 more bitches puttin you in harm's way
3 new crack spots on your block gettin paid
3 motherfuckers gettin shot that you know
There's 3 motherfuckers duckin you for what they owe
And 3 hail marys never seems to get it done
For them 3 cold killers livin life on the run
[Madd Kapp:]
3 pages full of words, 3 minutes of platinum
Made 3 million kids pick up a mic and start rappin
Got 3 million parents turnin into activists
Got 3 million more to picket this rap shit
My dick in bars make 3-some bitch skeet skeet skeet
There's 3 more white rappers in line behind me
At a table for 3, havin a seance
With John Wayne, Elvis and me, puffin a 3 foot bong
With 3 hoses, and 3 hoes in the room
All free, they all rollin
Got 3 members in the Hustler's I-N-C
We dropped two underground in 2003
But album 3 made ways, 3 different DJ's
Arryzyx, Omar and the Turntable Bully
3 new fans every ten square feet
And there's 3 out of 10 that won't admit it, see
The 3 haters in they air tell 'em Kapp ain't shit
But 3 fans hit 'em up and left the 3 in a ditch~!
[Madd Kapp:]
Verse 3, welcome to the 3 and a third
The third track, let me sum it up in 3 words
Passion, gangster and nerves
3 more words, is life, respect, and curse
If I gave 3 more then the track'd lose shape
How many things can I say with 3 - 3 takes
Is how long it took
To gather 3 personalities to put in the book
My daughter's name's Trinity, and that means 3
And it's been 3 months since I even seen her G
3 minutes for the tears that dropped
Here's 3 more reasons that I stay on top
Dedication, and free will, and love for hip-hop
I got 3 eyes, my chakra rocks your boombox
With 3 taps, snare, bass drum and hi-hats
The boom bap on target like I'm bustin 3 gats
I'm out of here at 3 o'clock, I got some shit to do
Plus there's 3 motherfuckers waitin to get in the booth

Colo-n jos catre apus, soare nu-i pe cer in sus;
Ci e nor s-ntunecime, unde muntii varsa foc,
In ogasu din adinc, da fiara rau pazit,
Da naluca, umbra... ocolit.
Natotu, al din tat facut!
Vara-ncuiata, n-codru dasfrunzit.
Vilva padurii, glasu zmeilor, flacara tuna,
Dupa cer ascuns da luna; plina luna.
Si pe suieru vintului, din fundu pamintului
Sura Boghii cind racneste, tat Apusu cotropeste,
Virfu Retezat da munte in cea parte jar arunca,
Lumea-ntreaga o vrajeste, spiritu cum navaleste.
Colo intre Alb si Negru Cris, Codru Muma sa inalta,
Vajnice mioarele haladuiesc-l, peste vai da munti maiestri,
Magura cea Vinata, intr-o clipa-o bintura.
Si cind baciu incet s-hodineste, intre brazi, carari si pajuri,
Barba-n boata s-o propteste, oile ii sint prin preajma, in Barsa Cohanului.
Tat pamint da sub cutremura, tulburi izbucuri imprejur tisnesc,
In adinc, in vajnice palate, apa navalnic razbate, modelind pamint si piatra.
Singe d-al naturii-ntrupat.
Sus pe Cerna-n sus, prin muntii carunti,
Prin brazii marunti, prin fagii da munti,
S-aud brazii suspinind si fagii murmurind
Cind vineaza muntii. Muntii, Bucegii!
Bratu-i buzdugan, mintea arunjan.
Vintu il hranea, apa-l imbraca, focu il pazea, da pamint ferea.
Si la moartea-i, cadea-va o stea,
Un brad rasarea, drept din fruntea-i, inalta.
In padurea bradului, bradului viteazului,
Brad ma-nalta, purta,
Da tat ma dascatusa, d-asta lumea.
Si brad sa fie! D-aci in vecinicie!
Negura-nchegata si dascatusata, da dincolo lin purtata, asezata...
Da pa bradu codrilor, din sus virfu muntilor
La stina da sub piatra deasa, cu poiana-ntunecoasa
Unde izvora 'neghetata Naruja cea blastamata, intre nalte drepte stinci
Pa loc magic inconjoara, noaptea ce lin coboara...
[English translation:]
Down there, towards dusk, not a trace of sun.
Only clouds and darkness, where the mountains pour out fires
On a path in the deep, guarded by the evil beast
By the apparition... shadow... avoided.
Natotu, he who is made of everything!
Locked summer, leafless woods!
The forest's stir, the dragons' voice thunder flames,
A sky hidden behind the moon - full moon.
And the whistle of the wind from the bottom of the earth...
Sura Boghii yells, it invades the Western world.
The Mountain Retezat throwing embers that way
Charming the world. The spirit rushes in.
Between the Black and White Cris, Codru Muma stands tall
Brave sheep are rambling through valleys of majestic mountains,
The Darkened Magura's crossed instantly.
And as the shepherd rests among firs and paths and griffins,
His chin on his club, sheep all around him, in Barsa Cohanului.
All below the earth are shaking, muddy streams are gushing out,
Deep down there, in majestic castles, water cuts its way, shaping earth and stone.
Nature's blood embodied.
Upstream, on the Cerna River, through grayish mountains,
Small firs and the mountains' beech,
Hear the firs sighing and the beeches whispering
When he goes hunting the mountains! The mountains Bucegii!
The arm's like a mace, the mind acumen.
Wind is feeding him, water's dressing him,
Fire's guarding him, sheltering him from the earth.
And as he dies, a star falls,
Fir tree springs from his forehead.
In the fir tree's forest, fir tree the brave,
A fir's raising me, carrying me,
Unchaining me from this world.
And a fir tree be it! From here... to eternity!
Darkness knit together, now unchained, from beyond in silence brought, and settled...
From the forest's fir tree, from the mountains high
To the sheepfold where the crag is thick and the glade is dark
Where the cursed, icy Naruja gushed out, among high precipices
Magic encircling, night settles in...

So you want your life back
Now what's that supposed to mean?
Like I sucked it out of you
I don't know what you mean
I don't know anything
I don't know
I don't know
Anything, anything at all
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know
I don't, I don't, I don't know anything
Let's just be friends
Now that's a surprise to me
Is this how you network?
I don't know what you mean
I don't know anything
I don't know
I don't know
Anything, anything at all
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know
I don't, I don't, I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know
I don't, I don't, I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't know anything
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know
I don't, I don't, I don't know anything
I don't know
I don't know

I'd just as soon say nothing
If hallucinations make my crime
Let guilt lie in my silence
So neither is the wise
My conscience isn't hiding
Potential compromised the scene
What I thought could really hurt you
Will end up killing me
I I I can't say anything to you
I I I can't bring me to
I I I can't say anything to you
In ignorance you're happy
So I'm holding what I'm hiding in
Don't ask and I won't tell you
Don't find out in the end
I'll hide it all forever
And leave it there to fester in time
'til I stand here as the liar
Who can't escape the lie
I I I can't say anything to you
I I I can't bring me to
I I I can't say anything to you
And when I'm discovered, I think I'll cover me once
'til there's no more you'll swallow and end up in the
Without you, without you
I'd just as soon say nothing
If hallucinations make my crime
Let guilt lie in my silence
So neither is the wise
I I I can't say anything to you
I I I can't bring me to

In sleep
I dream of times past
Lost ages
Before the days of man
My hatred burns deep
For those who walk the Earth
On two legs
For they have defiled
That which came before them
Aeons ago
I awake
Eyes ablaze
As the night overtakes me
The blood of the wolf
Fuses with the blood of man
My veins pulse with instinctive fire
As I become

