- published: 20 Jul 2023
- views: 131
Kostivere is a small borough (alevik) in Jõelähtme Parish, Harju County in northern Estonia.
03.04.2011 tulid kokku aktiivsed Kostivere noored kes kaunistasid Kostivere Noortekeskust! http://www.noortekas.kostivere.eu/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kostivere-Noortekeskus/177520708962282
Teostus: Sten Kaalma
2022 Kostivere mõisapäeva töötubade tutvustus_Ketramine_Näputöökamber_Meeli Lõiv
Kostivere maastikukaitseala on maastikukaitseala Harju maakonnas Jõelähtme vallas.
Kostivere karstiala on üks suuremaid Harjumaal. See sisaldab kõige huvitavamaid karstivorme - nišše, koopaid, süvendeid. Kostiveres karst on ühendatud Jõelähtme jõega, mis voolab maa all kahe ja poole kilomeetri ulatuses. Põhjavesi põhjustas siin tühimike ja lohkude teket. инстаграм: million_flashing_lights #estonia #visitestonia #welcometoestonia #baltics #nature #puhkaeestis #eesti #eestipaigad #estoniannature #travelvlog #fpvdrone #travel #visitbaltics #dji #djifpv #fpv #harjumaa #visitharju
Kostivere is a small borough (alevik) in Jõelähtme Parish, Harju County in northern Estonia.
Sei proprio un grasso menefregista
Sei dal lontano il piu
coatto uomo nel mondo
Sei una testa di cazzo-
Lato di ferro
Sei una testa di cazzo
Guardo la tivu ogni pomeriggio
Quando l'accendo, vedo
un gran cazzo - l'odio e l'amo
che Dio-sei magico
Sure he's had his share of problems,
his life has been tough
But that's no excuse to be so fucking gruff
Mark Sanger serves him ham, though he doesn't like pork
He'd rather eat his own shit with a knife and a fork
Basta con lo stronzo - non lo mangia, prego!
Lato di ferro - ti voglio bene
Lato di ferro, una domanda
Puoi dirmi se il tuo piatto e buono
Mi domandavo
You are really a fat person who does not give a fuck
You are by far the most coarse man in the world
You are a head of a dick, Ironside
I watch TV every afternoon
When I turn it on, I see a big dick -
I hate it and I love it
What a God - you are fabulous
Cero, lui ha un sacco di problemi, la sua vita e dura
Ma non c'e nessuna scusa essere tanto burbero
Mark Sanger gli serve prosciutto,
benche non gli piace carne di maiala
Preferirebbe mangiare il suo stronzo con un coltello ed una forchetta
Enough with the shit, don't eat it please!
Ironside, I'm very fond of you
Ironside, a query
Can you tell me if your dish is good?
I was wondering