Hard News by Russell Brown

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Hard News: Hope and Wire

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  • Minnie Ball, in reply to Hebe,

    Thanks Hebe. If it doesn't rain, I'm a lot better.! (P.S. There are good people though in CHCH. )

    CHCH • Since May 2014 • 6 posts Report Reply

  • Knowledge Bro, in reply to Rob Stowell,

    thoughts on the 2nd installment?

    Was better than the first in my opinion, tears and anger, greed and betrayal.
    Wouldn't want to watch it if I were in Chch but I think the rest of the country needs reminding how appallingly the Govt. did, has and is failing the people of Christchurch.

    Behind the fridge • Since Mar 2009 • 58 posts Report Reply

  • Hebe, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    I'll qualify that: last thing I read in the Press about him said Kyle Chapman was no longer in Christchurch. I shouldn't have taken that as a fact.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2731 posts Report Reply

  • Joe Wylie, in reply to Hebe,

    I’ll qualify that: last thing I read in the Press about him said Kyle Chapman was no longer in Christchurch. I shouldn’t have taken that as a fact.

    It's a nice thought anyway :) It was a few years ago now, but back when Outrageous Fortune was all the go I definitely recall the Press attempting to do a clumsy human interest angle on whatever was left of the Harris Brothers.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4027 posts Report Reply

  • Rob Stowell, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    The Harris Bros one-ring circus in three and a half-acts acts is still a classic story. Not likely to ever be told somehow.

    Whakaraupo • Since Nov 2006 • 1784 posts Report Reply

  • Sacha,

    worth watching part 3 if missed part 2?

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 17937 posts Report Reply

  • Just thinking,

    I think I would quite like a follow up mini-series. There are some good stories, like the $3K Winz workers. These are the guys & gals we need and it is working.
    Buildings are going up and infrastructure is getting fixed. This is a 10-20 yr project, there is no quick fix.

    Would it be positive to offer $3k for the unemployable to leave Christchurch? This may sound callus, but if they haven't picked up a full time long term job by now in Christchurch, they won't in the future and the city no-longer has the facilities it once had.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report Reply

  • Craig Ranapia, in reply to Sacha,

    worth watching part 3 if missed part 2?

    I hope you will, because I don't think I can afford to put my foot through the TV. I feel perfectly OK about writing this down as a "well-intentioned and basically honorable fail."

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12220 posts Report Reply

  • DeepRed, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    I hope you will, because I don’t think I can afford to put my foot through the TV. I feel perfectly OK about writing this down as a “well-intentioned and basically honorable fail.”

    That's likely because ACC would be unlikely to cover it. Use a 2x4 instead. Or better still, a brick.

    The southernmost capital … • Since Nov 2006 • 4842 posts Report Reply

  • Kyle Matthews,

    I watched all three shows of the series and wasn't sure what to think about them at the time, until I've read through this thread. I found parts of it good, but parts of it just... average. I didn't like the way time jumped forward with no indication that it had moved on. I found the story of the digger driver and their 'munted' neighbourhood and his family up north to be a good one, but overdone and badly acted. I thought it underrepresented just how frustrated the people of Christchurch are and the impacts it has had upon them.

    To me the purpose of it should have been taking Christchurch people's stories and telling them to the rest of New Zealand and the world. A six part show could tell six stories - either stories of an individual, or group of people, that were largely or wholly separate. Some could be largely documentary (day of and immediate aftermath of the February quake could tell the story of rescue workers and people trapped in buildings?, the stress and psychological impacts of the whole experience), whereas the battles of people with insurance companies and CERA etc could be more drama, the community and way that people have worked together could be recreated but with actual participants representing themselves or people like them.

    I hate the actors talking to camera stuff, I'm amazed that they didn't take Campbell Live Caravan type footage and have people's telling tidbits of their real story in those moments. That would reinforce that what is being put on the show was based upon real stories.

    I can't imagine how anyone could take on the task of making this for the people of Christchurch to view, so I'm not sure anyone should have to try. That's a herculean task that Preston shouldn't necessarily have to take on.

    Since Nov 2006 • 6230 posts Report Reply

  • Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to Just thinking,

    Would it be positive to offer $3k for the unemployable to leave Christchurch? This may sound callus

    It is and no. That someone hasn't got a job could be for many reasons. So no one has the right to categorise a society like that putting a dollar value on human life. It's bloody callous and extremely inconsiderate. Yuk. The trauma that many people are going through and possibly don't even have a grasp on yet and the already sick that can't work is a fact in any society. They have every right to stay where they wish. I find your suggestion quite distasteful to be honest.I am noticing compassion goes out the window daily in this country at the moment. Why?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6630 posts Report Reply

  • VictoriaX, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Top of the Lake was excellent though. Hope & Wire was not good at all. I think people are scraping together something good to say about it just because the director is Preston. Does she honestly think it's good I wonder & I doubt it?

    Christchurch • Since Jan 2015 • 1 posts Report Reply

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