Megalithic Gozo 1 - Ġgantija Temples
World Heritage Site. At more than 5500 years old, Ġgantija temples are the world's oldest ...
published: 03 Jun 2007
author: tfar1959
Megalithic Gozo 1 - Ġgantija Temples
Megalithic Gozo 1 - Ġgantija Temples
World Heritage Site. At more than 5500 years old, Ġgantija temples are the world's oldest free-standing structures, pre-dating the Pyramids of Egypt and Ston...- published: 03 Jun 2007
- views: 9647
- author: tfar1959
Templo de Ġgantija • Isla de Gozo • Malta
Ggantija en maltés significa 'gigantes'. Junto con los templos de Hagar Qim, están conside...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: Viajes y Lugares
Templo de Ġgantija • Isla de Gozo • Malta
Templo de Ġgantija • Isla de Gozo • Malta
Ggantija en maltés significa 'gigantes'. Junto con los templos de Hagar Qim, están considerados las construcciones megalíticas más antiguas del mundo, anteri...- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 191
- author: Viajes y Lugares
Megalithic Temples of Malta Part 2 - Ġgantija and Tarxien
Ġgantija "Giants' Tower"- A Neolithic, megalithic temple complex in Malta at the island of...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: danielofdoriaa
Megalithic Temples of Malta Part 2 - Ġgantija and Tarxien
Megalithic Temples of Malta Part 2 - Ġgantija and Tarxien
Ġgantija "Giants' Tower"- A Neolithic, megalithic temple complex in Malta at the island of Gozo. The Tarxien Temples are an archaeological complex in Tarxien...- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 489
- author: danielofdoriaa
Ġgantija: Megalithic Temples of Malta
Ġgantija ("Giants' Tower") is a Neolithic, megalithic temple complex on the Mediterranean ...
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: Stephen Jack Basil
Ġgantija: Megalithic Temples of Malta
Ġgantija: Megalithic Temples of Malta
Ġgantija ("Giants' Tower") is a Neolithic, megalithic temple complex on the Mediterranean island of Gozo. The Ġgantija temples are the earliest of a series o...- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 105
- author: Stephen Jack Basil
Ggantija temple complex Gozo
According to Wikipedia: Ġgantija (Maltese: [dʒɡɐnˈtiːjɐ], "Giants' Tower") is a Neolithic,...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: profitrekordz
Ggantija temple complex Gozo
Ggantija temple complex Gozo
According to Wikipedia: Ġgantija (Maltese: [dʒɡɐnˈtiːjɐ], "Giants' Tower") is a Neolithic, megalithic temple complex on the Mediterranean island of Gozo. The...- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 798
- author: profitrekordz
Ġgantija Env Studies
Dwar Ġgantija Temples and some pictures (: (y)...
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: William Curmi
Ġgantija Env Studies
Ġgantija Env Studies
Dwar Ġgantija Temples and some pictures (: (y)- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 5
- author: William Curmi
Archipel Maltais Megalithic Temples at Hagar Qim, Ġgantija and Tarxien.
Amazing structures. If you love ancient history, you got to see this. How on earth did the...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Archipel Maltais Megalithic Temples at Hagar Qim, Ġgantija and Tarxien.
Archipel Maltais Megalithic Temples at Hagar Qim, Ġgantija and Tarxien.
Amazing structures. If you love ancient history, you got to see this. How on earth did they build these temples. With no technology at all. Only tools of stones or woods. Scientist go easily around the fact that it is impossible to cut stone with tools of the same hardness and material as the stone itself. You need material that is harder to cut softer materials the way like they did. But the same scientist also state that there wasn't any harder material at the time, because the structures were build in the neolithic time area around 3600 BC. Even today with all the technology at our disposal we find difficulties to build structures on spots like these. Archipelago Maltais, it was build by our ancestors with the help of extraterrestrials!- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 23
Ggantija Temples, Gozo
I would like to share with you a priceless Prehistoric Temples, Ggantija Temples, which ma...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: Sandra Teager
Ggantija Temples, Gozo
Ggantija Temples, Gozo
I would like to share with you a priceless Prehistoric Temples, Ggantija Temples, which may be found on the little island of Gozo! I've had several requests ...- published: 16 Aug 2011
- views: 2168
- author: Sandra Teager
Inawgurat il-proġett tat-tempji tal-Ġgantija fix-Xagħra Għawdex
Inawgurat il-progett tat-tempji tal-Ggantija fix-Xaghra, Ghawdex li huma meqjusa bhala l-e...
published: 24 Oct 2013
Inawgurat il-proġett tat-tempji tal-Ġgantija fix-Xagħra Għawdex
Inawgurat il-proġett tat-tempji tal-Ġgantija fix-Xagħra Għawdex
Inawgurat il-progett tat-tempji tal-Ggantija fix-Xaghra, Ghawdex li huma meqjusa bhala l-eqdem struttura tal-gebel mibnija mill-bniedem fid-dinja.Dan il-progett ta' konservazzjoni tal-wirt arkeologiku u ta' zvilupp tal-park tal-Ggantija mistenni jsahhah il-prodott turistiku f'Ghawdex- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 44
Путешествие по Мальте: Мегалитические храмы Джгантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Смотрите всё путешествие на моем блоге http://anzor.tv/ ... ответы на вопросы тут http://a...
published: 20 Jul 2013
Путешествие по Мальте: Мегалитические храмы Джгантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Путешествие по Мальте: Мегалитические храмы Джгантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Смотрите всё путешествие на моем блоге http://anzor.tv/ ... ответы на вопросы тут http://anzor.tv/vopros/ подписывайтесь на канал... и спасибо за поддержку...)- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 49
- author: Anzor.TV - Путешествие в Голливуд...
Visit to Ġgantija Temples by Year 6 students.ogv
Year 6 Students of St. Paul's Bay Primary School, visited Ġgantija Temples on Wednesday 14...
published: 17 Dec 2011
author: Daniel P Bartolo
Visit to Ġgantija Temples by Year 6 students.ogv
Visit to Ġgantija Temples by Year 6 students.ogv
Year 6 Students of St. Paul's Bay Primary School, visited Ġgantija Temples on Wednesday 14th December 2011.- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 46
- author: Daniel P Bartolo
One minute in Ġgantija... Gozo Island... Malta
Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
published: 22 Jul 2013
One minute in Ġgantija... Gozo Island... Malta
One minute in Ġgantija... Gozo Island... Malta
Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 12
- author: Anzor.TV - Путешествие в Голливуд...
Путешествие по Мальте: Инфо о мегалитическом храме Джантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Смотрите всё путешествие на моем блоге http://anzor.tv/ ... ответы на вопросы тут http://a...
published: 20 Jul 2013
Путешествие по Мальте: Инфо о мегалитическом храме Джантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Путешествие по Мальте: Инфо о мегалитическом храме Джантия на острове Гозо... Ġgantija Gozo Malta
Смотрите всё путешествие на моем блоге http://anzor.tv/ ... ответы на вопросы тут http://anzor.tv/vopros/ подписывайтесь на канал... и спасибо за поддержку...)- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 7
- author: Anzor.TV - Путешествие в Голливуд...
Youtube results:
sgtravelcafe July 2010: travelbug on Malta - Ġgantija temples
Ġgantija temples are one of the oldest megalithic temples in the island of Gozo, Malta. A ...
published: 10 Jul 2010
author: sgtravelcafe
sgtravelcafe July 2010: travelbug on Malta - Ġgantija temples
sgtravelcafe July 2010: travelbug on Malta - Ġgantija temples
Ġgantija temples are one of the oldest megalithic temples in the island of Gozo, Malta. A WHS (world heritage site), the structures are erected in the 3600-2...- published: 10 Jul 2010
- views: 25
- author: sgtravelcafe
Malta Ggantija Tempel Gozo
Filmen stammer fra min vinterferie på Malta 2010.
Ġgantija er et tempelkompleks af megalit...
published: 08 Jan 2014
Malta Ggantija Tempel Gozo
Malta Ggantija Tempel Gozo
Filmen stammer fra min vinterferie på Malta 2010. Ġgantija er et tempelkompleks af megalitter, bygget i yngre stenalder på øen Gozo i Middelhavet. Ġgantija-templerne er de tidligste af en række megalit-templer på Malta. Folket der byggede dem opførte de to Ġgantija-templer i yngre stendalder (ca. 3600-2500 f.kr.); templerne er således ca. 5500 år gamle og blandt de ældste menneskeskabte religiøse bygninger.- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 4
My Choice - Ggantija Temples, Gozo: Meditation from Thaïs
Meditation from the Opera Thaïs by the French composer, Jules Massenet. We're showing phot...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: Alfred Grech
My Choice - Ggantija Temples, Gozo: Meditation from Thaïs
My Choice - Ggantija Temples, Gozo: Meditation from Thaïs
Meditation from the Opera Thaïs by the French composer, Jules Massenet. We're showing photos of the Megalithic Temples at Ġgantija, Gozo, Malta. Photos by Ch...- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 121
- author: Alfred Grech