Privacy Policy

At The Age Box Office, we are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the Australian Privacy Principles. We maintain the privacy of your information using the latest and most sophisticated security technologies.


This Privacy Policy and Notification (Policy) describes how The AGE Box Office (ACN 002 693 656) including its related companies which handle personal information collected in Australia (Company) collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information consistent with the Australian Privacy Act 1988.
This Policy also serves as notification to individuals of the matters required to be notified by the Australian Privacy Principles.
An individual who provides personal information to the Company, either directly or through a business partner or service provider, is given access to this Policy.
By providing personal information to the Company and having access to this Policy, either directly or through a business partner or service provider, an individual consents to the Company collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal information in accordance with this Policy.

2.The personal information collected by the Company

Personal information collected by the Company includes:
  • a. Email Address
  • b. First and Last Name
  • c. Postal Address
  • d. Phone Number (Landline or Mobile)
  • e. Gender
  • f. Date of Birth (Optional)

3.How personal information is collected and held

The Company collects the personal information of individuals directly from those individuals when:
  • a. the individual registers to use the website where this Policy is located or linked
  • b. the Company is selling products or services to those individuals
  • c. the individual makes a redemption
  • d. your details are provided by someone purchasing a gift to  be delivered to your address
  • e. a customer nominated to email you an eCard
The Company also collects an individual’s personal information from:
  • 3rd ticket resellers for purposes of confirming name lists for functions
Personal information received by the Company is held electronically on the information technology systems of the Company and may only be accessed by its authorised employees and contractors who require access in connection with the purposes described in this Policy.

4.If information or consent is not provided

Without all of the required personal information being provided or consent being given, the Company will not be able to provide the product or service an individual is seeking, and may not be able to handle inquiries or claims in connection with those products or services.


Personal information will be collected, held, used and disclosed for the purposes of:
  • a. facilitating the redemption/fulfilment, purchase and delivery of a product or service
  • b. handling inquiries or claims about a product or service
  • c. security checks to verify the identity of an individual
  • d. internal and external auditing
  • e. administering the information technology systems used by the Company
  • f. as required by law or a court or tribunal order
  • g. any related, secondary or ancillary purposes.

6.Direct marketing

Personal information may be used or disclosed to inform individuals about products, services and redemption opportunities (direct marketing). If an individual does not want their personal information used or disclosed for direct marketing, then they may opt out or unsubscribe by selecting the option appearing on the direct marketing communication or by contacting the The AGE Box Office call centre on 132 457 or in writing to or
The AGE Box Office
145 Darling Street
Balmain NSW 2041

7.Disclosure of personal information

The Company may disclose personal information to its business partners and third party service providers to perform activities in connection with the purposes described in this Policy. This includes organisations such as Promoters, 3rd Party Vendors and Ticket Resellers.
As The AGE Box Office is a member of a group of companies, then each member of the group may share and access personal information in connection with the purposes described in this Policy.
Some of the organisations to which the Company will disclose personal information are located outside Australia. They are located in USA. By accessing the website or opening an email on which this Policy is located or linked, the individual is directed to read it and as a result, giving consent to the collection, handling, use and disclosure of personal information by the Company in accordance with this Policy. One of the things the individual consents to is that the Company is not required to ensure that an overseas recipient of personal information complies with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (see Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 by going to:
An individual may not be informed of each occasion personal information is shared or accessed by group companies or an overseas recipient.

8.Accuracy and protection of personal information

An individual will need to ensure that the personal information which is provided is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time it is provided and must notify the Company of any changes.
The Company will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information that it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. The Company’s information technology systems are protected by various technology solutions. However, the Company will not be liable for direct or indirect loss or damage in connection with unauthorised access, use, alteration, destruction or disclosure of personal information.

9.Website use

The Company collects personal information when individuals use the Company's websites. This information could include personal and payment details in relation to the usage and provision of the Company's services.

10.Access to personal information

An individual may see and have a copy of their personal information that the Company holds.
If an individual is able to establish that their personal information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, then on request the Company will take reasonable steps to correct it.
If the Company is unable to agree whether personal information is accurate, complete or up-to-date, then an individual may ask the Company to place with the information a statement claiming that particular information is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.
An individual who seeks to exercise their rights of access and correction must contact in writing the following email address or to The AGE Box Office 145 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW 2041
A charge will apply to commensurate with the nature of the request.


An individual may make a complaint in writing about how their personal information has been dealt with by explaining the nature of the complaint and providing sufficient information to enable the Company to respond to the address.
The Company will respond in writing to a written complaint within 30 days of receipt.
If the complaint remains unresolved, then the individual has the option of notifying the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

12.Acknowledgement and Consent

When an individual accesses the website or opens an email on which this Privacy Policy and Notification is located or linked, the individual is directed to read it. As a result, the individual is notified of the matters that the Company must notify in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and consents to the collection, handling, use and disclosure of personal information by the Company in accordance with this Policy.

Policy last updated:10 March 2014.