
Beyoncé - Diva
Music video by Beyoncé performing Diva. (C) 2008 SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT....
published: 03 Oct 2009
author: beyonceVEVO
Beyoncé - Diva
Beyoncé - Diva
Music video by Beyoncé performing Diva. (C) 2008 SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 61784933
- author: beyonceVEVO

Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva ( CLIPE OFICIAL )
http://instagram.com/dennisdjoficial https://twitter.com/dennisdjoficial https://www.faceb...
published: 23 Apr 2013
Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva ( CLIPE OFICIAL )
Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva ( CLIPE OFICIAL )
http://instagram.com/dennisdjoficial https://twitter.com/dennisdjoficial https://www.facebook.com/dennisdjoficial https://www.dennisdj.com.br https://www.ifu...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 142408
- author: DENNISDJTV

Israel - Dana International - Diva (live) - Eurovision 1998
The song won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998. Birmingham May 1998....
published: 29 May 2006
author: romania3
Israel - Dana International - Diva (live) - Eurovision 1998
Israel - Dana International - Diva (live) - Eurovision 1998
The song won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998. Birmingham May 1998.- published: 29 May 2006
- views: 3041110
- author: romania3

WWE Diva Finishers 2012-2013
Put a lot of effort into this. If you enjoyed, please hit the Like button and Subscribe fo...
published: 16 Oct 2013
WWE Diva Finishers 2012-2013
WWE Diva Finishers 2012-2013
Put a lot of effort into this. If you enjoyed, please hit the Like button and Subscribe for more! No Copy Rights Intended. All Rights go to World Wrestling Entertaiment (WWE) Divas in this video: - AJ Lee - Aksana - Alicia Fox - Nikki & Brie (The Bella Twins) - Layla - Kaitlyn - Natalya - Tamina Snuka - Eve Torres - Kelly Kelly - Beth Phoenix- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 392

Elle n'a que 9 ans et elle chante comme une diva
Le jury de "La Hollande a du talent" a été très impressionné par sa performance. Son nom e...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Elle n'a que 9 ans et elle chante comme une diva
Elle n'a que 9 ans et elle chante comme une diva
Le jury de "La Hollande a du talent" a été très impressionné par sa performance. Son nom est Amira Willighagen. (activer les sous-titre si nécessaire)- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 13216

Diva - Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman performs her song, "Diva".
Watch Sarah's HBO special, "We Are Miracles" N...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Diva - Sarah Silverman
Diva - Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman performs her song, "Diva". Watch Sarah's HBO special, "We Are Miracles" November 23rd at 10pm. Subscribe to Sarah for MORE: http://bit.ly/SARAHsubscribe Connect with Jash Online: Follow Jash on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jash Like Jash on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/JashNetwork Check Out Friends of Jash: Sarah Silverman: http://www.youtube.com/user/SilvermanVideos Michael Cera: http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelCeraJash Tim and Eric: http://www.youtube.com/user/TimandEricJash Reggie Watts: http://www.youtube.com/user/ReggieWattsJash Stock Footage Provided by Pond5: http://www.pond5.com Directed by Liam Lynch Edited by: Nicholas Gallucci Starring: Sarah Silverman Arjun Gupta Colleen Smith Dylan Wallace Harris Wittels Kyle Dunnigan Laura Silverman Lenny Jacobson Mae Whitman Mike Ivy Natasha Leggero Nia Renee Hill Stephanie Simbari Steve Agee Suzy Nakamura Tracy Marquez Executive Producer: Daniel Kellison Executive Producer: Doug Deluca Executive Producer: Mickey Meyer Supervising Producer: AJ Tesler Senior Producer: Debbie Chesebro Producer: Nicholas Veneroso Consulting Producer: Heidi Herzog Associate Producer: Chou Yam Field Coordinator: Zach Mahassine Director of Photography: Chris Darnell Post Supervisor: Trish Hadley 1st AD: Nicholas Veneroso 2nd AD: Gustavo Pena 1st AC: Payam Yazdandoos VFX Supervisor: Shane Winter DIT: Brett Kushner Playback: Jon Walker Gaffer: Chris Walters Best Boy: Will Barker Key Grip: Zak Ettlinger Best Boy Grip: Brody Culbertson Lead Hair and Makeup: Brett Freedman Hair and Makeup: Michelle Dawn Sweeney Wardrobe: Neva Kaya Production Assistant: Andrew Tubbs Production Assistant: Ryan Sulak Production Assistant: Daniel Stankus Community Manager: Todd Mole VFX by Flawless Artist: Howard Shur Additional VFX: Shane Winter About Jash: Founded and featuring original content by partners Sarah Silverman, Michael Cera, Tim and Eric, and Reggie Watts, JASH is the first fully realized network to offer all its comedic partners complete creative autonomy. At Jash we always strive to offer a variety of content with a unique voice: boundaries will be pushed, and disorientation is sure to ensue. Diva - Sarah Silverman http://www.youtube.com/user/JashNetwork- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 108616

DiVA 「WOW WAR TONIGHT 〜時には起こせよムーヴメント~」Short ver.
90年代に200万枚を超える大ヒットを記録した『WOW WAR TONIGHT 〜時には起こせよムーヴメント~』をDiVAがカバーしたUULAオリジナ...
published: 13 Mar 2014
DiVA 「WOW WAR TONIGHT 〜時には起こせよムーヴメント~」Short ver.
DiVA 「WOW WAR TONIGHT 〜時には起こせよムーヴメント~」Short ver.
公式サイト:uula.jp 90年代に200万枚を超える大ヒットを記録した『WOW WAR TONIGHT 〜時には起こせよムーヴメント~』をDiVAがカバーしたUULAオリジナルミュージックビデオ。 持ち前の迫力あるヴォーカルとダンスパフォーマンスを活かした、DiVAならではの新たな魅力たっぷりにミュージックビデオが仕上がりました。- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 27810

Mc Marcinho e Mc K-9 - Diva (OFICIAL FULL HD + LETRA)
Dança menina bonita tu és minha diva Desperta malicia, quando desce atiça Ui, que delícia ...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Funk Brasil
Mc Marcinho e Mc K-9 - Diva (OFICIAL FULL HD + LETRA)
Mc Marcinho e Mc K-9 - Diva (OFICIAL FULL HD + LETRA)
Dança menina bonita tu és minha diva Desperta malicia, quando desce atiça Ui, que delícia a diva quer dançar (2x) Diva, joga a mão pro ar Diva, a diva que da...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 27525
- author: Funk Brasil

10 diva tag team match Main event 25/3/14
Emma, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Eva Marie vs Layla, Tamina, Alicia fox, Aksana, Summer Rae...
published: 26 Mar 2014
10 diva tag team match Main event 25/3/14
10 diva tag team match Main event 25/3/14
Emma, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Eva Marie vs Layla, Tamina, Alicia fox, Aksana, Summer Rae- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 7680

Asanda Jezile the 11yr old diva sings 'Diamonds' - Week 3 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013
"You were like a little diamond!" Singer Asanda shines for Alesha. Her polished performanc...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: Britain\'s Got Talent
Asanda Jezile the 11yr old diva sings 'Diamonds' - Week 3 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013
Asanda Jezile the 11yr old diva sings 'Diamonds' - Week 3 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013
"You were like a little diamond!" Singer Asanda shines for Alesha. Her polished performance wows all four Judges with her Rihanna cover. With four yeses, she...- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 5718187
- author: Britain\'s Got Talent

Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva Cia. Daniel Saboya (Coreografia)
Ajude-nos a crescer curta o vídeo, favorite, inscreva-se no canal e se vc gostou muito com...
published: 30 Dec 2013
Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva Cia. Daniel Saboya (Coreografia)
Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 - Diva Cia. Daniel Saboya (Coreografia)
Ajude-nos a crescer curta o vídeo, favorite, inscreva-se no canal e se vc gostou muito compartilhe com seus amigos ! Passo a passo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPmQlJ2JElA Música: Diva Artista: Dennis Dj Feat. Mc Marcinho e Mc K9 Coreografia: Daniel Saboya, Izabela Leite e Rosana Maria Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ProfessorDanielSaboya Instagram: @danielsaboya @izabelaleitelima @rosanamariamarquez Dançarinas do Mc Marcinho: @alikicorrea @ninamaya One Shape Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oneshaperj Instagram: http://instagram.com/oneshape_rj No instagram: @oneshape_rj Contato para Shows: (21) 99140-8494 email: daniel_saboyas@hotmail.com Agradecimentos a Academia Body Planet por ceder o espaço para Gravação: http://www.bodyplanet.com.br/- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 4466

Aria from Diva - Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez
Fernandez sings the aria "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana", from Act I of Catalani's opera "La Wal...
published: 17 Dec 2008
author: BestArtsFilm
Aria from Diva - Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez
Aria from Diva - Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez
Fernandez sings the aria "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana", from Act I of Catalani's opera "La Wally." The piece is a haunting reverie on the theme of traveling alon...- published: 17 Dec 2008
- views: 284274
- author: BestArtsFilm
Youtube results:

Eurovision 1998 - 08 Israel - Dana International - Diva
Israel in eurovision 1998....
published: 10 Jan 2011
author: cafusia
Eurovision 1998 - 08 Israel - Dana International - Diva
Eurovision 1998 - 08 Israel - Dana International - Diva
Israel in eurovision 1998.- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 118003
- author: cafusia

LIKE me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qritiko?ref=tn_tnmn
FOLLOW me on Twitter: ht...
published: 27 Apr 2014
LIKE me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qritiko?ref=tn_tnmn FOLLOW me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAmQritiko- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 1838