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Federal Politics

Budget receives more blows in Senate's chaotic day

Mark Kenny, Lisa Cox The federal government has suffered another blow to its beleaguered budget after being forced to retain tax-cut compensation due to start next year and an expensive energy-research agency.

Latest political news

Australia will stand up to China: Bishop

Julie Bishop.

JOHN GARNAUT Australia will stand up to China to defend peace, liberal values and the rule of law, says Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. 

Comments 7

Speeches to Parliament castigated

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

James Massola and Deborah Snow Tony Abbott and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe flew five hours to the Pilbara chased all the way by headlines from China.

Morrison maintains secrecy over refugees

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa (left) with Immigration Minister Scott Morrison in Colombo on Wednesday during a ceremony commissioning two patrol boats given as a gift by Australia.

JASON KOUTSOUKIS 7:51am Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says the secrecy surrounding the fate of 153 South Asian refugees is an integral part of the federal government’s operations strategy.

Asylum seekers' plea: adopt our children

drawing by one of the pregnant women on Christmas Island who asked whether her baby could be adopted to an Australian family, as she was so distraught about the baby growing up in detention.
age news 8/7/2014

SARAH WHYTE Pregnant asylum seeker women on Christmas Island pleaded with medical experts to adopt their children out to Australian families four months ago, as they became anxious about their future.

Wrong venue for Abe speech: Fraser

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Prime Minister Tony Abbott depart the House of Representatives after Prime Minister Abe's address to a joint sitting at Parliament House.

DEBORAH SNOW 7:47am Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has hit out at visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech to the Australian Parliament on Tuesday, saying it ''should only have been made on his own soil''.

Focus on jobless need: Anglicare


JUDITH IRELAND The Abbott government needs to focus on individuals and what is going on in their lives, rather than forcing them into intensive job searching.

Cutting emissions 'will not stop growth'

World famous economist Jeffrey Sachs.  The Age. Photo: Angela Wylie. May 20 2014.

TOM ARUP 6:10pm A global plan for avoiding the worst impacts of climate change has found Australia could overhaul its fossil fuel dependent energy supply and cut emissions to zero by 2050 without trashing its economy.

Budget gloom hits credit demand

A reduced appetite for consumer credit suggests retail sales in the June quarter are likely to have been soft.

12:53am The federal budget has not only hit consumer confidence and retail spending it also appears to have dampened our appetite for credit.

Boral 'black banned' by union


NICK TOSCANO 5:02pm Concrete giant Boral will allege that Australia's biggest building union has instituted a "black ban" on its products due to the company's association with developer Grocon.

Vic Labor will override race law changes

Shadow Attorney-General Martin Pakula.

JOSH GORDON 5:50pm State-based anti-discrimination laws will be introduced to override any move by the Abbott government to water down the Racial Discrimination Act if Labor wins the November state election.

'Moral blackmail': PM on suicide attempts

Australia commits 'piracy on the high seas'

Elite officer suspected in smuggling bid

Advocates warn against NDIS slowdown

Japan pushes for closer ties

Gruen transfer leaves Treasury hole

Labor to push for new CBA probe

Sydney Uni revolt on fee rise plan

Indigenous children suffer more abuse

Senate stall on advice rules

Call for maths, science expert teachers

Canberra to keep Link business case secret

Royal commission: union boss threats

Asylum seekers secure temporary reprieve

Abbott lauds Japan's stronger security role

Muir moves to block renewable energy cuts

Abbott 'recklessly endangering' climate future

Warning on wealth disparity

Palmer blows up budget

Wilson has court win over documents

Subianto taken off visa blacklist

Lack of demand for late child care

Royal commission: super detail sought

Palmer calls for body to monitor banks

Greens struggle with internal divide on fuel

HIV home-testing kits coming to Australia

Pensioners hurt most by fees: researchers

Lawyers condemn return of asylum seekers

Abbott meets PUP senator Lambie

HECS-style loan flagged for parental leave

Comment & Analysis

China's propaganda infiltrating our shores

Paul Monk

Paul Monk 12:10am Beijing's clandestine intrusion into our local Chinese press will have an impact on national security if it is not rooted out.


Union inquiry too little, too late

GENERIC- building, construction, houses, housing market, homes, frames, workers, mortgages, interest rates.

NICK MCKENZIE 7:12pm Opinion Any watcher of the union royal commission should be questioning why police and regulators appear to be missing in action in the building industry.

Afghanistan a costly mistake

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN 1:42am The Australian Army will terminate Major Bernie Gaynor's commission tomorrow.  It is not difficult to see why. Gaynor has accused the Army's higher leadership of cowardice.

Comments 19

Political muckraking has a way of backfiring

Josh Gordon dinkus.

JOSH GORDON 12:10am Dish enough dirt and some might stick, but to whom? That's a question police are now investigating.


Banking on long way to redemption

Adele Ferguson dinkus

ADELE FERGUSON On Tuesday morning Commonwealth Bank whistleblower Jeff Morris jumped in his car and headed to Canberra for a meeting with a politician.

The shame is big dodgers slip the net

Michael West dinkus

MICHAEL WEST Hollywood star Mel Gibson is among the celebrities, sportsmen and prominent business types named by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for having business dealings in the tax haven of Jersey.

World citizen Japan prepares for the worst

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Opinion Australia and Japan continue to hope for the best from China, but they are putting in place mechanisms to deal with the worst.

Comments 27

Australia risks becoming a fuel fossil

Ross Gittins dinkus

ROSS GITTINS Doing nothing about climate change will cost us much more than doing something.

Comments 375

Appointments put our ABC in danger

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes Those in charge of nominating ABC and SBS board candidates raise plenty of concerns.

Comments 140

It is childcare costs that confront parents

Jonathan Hastie

Jonathan Hastie There is a growing divide between the reality of raising a family and the political language associated with it.

Comments 58

Indonesia's election hangs on a knife-edge

John Garnaut dinkus

JOHN GARNAUT Indonesia faces a choice between an unpredictable, maverick general, and a perceived puppet of the Sukarno dynasty.

Comments 6

How Abbott can win over new Senate

Peter Reith dinkus

PETER REITH Prime Minister Tony Abbott can’t afford to let the Senate get away with shredding the budget. He will need all his political skills to get through the new Senate session.

Comments 91

Special features

Rookie senators deliver a good kicking

Tony Wright It seemed such a good idea at the time: devote the first week of July purely to the fresh Senate, allowing the rookie crossbenchers to assert their brand new power over Labor and the Greens.

Comments 6

Body of fallen commando returns

The body of fallen commando Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey has been returned home.

'Moral blackmail' on Christmas Island?

Do suicide attempts by asylum seekers amount to moral blackmail?

At sea processing 'politically motivated'

It's a "fair assumption" that processing asylum seekers at sea is politically motivated, and may be in breach of Australia's obligations says Professor of International Law Don Rothwell.

No way out or home

Michael Gordon As the civil war in Syria enters its fourth year and the resulting displacement crisis becomes the worst in the world, women are bearing the awful brunt.

Shinzo Abe 'scrums down' with Aus MPs

Japanese Prime Minister praises Australia and Japan's close ties and cracks jokes in a landmark speech to a special sitting of parliament.

Who are the new Senators?

A who's who of the new Senators taking their seats in the 44th parliament.

Behind the labels

Who is really on the disability support pension and why? Judith Ireland and Conrad Walters dig into the much-criticised benefit.

How the Senate looks from July 1

Interactive The Coalition government will need the support of the Senate to pass its legislation. Who will hold the balance of power when the Senate changes from July 1?

How we share the refugee burden

Interactive More than 85 per cent of refugees are hosted in developing countries. Australia hosts 0.3 per cent of the 11.7 million refugees under the UNHCR's mandate.

Federal budget 2014: Interactive explorer

Explore the major data points of the 2014 federal budget and see how Joe Hockey’s first budget shapes up to his predecessors.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Cartoon Gallery

Cartoon Gallery: Home of the best cartoons from our resident artists from the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

Poll Booth

Should the asylum seekers being held on an Australian customs boat at sea be transferred to offshore detention until the High Court decides their fate?

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  • INTERACTIVE: Tony Abbott's promises

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    Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics.