
How the media worked this week (in less than 25 words)

By   /  June 26, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  14 Comments


How the media worked this week (in less than 25 words)

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Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick……

By   /  June 26, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  13 Comments


Oh happy day brothers and sisters

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Ummmm, why do the Police have 7 foreign hacker servers in NZ when Australia only has 4?

By   /  June 25, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  8 Comments


John Key has some answering to do. Why are these corporate hackers in NZ? Why do they have 7 servers here and who the bloody hell are the Police and law enforcement agencies actually spying on to justify that large a number of servers?

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Earth to dolphin lovers – Labour aren’t going to drill and kill Maui’s Dolphins

By   /  June 25, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  7 Comments


Honestly, if it’s in the NZ mainstream media, you seriously have to double check it first.

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7 falsehoods in Donghua Liu manufactured smear

By   /  June 25, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  14 Comments


When are the mainstream media going to admit they got played by a manufactured National Party smear?

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Cough, cough – so what you are in fact saying is that the $100k wine & $15k book don’t actually exist?

By   /  June 25, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  17 Comments


Look we all appreciate the mainstream media hate Labour and fear David Cunliffe, but…

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NZIFF 2014 opening night review: Locke – 5 stars

By   /  June 24, 2014  /  Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs, The Liberal Agenda  /  1 Comment

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This years beautiful, exciting and impressive cinema is a mouthwatering spread of cultural delights and We’ve barely begun delving into this years festival guide. We’ll have TDBs picks up by the end of the week.

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Key amazingly u-turns on the entire claim that Donghua Liu has donated $100 000s and watch msm spinelessly let him

By   /  June 24, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  72 Comments

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How genuinely upset do the Press Gallery look by being told Key doesn’t have any actual evidence of Donghua’s donations? Their depression is obvious.

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How sexist is Fairfax media? Since when was ‘Female dominated’ a bad thing?

By   /  June 24, 2014  /  Martyn Bradbury, Media Watch, Most Recent Blogs  /  11 Comments

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Labour’s decision to push as hard as they can to get more women in should be celebrated and rewarded, not denigrated by sexist headlines like ‘female dominated’.

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Hey Mr Key, how about using that friendship with Obama for some actual good and get him to phone Egypt over their disgusting sentence of Al-Jazeera journalists

By   /  June 24, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  4 Comments


What actual worth to NZ is this relationship if our PM is too frightened to tell the President of the United States that they need to intervene and do the right thing?

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Labour Party List 2014

By   /  June 23, 2014  /  Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  22 Comments


Cunliffe has pulled off the mix of demoting the old wood and promoting the new blood well.

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BREAKING: I have just signed a statement claiming I donated $10billion to John Key for a cheap bottle of gin, where’s my front page and lead on the TV news?

By   /  June 23, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  16 Comments


I’m getting this terrible feeling that the entire NZ mainstream media have run with a Government created lie and not critically evaluated their one roll in perpetrating that lie.

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D Day for the wolf that cries boy

By   /  June 23, 2014  /  Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  11 Comments


Today is Cameron Slater’s day in the High Court, desperately trying to claim he is a journalist and as such doesn’t have to hand over his hard disk to Matt Blomfield, the businessman who Slater mercilessly destroyed in 2012.

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Facts about that mystery $100 000 bottle of wine and standards of Journalism in NZ

By   /  June 22, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  36 Comments


Is this kind of journalism the standard of 4th estate responsibility a democracy 3 months out from an election demands? This looks like the entire mainstream media have swallowed a manufactured National Party smear and uncritically run it as headlines.

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BLOGWATCH: Rob Salmond’s ‘game’

By   /  June 22, 2014  /  Martyn Bradbury, Media Watch, Most Recent Blogs  /  3 Comments

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Rob Salmond has attacked Chris Trotter for Trotter’s criticism of the ‘game’ Rob Salmond has tried to deconstruct Labour’s strategy down to.

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East Coast Bays worst electorate for Colin Craig to try and win

By   /  June 22, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Martyn Bradbury, Most Recent Blogs  /  7 Comments


Colin Craig is the hate crime against progressive politics that just keeps giving. Unless Jesus himself is Colin Craig’s campaign manager, the Conservative Party don’t have a hope in hell

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