
Positive and Solution Based Politics

By   /  July 8, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  16 Comments

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The challenge for you, dear reader, is to not buy into this fog of distraction. Demand and seek out the policy ideas for our country. Bring these discussions to your family and friends, and do not fall for the pre-determined narrative.

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What a drone!

By   /  June 14, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  3 Comments

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I thought it might be helpful for our TDB readership to provide a Reader’s Digest version of the preliminary issues concerning the use of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle) to kill under international law.

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Taking freedom for granted

By   /  June 11, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  8 Comments


At the moment I am writing this in Quetta, Baluchistan, scene of a current insurgency with simmering sectarian violence thrown in as well. There are differing reports, but there was a bomb here this weekend killing over 20 people. Regular news in these here parts.

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Crony capitalism and voting against self-interest

By   /  May 17, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  11 Comments


When we look at the content of the Budget, how does the Budget address the fundamental challenges we face?

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Calling for a GCSB debate

By   /  May 5, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  9 Comments


I am calling for a GCSB debate. Let’s have informed speakers on both sides bring their best arguments to an open, public forum. If they can do it in Toronto featuring those intimately aware and informed of these issues, why can’t we do it in New Zealand?

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Our government: still no idea

By   /  April 19, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  17 Comments


A previous post of mine was called “The Government with no ideas”. Unsurprisingly, the theme of the piece was of a current government thoroughly absent of any creative ideas or solutions to assist more New Zealanders achieve a decent standard of living. Well, they still have no idea.

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A voting lesson from Afghanistan

By   /  April 7, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  2 Comments

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I am currently in Islamabad.

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Judith Collins and Masterchef

By   /  March 22, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  11 Comments

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Judith Collins has, if further evidence was required, revealed her true nature and contempt for the New Zealand electorate these last two weeks.

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George Jetson, the video phone, and GCSB

By   /  March 8, 2014  /  Deconstructing Headlines, Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs  /  1 Comment


In Britain, the timidly named Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been conducting surveillance of individuals through a programme called “Optic Nerve”.

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Spooky Spooks

By   /  February 22, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  8 Comments


The Prime Minister’s childhood buddy, Ian Fletcher, has had to apologise for filing a botched Annual Report. They got the numbers wrong.

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“New Zealand’s values” and Foreign Policy

By   /  February 8, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  3 Comments


Our esteemed Minister for Foreign Affairs, Muzza McCully, has taken off for an effort to pitch for our inclusion on the UN Security Council.

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Olympic Spirit or Sochi Shame? (and Qatar 2022)

By   /  January 25, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  2 Comments


Peel back the superficial embrace of excess, and the Sochi Games only highlight how willing the Russian elite is to squash human dignity and the environment in favour of two weeks in the Northern Hemisphere’s spotlight.

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What’s with Men?

By   /  January 11, 2014  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  10 Comments

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This country needs to be one based on compassion for each other as members of society and creating space for the lives of everyone – the male dominated discourse and thought isn’t working: we need a discourse that is both honest and genuinely representative of who we are.

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2013: International Affairs

By   /  December 21, 2013  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  1 Comment


I wanted to highlight some of the themes across international affairs over the last 12 months that have resonated personally for me. I will neglect many, so feel free to add your own highlights in the comments.

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Spies R Us – Inquiry still worth it

By   /  December 7, 2013  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  4 Comments


It is about human rights – the civil liberties that were fought for and our country was built on. Yet, the erosion of those rights and liberties is happening all too easily. We are missing a national conversation with real public engagement, unmotivated by fear but more properly driven by informed, rational discussion.

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Key’s nod to impunity

By   /  November 23, 2013  /  Michael Timmins, Most Recent Blogs, Setting The Agenda  /  8 Comments


“They blindfolded me, and bound my hands. My son was crying a lot as he did not understand what was going on. They then untied my hands so that I could pick him up. They took us outside and put us into a van – I knew it was a van because I could hear them shut the sliding door. They took me somewhere, I do not know where exactly, but the drive was not that long.

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