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Australians say the Australian Government’s top priority is to ‘Maintain a Balanced Budget and no increase in Public Debt’

Published By   /  June 27, 2014  /  24/7 News, Media, Polls, Press Release, Roy Morgan Poll, Syndicated Analysis  /  Comments Off


MIL OSI – Source: Roy Morgan Poll – Press Release/Statement Headline: Australians say the Australian Government’s top priority is to ‘Maintain a Balanced Budget and no increase in Public Debt’ These findings come from a special Roy Morgan survey conducted in Australia on attitudes towards priorities for the Australian Government in the future. A […]

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Council adopts budget for 2014

Published By   /  June 27, 2014  /  24/7 News, Auckland Council, Local Government  /  Comments Off

Auckland Council

MIL OSI – Source: Auckland Council – Press Release/Statement Headline: Council adopts budget for 2014 Auckland Council has adopted the Annual Plan 2014/2015, outlining what the council plans to do during the next financial year as well as its investments and financial policy. The plan details the organisation’s proposed budget, activities and investment programme for […]

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Labour’s alternative Budget for a strong economy and fair society

Published By   /  June 25, 2014  /  24/7 News, Labour Party, Opposition News  /  Comments Off


MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement Headline: Labour’s alternative Budget for a strong economy and fair society A Labour Government will run surpluses while investing in health and education, and paying off National’s record debt, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says. “Our Economic Upgrade will transform the New Zealand economy to higher value […]

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Climate change ignored in National’s transport budget

Published By   /  June 16, 2014  /  24/7 News, Green Party, Opposition News  /  Comments Off


Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Climate change ignored in National’s transport budget Monday, 16 Jun 2014 | Press Release “This is not a smart way forward for transport investment. Fuel prices already mean fewer cars are on the roads and climate change means we will have to cut emissions.” National’s transport budget for […]

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Going Digital on time and under budget

Published By   /  June 10, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Going Digital on time and under budget Broadcasting Minister Craig Foss says the Going Digital programme has wrapped up on time and under budget. “All installations under the Government’s Targeted Assistance Package – about 32,000 of them – have now been completed,” Mr Foss says.  “I am […]

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$232 million effectively cut from Health budget

Published By   /  June 3, 2014  /  24/7 News, CTU, Unions  /  Comments Off


Source: Council Of Trade Unions – Press Release/Statement: Headline: $232 million effectively cut from Health budget An analysis of the Health Vote in last month’s Budget by the Council of Trade Unions finds that the Government has effectively cut the Health budget by $232 million. It is now $232 million short of what is needed […]

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Budget 2014: $28.6m investment in ICT Grad Schools

Published By   /  June 3, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: $28.6m investment in ICT Grad Schools The Government will invest $28.6 million operating funding (including $11.8 million of contingencies) over the next four years in three Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Graduate Schools to help address significant high-level skills shortages in the rapidly growing ICT […]

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Budget 2014: $28.6m investment in ICT Grad Schools

Published By   /  June 3, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: $28.6m investment in ICT Grad Schools The Government will invest $28.6 million operating funding (including $11.8 million of contingencies) over the next four years in three Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Graduate Schools to help address significant high-level skills shortages in the rapidly growing ICT […]

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Budget 2014: Funding to accelerate open data programme

Published By   /  May 29, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: Funding to accelerate open data programme Budget 2014 provides $300,000 to accelerate the Open Government Data and Information Programme over the next two years, Land Information Minister Michael Woodhouse says. The programme, which is led by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), is Action 13 of […]

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Budget includes some positive but not game changer we need

Published By   /  May 28, 2014  /  24/7 News, Child Health, Every Child Counts, Health, NGOs, Press Release  /  Comments Off

Public health

Source: Every Child Counts – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget includes some positive but not game changer we need Every Child Counts welcomes the focus in the budget aimed at increasing child wellbeing, notably an extension of free GP visits to under-13s and an increase in paid parental leave. These changes are steps in the right […]

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Threadbare Budget Has Nothing For Pasifika

Published By   /  May 26, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand First, Opposition News  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand First – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Threadbare Budget Has Nothing For Pasifika New Zealand First challenges the government to show where Pasifika will find “more jobs and higher incomes” as it claimed in Budget 2014. “Despite many Pacific people attending skills training courses, they are still unable to find work,” says Spokesperson for […]

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Budget 2014: Extra money to boost resettlement of refugees

Published By   /  May 25, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: Extra money to boost resettlement of refugees The Government will invest an extra $5.6 million in operating spending over the next four years to help newly arrived quota refugees during their first 12 months in New Zealand, Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse says. All quota refugees […]

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Budget 2014: $40m for anti-obesity initiative

Published By   /  May 24, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: $40m for anti-obesity initiative Encouraging families to live healthy, active lives is part of the Government’s approach to reducing obesity in New Zealand. “Budget 2014 invests $40 million over four years for the new Healthy Families NZ anti-obesity initiative, which is expected to reach around […]

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Oops – $2 billion mistake in budget appropriations

Published By   /  May 23, 2014  /  24/7 News, Economy, NGOs, Press Release, Taxpayers Union, Unions  /  Comments Off

Taxpayers Union

Source: Taxpayers Union – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Oops – $2 billion mistake in budget appropriations We’ve spent most of this week immersed in the budget documents and making notes of potentially questionable spending or unusually large increases. To our great surprise yesterday we noticed that one of the primary growth partnerships (PGPs) that the Government is funding […]

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Oops – $2 billion mistake in budget estimates

Published By   /  May 23, 2014  /  24/7 News, Economy, NGOs, Press Release, Taxpayers Union, Unions  /  Comments Off

Taxpayers Union

Source: Taxpayers Union – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Oops – $2 billion mistake in budget estimates We’ve spent most of this week immersed in the budget documents and making notes of potentially questionable spending or unusually large increases. To our great surprise yesterday we noticed that one of the primary growth partnerships (PGPs) that the Government is funding […]

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Budget slashes possum control funding

Published By   /  May 23, 2014  /  24/7 News, Labour Party, Opposition News  /  Comments Off


Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget slashes possum control funding Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy must explain the massive cut in funding for control of possums as TB vectors, said Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor. “Bill English’s Budget has slashed this funding from $30 million to just $7 million from 2015/16. “This […]

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A frosty reception for John Key’s budget from a surprise guest…

Published By   /  May 23, 2014  /  24/7 News, GreenPeace, NGOs  /  Comments Off


Source: Greenpeace New Zealand – Press Release/Statement: Headline: A frosty reception for John Key’s budget from a surprise guest… If you go down to the concrete jungle today, you’re sure to get a surprise. If you’re in town to cut some deals, you’ll never believe your eyes. For there’s a bear who shouldn’t be there. […]

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Budget Business Growth Agenda initiatives to build a stronger economy

Published By   /  May 22, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget Business Growth Agenda initiatives to build a stronger economy The new Business Growth Agenda initiatives in Budget 2014 will help reduce capacity constraints in the New Zealand economy and lift our productivity and long-term growth rate, Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says. Budget 2014 contains funding […]

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Budget 2014: $2.5m for youth enterprise initiatives

Published By   /  May 22, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: $2.5m for youth enterprise initiatives The Government has confirmed $2.5 million of new operating spending over the next three years for youth enterprise initiatives, Youth Affairs Minister Nikki Kaye says.  “This funding supports a number of initiatives for young people to learn financial literacy and […]

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Budget 2014: Funding to improve Child Support payments

Published By   /  May 22, 2014  /  24/7 News, New Zealand Government  /  Comments Off


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Budget 2014: Funding to improve Child Support payments The Government has allocated funding in Budget 2014 to increase the collection of Child Support from liable parents and improve the promptness of payments, says Revenue Minister Todd McClay. “Around 73 per cent of liable parents currently do not […]

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