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Police Attack Trans and Queer Activists During SF Pride On June 28, Kink.com sponsored an official San Francisco Pride event called “Pride at the Armory." It was a prison-themed dance party that invited attendees to “get incarcerated.” A backlash arose when the party was first announced, with declarations made to boycott Pride. Not content with boycotting, Gay Shame and LAGAI – Queer Insurrection called for a march to disrupt and shut down Pride at the Armory.

The protest began when Radical dykes broke off from the annual Dyke March and proceeded to 16th & Mission BART plaza to hold their own dance party. Around 10:30pm, nearly two hundred people marched up Mission Street to Kink's Armory building, chanting “Pro-sex, anti-prison, queers for abolition!” and handing out flyers in protest of the Kink party. SFPD, aided by private security, pushed the protest onto the adjacent sidewalks. Eventually, the streets were retaken and protesters marched back towards the BART plaza.

Upon the return to 16th and Mission, at least seven people were arrested, including a National Lawyers Guild legal observer. Several protesters were tackled, beaten, and bloodied. Four of the arrestees were released as of June 29.

photoKink.com orders brutal police attack against trans and queer activists during SF Pride | photoQueer & Trans Radicals Take The Streets Against Prison-Themed Party | Gay Shame SF | LAGAI – Queer Insurrection
Occupy Google Demands Dialogue, Gets Arrested On the afternoon of June 24, a group of activists set up tents and banners in front of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, CA, announcing their protest online at OccupyGoogle.org. The protester’s demanded that Google engage in a conversation about what the company should be doing in the fight for Net Neutrality. The activists claim Google could be doing a lot more, and started the camp-out to apply pressure.

Here’s how Occupy Google explains their reasoning: Though Google and other major companies such as Netflix, Amazon and Microsoft have come out in support of preserving a free and open web, we believe much more can be done. Though many of us have concerns about the larger implications of Google’s effect on the world, as far as surveillance and ties to military technology, we are not here to protest Google. Google, with its immense power, has a social responsibility to uphold the values of the internet. We encourage Google to engage in a serious, honest dialogue on the issue of net neutrality and to stand with us in support of an internet that is free from censorship, discrimination, and access fees.

Late in the night, ten activists, including a journalist who was livestreaming the event, were arrested for trespassing.

photoRead More | OccupyGoogle.org
On June 10, activists rallied in front of Martin Luther King Jr. Library in San José to protest the unjust prosecution of 66-year-old Palestinian-American activist Rasmea Odeh. Last October, Homeland Security agents arrested Odeh after the Department of Justice charged her with “unlawful procurement of naturalization.” The Obama administration’s filing of these charges could result in her being stripped of her U.S. citizenship and deported.
Andy Lopez Life Celebration March and Rally for Peace and Safety for All Children An energetic life celebration and march through Santa Rosa was held on June 7 for Andy Lopez, who would have celebrated his 14th birthday earlier in the week if he had not been shot and killed by Sonoma County Sheriff's Deputy Erick Gelhaus on October 22. Young people were abundant at the birthday celebration. Some who appeared to be not much more than elementary school aged could be seen helping organize the proceedings, with many guardians simply watching and playing more of a background role.

Andy's family and friends were joined by a wide range of local and statewide supporters. Their core support comes from the Justice Coalition for Andy Lopez and Andy's Youth. Andy's Youth is a grassroots community group comprised of young people from Santa Rosa and Sonoma County who have played a central role in organizing demonstrations. In the days after Andy's killing, the news swept across the schools, and justice for him became a crucial issue to the area's youth. "I want to thank you guys for setting the example for everyone else," a member of the Brown Berets said to Andy's Youth at a rally at Old Court House Square held at the end of the march.

During the march, one demonstrator carried a mannequin that displayed precisely where on Andy's body the shots entered. Very little information about Andy's killing has been released by the authorities in Sonoma County, and the community continues to wait for District Attorney Jill Ravitch to announce whether there will be charges filed against Gelhaus. From an independent autopsy report, the family was able to find out how many times Andy was shot, and where the bullets entered his body. Bullets entered Andy's body in the following locations: his chest, his left arm, his left wrist, his right wrist, his right buttock, his right lateral buttock, and his lower back.

imc_photo.gifRead More with Photos | Andy Lopez - Reflections on his 14th Birthday - a Birthday Deprived | pdfIndependent Autopsy of Andy Lopez's Body Reveals Instant Execution | Justice Coalition for Andy Lopez

Previous Coverage: Andy’s Youth Suspended from School Over Six-Month Anniversary Protest
Group Protests Police Shooting in Fresno A large and militant protest was held in Fresno on June 16 after a young man was shot 17 times by two Fresno Police officers on June 11. 100 people protesting the shooting held a rally, attempted to see mayor Ashley Swearengin, and then marched to police headquarters. It was a spirited event, which included several of the family members of the man who was shot 17 times. The protesters demanded changes at the Fresno Police Department (FPD) that would lead to fewer officer involved shootings (OIS).

In a letter sent to mayor Swearengin, and handed to City Manager Bruce Rudd, they wrote “We are requesting a meeting with your office to discuss the use of deadly force by Fresno Police officers. As you may know a non-English speaking farmworker who was intoxicated and holding a knife was shot several times by two officers on June 11, 2014. As you may also know, two days later on Friday June 13th, Fresno law enforcement officers managed to negotiate the surrender by a man with a gun. The second incident, which lasted 5 hours, indicates two things: 1) Negotiation with suspects works and 2) The June 11th incident as well as others could have been prevented.”

Security arrived and demanded everyone leave City Hall, and the protesters carried a coffin and signs to the Fresno County Jail, a couple of blocks away. After a short rally, the march headed to FPD headquarters where family members had the opportunity to share their feelings. While there, someone wrote chalk messages on the sidewalk and on a police memorial nearby, and subsequently two protesters were arrested, booked, and released.

imc_photo.gifRead More with Photos
The Show Goes On and On for the Santa Cruz Eleven After a court hearing on June 3, the Santa Cruz County District Attorney's office faces disqualification and the remaining four Santa Cruz Eleven defendants are left without a trial date. Judge Burdick is still in place presiding over the case after the DA's office attempt to recuse him, and the case continues to cost tax payers thousands as the defendants continue to fight their charges. Their attorneys have filed a motion to recuse the Santa Cruz District Attorney's office from the case based on bias stemming from DA Bob Lee's financial relationship to the "victim" of the case Wells Fargo.

Friends of the SC11 writes: "The motion casts doubt as to whether or not it is fair for the DA's office to be hearing the case and delays the trial again as the motion is dealt with. It is likely that the DA's office will request a specific hearing challenging the validity of the claim as it would look pretty darn bad on mister Bob Lee's report card to have this claim on public record. Perhaps this move will motivate him to either get involved with the case and authorize a reasonable solution, or at the very least detach himself from the case and give prosecutor Greg Peinado the ability to move the case along."

Due to the lack of clarity as to who will be trying to the case in trial, a trial date was not set. A pre-trial hearing was scheduled for August 27, where the motions will be heard. There are also earlier dates scheduled to address motions filed by individual attorneys. Besides the main recusal motion aforementioned there are numerous other motions on the table from the defense including a separate motion to recuse the DA's office for their poor handling of the case.

Read More | Support the Santa Cruz 11 | See Also: A Week Later The Sentinel Does Drive-By Coverage of the Santa Cruz Eleven

Previous Coverage: Parading through Town in Support of the Santa Cruz Eleven
Family Demands Transparent Investigation Into Killing of Yanira Serrano Garcia On June 18, Tony Serrano stood before the Half Moon Bay City Council to demand justice for his sister, Yanira Serrano Garcia. Yanira was killed by San Mateo County Sheriff's deputy Menh Trieu on June 3 when she was having a health crisis outside of her home at the Moonridge housing complex. The Serrano family and their supporters are asking the Half Moon Bay City Council to support a number of resolutions, including one that calls for a transparent criminal investigation into the killing of the 18-year-old.

The family is also asking that June 3 be named "Yanira Serrano Garcia's Memorial Day" by official proclamation in Half Moon Bay, and that the council call for the establishment of a sub-committee to study the lack of social services devoted to Moonridge. Yanira's brother asked for those in the audience who support the resolutions to stand, and the majority of those in the public seating area quickly stood. "It is really overwhelming what is happening to the family," he said.

After the killing of Yanira there has been a number of vigils and demonstrations held in Half Moon Bay demanding justice. At the city council meeting, the Mayor of Half Moon Bay announced that on Thursday, June 26 there will be a community meeting at 6pm at the IDES Hall in Half Moon Bay to "further discuss the issues," he said.

June 26: imc_calendar.gifPublic Meeting to Discuss the Killing of Yanira Serrano Garcia

imc_video.gifaudioimc_photo.gifRead More with Video, Audio, and Photos | See Also: imc_photo.gifFamily and Friends Bid Farewell to Yanira Serrano Garcia | imc_video.gifimc_photo.gifMarching to the Sheriff's Station and City Hall for Justice for Yanira Serrano Garcia | imc_photo.gifRosary and Vigil Held for Yanira Serrano-Garcia at Her Home in Half Moon Bay | imc_photo.gifSan Mateo Sheriff Kills Special Needs Woman
Grand Jury Report on Jail Deaths Only a Snapshot of the Larger Picture Following the release in May of the Santa Cruz County Grand Jury report on jail medical care and conditions, one juror reported he was “shocked” at the lax oversight and poor communication between jail staff and medical personnel that led to five deaths in the facility during the past 11 months. While the "normal" mortality rate is around 125 per 100,000 inmates, Santa Cruz County's rate was 10 times that number during that period.

Activists say they are alarmed that these deaths came as the county outsourced jail medical treatment to private Monterey-based California Forensic Medical Group, a decision that effectively placed medical care for jail inmates beyond local control or accountability.

Steve Pleich writes: "In my view, these deaths are a tragic and unacceptable symptom of a disease. But the real disease is mass incarceration driven by the prison/industrial complex and fueled by institutional racism. Mainstream society seems comfortable with the policy of separating whole segments of our population from their liberty and in supporting a prison/industrial complex that is building new jail and prison cells at an unprecedented rate. So what questions do we need to ask to at least begin to understand and address the grave social issues that this current state of affairs represents?"

Read More | See Also: pdfSanta Cruz Grand Jury Releases Reports on Jail Deaths and Juvenile Hall Meals | pdfGrand Jury Report Highlights Overcrowding at Santa Cruz Main Jail
Counter-Insurgency Techniques Resisted in Salinas Following Police Killings Following the SPD killing of Carlos Mejia on May 20, residents have struggled against the powers that be in Salinas. On May 25, local politicians and non-profit groups worked to quiet anti-police sentiment at the large march and statewide mobilization against police brutality held in East Salinas. On May 27, the family of Mejia filed a wrongful death legal claim against the City of Salinas, and a May 31 counter-protest was held at a pro-police rally organized by retired SPD officers and law enforcement families. Additionally, public pressure led the SPD on May 28 to release the department's policy manual on the use of deadly force.

The killing of Carlos Mejia was the third police killing by the SPD to occur in a short time span: on May 9, Osman Hernandez was shot and killed outside of the Mi Pueblo market on Alisal and Sanborn, and on March 20, Angel Ruiz was shot and killed outside of a Wingstop restaurant. All of this has been set against the larger narrative of law enforcement misconduct in Monterey County, which has been characterized by the alleged targeting of Hispanic individuals by King City Police, as well as the killing under mysterious circumstances of a man in Big Sur by a Monterey Sheriff.

May 25: imc_photo.gifAnti-Police Signs Not Allowed at Salinas March Against Police Brutality | imc_video.gifimc_photo.gifSalinas Marches Against Police Brutality | imc_photo.gifPeace Police and Counterinsurgency in Salinas | Statewide Solidarity Grows With Salinas Community As Local Powers Attempt To Censor And Undermine The Peoples' Actions | Police Brutality & Counter-Insurgency in Salinas | audioDiscussing Salinas and Oxnard on KDVS in Davis | imc_photo.gifMay 25th Salinas Rally/March Against Police Brutality | imc_photo.gifSalinas on May 25 by Bruce Neuburger, Lettuce Wars

En Español: La policía de paz y contrainsurgencia en Salinas

May 27: audioimc_photo.gifClaim Filed Against City Seeks Admission Salinas Police Wrongfully Killed Carlos Mejia

May 31: imc_photo.gifSalinas P.D. Kills Three. Let's Have a Rally! | imc_video.gifimc_photo.gifCounter-Protesters Question Unconditional Support for SPD at Pro-Police Rally

See Also: pdfSPD Releases Use of Force 'Policy Manual' | imc_photo.gifOakland Bannerdrop in Solidarity with Salinas | 2014 Monterey County Law Enforcement Misconduct Timeline | imc_video.gifaudioSalinas: "No Es Justo" by Lil Tony Mc (Song and Video) | Salinas Police Procedures and Killings Challenged by Citizens of Salinas | M.E.Ch.A de UCSC in Solidarity with the City of Salinas!

Previous Coverage: Salinas Police Kill Three People in Last Three Months
Salinas Police Kill Third Person in Three Months' Time, Community Members Take the Streets On May 20, officers with the Salinas Police Department shot and killed Carlos Mejia outside of a bakery at the corner of Del Monte and Sanborn. They said he posed a threat because he was carrying garden shears. The killing was preceded by the SPD killing of Osman Hernandez at Mi Pueblo Market on May 9, and Angel Ruiz on March 20. Angel was shot by three Salinas Police Officers simultaneously in a Wing Stop parking lot. A video of the Carlos Mejia killing went viral, and on May 21 hundreds of people took to the streets of Salinas in response.

Direct Action Monterey Network writes: "On Tuesday, May 20 two members of the Salinas Police Department murdered a man. No excuses from the SPD can justify their actions. Anyone who has watched the video can clearly see two armed thugs approach a man carrying garden shears and a bag. The two thugs proceed to follow and surround the man, then shoot and kill him. Why is the reality of the situation not obvious to everyone? Because the two armed thugs wore badges and uniforms. In some people’s eyes, the position of “Police Officer” allows these murderers to act with impunity. To many others, this only reinforces what we’ve already known: that cops exist in our community to harass, intimidate, and control us. And this string of police shootings in Salinas is nothing new, nor isolated. It is part of a growing trend of police violence that exists around the United States."

Community members are organizing in a number of ways, and a large march is planned for Sunday, May 25.

May 25: calendarMassive March Against Salinas Police Brutality!!

imc_video.gifRead More with Video | En Español: ¡No más violencia de la Policía!

Salinas Police Protester Arrested for 'Inciting a Riot' | SPD: End the unjust violence against East Salinas residents through unnecessary force | Statement from Assemblymember Luis Alejo: Fatal Shootings Spark Community Concern | DAMN Response to Demonstrations Against Police Violence | pdfBurning All Illusion Tonight (Salinas Riots, PDF Poster) | Cops train to kill: Salinas police Chief says, "We do not train to shoot people in the leg"
DefendTheBulb writes: In Solidarity with People whose homes are threatened, In Honor of unpermitted public Art, In Defense of spaces free and wild everywhere, To Keep the Albany Bulb Natural and unlandscaped, To Preserve Habitat for Birds, Insects, and other migratory Animals, including Humans, We Declare the Bulb an Autonomous Zone , a space where Art and Music continue to flourish, where People assemble Freely, where Dogs run unleashed, and where long-term Residents can continue to maintain and improve their Homesteads.
Fight Against Prison Expansion Continues in Statewide Actions Opposing Gov's Budget Revise Residents and representatives of community organizations in Santa Cruz rallied outside of the court house on May 14 to voice their strong opposition to the Governor's May revise budget, which calls for an increase in spending for jail and prison expansion. According to Californians United for A Responsible Budget (CURB), spending on corrections in the state will rise 2.9%, and total spending on prisons will top $12 billion if the budget revision is adopted. Similar rallies were also held in San Francisco, Bakersfield, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego.

"We are out here today because we know that if we put this money toward restoring social services, and the social safety net for the state of California, that we won't be locking up as many people because these two things are directly related," said Courtney Hanson of the organization Sin Barras. "They take funding away from services that people need to survive," she said.

Sin Barras has emphasized there is $5 billion that is available right now in the budget to fund social services, yet funding to begin the expansion of medical parole, to begin an elder parole program, and to create a parole process for non-violent and non-sexual second strikers has been cut to half what it was in the Governor's January budget.

imc_video.gifimc_photo.gifRead More with Photos and Video | Californians United for A Responsible Budget | Sin Barras

Previous Related Indybay Feature: Santa Cruz Residents Urge County to Reject State Grant Awarded for Jail Expansion
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio visited Mountain View, CA on May 6 to speak to an ultra-conservative group. At one point Arpaio approached protesters, some of whom said to him, "we don't want your hate here." Street theater demonstrators impersonated the sheriff and ICE federal agents in a skit near the entrance to the hall where the sheriff spoke.
Petition Demands OPD Be Prohibited from Using SIM & CS Blast Grenades on Crowds Scott Olsen's skull was shattered and part of his brain destroyed when an OPD officer shot him in the head with a Specialty Impact Munition (SIM) at a 2011 Occupy Oakland demonstration. As he lay critically injured on the pavement, an OPD officer threw a CS Blast grenade onto him — a teargas device that explodes with a flash of light and loud bang.

At least a dozen other people were injured by so-called "less lethal" weapons at the Occupy demonstrations, even though OPD's own policies and federal court orders specify that these weapons may not be fired into crowds. As a result, the City of Oakland has had to pay out more than $7 million in legal settlements to people who have suffered serious injuries from SIM or CS Blasts, including burns, hearing loss, fractures, crushed nerves and scarring.

A new petition demands that OPD be prohibited from using SIMs and CS Blast grenades at demonstrations and other crowd events. The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay.org) is supporting this petition. Indybay reporters are sick and tired of getting shot and gassed by OPD while covering protests in Oakland, a gross violation of freedom of the press and basic human rights.

photoRead More | videoCampaign Video | Sign the Petition

Previous Related Indybay Features: Oakland to Pay Big for OPD Shooting Scott Olsen in the Face | Costs of OPD's Violence Against Protesters Mount: Settlement in the Kayvan Sabeghi Beating | NLG Obtains $1.17M and OPD Reforms for Injured Occupy Oakland Protesters and Journalists | Oakland Occupiers Defiant After Police Raid, Mass Arrests, and Tear Gas/Projectile Attacks | March 7th Rally to Protest April 7, 2003 Police Attack at Docks | Oakland Rally Questions 2003 Attack on Protesters | Remember the Shots! Return to the Docks! | Port Of Oakland Shut Down: Police Fire Concussion Grenades and Wooden Bullets at Protesters and Dock Workers
Woman Beaten Repeatedly for Allegedly "Dancing on BART, Soliciting Money" Terri Kay of Workers World writes: The Bay Area Rapid Transit police have achieved notoriety once again, this time with the brutalization of Nubia Bowe, a diminutive 19-year-old Black woman. The brutality continued at the hands of Alameda County sheriff deputies once Bowe arrived at the Santa Rita, Calif., jail. Workers World interviewed Bowe and her godmother, Carroll Fife, about Bowe’s ordeal at the hands of police.

Workers World: What happened the night you got arrested?

Nubia Bowe: After work at Job Corps, I was coming home on March 21.... We were stopped at Lake Merritt BART by three BART police saying we had to step off the train. They said we were dancing on BART, soliciting money and causing a disturbance. Several people approached the cops saying we didn’t do anything and why did we need to get off the train.... I was pulled off the train by a different officer. He slammed me against the wall, busting my lip, and then he slammed me on the ground. I was taken to the Lake Merritt [holding cell] waiting to be transferred and held there about three hours, separated from my friends. [Then] I was taken to Santa Rita jail.... They started beating me up — all four of the cops, while I was on the ground. They put me in arm locks, joint locks, stepped on my feet and my face.

photoRead More | videoVideo | Petition to Drop the Charges
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