Donate to CIMC

Chicago Indymedia is a beacon grassroots groups and civilian journalists looking to get out the word about progressive movements in the metro Chicago area and across the world. Where the corporate media has been silent on struggles for positive change, Chicago Indymedia has provided a space to learn about and contribute to the many movements for a better Chicago and a better tomorrow.

Today, that includes providing a vehicle and a venue for indy journalists and activists reporting from -- and participating in -- the anti-NATO protests this May in Chicago. This ain't cheap, and we could really really use your help.

You can donate three ways:

1. Our special NATO WePay account.

2. ONLINE donations of $10 or more, by clicking here.

NOTE: Online donations will be processed by the Illinois Justice Foundation and Network for Good, and will appear as such on your credit card statement. They are tax-deductible. Please be sure to enter CIMC or "Chicago Independent Media Center" in the "Designation" field of the donation form.

2. by sending a CHECK written out to "Chicago Independent Media Center" (or "CIMC") and mailed to us at:

CIMC | c/o Goldhamer, P.O. Box 469, Chicago IL 60690

We are happy and grateful to take donations of financial assistance, equipment -- or your volunteer labor! We always need computers, monitors, cameras, audio equipment, and anything else you think might be valuable to a public media outlet.

Please contact us if you would like more information about about donations or our work.

Thanks for being a part of the global Indymedia community, and for supporting Chicago Indymedia.

In solidarity,

The Chicago Indymedia collective
