This is the Earth First! Action Reports web site. If you've set-up a group, taken ecological direct action, or want to publicise campaigns or projects, please let everyone know. No matter how big or small it seems, we'd like to share your news and inspiration - click on 'submit report' and go to story.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2014

28th-31st August 2014, in the South West....

A place for people involved in radical green direct action to come together....
to talk....share find out whats going on.... outdoors....hang out....laugh....
experience non hierarchical, low impact, family friendly living.

Action dates & gatherings now working again!

The action dates and protest gatherings page is once again working!  Apologies, we accidentally deleted it!

If there's any ecological actions that are openly advertised, protest camps or campaign gatherings, that you want to add to it, do it through the submit report link and in the subject, make it clear it's to add to the calendar.  Thanks.


In September a once a month activists nurture course starts, lasting a year. The purpose is to become more effective in our change work, sustaining it through inner joy and self-awareness

Support needed at Yorkley Court NOW

Update 24/6: The situation here is still urgent as of this morning; large numbers of security are currently trying to get on site.


Bristol: Arrest over 4 arson attacks

handfire 15th June from The local, now national media scum since 12th June last Thursday have been having a field day about the arrest of an individual regarding the 4 arson attacks on c

Argentina: Activists Arrested & Brutal Police Repression After Monsanto Law is Approved

14th June The legislature of Cordoba approved a controversial Monsanto Law yesterday. Protesters from Malvinas Lucha por la Vida, Madres de Itzuzaingó, and other social organizations held a peaceful protest to contest the law.

Three More Vehicles Sabotaged in Italy’s No TAV Struggle

14th June We receive from anonymous mail and transmit:

“Genoa—In the night of 3rd June 2 excavators and 1 concrete mixer were sabotaged at the Terzo Valico Erzelli yard.

To stop it is up to us

To stop it is possible

Let’s sabotage everything

No TAV Terzo Valico”


Sea Shepherd to Deploy Drones to Stop Massive Whale Slaughter

(Photo: Andrija Ilic/Reuters) 13th June In recent years, the annual dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan, have garnered headlines worldwide and sparked outrage among activists, scientists, celebrities,

Environmentalists Halt Leard Forest Clearance for the Winter

leard-forest-protest-1200-640x426 13th June Australia Whitehaven Coal yesterday announced it would halt its clearing of Leard State Forest until September following an injuncti

Patagonia Dam CANCELED!

chao hidroaysen13th June After an eight-year struggle, Chile’s grassroots and environmental movements have successfully won the rejection of five planned megadams on two Patagonian rivers!

Announcing the Launch of “After Prison” Zine & Website Project

ResilienceDrawing11th June “After Prison” is a zine and website project aimed at sharing the voices of former earth and animal

4 Arsons against Bristol's cellular transmission infrastructure over 24 Hours

Around Bristol between June 9th-10th, we left 7 mobile phone antennae in flames. Daily continuation of capitalist society is dependent on uninterrupted flows (of goods, people, data, and energy) and the communications grid is no exception.

Caltrans Case Against Tree Sitter Dismissed

Falcon-300x274 10th June Long-standing trespass charges against Mark Herbert, aka “Falcon,” who perched in an old oak tree in April, 2013, above the hill west of Highway 101 that Caltrans is now