STAR Chinese Channel Ident 1992
This is an ident for STAR Chinese Channel in 1992. Hope you like it! Got from the video - ...
published: 01 May 2013
author: Hafiz Izzudin
STAR Chinese Channel Ident 1992
STAR Chinese Channel Ident 1992
This is an ident for STAR Chinese Channel in 1992. Hope you like it! Got from the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM4vKL2nsbU.- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 514
- author: Hafiz Izzudin
十把剪刀手(STAR Chinese Channel - 10 Scissorshands)
Vern Hairdressing Style College Web:http://www.vern.com.tw 韋恩美髮學院臉書:https://www.facebook.c...
published: 24 Aug 2009
author: vern intw
十把剪刀手(STAR Chinese Channel - 10 Scissorshands)
十把剪刀手(STAR Chinese Channel - 10 Scissorshands)
Vern Hairdressing Style College Web:http://www.vern.com.tw 韋恩美髮學院臉書:https://www.facebook.com/vernhairs Vern Hairdressing Style College Facebook fans page:htt...- published: 24 Aug 2009
- views: 5092
- author: vern intw
Star Chinese Movies Legend Station ID
Star Chinese Movies Legend Station ID
Copyright to Fox International Channels....
published: 04 Nov 2013
Star Chinese Movies Legend Station ID
Star Chinese Movies Legend Station ID
Star Chinese Movies Legend Station ID Copyright to Fox International Channels.- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 27
20140719 时事辩论会 马航MH17将导致俄乌局势大逆转
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140719 时事辩论会 马航MH17将导致俄乌局势大逆转
20140719 时事辩论会 马航MH17将导致俄乌局势大逆转
辩论让事实越说越清,真理越辩越明。在场内激辩的同时,可通过现代科技,随时加入争论,让您不再冷眼旁观。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 42
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies
Copyright © 2014 STAR Chinese Movies
Member of FOX International Channel Taiwan
Hak Cipta...
published: 13 Jun 2014
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies
Copyright © 2014 STAR Chinese Movies Member of FOX International Channel Taiwan Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 18
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies 2
Copyright © 2014 STAR Chinese Movies
Member of FOX International Channel Taiwan
Hak Cipta...
published: 13 Jun 2014
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies 2
Iklan STAR Chinese Movies 2
Copyright © 2014 STAR Chinese Movies Member of FOX International Channel Taiwan Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 8
20140721 名士风流 "学术超男"爱因斯坦
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140721 名士风流 "学术超男"爱因斯坦
20140721 名士风流 "学术超男"爱因斯坦
凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 0
2014 07 17开卷八分钟 《足球国度:足球和现代巴西的形成》
published: 18 Jul 2014
2014 07 17开卷八分钟 《足球国度:足球和现代巴西的形成》
2014 07 17开卷八分钟 《足球国度:足球和现代巴西的形成》
凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 101
published: 18 Jul 2014
凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 17
20140716 鲁豫有约 失听舞者——身体舞动奇迹
published: 18 Jul 2014
20140716 鲁豫有约 失听舞者——身体舞动奇迹
20140716 鲁豫有约 失听舞者——身体舞动奇迹
都说幸运是给有准备的人,而当你没有得到幸运,反而遭受的到不幸的时候,就要看你的人生态度,是要迎难而上,还是自怨自艾。张天娇在一岁的时候,因为一次医疗事故,造成了她的重度失聪,她也就从此生活在了一个无声的世界,身边的母亲是带着她一边治疗,一边寻找未来的生活方向,但从来没有说过放弃。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 164
20140719 一虎一席谈 朝鲜呼吁和解 半岛稳定是否可期
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140719 一虎一席谈 朝鲜呼吁和解 半岛稳定是否可期
20140719 一虎一席谈 朝鲜呼吁和解 半岛稳定是否可期
选取每周在社会、文化等各方面发生的重大事件,焦点或热门话题,请来当事人或各界学者、专家、名人担任嘉宾参与讨论,实话实说。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 4
TOT iPTV Promo F TV FOX CRIME ITV Granada Nat geo adventure STAR Chinese Channel & Movies & Bio.
This is a final Part of Highlight jan&Feb; and a final another new channel Fashion TV A la ...
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: Warith Nethin
TOT iPTV Promo F TV FOX CRIME ITV Granada Nat geo adventure STAR Chinese Channel & Movies & Bio.
TOT iPTV Promo F TV FOX CRIME ITV Granada Nat geo adventure STAR Chinese Channel & Movies & Bio.
This is a final Part of Highlight jan&Feb; and a final another new channel Fashion TV A la carte & ITV Granada -------------Promo------------------------ Fash...- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 146
- author: Warith Nethin
2014 07 17又来了 小四奢靡pk韩寒直男癌 金砖银行令美心慌
published: 18 Jul 2014
2014 07 17又来了 小四奢靡pk韩寒直男癌 金砖银行令美心慌
2014 07 17又来了 小四奢靡pk韩寒直男癌 金砖银行令美心慌
凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 17
Youtube results:
20140717 鲁豫有约 花样姐姐——刘涛 凯丽 许晴
published: 18 Jul 2014
20140717 鲁豫有约 花样姐姐——刘涛 凯丽 许晴
20140717 鲁豫有约 花样姐姐——刘涛 凯丽 许晴
鲁豫有约是一档访谈节目,节目每期邀请明星或草根达人来做客,畅谈他们的生活与工作,并着重对一些社会民生类、话题类进行主题性的专题策划。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 439
20140721 开卷八分钟 《Handwerker Kaufleute Bankiers》
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140721 开卷八分钟 《Handwerker Kaufleute Bankiers》
20140721 开卷八分钟 《Handwerker Kaufleute Bankiers》
欧洲是现代工业的摇篮,是资本主义社会首先发展起来并且一直对世界经济发生重要影响的地区。研究欧洲经济史,特别是从产业革命到当代欧洲经济的历史,对于我们了解资本主义生产关系的形成和发展,了解近代直到现代的国际政治和经济的关系,都有重要的意义。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 1
20140721 时事辩论会 蔡英文表态挺独 两岸关系可能倒退
蔡英文表态挺独 两岸关系可能倒退?民进党20日举行全代会,回避讨论"冻独"问题。但民进党主席蔡英文19日已明确表态绝不放弃民进党"台独党纲"。有观点指出,大陆急需重估两岸形势,重估...
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140721 时事辩论会 蔡英文表态挺独 两岸关系可能倒退
20140721 时事辩论会 蔡英文表态挺独 两岸关系可能倒退
蔡英文表态挺独 两岸关系可能倒退?民进党20日举行全代会,回避讨论"冻独"问题。但民进党主席蔡英文19日已明确表态绝不放弃民进党"台独党纲"。有观点指出,大陆急需重估两岸形势,重估民进党对两岸关系和平发展的威胁,调整与民进党人士接触交往的政策 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 135
20140719 斗味 孔庆璞携剧毒食材上斗味 再现朱元璋心头好
在扬中,有一位厨师师法古籍,把剧毒的河豚鱼做成了 "非物质文化遗产"——明宫河豚煲,在小岛上有"中国烹饪大师"顶级名号者有多位,但同时有"特级河豚烹饪师"称号的不多。因河豚烹饪,有...
published: 22 Jul 2014
20140719 斗味 孔庆璞携剧毒食材上斗味 再现朱元璋心头好
20140719 斗味 孔庆璞携剧毒食材上斗味 再现朱元璋心头好
在扬中,有一位厨师师法古籍,把剧毒的河豚鱼做成了 "非物质文化遗产"——明宫河豚煲,在小岛上有"中国烹饪大师"顶级名号者有多位,但同时有"特级河豚烹饪师"称号的不多。因河豚烹饪,有"中国非物质文化遗产扬中河豚文化代表传承人"称号的,暂时只有孔庆璞一个。 凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 30