
KunTao Silat is NOT for everyone
Although KunTao Silat is a highly effective fighting art and a great exercise program for ...
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: stevegartin
KunTao Silat is NOT for everyone
Although KunTao Silat is a highly effective fighting art and a great exercise program for promoting overall physical health; it is NOT for everyone. Designed for experienced martial artists, beginners are not excluded by virtue of the fact that the operative element when learning KunTao Silat is that of constant practice and training. No one can learn martial arts, and particularly AKTS from a video. You can, however, learn to train and practice constantly from a video. Add a PracticeGroup for applicational training and the on-line resources for critique and enlightenment and you have a program designed for that one tenth of one percent of People with the desire and personal discipline to succeed in building their own personal Martial LifeStyle based upon the foundation of American KunTao Silat. If you're not that sort of a person, please do not buy my Distance Learning Course, because I don't give refunds and I don't need your money if you're not going to benefit from the program. I want Friends, not customers.
published: 01 Aug 2012
views: 1721

Kuntao Dumpag, a rare Filipino martial art
Here is a bunch of clips of Kuntao seminars taken over the years. For more information on ...
published: 06 Jan 2008
author: Ron Kosakowski
Kuntao Dumpag, a rare Filipino martial art
Here is a bunch of clips of Kuntao seminars taken over the years. For more information on Kuntao/Kun Tao Dumpag, go to psdtc.com for more information.
published: 06 Jan 2008
author: Ron Kosakowski
views: 113928

Sifu Sergio explaining about the term Kun Tao
www.kungfuhongkong.com.hk Sifu Sergio Iadarola explaining about the misconceptions of the ...
published: 17 May 2011
author: SifuSergioChannel
Sifu Sergio explaining about the term Kun Tao
www.kungfuhongkong.com.hk Sifu Sergio Iadarola explaining about the misconceptions of the term Kun Tao
published: 17 May 2011
author: SifuSergioChannel
views: 4311

Ying Lung Xing Kun Tao 2012 II
Colorado-USA-2012 Ying Lung Xing Kun Tao II Image of The Dragon Natural Fist Lao Shr Wayne...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: NaturalMotionSystems
Ying Lung Xing Kun Tao 2012 II
Colorado-USA-2012 Ying Lung Xing Kun Tao II Image of The Dragon Natural Fist Lao Shr Wayne Welsh NMS -Natural Motion Systems Shen Gung A Gathering of Martial Artist from around the USA, to share -service- Applied Research in the Martial and Health Sciences, Guest Instructors covered topics of Kun Tao -Kun Tao Silat -Serak Silat Sholin Kung Fu -Kenpo Ba Gua Zhang Tai Chi Chaun -Xing yi Chuan Kali-Arnis and more,,, NMS 3860 SW 143 Ct Unit 2 Miami, Florida 33186 Phone 1 (786) 344-6973 Email naturalmotionsystems@yahoo.con Website www.naturalmotionsystems.com www.nmsmartialartsandfitness.com
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: NaturalMotionSystems
views: 337

Kun Tao Silat Techniques, de Thouars
Uncle and his senior instructors demonstrate the art....
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: alexandria321
Kun Tao Silat Techniques, de Thouars
Uncle and his senior instructors demonstrate the art.
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: alexandria321
views: 2534

Kuntao Jiu Jitsu
Martial Arts Style: Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu. Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Realisitic Self-Defense Training. ...
published: 06 Aug 2007
author: jiujitsu10b
Kuntao Jiu Jitsu
Martial Arts Style: Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu. Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Realisitic Self-Defense Training. Official Training Manuals and DVDs Are Available at www.KuntaoJiuJitsu.com
published: 06 Aug 2007
author: jiujitsu10b
views: 38010

A brief introduction to American KunTao Silat
KunTao Silat encompasses a wide variety of Chinese and Indonesian martial arts which allow...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: stevegartin
A brief introduction to American KunTao Silat
KunTao Silat encompasses a wide variety of Chinese and Indonesian martial arts which allows each practitioner the freedom to choose those elements and concepts best suited to building their own personal Martial LifeStyle from a solid foundation of basic training in natural motion. Some of the concepts, techniques and principles are outlined in this video, but this by no means encompasses the entire scope of American KunTao Silat. Specifically designed for the American mindset, you will see quite a contrast to the traditional arts and styles that form the rudiments of this art. AKTS is a fighting art first, but health and proper exercise are also ingrained in the system.
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: stevegartin
views: 4036

Philippine Special Action Force Commandos learning Kuntao
Kuntao Dumpag has been taught to the Special Action Force Commandos (SAF), National Bureau...
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: Ron Kosakowski
Philippine Special Action Force Commandos learning Kuntao
Kuntao Dumpag has been taught to the Special Action Force Commandos (SAF), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) adn the Crisis Response Group (CRG) in the Philippines. In the US, it has been taught to the Army Rangers and other military and Law Enforcement personnel. For more information on Kun Tao Dumpag go to psdtc.com
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: Ron Kosakowski
views: 374759

The Purpose and focus of the American KunTao Silat DistanceLearning Program
In the American spirit of freedom and the universal need of humanity to express each indiv...
published: 01 May 2012
author: stevegartin
The Purpose and focus of the American KunTao Silat DistanceLearning Program
In the American spirit of freedom and the universal need of humanity to express each individual soul as separate and distinct, the American KunTao Silat DistanceLearning Program provides a foundation of solid basics from which each individual practitioner chooses from a vast ocean of martial acumen to build their own personal Martial LifeStyle. Building the basic training mechanisms into their daily life, AKTS Practitioners progress through several levels of Indonesian and Chinese Martial arts to arrive at Practitioner or Guru Muda level from which their individual journey commences.
published: 01 May 2012
author: stevegartin
views: 580

Willem de Thouars, Kun Tao Silat, 1996 Gulfport School of Tai Chi Chuan
This is part one of 4 videos representing a weekend workshop with Willem de Thouars, aka, ...
published: 04 Sep 2009
author: KungFuGato
Willem de Thouars, Kun Tao Silat, 1996 Gulfport School of Tai Chi Chuan
This is part one of 4 videos representing a weekend workshop with Willem de Thouars, aka, Uncle Bill. These videos include the work of Roberto Torres who came to the workshop as Uncle's assistant. These videos offer a rare demonstration of Uncle Bill's Kun Tao Bagua, and a special session of Uncle Bill administering massage to Carl Spitale, Kun Tao student of Willem Reeders. Sifu Lenny Howie is also featured as well as his cousin Tony Laughlin. Enjoy.
published: 04 Sep 2009
author: KungFuGato
views: 15864

KUNTAO -- Filipino Martial Arts Demonstration Penn's Landing Philadelphia Memorial Day 2012
KUNTAO Martial Arts Club VIDEO of our KALI Demonstration at the Philippines Independence C...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: Laura Collins
KUNTAO -- Filipino Martial Arts Demonstration Penn's Landing Philadelphia Memorial Day 2012
KUNTAO Martial Arts Club VIDEO of our KALI Demonstration at the Philippines Independence Ceremony Penn's Landing Philadelphia with Mataw Guro Dale Yeager Filipino-American Association of Philadelphia Visit us at www.kuntaomac.com
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: Laura Collins
views: 574

Orange County Wing Chun California - The Official HKB Kuntao Demonstration by Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk
www.hkbmartialartscalifornia.com - It is very clear that everyone have a great experience ...
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: HKBKuntao
Orange County Wing Chun California - The Official HKB Kuntao Demonstration by Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk
www.hkbmartialartscalifornia.com - It is very clear that everyone have a great experience receiving quality Martial Arts Instruction from the Best Premiere Martial Arts School in Los Angeles - Orange County [Serving Tustin, Orange, Anaheim, Irvine, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Cerritos, Cypress, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo] HKB Martial Arts Academy is the best martial arts academy to provide you with the best martial arts experience and quality instruction possible. As the training headquarter location of the world Premier Kung Fu Organization; The Official Hek Ki Boen Kun Tao, we have grown so far and expanded now in 13 Countries in North America, South America, Middle East, Asia and Europe. Being a premiere Martial Arts School, HKB Irvine Martial Arts Academy have long successful track-record of helping people just like you in achieving your goal in training Martial Arts to be Safer, Healthier and Happier by developing and maximizing Your True Human Potential using our Proven Realistic Martial Arts training methods. Our Martial Arts Defense Training Center are conveniently located at 14051 Newport Ave, Suite A2, off the Freeway 5 in Tustin, California. Also don't forget to claim Our Unbeatable Offer of the 6 Weeks UNLIMITED Martial Arts Training for only $39. Not to mention our 60 Days IRON CLAD Money Back Guarantee When you enroll as long-term students. Claim this offer now at www.hkbmartialartscalifornia.com or Call Now at (949) 297-6999
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: HKBKuntao
views: 50140

KunTao Silat TriAngle Exercises
American KunTao Silat training exercises designed to refine legwork and handwork into a un...
published: 11 Mar 2008
author: stevegartin
KunTao Silat TriAngle Exercises
American KunTao Silat training exercises designed to refine legwork and handwork into a unique power delivery system based upon root and leverage.
published: 11 Mar 2008
author: stevegartin
views: 53330
Vimeo results:

Kuntao Marketing Software
Kuntao Marketing Software Demo...
published: 09 Nov 2010
author: KunTao Marketing
Kuntao Marketing Software
Kuntao Marketing Software Demo

Kuntao Marketing And BidTraffic
Kuntao Marketing And BidTraffic video tutorial...
published: 15 Nov 2010
author: KunTao Marketing
Kuntao Marketing And BidTraffic
Kuntao Marketing And BidTraffic video tutorial

Combat Kuntao International
Master, along with his highly skilled Guros, demo at their headquarter location in Marylan...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: Samuel Scott
Combat Kuntao International
Master, along with his highly skilled Guros, demo at their headquarter location in Maryland.

Combat Kuntao Situational clip
Snap shot of our response to a real world attack. Short and to the point!...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: Samuel Scott
Combat Kuntao Situational clip
Snap shot of our response to a real world attack. Short and to the point!
Youtube results:

Building Explosive Movement with Kun Tao Dragon
The Kun Tao Dragon method taught in Phase 1 of Clear's Silat is a quick way to build power...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: kuntaosilat
Building Explosive Movement with Kun Tao Dragon
The Kun Tao Dragon method taught in Phase 1 of Clear's Silat is a quick way to build powerful & explosive striking. www.clearsilat.com
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: kuntaosilat
views: 1266

Kun Tao Bear Style
A free lesson in Clear's Kun Tao Silat from Phase 1 Vol 7. www.clearsilat.com...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: kuntaosilat
Kun Tao Bear Style
A free lesson in Clear's Kun Tao Silat from Phase 1 Vol 7. www.clearsilat.com
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: kuntaosilat
views: 1595

How to Use Enam Matjan: 3rd Series: The Fighting Forms of Kuntao-Silat
Before you skip over it, wait: this isnt just another forms video. In fact, its nothing li...
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: PaladinPress
How to Use Enam Matjan: 3rd Series: The Fighting Forms of Kuntao-Silat
Before you skip over it, wait: this isnt just another forms video. In fact, its nothing like any form youve ever seen. Rather than showing you a dry collection of martial arts moves that have no basis in real-world combat, best-selling author Bob Orlando and Paladin Press have put together a video production that teaches hard-core fighting skills in a format thats easily learned, repeatable, and practical. Drawn from the best elements of the Indonesian combat art of kuntao-silat, this video shows you the only two forms youll ever need. Combining the authors logical, detailed instruction with multiple camera angles and slow-motion photography, you will learn two of the most fundamental forms of kuntao-silat: Enam Matjan and Elbow Exercise. Both teach the important combat basics of angle, leverage, and body positioning to win any fight, including dealing with multiple assailants or fighting from a disadvantaged position. In addition, Orlando shows strikes with both the open hand and the fist that will literally stun your opponent with pain and leave him open to devastating leg destructions to disrupt his base. This is the forms video for people who dont like forms, and a must-have for any complete combat library. Available now from the Paladin Press Professional Action Library: www.paladin-press.com
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: PaladinPress
views: 63661

Imua Shantung Kuntao
Wicked! HD video of a Kung fu style called Imua Shantung Kuntao. This is a little taste of...
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: MrTruedsson
Imua Shantung Kuntao
Wicked! HD video of a Kung fu style called Imua Shantung Kuntao. This is a little taste of the art form.
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: MrTruedsson
views: 12841