A great Chinese movie

I am a fan of good new Chinese cinema and one of my favorite directors in the genre is Zhang Yimou.

Last night I rewatched, after quite some time, his uplifting movie To Live, based on the depressing but striking novel by Yu Hua.  The movie was banned in China and Zhang Yimou was punished for it by being forbidden to make movies for a while.

Zhang Yimou has some other fine movies, such as The Road Home (which just might make even grown men cry at the end), the visually incredible Hero, the harrowing Not One Less, the creepy Raise The Red Lantern.  I am ambivalent about his Curse Of The Golden Flower and about his remake of Blood Simple by the Coen Brothers, A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop, although there is an incredible noodle making scene in it.  (UK Readers can cut and paste the titles into my Amazon UK search box at the bottom of the page).

Anyhoo, To Live has a lot of tragedy in it and reversals of fortune.  Part of the lesson, however, is that reversals brings chances “to live”.

It is hard to get some of the new Chinese cinema movies, but they are worth the effort.  And, in a way, it was a fitting way to observe our Independence Day.

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Australian Anglicans abandon their “seal of ‘confession’. Trouble to follow.

The pressure will now rise, since Anglicans have betrayed Christian tradition and history (again).

Never mind that the Church of England has cobbled up a rite of baptism that omits any reference to the Devil (HERE), now we have this from CNW:

Anglicans in Australia abandon seal of confession for serious crimes

Anglican leaders in Australia have unanimously approved a proposal to abandon the confessional seal, authorizing priests to disclose information about serious crimes such as sexual abuse.

The General Synod in Australia, meeting on July 2, passed an amendment to the Anglican canon on confessional secrecy. The change must now be approved by individual dioceses, but Anglican leaders said that they would press for that approval.

The confessional seal has been a subject of tense political debate in Australia, with Catholic Church leaders insisting that it is inviolable. Their Anglican counterparts approved a proposal that would allow priests to disclose sins if they involved criminal offenses that would carry a penalty of more than five years’ imprisonment, and the penitent had not already confessed to police.

Frankly, we don’t need to care much about what Anglicans do, internally to their ecclesial community (not Church – HERE) since they are just shooting blanks over there on the other side of the Tiber. They do not have valid orders and do not validly absolve or confect the Eucharist.

That said, pressure will now be turned up on Catholics to do the same.

Posted in Blatteroons, Liberals, Religious Liberty, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices, The Last Acceptable Prejudice | Tagged , | 10 Comments

New female Rector of a Pontifical University

Fishwrap (aka National Schismatic Reporter) is chuffed about the very first appointment of a woman as rector… rectrix… of a Roman institute. Franciscan Sr. Mary Melone will be rectrix of the Antonianum, a Pontifical University.

What Fishwrap didn’t report on is Sr. Melone’s stance on theology of women.

Check out this story at Vatican Insider. My emphasis and comments.

I don’t give much importance to these kinds of labels, female theology,” Sr. Melone said in an interview with L’Osservatore Romano, published on the occasion of her election as dean of Theology. “Above all, I don’t like comparisons although I recognize that in the past there may have been a reason for making comparisons. Maybe there is one today as well, I don’t know. More space definitely needs to be given to women. The reference to female theology does not really fit with my vision of things: all that exists is theology. Theology as research, as a focus on mystery, as a reflection on this mystery. [Excellent.] But precisely because this requires different sensitivities. A woman’s approach to mystery, the way in which she reflects on this mystery which offers itself and reveals itself, is certainly different from that of a man. But they do not contrast. I believe in theology and I believe that theology created by a woman is typical of a woman. It is different but without the element of laying claim to it. Otherwise it almost seems as though I am manipulating theology, when it is instead a field that requires honesty from the person who places him/herself before the mystery.” As far as the role of women in the Church is concerned, “a reflection on this cannot be commensurate to the Church’s age as this reflects a development of thought that has gone on for hundreds of years,” she went on to say in the 2011 interview. “ However, in my opinion a new space does exist and it is real. I also think it is irreversible, meaning that it is not a concession but a sign of the times from which there is no return. It is no pretense. I believe this depends a great deal on us women too. It is us who should get the ball rolling. Women cannot measure how much space they have in the Church in comparison to men: we have a space of our own, which is neither smaller nor greater than the space men occupy. It is our space. Thinking that we have to achieve what men have, will not get us anywhere. Of course, although the steps we take may be real, this does not mean the job is complete. A great deal more can be done but there is change, you can see it, feel it. I think that (my case aside) the election of a woman in a pontifical university is also proof this. The body who elected me was made up entirely of men!” So doesn’t the Church need gender quotas? “No, it doesn’t need quotas, it needs collaboration. And collaboration needs to grow!”

Posted in Women Religious | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Freedom of “worship”? Not of “religion”?

I had heard a story about the Naturalization Test legal immigrants (always welcome) take for citizenship in these USA.  I tried a self-test at the .gov site.

I saw this:

One of these, freedom of “worship” or freedom of “religion” is fine.  The other is not so fine.

The next question, however, was “What is freedom of religion?”

Posted in Liberals, Religious Liberty | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments

Hell’s Bible Full-Page Anti-Catholic Ad

The New York Time’s (aka Hell’s Bible) took money for an anti-Catholic full-page ad featuring the racist Margaret Sanger.

From American Thinker:

Anti-Catholic full-page ad in the New York Times today
By Ed Lasky

The Hobby Lobby decision has ignited liberals and unleashed their prejudice. And this ad is shameful.

The New York Times has a full-page ad in its print edition today that should elicit protests around the nation (but likely won’t).

Here is a copy from the website of the Freedom From Religious Foundation [Based in Madison, WI, btw] that wrote and paid for the ad HERE :

The photo of the woman at top is that of Margaret Sanger-idol of the pro-choice movement (and the founder of Planned Parenthood) who — this has been all but erased from the panegyrics to her greatness — was a proponent of eugenics. She was, in the words of Arina Grossu a “racist, eugenicist extraordinaire” whose role in pushing these Nazi-like laws resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including people she considered ‘feeble-minded”, “idiots” and “morons.” [Not to mention people with dark skin.] She also spoke to KKK women’s groups. [Okay... let's mention them.  The Freedom From Religion Foundation has as their poster child, literally, a black-hating eugenicist.]

But what is worse is this line from the ad: “All-male, All-Roman Catholic Majority on Supreme Court Puts Religious Wrongs over Women’s Rights.”

Anti-Catholicism apparently is no problem for this group. Should there be a religious test for public office or the highest court of the land? Such a religious test was specifically rejected in Article VI, paragraph 3 of the US Constitution.

But in the Age of Obama respect for the Constitution and the law — and the views and beliefs of religious people — are attacked routinely with nary a complaint from liberals.

Unless, of course, the group happens to be Muslim.

For more on the nexus between liberals and other haters of these USA, read The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America by Andrew C McCarthy.

It is fascinating to watch the mobilization of the Left’s Grand Jihad Smear Machine.  The blatant lying and spinning is amazing.

Meanwhile… some quotes, including:

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

- Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976 (emphasis mine).

The Freedom from Religion Foundation has a nasty, racist bedmate.


Posted in Liberals, Pò sì jiù, Religious Liberty, The Religion of Peace | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

Not a word spoken

I liked this commercial.

Posted in Just Too Cool | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

LCWR, their August assembly: Where’s the “prophecy”?

As you know, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious is going to have their annual confab in August.  This year they are meeting in Nashville.

As you will remember, last year I applied for press credentials, only to be coldly rejected.  HERE

As you will see, this year the LCWR organizers have not put any link or address on their site for applications for press credentials.

What is this?  Invitation only?

We have to ask: If they can’t open their mouths in public, where’s the prophetic?

If the press won’t be there, or if only their pets, their tame writers are there, how will I know when I am being “challenged” by their prophetic stance?

Posted in Women Religious | Tagged , | 14 Comments

The ‘c’atholic Left turns more and more against Pope Francis

A few days back the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, gave an interview to Il Messaggero.

There wasn’t much of interest in it. The Pope is becoming a little bit more careful, it seems. Rush Limbaugh and Michael Sean Winters were momentarily excited about his mention of Communism.  Ho hum. The only thing noteworthy in the interview was the additional blow Francis gave to the now-stale hopes of radical feminists everywhere.

The interviewer, a woman, raising the specter of misogyny, asked the Pope questions about the role of women in the Church.  The Pope essentially dodged them and made a couple jokes. I wrote about it HERE.

Liberals and feminists are not amused.

Remember, the holy grail of liberals and feminists is the ordination of women, something Pope Francis has firmly rejected.  ”That door is closed,” quoth he.

His Holiness also warned women religious about “female machismo”, using with them the less-than-sweet Italian word “zitelle”.

Francis isn’t letting feminists run over him.  He isn’t knuckling under.  Their games of intimidation, to which they inevitably resort, won’t work with him.  Il Messaggero‘s interviewer surely expected Francis to quail at the mention of “misogyny”.

Instead, he laughed.

Liberals and feminists are, therefore, now turning on Pope Francis, both inside the Church (e.g., HERE … sort of inside, that is) and outside (e.g., HERE and, more recently, HERE).

At Fishwrap (aka National Schismatic Reporter), the featured female writers are openly turning on Francis (e.g., HERE and HERE).

Another example of the great liberal turning against Francis comes from another of the Fishwrap’s featured columnists, our old pal Phyllis Zagano.  She read a translation of the interview in Il Messaggero and had a bit of a meltdown.  Not sharing Pope Francis’ sense of humor, she took time off from her MOOS for the ordination of women, to tell the world about how benighted the poor, old male cleric is:

I’m sure Pope Francis did not mean to insult half the human race the other day. [In other words, she thinks he did.] In his first-ever interview with a woman journalist, he “joked” that women are taken from Adam’s rib and that women have power as rectory housekeepers.

OK, so he’s old, he’s tired, and he’s got a million things on his mind. But, hello, Holy Father — the world is watching.


And she continues with another one of her obsessive attacks on males, especially clerics.

I will always happily give Phyllis props for her solid pro-life position, but when it comes to clerics, she seems to have a vindictive streak that never ends.  Not even the Pope is exempt.

In the final analysis, her shot at Christ’s Vicar is insignificant in that it is cliché: poor old man, tisk tisk, another woman-hating priest.  Ho hum.

The more important point is that this is yet another example of how the catholic Left is starting to turn on the Pope.

They are so predictable.  The word “misogyny” raised in the interview is feminist catnip.

Pope Francis, whose style is out of step with his predecessors, is not going to overturn doctrine.  And, just watch, he is not going to approve of Holy Communion for Catholics in objectively irregular marriages.  He is not going to distribute condoms or approve of abortions.  He is not going to open a door to the ordination of women.

Posted in Liberals, Pope Francis, The Drill, Throwing a Nutty, You must be joking! | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

The slippery slope of Communion for divorced and remarried

My friend the still-parish priest of Blackfen, still-Dean of Bexley, His Hermeneuticalness, Fr. Tim Finigan has drilled into a kerfuffle which illustrates how sides are being formed concerning Communion for the divorced and, subsequently, civilly remarried.

Finigan describes the situation.  A parish priest in Italy had the temerity to uphold the Church’s doctrine and discipline.  He essentially said that, if you are a sinner you shouldn’t goto Communion.  Radical, no?  He was thereupon blasted by his diocesan bishop and by no one less than the Cardinal Baldisseri, who is in charge of the Synod of Bishops and who is in favor of jettisoning the Church’s discipline in these matters, though he has of late tried to walk back some of his odder public statements.  Baldisseri called the priest’s defense of marriage, “cose da pazzi… crazy talk”.

Go there and read the whole thing, as described by Fr. Finigan.  However, pay close attention to his conclusion, which I think is dead on target:

By way of a postscript, did you notice that there seems to be a slide forming? Are we now no longer limited to considering Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried, but widening the question to all “irregular cohabitation”? I hope that the higher ecclesiastics consider the pastoral question of how long couples have to be cohabiting before they can receive Holy Communion? Parish priests such as myself and Fr Vicario need to know where the line is to be drawn.

I suppose everyone might agree that a one-night stand is not sufficient (though who knows what might be proposed by the real crazies in this debate?) But would a few weeks of shacking-up with the girlfriend or boyfriend, moving in your Playstation and bagging a few drawers for your clothes, put you in a fit state to receive Holy Communion?

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Mail from priests, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill | Tagged , , | 24 Comments


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Continued from THESE.

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As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.

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Please… pray for G.  Really struggling right now.  Urgent.

Finally, I still have a pressing personal petition. Actually… two.

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