The Mondoweiss Guide to Accessorizing for Israel


About Katie Miranda

Katie Miranda is an illustrator, jewelry designer, and cartoonist living in Portland, OR. She is currently working on a graphic novel called "Tear Gas in the Morning" which is a memoir about the nonviolent resistance movement in Palestine. Visit to learn more. Facebook: Twitter: @KatieMirandaArt
Posted in Israel Lobby, Israel/Palestine, US Politics | Tagged

{ 15 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. kayq says:

    Omg these are hilarious. Thank you Katie!

  2. Marco says:

    Oh no, by the time I got to Cory Booker I couldn’t contain myself! These are great.

    Is that a real picture of Booker carrying Boteach? That’s hilarious.

    Edit: Apparently it is. From the Forward: “Future Leaders: Cory Booker playfully lifts Rabbi Shmuley Boteach during a year the Rhodes Scholar spent at Oxford University in England.”

    So Booker’s been tight with Boteach since the early 90′s.

  3. Krauss says:

    Do you mind if I turn the tables?

    link to

    Naftali Bennett’s “Coin of To Beat All Other Coins”. He displayed it during an Amanpour interview as well.

    I’ve written on this website that Bennett is the most likely successor to Bibi. He’s so alike him. Remember Bibi’s bomb cartoon? Well, Bennett’ Coin is the natural successor.

  4. pabelmont says:

    Love it. So funny.

    Maybe protesters should wear this stuff outside AIPAC offices (etc.) to do a take off on the smaller (more “tasteful” !?) emblems of USA/Israel co-operation co-optation.

    BTW, is wearing a two-flags emblem (USA and Israel flags) a statement of dual-loyalty? Just asking.

  5. Walid says:

    Lady modeling the Masada hat should have been holding a broom.

  6. Walid says:

    Weiner’s got boobs????

    • Bumblebye says:

      No, girls get those. Boys get ‘moobs’, a contraction of man-boobs!

      Edit: I hear the distinction is considered very important by those who suffer from them.

    • eljay says:

      >> Weiner’s got boobs????

      Weiner (in that photo, anyway) has a well-toned chest. This guy has man-boobs.

      • piotr says:

        I thought that dependent on content, men have “pectorals”, mostly muscle, and moobs, mostly (if not exclusively) fat.

        OTOH, this is really uncharitable photo of Weinert, reminding me a sexist adage that “great sex if you cover her face with a towel”. And boxers are definitely an improvement (over pics allegedly sent by Weinert to fellow chatters).

        After such indecent thoughts, I would add that Corey set-up MUST include tightly fastened belt, otherwise the hand of good rabbi could stray dangerously.

  7. What’s the ‘tell’ on Hagel’s tie?

    • yrn says:

      What’s the ‘tell’ on Hagel’s tie?
      Blue and white, don’t you know according to Mondowiess, everyone wearing white and blue is a Pro-Zionist.

  8. Ron Edwards says:

    Wasn’t there a push for Israeli keffiyahs a few years ago, in blue-and-white with a Star of David? Googling … yes, here: link to “Revolutionary” and “original” at the same time, the sense of which escapes me, but I shall skirt that rabbit hole and move on.

  9. flyod says:

    something they can all wear with pride..
    link to