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   ConferencesConventionsEntertainmentFundraisersMeetingsPerformancesReunionsSalesSeminarsSocialSportsTradeshowsTravelReligionFairsFoodMusicRecreationOther   AllTodayTomorrowThis WeekThis MonthNext WeekNext Month        Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    January 2015 - 100 Women Connect - Yoga Inspiration    Karen Grant creator of Yoga Inspiration is kindly donating her time and expertise for our first 100 Women Connect event for 2015.


 Please come for some new year inspiration at a free 45 min vinyasa yoga session in Hyde Park, followed by an evening picnic with other 100 Women members and supporters.


 Karen practices ISHTA Yoga (Integrated Sciences of Hatha, Tantra and Ayurveda), which aims to help us develop our own personal combination of postures (asana), breath control (pranayama) and meditation practices, so that we become the best version of ourselves.


 Please bring your own mat (if you have one) as well as a plate to share afterwards. 


 Meeting place at Hyde Park is in between the two lakes.


 If you have any questions about the class, please feel free to contact Karen at 


 What is 100 Women Connect? It's an informal event where you can come meet the 100 Women Advisory Committee, members and other like-minded people. Join us in a relaxed atmosphere to find out more about the 100 Women Giving Circle and the people behind it. New members to the giving circle are encouraged to come to pick up their membership packs in person.

 This is a free event, RSVP is required to assist with venue arrangements.

 We hope you can join us!




   Category:    start:  16:00 31/01/2015    end:  18:00 31/01/2015    Organized by: 100 Women   Address:  Hyde Park, Vincent Street, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    On The Water featuring Kolombo    Habitat are going On The Water for a one off exclusive multi boat raft-up party. And in true Habitat style, we are bringing one of the biggest deep house dj’s in the world with us… Kolombo. Expect an amazing day of on the water full of sunshine, sexy beats and beautiful people. We have limited this party to only 3 boats and 230 people to ensure the comfort and enjoyment for everyone. Each boat will have there own dj’s for the journey there and back, but once rafted up there will be one main stage in the middle with the sound thumping through all 3 boats.Supporting Kolombo will be some of Habitat’s finest hombres & friends…Tom LoveFlexDarren JGreen GeorgeHentonBauxPhilly BluntPaul ScottSaul Bliss This a one exclusive party On The Water for us this summer, so rest assured it will sell out.TICKET INFORMATION★ Tickets include all drinks, BBQ lunch and entertainment.★ Tickets are available from★ E-tickets can be printed, or used from the Eventbrite app on your phone - and then we will be scanning you onto the boat.DEPARTURE INFORMATION★ Boats will be leaving from Barrack Street Jetty at 11am and returning at 6pm. ★ We will email you all of the important information closer to the date and post on this event page so stay tuned. See you ON THE WATER

   Category:    start:  11:00 01/02/2015    end:  18:00 01/02/2015    Organized by: Habitat Inc   Address:  Barrack Street Jetty, Barrack Street, Perth, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    sunday afternoon activists club     TL;DR > book club meets high tea for creative activism chats: Feb 1st 2015 at @ciahq

 in these dark times it's hard to know where to turn. you want to help others but you also worry about paying the rent and feeding your children. so what can you do?

 the sunday afternoon activists club is a light-hearted approach to activism. we know we can't change the world alone, but we also know we want to try, together.

 taking inspiration from book clubs, high teas, tweetups and blogmeets, we will be using this network to encourage physical gatherings and online sharing of the more positive and beautiful aspects of activism, in all its forms.

 this FREE gathering will launch at cia studios in Perth on Feb 1st 2015. 

 our first book will be "Beautiful Trouble: a toolbox for revolution" who have most generously offered to provide a discount code for their print or ebook edition. all reservations will receive this code on confirmation of their booking, plus tea and biscuits (after all, what kind of activist gathering would it be without endless cups of tea?!). 

 I will also give a brief update on the creative actions which have arisen from last year's Memefest14 in which we were invited to work with the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy and Grandmothers Against Removals.

 bring your smiles, creative naughtiness and any examples of beautiful troublemaking you care to share x

 -- social links for shares/comments -- 

 RT this: book club meets high tea for creative activism chats - join the inaugural @saaclub 2-4pm Feb 1st 2015 at @ciahq

 ** Major kudos to @rashasman for the fantastic logo **

   Category:    start:  14:00 01/02/2015    end:  16:00 01/02/2015    Organized by: Fee Plumley   Address:  CIA Studios, 480 Newcastle Street, West Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    Bring a Friend For Free    For the first week in February, bring a friend for free to any training sessions. You can bring as many people as you like to the training sessions! 

 Please ensure that you let Ben know who you will be bringing prior to the training session. 

 Look forward to a big first week of training in February with everyone. Invite as many people as you like. The more the better!

   Category:    start:  06:00 02/02/2015    end:  10:00 07/02/2015    Organized by: Ben Pink   Address:  Core Fitness Personal Training, Leighton Beach Boulevard, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    AVID Info Sessions Perth    If you're interested in volunteering overseas, come along to an information session to learn about a great Australian aid initiative - the Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) program.

 Location:  Perth (Theatrette Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, James Street Mall, Perth) Event Date: Wednesday, 4th February

 Event Time: 6:15pm for a 6.30pm start - 8.00pm Organisation: Scope Global Contact Name: Eloise Richards Contact Email: Cost: Free

 Each year, hundreds of Australians take up the challenge to live and work in developing countries as part of the Australian Government’s Australia Volunteers for International Development program.

 These Australian Volunteers work in a range of sectors including education, environment, IT, finance, sport, marketing/communications, health, law, gender as well as many others. Information Sessions are an excellent opportunity to learn more about the AVID program. 

 Panelists of returned volunteers and Scope Global staff will be sharing their experiences and stories, as well as advice about applying and what to expect if successful.

 The program provides - 

 Paid volunteer work through living allowances Training before, during and after your volunteer assignment Vaccinations Medical and emergency support whilst in-country Comprehensive insurance (travel, medical, security) In-country support whilst on assignment Flights Visa costs Here’s what previous attendees have said about the sessions:

 "Fantastic. Comprehensive without being overwhelming. Great presenters. Enjoyed listening to the personal stories."

 "Enjoyed the returned volunteers' talks and the opportunity to speak to them personally." 

 "Loved the panellist session - very honest answers. Hearing the top two challenges, words of wisdom, lessons learnt from the volunteers was great."  Register to attend at

 Scope Global is a core partner in the Australian Volunteers for International Development program, an Australian Aid initiative.



   Category:    start:  18:30 04/02/2015    end:  20:00 04/02/2015    Organized by: Scope Global   Address:  Theatrette Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    Walking Holidays for Fine Food & Wine lovers | Perth Evening | 2015    Please come and meet us in the Mosman Bay Room. As refreshments will be served, please confirm your attendance by registering online.

 The Film & Information Evening will give you an opportunity to meet Gabriela and Graeme and some of our team.

 Our presentation will include a 30 minute video showing you a typical day on a Walkabout Holiday.

 We shall then introduce our range of tours for our 2015 season and then guests will have time to ask questions.

 Afterwards we shall offer drinks and aperitifs – this is an opportunity for guests who haven’t travelled with us before to talk with us privately or more importantly chat with other guests who have previously travelled with us.

 We hope you can join us in Europe, Australia or Africa this year and we look forward to seeing you again at our Information Evening.

 Graeme, Gabriela and the team at WGA

   Category:    start:  18:30 04/02/2015    end:  21:30 04/02/2015    Organized by: Walkabout Gourmet Adventures    Address:  Hyatt Regency, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    Perth Feb Roadshow      Category:    start:  19:00 04/02/2015    end:  22:00 04/02/2015    Organized by: Seacret Direct Australia   Address:  Novotel Perth Langley, 221 Adelaide Terrace, Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    Cocktail Class 101#February    A fun and educational way to learn about Bartending. Guests are guided through the bar from bar tools to how to make the cocktails. Everyone in the class will also have the opportunity to make them! 


 Our cocktails are grouped into our three favourite school subjects

 HISTORY: A selection of classic cocktails that pay homage to the history & heritage of our cocktail drinking culture.

 ART: These obscure cocktails are handcrafted by our Teachers behind the bar to show creative flair & technique with flavour, aroma & taste.

 SCIENCE: These drinks combine scientific methodology with classic bartending to create cocktails that push the boundaries of molecular mixology.


 You'll be shown the ropes of how to make some of our signature cocktails and the classics you have heard of before. All the while showing a few little secrets here and there!

 Tickets are $35pp + Booking Fee with so get a group together and headback into The Classroom for a lesson!

 Ticket includes small bar snacks, class duration 2 hours  

 Classes are only for 20 guests so book now to avoid dissapointment 

   Category:    start:  18:30 05/02/2015    end:  20:30 05/02/2015    Organized by: THE CLASSROOM    Address:  The Classroom, 356 Charles St, North Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    Positive Birth Perth    This month's topic: When birth doesn't go to planCome and join us for an informal morning, where ALL parents-to-be, birth professionals and anyone who is passionate about birth regardless of their background, experience or choices— will come together and explore what makes for a positive birth experience—for Mum and Dad. We are part of the Positive Birth Movement which believes that every family deserves a positive birth. This involves freedom of choice, access to accurate information, and that the family is in control, powerful and respected. A birth that they approach, perhaps with some trepidation, but without fear or dread, and that they then go on to enjoy, and later remember with warmth and pride.Positive Birth Perth is facilitated by Nikki Hunt from Gentle Beings and Moran Liviani from 2Life Doula. We are both passionate about women's birth choices and our aim is to facilitate an environment in which families can come together to ask questions, listen to diverse opinions, feel protected and nurtured in a space that will hold no judgement. And all over tea and cake!

   Category:    start:  10:00 06/02/2015    end:  12:00 06/02/2015    Organized by: Positive Birth Perth   Address:  My Midwives, 26 Cleaver St, West Perth       Events lead.

 Events sublead.

    S2R Networking Lunch - Platypus Minerals (ASX:PLP) MD Tom Dukovcic    “Investment Opportunity in Large Scale Copper-Gold Porphyry Potential in the East Pilbara and Peru”

 You are invited to a presentation by Tom Dukovcic, Manging Director of Platypus Minerals Ltd.

 About Platypus:

 Platypus is an ASX listed junior explorer (ASX:PLP) with two high quality projects, in Peru and in WA, both prospective for copper-porphyry style mineralisation. Specifically, Platypus is targeting large, high-value deposits that could have an enormous impact on the growth of the Company and its share price.

 Platypus has made the first discovery of 2015 at Gobbos in the east Pilbara and as a result their share price increased by more thna 30 per cent.

 The Peruvian tenements located in the San Mateo mining district cover more than 230 square kilometres and surround Inca Minerals Limited's (ASX:ICG) Chanape project which has confirmed a sizeable mineralised system. A $1.5M drilling program for Platypus is expected to commence in early CY2015 with any meaningful results to be viewed favourably by the market.

 More information is available from

 About Tom Dukovcic (pictured above)

 Tom is a geologist by training having graduated with a B Sc (Hons) degree from the University of Melbourne in 1982.

 He has accumulated over 25 years’ experience in exploration and development, working in diverse regions throughout Australia and internationally in south-east Asia and Brazil. During this time he has been directly involved with the management of gold and copper discoveries in Australia and gold in Brazil. Mr Dukovcic is a Member of the Australian institute of Geoscientists and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He brings valuable geological, exploration and management experience and skills to the Board of Platypus.

 His initial experience was gained in the gold industry in Western Australia starting with Joe Gutnick’s Johnsons Well Mining and Geoff Stokes’ Mawson Pacific in the late 80s. He then moved on to Sons of Gwalia and later Finders Gold before striking out in 1996 with a group of associates to form Ashburton Gold Mines NL, which they intended to float on the back of gold exploration properties in the Ashburton region of WA.

 It was the wrong time to go to the market with an IPO, so Tom sought out a listed company suitable for merger.

 In 1999 Ashburton Gold Mines was involved in a reverse takeover of Zephyr Minerals NL resulting in a change of management and name change to Ashburton Minerals. Tom was appointed Executive Director of Ashburton Minerals in April 1999, and Managing Director in June 2003.

 In October 2013 Ashburton merged with unlisted company Platypus Resources Ltd, which held rights to a suite of concessions in Peru prospective for Cu-Au and base metal mineralisation within the rich Miocene Porphyry Belt of Peru. The Company changed its name to Platypus Minerals to reflect this new focus.

 Ashburton/Platypus is an active and versatile explorer, maintaining a philosophy of seeking out projects that show clear and substantial potential, but importantly also knowing when to move on if results so dictate. The Company has been involved with the following projects:


  Project Commodity


 Ashburton project, WA:


 1996 – 2004

 Optics Storage, Singapore


 2000 – 2001

 Wirralie Gold Mine, Qld


 2003 – 2005

 Pocone-Cuiaba, Brazil


 2004 – 2008

 Mt Webb, WA


 2008 – 2012

 Obi Island, Indonesia


 2010 – 2011

 San Mateo District, Peru


 2013 – present

 Gobbos, WA    


 2013 – present

 Tom is pleased to be here to share this story in this exciting stage in the development of Platypus Minerals.

 Tom will dicuss:

 What is the inside story behind their exploration strategy? What the current market sentiment is with the junior exploration sector? What is the short, medium and long-term upside for the company? Where are the near-term value drivers for the business that are likely to increase the shareprice of Platypus? How you can invest in Platypus Minerals. FAQs

 What can I bring to the event?

 Bring 30 Business Cards to share with others*.

 Be prepared to talk about your business and your ideal client and especially at what stage of the resources development cycle they are at.

 Just pay for your lunch and any drinks or coffee at the register when you leave the restaurant.

 Lunch is a set menu for $25.

 Is my registration/ticket transferrable?


 Can I update my registration information?


 Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?


 The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?


 * Note on privacy - by handing out your cards there is implied permission that you will be added to the databases of others at the lunch. If you do not wish this to happen make this clear when you hand your business cards out that you do not wish to be added to newsletter databases.


   Category:    start:  13:00 06/02/2015    end:  16:00 06/02/2015    Organized by: Thomas Murrell CEO 8M Media and Communications Chairman S2R   Address:  Table 78, 78 Outram Street, West Perth       «12345678...2526»     © 2014 Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Advertise     googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1395577615165-0');             (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-48439358-9', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');