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Saving Oxford's Services

15-05-2011 19:15

Young people don't feel they have been listened to

In the face of massive cuts to Oxfordshire's public services, a group of activists and campaigners are determined to fight the Con-Dem government's austerity package and their plans to privatise services that should rightly belong to all of us.

The group has recently campaign on youth services, NHS reforms, and welfare reforms for people with disabilities.


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Protest at Queens visit to the Nuclear Death Park in Rotherham

21-11-2010 19:33

On 18th October the Queen's visited Sheffield and the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre in the Advanced Manufacturing Park at Catcliffe, was greeted by protestors.

The press release for the event didn't mention the arms industry related work that takes place there but simply stated that, "The Nuclear AMRC is a new collaboration between the University of Sheffield and the University of Manchester, with the backing of the Government and leading companies involved in building the new generation of civil nuclear power stations."

The day before, Stuart Parkinson, executive director of Scientists for Global Responsibility, speaking at the Sheffield CND AGM exposed the often used argument about job creation for facilities of this nature — only 3,000 are employed in the defence sector in the Yorkshire and Humberside region and the money invested could generate far more jobs in sustainable industries.

Newswire: Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Protest | Protest at the Queen's visit to the Rotherham Death Park | Royal Visit to Death Park! 18th Nov. 2010 | Nuclear Dawn at Rotherhams Advanced Manufacturing Park | Stuart Parkinson: Arms Conversion for a Low Carbon Economy

Full article | 1 comment

SchNEWS 744: To The Manor Osbourne

21-10-2010 21:36

Thousands have marched, a government department has been broken into, and a Scottish branch of Lloyds TSB has been occupied by pissed-off pensioners...It must be the (OK, somewhat quiet compared to France) start of the anti-cuts revolt!

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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Opposing the cuts in Oxford

17-09-2010 18:16

Stuart Speaking

Opposition to the planned public sector spending cuts is growing across Oxfordshire and beyond.

In early September there was a sit-in protest in Lloyds Bank in central Oxford. Protesters pointed out that the banks are being funded by the public at the expense of our frontline services including heath care, social services, and housing.

A week later, Oxford Save Our Services held a public meeting to start mapping the cuts in Oxfordshire and to start building resistance to them. Around 50 people - including service users and public sector workers whose jobs could be under threat - all spoke about the cuts that were being made. These ranged from closing the GAP homeless project, stopping schools & parks projects, closing care centres, turning off speed cameras, and much more.

There was a passionate speech from Stuart (pictured) who had been to the Oxfordshire County Council 'Big Debate' meeting calling for solidarity amongst all those seeking to oppose the cuts.

Resistance to the cuts is in fairly early stages, but rapidly gathering momentum. Events coming up in the near future include:
23 September 7pm: Town Hall Oxford Trades Council open community meeting for all groups and unions against the cuts.
27 September: Oxford Save Our Services planning meeting. Update: Meeting details.
3 October: Demonstration at the Tory party conference. Coaches going from Oxford.
20 October (day of the Comprehensive Spending Review): National day of action against the cuts.

[ Bank sit-in report ] [ Save Our Services meeting: Report | Photos | Audio ]
[ Oxford Save Our Services | Oxford Right to Work | No Shock Doctrine ]

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PFI Turns Into Ongoing PR Disaster for Barclays

12-08-2010 22:24

Barclays Bike

Having spent £25m on the branding rights to London's new cycle hire scheme, the bright sparks in the Barclays marketing department have started a dialogue with the public which could last for several years. The scheme is part of a private finance initiative providing thousands of rental bikes in return for painting London's roadways in the bank's corporate colours.

Only minutes after the bank unveiled the bikes-for-rent in partnership with the city's Conservative administration, situationist guerrilla teams struck in the night to add their own mobile advertising messages under the Barclays logo. One of the messages, "Funding depleted uranium birth defects in Iraq", was particularly timely. New studies suggest that the ongoing genetic damage caused by the U.S. attack on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004 may be worse than that caused by the atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 65 years ago.

Barclays was also targeted in Cambridge on Friday 30th July 2010.

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SchNEWS 731 - GM: Against the Grain

15-07-2010 21:51

This week sees GM firmly back in the spotlight. On Wednesday the EU took a huge step in pushing forward the genetic modification agenda by copping out of regulation and putting the decision on whether to GM grow or not back into the hands of national governments. The European Commission approved changes to the rules which may break the deadlock that has prevented any significant cultivation of GM crops in Europe. What does this mean for GM production in the UK and other nation-states? And where does this leave the resistance movement?

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

In SchNEWS: 622 | 583 | 346 | 319

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SchNEWS 726: Slick Publicity

09-06-2010 22:02

In response to America's largest ever environmental disaster, Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, said, “I'd like my life back.” He seemed to have forgotten about the 11 workers who died on BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig when it exploded 40 miles off the Louisiana coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, on 20th April 2010.


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SchNEWS: Squaring Up To 'Em

13-05-2010 19:48

This Saturday (15th) people will be protesting at various places around central London to give the new 'stable, national interest' coalition a warm welcome.

SchNEWS gives a round-up of all the events taking place over the weekend to get your action-hungry teeth stuck into.

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Campaign to save Victoria Baths takes fight to the council

07-02-2010 13:03

On Saturday February 6th, the Save Victoria Baths campaign held a demo in protest at the council's plans to shut Victoria Leisure Centre on April 1st. The event was well attended and attracted a fair amount of media attention. Although the council seems to have made its decision, campaigners believe the fight is far from over. They will hand over a petition against the closure on Monday February 8th.

The campaign has also announced on its website that users of the Victoria Leisure Centre have formally threatened legal action against the council over its sudden announcement that the centre will be closing on April 1st. The legal action asks the council to withdraw the decision and keep the centre open whilst the planning process is undertaken, echoing the appeals of the campaign. London public law firm, Pierce Glynn are acting on behalf of the users, seeking a judicial review, accusing the council of failing to take into account the fact that no planning application has been submitted, that this process will take at least several months, and failing to take into account the impact this will have on users, especially disabled ones.

On the newswire: Report from Save Victoria Baths demo 7/2/10 | Save Victoria Baths: Interview | Council does the dirty on the Save Victoria Bath Campaign

Previous features: Victoria Baths axed early in city budget | Credit crunch hits Notttingham | Nottingham City Council: Mired in Corruption | Council Under Fire From Campaign To Save Leisure Centre

Links: Save Victoria Baths | Petition | Nottingham City Council LOLs

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Victoria Baths axed early in city budget

20-01-2010 18:05

After a long period of silence from the council the Save Victoria Baths campaign have learnt that the authority intend to close Victoria Leisure Centre on 31 March 2010, despite having no approved plans for development and no planning permission to demolish what is already there. The campaign allege that the council intends to relocate staff in February, making it more likely that it will close earlier than then.

Council plans to close Victoria Leisure Centre first emerged in 2008 and generated considerable public opposition. Although campaigners were unable to prevent the closure, they did manage to get the council to promise to keep it open until 2011 and agree to build a (very expensive) new leisure facility on the site. Campaigners are concerned that the council may now go back on both promises leaving the community without a leisure centre.

On the newswire: Council does the dirty on the Save Victoria Bath Campaign | 2008: Victoria Leisure Centre Public Meeting to Oppose Closure | Save Victoria Baths from closure, Demo at the Council House | Council propose to shut Victoria Baths, Sneinton | City Council intends to Close popular leisure facility

Previous features: Credit crunch hits Notttingham | Nottingham City Council: Mired in Corruption | Council Under Fire From Campaign To Save Leisure Centre

Links: Save Victoria Baths | Petition | City council: Budget consultation

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Image Short Films: My Message to the Government #MyMsgToTheGov
24-06-2014 15:51

Text 4 Arsons against Bristol's cellular transmission infrastructure over 24 Hours
11-06-2014 12:54 | 1 comment

Image Anarchism against alcoholism
03-06-2014 13:56 | 2 comments

Audio UG#683 - The Standardization of Mind & Body (DSM-5, Disabilities & Fruit Trees)
29-05-2014 15:07

Text Help Needed NOW!!
25-05-2014 09:59

23-05-2014 07:27

Image 1st International Self-organized Antifascist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika
21-05-2014 19:19 | 1 comment

Text Anarchism and Martial Arts
14-05-2014 13:37 | 3 comments

Text Fukushima 3rd Anniversary meeting in Houses of Parliament. 10.3.2014.
13-05-2014 15:48

Text Protective Shielding
02-05-2014 01:26

Image March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23 | 4 comments

Text Iraq's Government Paedophile Plan for Children
10-04-2014 08:39

Image Calf Crate Crimes In Oregon
08-04-2014 16:25

Image Stick-up for the NHS! demo, 27 April
08-04-2014 09:21 | 1 comment

Generic media Nonces, Abusers, Rapists and rape-apologists in the Far-Right
02-04-2014 18:21 | 1 comment

Image Vegan And Vegetarian Champions Ask LeBron James To Join Them
01-04-2014 21:41

Image Billboard modifications subvert HMRC propaganda & Starbucks etc
26-03-2014 13:15

Text Blackmail3 Court Case Update
16-03-2014 13:06 | 3 comments

Text The US and Britain’s Paedophile Colony
13-03-2014 21:01 | 1 comment

Image The Battle For Britain's Children And Their Justice
13-03-2014 08:59 | 1 comment

Image Glow In The Dark: Consume Fish Or Radioactive Fish Oil
11-03-2014 17:36 | 1 comment

Text The Psychological is Political
06-03-2014 10:17 | 1 comment

Text Petition against Hospital Closure Clause - PLEASE SIGN NOW!
03-03-2014 18:55 | 3 comments

Generic media IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms!
01-03-2014 15:40 | 1 comment

Text Personal Budgets: It Is Working?
25-02-2014 15:57

Image Children Are Screaming To Be Heard
25-02-2014 14:53

Image Atos Kills - Archway Demo
20-02-2014 13:39 | 2 comments

Image NHS Campaign Victory + How to Opt-Out of "Care Data"
20-02-2014 07:27 | 3 comments

Text Some positive news - India declared polio-free
13-02-2014 19:34

Text "The Lancet" : Another front in NATO's psychological warfare against Syria
09-02-2014 19:28

Image The Dutch Weed Burger: Vegan Fast Superfood
03-02-2014 21:31

Text This Year's Flu Shots Causing Guillain-Barre and Other Lethal Effects
28-01-2014 18:25 | 2 comments

Text Alzheimer's Senility, Dementia: Caused by Meat, Fish, Alcohol, Aluminum, Mercury
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Text Frack Free February
22-01-2014 20:48

Text Preventing Heart Attacks, Strokes, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Food Poisoning, Etc
15-01-2014 19:48 | 5 comments

Image All World's Ocean Fish Contaminated by Fukushima Radiation
12-01-2014 18:19 | 3 comments

Video They're Dun Blaming me cuz now I'm exposing Them.
07-01-2014 09:56 | 2 comments

Text Thousands sign petition to stop Canal & River Trust evicting boat dwellers
06-01-2014 18:43 | 1 comment

Text Radio Hosts and Guests Required Freedom Talk Radio
03-01-2014 14:15

Image Christmas message! X!
23-12-2013 02:07

Text on the use value of psychology in current Kiev upsurge in fascism
10-12-2013 09:50 | 2 comments

Audio UG#671 - The Nuclear Fuel Pool of Damocles (Fukushima, Chernobyl and PBDEs)
04-12-2013 01:06

Text #OpSafeWinter Engaged
01-12-2013 19:11

Audio UG#669 - The Restless Energy of The Hunted Mind (Information/Social Dysfunction)
11-11-2013 09:15

Text £83k grant will help get homeless off the streets
08-11-2013 19:50

Text NHS Mental Hell
31-10-2013 17:39 | 1 addition | 3 comments

Generic media Shropshire cruelty free christmas fair November 30th
28-10-2013 22:21

Text Homeless to live in shipping containers
21-10-2013 16:15 | 1 comment

Text Happy Birthday Veggies!!!!
16-10-2013 17:24

Text Why Having Children Should Be Illegal:
16-10-2013 00:21 | 8 comments

Image How Innocent Birds Are Treated In Many Factory Farms
13-10-2013 17:37 | 2 comments

Image KFC Boycott And Chicken Disease Cause Owner Profits To Drop 70%
10-10-2013 14:33

Image Photos from the Conservative Party demonstration
30-09-2013 03:19 | 1 comment

Text Conference Demonstration Against NHS Privatisation
30-09-2013 02:20

Image 25 Ingredients In McNuggets, 17 Ingredients in McDonald's Fries..
24-09-2013 19:46

Image The latest on GM food, info nights next week
30-08-2013 10:22

Audio UG#657 - Rounding Up The Opposition (Glyphosate Risks, David versus Monsanto)
29-07-2013 22:17

Text Homeless in Tower Hopeless Council estate
25-07-2013 15:17

Audio UG#655 - Unite and Conquer 3 (Social and Personal Consciousness of Self & Other)
21-07-2013 15:13

Image Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Humane Release for Herman Wallace
20-07-2013 17:47

Text Please can anyone help Veggies at Peace News Camp
17-07-2013 12:35

Audio UG#653 -The Biopsychosocial Approach (The Growth Of Child Development Disorders)
11-07-2013 10:40

Text Summer Peace News Camp In-Line!
11-07-2013 10:34

Audio UG#652 - Is Humanity In Its Right Mind? (The Rise and Rise Of The Left Brain)
07-07-2013 02:28

Text Peace News Summer Camp 2013 YES!!!
03-07-2013 09:43

Image Big Vegan Fair in Brum City Centre, Sat 6th July
26-06-2013 21:23 | 4 comments

Image US Comic TV Satire Of Iowa Congressman Trying To Make Battery Hen Cages Smaller
24-06-2013 18:40

Text Why I Don't Eat Meat
13-06-2013 17:24 | 7 comments

Image Qantas, Virgin Airlines, 6 US Prison Systems, Join UK's Boo Boo in Pig Flesh Ban
07-06-2013 19:16

Text Journal Of The AMA Reports 70,000 Person Study: Vegetarians & Vegans Live Longer
05-06-2013 23:46

Generic media Questioning the Medical Model of 'Psychosis'
03-06-2013 20:33 | 1 comment

Image Smithfield, World's Biggest Pigkiller with Norwich Holdings, Acquired by Chinese
30-05-2013 18:14 | 1 comment

Image Hospital Campaign Song Heading For The Charts
20-05-2013 08:56

Audio UG#636 - Bilking The Afflicted (Addiction, Drugs & Capitalism)
11-05-2013 15:33

Image American "Leftist" TV Show Promotes Pigeating
10-05-2013 20:58 | 13 comments

Text Britain’s Poverty Addiction
09-05-2013 08:28 | 1 comment

Text Residents rally at 6 PM at Trahorn Close E1 focuses on Tower Hamlets Council
07-05-2013 13:34 | 1 comment

Image Howard Lyman Continues To Expose Mad Cow Incidence In US And Elsewhere
02-05-2013 21:01

Image Bayer Shareholder Meeting Speech by Valerie Williams
26-04-2013 21:29

Text media featuring a garden work health project ignore ill-treatment there.
22-04-2013 15:54 | 2 comments

Image Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Dow: Biggest Bee Killers
19-04-2013 20:52 | 2 comments

Image Hero, Actor James Cromwell, Arrested In Animal Rights Action
16-04-2013 20:07 | 1 comment

Text The roll-out of tasers will make minority groups targets once again
15-04-2013 23:17 | 1 comment

Image BAYER Shareholder Meeting on April 26 in Cologne: Coalition introduces Countermo
11-04-2013 22:03

Image US Governors Shred Freedom Of Speech Re Filming Animal Slaughter
10-04-2013 18:28

Text Mad Cow In Brazil, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, US, Canada Etc.
30-03-2013 20:29

Image the icarus project in Bristol
30-03-2013 19:01

Text Unhealthy influence: The rise of the NHS Partners Network
30-03-2013 09:39 | 1 comment

Text #OperationPaperwork
29-03-2013 14:43 | 1 comment

Image 150th anniversary / Countermotions to shareholder meeting BAYER: Company History
21-03-2013 18:15

Image Whittington board plans rejected by thousands
17-03-2013 19:09

Image Food Lovers set to besiege Vale of Evesham Vegan Fair, Sat 23 March
07-03-2013 13:28 | 3 comments

Image India: “Bayer’s Tonic“ still on the Market
05-03-2013 17:14

Image OSARCC is recruitment helpline and email support volunteers
05-03-2013 15:07

Image Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
05-03-2013 06:29 | 1 comment

Audio UG#620 - Sex And Drugs And Mental Health (Sex 'Addiction' and Broken Brains)
03-03-2013 05:35

Text The WREXHAM-STAR.......... Phoenix from the Ashes !
02-03-2013 10:58

Image Packed meeting calls for a halt to Whittington sell off
14-02-2013 17:58 | 1 comment

Audio UG#613 - Economic Disposal of The Worthless (Hidden History of Eugenics in USA)
11-02-2013 02:56

Image Ten Days in Manchester - Demos, Conferences, Occupations
10-02-2013 17:05

Text Iraq Ten Years On: What You Don’t Hear!
10-02-2013 11:22 | 1 comment

Text what in the world are they spraying?
07-02-2013 15:22 | 8 comments

Text Ban of "psychotronic" weapons is now up to Russia and China
06-02-2013 13:42

Text Sheffield Vegan Approach
03-02-2013 13:15 | 1 comment

Text Protest Today! Lewisham A and E closure announcement.
31-01-2013 13:06

Image Vale of Evesham Vegan Fair, Sat 23 March
29-01-2013 16:25

Text How Far in the Future is the Ban of Psychotronic Weapons
29-01-2013 13:11 | 2 comments

Text Tips for the seriously mentally distressed in dealing with ATOS
20-01-2013 23:30 | 4 comments

Audio UG#608 - Flight From Meaning 3 (Science, Chimpanzees and The Monongahela)
12-01-2013 12:12

Audio UG#609 - Flight From Meaning 4 (Crazy Like Us,Instructed Organism,Peace Pilgrim)
12-01-2013 12:07

Text Britain's military adventures have cost us all so much
11-01-2013 10:49 | 1 comment

Image Why Ban MSG
04-01-2013 15:41 | 5 comments

Text Iraqi Children in Need
03-01-2013 11:08

Image Communities won't take the closure of nurseries and childrens centres.
25-12-2012 19:00 | 2 comments

Text Iraq’s leadership has failed
23-12-2012 00:57 | 2 comments

Text HIV-Negative AIDS: CFS, ME, or AIDS?
14-12-2012 05:13 | 1 addition

Text Anti-Austerity Protest, Manchester Report and Pics
09-12-2012 00:02

Text Cameron heckled at Xmas lights ceremony
01-12-2012 09:31 | 2 comments

Image #Dec5 >> London Anti-Cuts Demo << #Dec5
26-11-2012 03:03 | 10 comments

Image More than 2,000 march to save NHS Lewisham A&E and Maternity Units
25-11-2012 00:19 | 2 additions | 4 comments

XML UK Health Newswire Archive