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Federal Politics

Australia 'unsettled' before the British: Abbott

GARETH HUTCHENS 9:53am Tony Abbott says Australia owes its existence to foreign investment because Australia was 'unsettled or, um, scarcely-settled' before the British arrived.

Comments 299

Latest political news

Transfer at sea 'clear rights breach'


The United Nations has expressed ''profound concern'' over reports that Australia was poised to hand Sri Lankan asylum seekers back to the country's navy on Thursday after only the briefest refugee assessment.

Comments 128

Morrison looks to bypass court's visa ruling

LIVE: Scott Morrison press conference (Thumbnail)

MICHAEL GORDON 7:08pm A bold move by the Abbott government to circumvent a decision of the High Court and the will of the Senate appears certain to trigger another High Court challenge.

CBA boss backs neutering of consumer laws

Commonwealth Bank.

LISA COX 9:27am Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ian Narev has said he supports new government regulations that wind back consumer protection laws for financial advice.

Call for Turnbull exit 'vulture fund'


HEATH ASTON Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's second-richest parliamentarian, has invested in a ''vulture fund'' based in the tax haven Cayman Islands.

Comments 30

PM faces hurdle on building watchdog

Building and construction generic.

JAMES MASSOLA Tony Abbott's plan to restore the building industry watchdog, a key plank of the government's workplace reform policy, faces an uncertain path through the new Senate.

Houses, dollar to fall warns Reserve Bank

Glenn Stevens: “People should not assume that [house] prices always rise. They don’t; sometimes they fall.”

Clancy Yeates and Peter Martin 12:43am The Reserve Bank has warned home owners that "people should not assume that prices always rise" when deciding to buy property.

Labor takes aim at top bureaucrat's critique


MARK KENNY Friction over the federal budget continues before next week's sitting of the new Senate.

Andrews shies from cutting minimum wage

Kevin Andrews

JANE LEE 6:00pm Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has all but ruled out cutting the minimum wage, likening the unpopularity of such a move to introducing WorkChoices.

'Terribly sad' for another loss in Afghanistan

Todd Chidgey

DAVID WROE Lance Corporal Todd John Chidgey was the 41st Australian soldier to die in Afghanistan, a country where Australia has officially ended its combat operations.

Napthine happy to campaign with PM

Denis Napthine and Tony Abbott.

Josh Gordon and Steve Lillebuen 9:31pm Denis Napthine says he is happy to campaign with Tony Abbott ahead of the November 29 election, despite warnings the prime minister’s unpopularity in Victoria could be cruelling his chances.

PM 'paraded' daughters: Lambie

CBA bows to pressure on compensation

Dead soldier on sixth tour of Afghanistan

Abetz to push senators on building watchdog

Final NBN inquiry report not due till next poll

Uni, health changes 'a crime, absurd'

Abbott wrong on renewable energy

Greens in turmoil on fuel tax backflip

Albrechtsen scores influential post

PM supports Japan'smilitary expansion

Win in first battle over plain packaging

Innes fires parting shots at Abbott government

Fears grow over support for Islamic state

Praise for service of veteran commando

Australian jihadist on his way to Syria or Iraq

Australian soldier dies in Kabul

Albrechtsen frontrunner for top post

Urgent need for tax reform: Treasury boss

Senator missed CBA victims' evidence

Australia and India to strengthen military ties

Gore told to avoid Palmer circus

Mentally ill should be 'properly tested': Kennett

Detention centre staff to give evidence

Muir hires ex-pollie to help with legislation

ANZ report cites mining boom tax failure

Error 'costly to carbon trade consensus'

Backing for more time for sex abuse inquiry

NBN Co in $200 million bill dispute with Telstra

Injured Manus asylum seeker to sue

Tamil asylum seekers may be forced back

Comment & Analysis

Banks must do more to regain trust


JOHN COLLETT 12:01am Commonwealth Bank boss Ian Narev's mea culpa on Thursday in response to the damning findings of a Senate committee investigation into financial advice may mark a turning point.

Comments 15

CBA's report card: Must do better

Malcolm Maiden.

MALCOLM MAIDEN 11:59pm CBA’s gesture 'too little, too late' and, in any event, not the ‘‘overarching review’’ required.

New Senate's fault lines run deep

Gary Humphries thumbnail

GARY HUMPHRIES 9:28pm Opinion Move over, idiosyncratic state parliaments! Pack your bags, quirky territory legislatures!

Silence on boats a disgrace

julian burnside dinkus

Julian Burnside Has the Australian public given up caring about the fate of other human beings?

Comments 541

Society forces us to be leaners

Graeme Innes dinkus

Graeme Innes I have never accepted the concept of "lifters" and "leaners", a Ming dynasty phrase which has lately gained currency.

Comments 19

Carbon pricing: how Labor failed the nation

Illustration: Judy Green

Philip Chubb The experience of attempts to price carbon raises some fundamental questions about the way Australians are governed.

Comments 42

GP co-payments need to be targeted

Gary Freed

Gary Freed Overseas experiences should help us decide on the best course for a healthy outcome.

Comments 26

Silence over changes really speaks volumes


PETER MARTIN Opinion When someone is proud of what they have done they make an announcement. When someone is not, they keep quiet.

Comments 47

Climate scientists try new tack

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes A group of British academics are hoping to engage with decision-makers to make their environmental message more palatable.

Comments 140

Reserve keeping the balls in the air

Malcolm Maiden dinkus

MALCOLM MAIDEN The years following the global crisis have been a period of extraordinary support for financial markets.

Health report card reveals excellent grades

Ross Gittins dinkus

ROSS GITTINS One of the main jobs of the federal government’s Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is to produce a report card on the state of Australia’s Health every two years.

Comments 84

Royal commission must go ahead

Adele Ferguson dinkus

Analysis Adele Ferguson Opinion As senior executives at the Commonwealth Bank scramble to come up with an adequate response to the Senate committee's excoriating report into its financial planning scandal, the issue has become a political hot potato.

How Abbott made the carbon tax work

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN A combination of hot and cold air is helping to drive changes in our energy use.

Comments 95

PM must tackle big policy challenges

Peter Reith dinkus

PETER REITH Despite the media’s obsession with Clive Palmer last week, Tony Abbott had a very good week of his own.

Comments 98

Hurting the most vulnerable is cruel

maree o'halloran

Maree O'Halloran The McClure Report could be an opportunity to plan for a strong, resilient social security and services system.

Comments 40

Brandis ignores own insights on chaplains

George Williams dinkus

GEORGE WILLIAMS Attorney-General George Brandis is doing his best to hose down reactions to the High Court’s finding that federal funding for school chaplains is unconstitutional.

Comments 38

Napthine has lost right to decide Vic's future

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

David Hayward With its polling in the doldrums, the state government no longer has the moral authority to make billion-dollar infrastructure decisions.

How the financial big boys view SMSFs

Michael Pascoe dinkus

MICHAEL PASCOE The very success of the SMSF sector could be setting it up for its biggest battle

Special features

Breaking Politics: Palmer not-so-united?

Liberal Wyatt Roy takes PUP Senator Jacqui Lambie to task as colleague Dio Wang distances himself from her comments about Tony Abbott. Plus Labor's Amanda Rishworth. From 10.30am

No faith in bank's rort inquiry panel

Eryk Bagshaw Victims of the Commonwealth Bank's financial planning scandal are outraged at the bank's response to the Senate inquiry and are demanding a royal commission take place.

Fear still drives Tamils into exile: advocates

Jason Koutsoukis The Sri Lankan civil war which claimed more than 100,000 lives over a quarter of a century officially ended in 2009.

Lambie has arrived

Judith Ireland Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie, who spent ten years in the army, has come a long way since she was first elected in the sixth spot for Tasmania in September.

Backlash over missing asylum seeker boat

"We are breaching our central obligation under the refugee convention" says lawyer Julian Burnside, after two boatloads of asylum seekers were allegedly screened and handed over to the Sri Lankan navy by Australia.

Who are the new Senators?

A who's who of the new Senators taking their seats in the 44th parliament.

Anthony Ackroyd pokes fun at Tony Abbott

The Prime Minister's doppelganger Anthony Ackroyd, puts his own spin on the classic, Side by Side.

Bandt: 'we respect each others positions'

Deputy Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the party room remains united and that media reports of divisions are wrong.

Leyonhjelm: abolish ABC, cut CSIRO

The world according to new Liberal Democratic Party Senator David Leyonhjelm, where small government is good government.

New kids play nice at Senate school

Judith Ireland Australia's newest senators face one more hurdle before they officially take their places in the upper house: Senate boot camp.

Comments 30

Young and alone in a strange land

About 400 unaccompanied children are now seeking asylum in Australia. Rachel Kleinman meets one young man struggling to live with an uncertain future.

How the Senate will change from July 1

Interactive The Coalition government will need the support of the Senate to pass its legislation. Who will hold the balance of power when the Senate changes from July 1?

How we share the refugee burden

Interactive More than 85 per cent of refugees are hosted in developing countries. Australia hosts 0.3 per cent of the 11.7 million refugees under the UNHCR's mandate.

Federal budget 2014: Interactive explorer

Explore the major data points of the 2014 federal budget and see how Joe Hockey’s first budget shapes up to his predecessors.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Cartoon Gallery

Cartoon Gallery: Home of the best cartoons from our resident artists from the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

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Is the Abbott government's personalised tax receipt a useful idea?

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