Banyaknya Kesesatan yg dilakukan umat Islam di Indonesia
Ceramah Agama Islam by Ustad Ali Nur (judul aslinya adalah "Larangan membangun kuburan"...
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: Kajian Islam
Banyaknya Kesesatan yg dilakukan umat Islam di Indonesia
Banyaknya Kesesatan yg dilakukan umat Islam di Indonesia
Ceramah Agama Islam by Ustad Ali Nur (judul aslinya adalah "Larangan membangun kuburan"- published: 05 Nov 2011
- views: 20906
- author: Kajian Islam
Debat Paling Seru : Islam vs Kristen Indonesia
Acara ini di kemas dalam tema dialog "samakah nama Tuhan menurut Islam dan Kristen". manus...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Debat Paling Seru : Islam vs Kristen Indonesia
Debat Paling Seru : Islam vs Kristen Indonesia
Acara ini di kemas dalam tema dialog "samakah nama Tuhan menurut Islam dan Kristen". manusia pada hakikatnya siapapun dan kapanpun di sepanjang sejarah butuh terhadap yang bernama Tuhan. tetapi ketika manusia berkelompok - kelompok kemudian masuk dalam Agama - Agama tertentu lahirlah persepsi yang sering kali berbeda tentang Tuhan. saat ini akan di diskusikan apakah Tuhan menurut Islam ? sama dengan Tuhan menurut Kristen. baik dalam pengertian Nama, Penyebutan, Definisi, maupun Subtansi. masing - masing Agama(Islam dan Kristen) memiliki Kitab Suci yang menjadi dasar dan rujukan untuk mempersepsi dan menafsirkan terhadap Tuhan. oleh karena itu diadakan dialog ini dengan tujuan yang pertanma : Islam dan Kristen adalah Agama Dakwah. ini menjadi sarana untuk dakwah misi dan sosialisai terhadap Agama masing - masing baik kepada komunitas sendiri maupun komunitas yang lain. Kedua : Untuk memberi shareng pengetahuan. bagaimana sih sesungguhnya Tuhan dalam persepsi Islam itu ? barangkali itu bermanfaat bagi komunitas Kristen dan begitupun sebaliknya,bagaimana tentang persepsi Tuhan menurut Kristen ? barangkali itu juga bermanfaat bagi umat Islam. Ketiga : Sekaligus sebagai klarifikasi barangkali persepsi Islam terhadap Kristen ada kekeliruhan ? atau sebaliknya persepsi Kristen terhadap Islam Selama ini ada juga kekeliruhan. inilah media, inilah sarana, inilah tempat untuk saling mengklarifikasi dengan bijak,sehingga ketika kita pulang dari sini membawa satu nilai makna yang bisa memberi arti penting bagi keebragamaan kita untuk masa - masa meniti sejarah berikutnya. debat islam vs kristen di indonesia debat islam vs kristen di indonesia 2013 debat islam vs kristen debat islam vs kristen di indonesia full movie debat islam vs kristen 2013 debat islam dan kristen debat islam vs kristen debat islam vs kristen full movie debat islam vs kristen full seru debat islam vs kristen diskusi islam vs kristen diskusi islam dan kristen diskusi islam kristen islam vs kristen debat bahasa indonesia islam vs kristen indonesia full islam vs kristen islam vs kristen indonesia islam vs kristen debat kristen vs islam- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 167
13 Pertanyaan Bagi Penganut Agama Kristen Indonesia ?
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Keyword: d...
published: 23 Oct 2013
13 Pertanyaan Bagi Penganut Agama Kristen Indonesia ?
13 Pertanyaan Bagi Penganut Agama Kristen Indonesia ?
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- views: 107
Islamic history of Indonesia the largest Muslim populated country in the world
Indonesia is located in southeast asia its the largest Muslim populated country in the wor...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: 336muslim
Islamic history of Indonesia the largest Muslim populated country in the world
Islamic history of Indonesia the largest Muslim populated country in the world
Indonesia is located in southeast asia its the largest Muslim populated country in the world.- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 11201
- author: 336muslim
INJIL Membimbingku pada ISLAM Kisah Joshua Evans (Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
He was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina in a very conservative Christian home...
published: 13 Aug 2013
INJIL Membimbingku pada ISLAM Kisah Joshua Evans (Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
INJIL Membimbingku pada ISLAM Kisah Joshua Evans (Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
He was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina in a very conservative Christian home. In his early teens he became heavily involved in the church near his home and in Young Life, a non-denominational youth oriented organization with the intention of becoming involved in the ministry of teaching and preaching. He intended to enroll in Bob Jones University, a world-renowned Bible College in his hometown upon graduating high school, but in the summer of 1996 his life changed. Upon studying the bible from cover to cover and realizing many things were askew, and a lot of what he believed his entire life was not in line with what his research found, he left Christianity and went in search of the truth. After many twist and turns, ups and downs and after looking at the many world religions searching for the tangible proof of the right way of life he encountered a Muslim, and was given a Qur'an. After reading the Qur'an cover to cover he accepted Islam in the winter of 1998.- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 13
Profile of ISID Gontor - Darussalam Institute of Islamic Studies | جامعة دار السلام
Situated amidst vast rice fields in a remote village in Ponorogo, East Jawa Indonesia, Dar...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: gontortv
Profile of ISID Gontor - Darussalam Institute of Islamic Studies | جامعة دار السلام
Profile of ISID Gontor - Darussalam Institute of Islamic Studies | جامعة دار السلام
Situated amidst vast rice fields in a remote village in Ponorogo, East Jawa Indonesia, Darussalam Institute of Islamic Studies (known as ISID -- Institut Stu...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 12116
- author: gontortv
Orang eropa yang masuk islam di indonesia
Kenapa sih kok bisa begitu ? itulah rahasia allah s.w.t dia memberikan hidayah nya kepada ...
published: 30 Sep 2008
author: aingtea22
Orang eropa yang masuk islam di indonesia
Orang eropa yang masuk islam di indonesia
Kenapa sih kok bisa begitu ? itulah rahasia allah s.w.t dia memberikan hidayah nya kepada orang yang dia kehendaki dan abang dari eropa ini dapat hidayah nya...- published: 30 Sep 2008
- views: 33662
- author: aingtea22
Journey to Islam by Yusuf Estes 1 (Subtitle Indonesia)
Yusuf Estes was raised in a strong Christian home, he was educated in Texas, became succes...
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: icha kushina
Journey to Islam by Yusuf Estes 1 (Subtitle Indonesia)
Journey to Islam by Yusuf Estes 1 (Subtitle Indonesia)
Yusuf Estes was raised in a strong Christian home, he was educated in Texas, became successful in music business, owning stores, TV shows and used his talent...- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 635
- author: icha kushina
Islam in Indonesia
evil islam....
published: 29 Jan 2008
author: sandybeaches1234
Islam in Indonesia
1000 Christian convert to Islam in Indonesia
1000 Christian se convertir à l'islam en Indonésie....
published: 29 May 2011
author: ffarid555
1000 Christian convert to Islam in Indonesia
1000 Christian convert to Islam in Indonesia
1000 Christian se convertir à l'islam en Indonésie.- published: 29 May 2011
- views: 4791
- author: ffarid555
published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 1712
Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam - Islam di Indonesia
Mengenali perkembangan sejarah kebudayaan Islam yang ada di Indonesia . Proses masuknya Is...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: Deni Bhakti Adiyaksa
Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam - Islam di Indonesia
Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam - Islam di Indonesia
Mengenali perkembangan sejarah kebudayaan Islam yang ada di Indonesia . Proses masuknya Islam di Indonesia Kerajaan - kerajaan Islam di Indonesia Ulama - ula...- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 12790
- author: Deni Bhakti Adiyaksa
Vimeo results:
Official Trailer ILIR-ILIR THE MOVIE
This is an Official trailer for the movie "ilir ilir".
A film interpretation of the meani...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: Dimas Arisandi
Official Trailer ILIR-ILIR THE MOVIE
This is an Official trailer for the movie "ilir ilir".
A film interpretation of the meaning and spirit of re-embodied in the poetry song "ilir ilir". Songs that were popular at the time of the early spread of Islam in Indonesia.
Shots take on Canon eos 550d kit lens + 50mm Nikkor lens + Unified Magiclantern + Cinestyle picture profile.
Location : Demak, Jawa tengah, Indonesia.
Script writer, Director, and Editor : Dimas Arisandi.
Production : Sarangide Production @ 2012.
Save Maryam
This is Maryam, she is 16 years old. An Indonesian Muslim living with her parents and youn...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: The Play Studio
Save Maryam
This is Maryam, she is 16 years old. An Indonesian Muslim living with her parents and younger brother, in the next 15 seconds she is going to leave Islam.
Approximately 2 million people in Indonesia leave Islam for Christianity every year. Statistics from the International Crisis Group 2012 indicate that if the growth continues at its current rate, by 2035, it would cease to be a Muslim majority country.
Maryam is not just a person; Maryam symbolises a whole generation of Indonesians today. We need to save Maryam.
See more work in our portfolio: http://theplaystudio.com/portfolio/
Jalan Tengah
Developing a unique understanding of moderate Islam, preserving Indonesian culture and wor...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: Kevin Michael Briggs
Jalan Tengah
Developing a unique understanding of moderate Islam, preserving Indonesian culture and working as agents of social change, members of Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII) at Universitas Islam Negeri-Sunan Kalijaga employ the philosophy of ‘rahmatan lil ‘alamin’ (Blessings of all Creation) as a fundamental tool of moral navigation. Exploring the manifestation of this philosophy within the various outlets of PMII lifestyle and interactions, this film follows the struggle of actualizing academic social theory with the reality of life in Indonesia. From the campus to coffee shops to the rural village of Kepuhan, PMII’s core values of community and equality are exhibited through friendship, faith, political justice and their love of the nation of Indonesia.
Produced by Gregory Randolph, Daniel Turner (both of University of North Carolina) and Kevin Briggs (Ohio University) in collaboration with members of PMII at Universitas Islam Negeri in Yogyakarta, Indonesia during June of 2012.
Postcards to Java
My name is Matt Borden and I am a Peace Corps Volunteer. I ...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: Matt Borden
Postcards to Java
My name is Matt Borden and I am a Peace Corps Volunteer. I am currently serving as an English teacher at an Islamic high school in Indonesia. My students and I are starting a project called Postcards to Java and we need your help!
We ask you to please send us a postcard from the place you call home. One international stamp costs just $1.05 in the United States. We hope to collect postcards from all 50 states and from all over the globe (except maybe Antarctica… but we can hope).
This project is designed to address Peace Corps’ three goals. Our specific focus on Java is English education and writing in to us will provide my students with an exciting opportunity to apply their language skills. What’s more, your message will help promote a better understanding of Americans 10,000 miles away in Indonesia. When we receive your postcard one of my students will write you back. Hopefully, you will come away having learned something about this fascinating country called Indonesia. The students and I sincerely appreciate your participation and we look forward to your postcard!
Matthew Borden
MAN Lumajang
Jl. Citandui 75
Rogotrunan, Lumajang
Jawa Timur 67315
Youtube results:
published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 2360
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (2/2)
Bedah Buku Dalam Rangka Peringatan Maulid Nabi dan Harlah NU ke 87 "Sejarah Islam di Indon...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: NU Jerman
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (2/2)
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (2/2)
Bedah Buku Dalam Rangka Peringatan Maulid Nabi dan Harlah NU ke 87 "Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" Se...- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 1988
- author: NU Jerman
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (1/2)
Bedah Buku Dalam Rangka Peringatan Maulid Nabi dan Harlah NU ke 87 "Sejarah Islam di Indon...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: NU Jerman
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (1/2)
"Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" (1/2)
Bedah Buku Dalam Rangka Peringatan Maulid Nabi dan Harlah NU ke 87 "Sejarah Islam di Indonesia dan Peran "Wali Songo" Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia" Se...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 4050
- author: NU Jerman
Islam's Deadly Divide - Indonesia
Muslim fundamentalist intolerance up worldwide To see more go to http://www.youtube.com/us...
published: 09 May 2011
author: Journeyman Pictures
Islam's Deadly Divide - Indonesia
Islam's Deadly Divide - Indonesia
Muslim fundamentalist intolerance up worldwide To see more go to http://www.youtube.com/user/journeymanpictures Follow us on Facebook (http://goo.gl/YRw42) o...- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 12441
- author: Journeyman Pictures