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Indymedia Events:

Usually held on 3rd Saturday of every month at 5pm - (email PIMC to verify)
General Meeting
@ Red & Black Cafe
400 SE 12th ave & oak
Wednesday's Events (6/18/2014)
Computer Upgrades CONTINUE! 21-Jun-2014
Publishing on the site has been down for a while for some computer upgrades that cost more money and time than originally thought. Should be paid for and back up by Tuesday July 6. MORE Apologies for the interruption. Hang in there!
arts and culture | bikes/transportation 08-Jun-2014 11:06

Pedalpalooza Starts Now!

From the open publishing newswire: 3+ weeks of bikey fun. With 274 different events, most organized by individuals, bikers of all persuasions are likely to find many events of interest. Nearly all events are free.

Free fun and bikes in the streets!

The Pedalpalooza kick off ride is 6pm afternoon at Col. Summers Park. Hundreds of other great rides all starting today and culminating on June 28th with The Bike Fair.

"THE TRUTH IS, you never really know how a Pedalpalooza ride is going to play out. Sure, people will be shivering and halfway drunk at the World Naked Bike Ride, and there will be more than one Aladdin Sane costume at the Bowie vs. Prince Ride. But part of the fun of Pedalpalooza is that the tenor of these parades can vary from year to year. at the entirely pleasant, tuxedoed leader of last year's Champagne Ride) will unceremoniously pedal away from Gold Dust Meridian without you." - Bike edition from the current Portland Mercury, which also includes the print calendar.

Many Pedalpalooza rides will address freedom, justice, equality, spirituality, and humanity such as Saturday's World Naked Bike ride, the Bizarro 122nd Ride, June 9th's Gentrification Tour and more. Every ride declares that the public street belongs to the people by creating a critical mass of non-motorized human beings. Find the ride(s) that are right for you and if it's not there create your own and post it to the Shift2Bikes calendar.

Three cheers and see you in the street!

homepage: homepage:  http://pedalpalooza.org/
address: address: SE 20th and Belmont


Updated 6.13. 08-Jun-2014 10:54

The Shortwave Report 06/06/14 Listen Globally!

From the open publishing newswire:

Updated Post: 6/13/14

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, NHK World Radio Japan, and Spanish National Radio.

Dear Radio Friend, The latest Shortwave Report (June 6) is up at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB} http://www.audioport.org/index.php?op=producer-info&uid;=904&nav;=&)

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, NHK World Radio Japan, and Spanish National Radio
From GERMANY- Prosecutors in Germany will go forward and investigate the NSA tapping of Chancellor Merkel's cellphone, and Edward Snowden will be questioned. British Prime Minister Cameron warned that the UK might leave the EU if Jean-Claude Juncker becomes President of the European Commission. President Obama announced plans to spend a billion dollars boosting US military presence in Europe.
From CUBA- Kiev stepped up fighter jet attacks on the eastern Ukraine, with accusations that they are using cluster bombs. The NSA released a single email sent by Edward Snowden questioning the legality of its spying program- Snowden says his sent many before he released documents to the press.
From RUSSIA- The US Department of Energy is missing a deadline for the removal of nuclear waste from Los Alamos National Laboratory because of "radiological health concerns." There was a radiation leak at the so-called permanent underground storage facility in Carlsbad, so barrels of plutonium waste are being stored above ground in Texas and New Mexico.
From JAPAN- The operators of the Fukushima nuclear power plants say that there are more leaks of radioactive water from storage tanks. In the days before the 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre China strengthened its control of media both domestic and foreign. The Chinese government was angered by stronger Japan/US ties over disputes in the South China Sea. John Kerry denounced the election in Syria as "meaningless," while the White House says it is looking forward to Egypt's President-elect Sisi.
From SPAIN- Lawmakers in the Basque region of Spain adopted a declaration of self-determination, similar to the sovereignty claim made in Catalonia. The Spanish king has abdicated his throne leading to protests against the perpetuation of the monarchy. On the eve of the election in Syria, rebels launched rocket attacks on government controlled areas killing at least 50 people. A Greenpeace ship arrived in the Arctic where a Norwegian firm is set to drill for oil. President Abbas swore in a Palestinian Unity government in a reconciliation with Hamas.


actions & protests | homelessness 03-Jun-2014 15:54

Sweepless Nights, Know Your Rights! - Pitch a Tent with Right 2 Survive

From the open publishing newswire: Right 2 Survive supporters will pitch tents along the
Rose Festival Parade route starting Friday morning
Protest/Celebration message: 'Sweepless Nights, Know Your Rights!'

What: Fourth Annual Pitch a Tent for the Right 2 Survive
When: 10am Friday, June 6th until 12pm Saturday, June 7th
Where: SW 4th and Washington, Portland Oregon

PORTLAND, OREGON - June 2, 2013 -The fourth annual public camp-out designed to raise awareness about the criminalization of homelessness in Portland and across the nation, begins at 10:00am Friday, June 6 and will continue through mid-day Saturday. Participants in 'Pitch A Tent for the Right 2 Survive' will set up tents in downtown Portland along the Rose Festival's parade route. Organizers expect hundreds of people to join them in the event that is both a protest and a celebration.

The City of Portland, Oregon permits the public to pitch tents along the Grand Floral Parade route and other parade venues. Every other day of the year camping in the city is outlawed, causing houseless people to seek shelter in doorways, under bridges and in bushes, while simply trying to get some sleep without shelter. Their sleep is often interrupted by police and security guards, who perform routine sweeps. Organizers chose "Sweepless Nights, Know Your Rights" as the theme for this year's Pitch A Tent event, highlighting everyone's need for a peaceful night's rest and the need for houseless people to stand up for their human rights. Organizers want to highlight the Oregon Homeless Bill of Rights, a legislative campaign for a comprehensive law addressing the human rights of houseless people.

"The city allows people to pitch up tents for pleasure, but they won't allow people to pitch a tent to survive. This is wrong." said Leo Rhodes. "Homeless people are just doing human things like sleeping, getting out of the rain and resting." Event organizers want to demonstrate that creative solutions that benefit the entire city can be implemented immediately to address this human rights crisis, including lifting the camping ban and promoting more solutions like Right 2 Dream Too. R2DToo has been so successful that other cities are replicating the model. The rest area has sheltered hundreds of people, allowing many to get a good night's rest and a place to make a fresh start. Over one hundred people who have stayed at R2DToo have been housed and at least 99 have gotten jobs. The non-profit operates with no government funding. [...]


community building | homelessness 31-May-2014 11:42

NE Sunday Assembly Portland with Israel Bayer!

From the open publishing newswire: Join us this Sunday June 8 with special guest Israel Bayer.
6:00pm - 7:30pm

Matt Dishman Community Center
77 NE Knott ST, Portland, OR 97212

Sunday Assembly Portland is part of a secular global movement of wonder and good. Many people worldwide seek community, positivity and compassion and are looking for non-religious alternatives to provide them. We meet to sing songs, listen to inspiring talks, and generally celebrate the wonder of life.

This Sunday, Israel Bayer, Executive Director

corporate dominance | labor 31-May-2014 11:34

Voices on the Ground Community Social Work Conference June 6th and 7th at Portland State

From the open publishing newswire: Please join us for our 4th Annual Voices on the Ground Community Social Work conference, featuring keynote speaker Cheri Honkala!
Voices on the Ground Community Social Work Conference 2014
This year's theme: Resistance and Resilience

June 6th and 7th, 2014
Portland State University School of Social Work
1800 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600

Featuring Keynote Speaker Cheri Honkala, Co-Founder and Organizer of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign and 2012 Green Party Vice-Presidential Candidate

Register at: bit.ly/1gPjJbE. While this is a fee-based event, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

For the past 25 years Cheri Honkala has been a leading advocate for poor and homeless in America. She co-founded the Kensington Welfare Rights Union and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign. She has organized tens of thousands holding marches, demonstrations and setting up tent cities. Cheri brings her story and passion for continuing the Poor Peoples Movement in the United States and beyond.

The conference is filled with amazing workshops and presentations about innovative and critical approaches to human service work.
homepage:  http://swaaportland.org


actions & protests 26-May-2014 10:45

Video: Global March Against Monsanto

From the open publishing newswire: Selected speakers, photographs and video from the Portland Oregon Global March Against Monsanto, Saturday, May 24, 2014

Global March Against Monsanto
Quick edit of the day's earlier events.

First speaker is one of the Aztec dancers who kicked off the event with a dance. This is followed by an organizer in the recent success to ban GMO's in Jackson and Josephine counties in southern Oregon.

The video clip finishes with a segment of the march through downtown Portland.

About 8 1/2 minutes in length.

Global March Against Monsanto


actions & protests | human & civil rights | imperialism & war 26-May-2014 10:37

Video: CLOSE GITMO - Portland Protest - May 23 2014

From the open publishing newswire: On May 23rd of last year, President Obama again promised to close the detention facility at Guantánamo, One year later in Portland Oregon, Amnesty International USA Group 48 with Veterans For Peace chapter 72.and  http://www.closegitmo.net organized a noon rally in downtown Portland at Director Park. This years gathering in Portland on 5.23.14 was part of a National Protest and was documented on Portland Indymedia.
Global Day of Action to Close Guantanamo and End Indefinite Detention

Not Another Broken Promise! Not Another Day in Guantanamo!
 http://youtu.be/O2VndzktW9M [15 minute video]

Around 45 people gathered in the rain at Directors Park to bring awareness that GITMO prison in Cuba needs to close.
The group passed out flyers and small orange ribbons, sang protest songs and marched around the park with signs and banners, engaging in conversations and informing the public. The protest was organized by: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Social Justice Committee for First Unitarian Church. Veterans For Peace in Portland

A few park rangers looked over the protest from afar, no police showed up, while lots of kids and people watching from the covered seating area.

Currently there are 150 men still imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.

Many of the "prisoners" have been proven innocent, yet still remained locked up in spite of being cleared of any crimes.

A flyer that was passed out provided phone numbers to call to oppose the illegal actions going on in GITMO:


health | human & civil rights 23-May-2014 01:13


From the open publishing newswire: March against Monsanto is a global call to action aimed at informing the public, calling into question long-term health risks of genetically-modified foods and demanding that GMO products be labeled so that consumers can make informed decisions.

Saturday, March 24 - 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Rally and March Against Monsanto
Gather at Shemanski Park, S.W. Park and Main

Why we march?
-- Protect our food supply!
-- Support local farms!
-- Protect our environment!
-- Promote organic solutions!
-- Expose the cronyism between big business and the Government!
-- Bring accountability to those responsible for the corruption!


Together we can reclaim the Commons!
Save the bees! Save the seeds!


corporate dominance | economic justice 18-May-2014 18:22

Portland Is First U.S. City to Divest Funds from Walmart

From the open publishing newswire: REPOST: On Thursday, May 15, the city of Portland got rid of $9 million, or 25 percent, of its investments in Walmart. This marks the beginning of a divestment program that will purge Portland's investment portfolio of $36 million in Walmart bonds by 2016, according to a press release. The divestment plan is part of the city's responsible investment initiative, introduced by City Commissioner Steve Novick, and adopted in October 2013. The initiative also prohibits the city from purchasing Walmart bonds in the future.


actions & protests | economic justice | labor 09-May-2014 08:32

Global fast food strike May 15th

From the open publishing newswire: Fast food strikes in 150 cities and protests in 30 countries planned for May 15

 link to www.salon.com


environment | sustainability 05-May-2014 21:32

Become a Tree Scout or Harvest Leader with Portland Fruit Tree Project

From the open publishing newswire: An announcement about volunteer opportunities with a local non-profit organization, Portland Fruit Tree Project.

Volunteer Opportunities: Become a Harvest Leader or Tree Scout with Portland Fruit Tree Project! Harvest season is right around the corner. Join Portland Fruit Tree Project in preventing waste, building community, and making fresh fruit available to neighbors in need... Become a Harvest Leader Harvesting parties bring people together to harvest fruit that might otherwise go to waste, and make it available to people in need. Each harvesting party is co-led by 2 volunteer Harvest Leaders. Harvest Leaders are responsible for overseeing and leading harvest participants, distributing harvested fruit, and keeping accurate harvest records. Portland Fruit Tree Project will provide all of the necessary training, materials, and support. Each Leader is expected to co-lead at least 6 harvesting parties in the 2014 harvest season (July - November).  http://portlandfruit.org/2014-harvest-leader-position-description Become a Tree Scout! As a Tree Scout volunteer, you will help to find and register fruit trees in your neighborhood whose fruit might otherwise go to waste. Tree scouts serve as a vital liaison between PFTP and tree owners, helping us to connect with people that want to share their bounty with the community. [...]


Updated 5.23 04-May-2014 22:23

The Shortwave Report 05/02/14 Listen Globally!

From the open publishing newswire:

Updated Posts: 5/9/14 | 5/16/14 | 5/23/14 | 5/23/14

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan,The Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 2) is up at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.
From JAPAN- A Japanese envoy called on world powers to hold nuclear disarmament negotiations. Taiwanese police fought with 3000 anti-nuclear power protestors. A Japanese panel is listening to citizen criticism of the disposal of nuclear waste. The US and Philippine government reached a 10 year agreement on shared military bases and troop stationing- China is critical of the pact. John Kerry condemned Russia, accusing it of escalating the crisis in Ukraine. Kiev's temporary government has admitted it has lost control of the eastern sections of the country. The International Monetary Fund has approved billions of dollars of loans to the temporary government of Ukraine to prevent defaulting to western banks.
From RUSSIA- An interview with the co-director of the International Action Center on the Russian response to the sanctions imposed by the US and EU- Russia is accused of not doing enough to quell the chaos in Ukraine.
From SPAIN- The US has expanded sanctions on Russians with President Obama threatening actions against banks. 20 years ago the US military was forced to leave its bases in the Philippines because of popular protest, making the new military agreement a significant shift. From CUBA- Brazil has created its own internet framework with more democratic and transparent access. In Egypt, huge riots have broken out between students and police.
From GERMANY- A judge has recommended the death penalty for the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and 682 of his supporters- Germany has called for a repeal of the death sentences. Doctors Without Borders is reviewing whether or not it can remain in the Central African Republic. The UN has warned that the situation in South Sudan is heading toward catastrophe.


actions & protests 04-May-2014 22:14

Video: Oregon Rep. Blumenauer Supports Cannabis Legalization

From the open publishing newswire: Oregon Rep. Blumenauer addresses the crowd in Portland Oregon on May 2, 2014, during the Global Cannabis March.

Blumenauer hits all the important points about the failed and terribly expensive War on Drugs, or rather, the War on Some Drugs.....expensive both financially and in lives interrupted and ruined.

Rep. Blumenauer Speaking About Cannabis

Blumenauer speaks about attempts to pass more positive legislation, the hardships cannabis prohibition work on people who would benefit from this medication, and many other topics relevant to this important theme.


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