Linguistic Diversity Occitan#6038
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: NPLDNetwork
Linguistic Diversity Occitan#6038
Malaterra - Film en occitan (provençal)
published: 27 Jan 2011
author: Terric Lausa
Malaterra - Film en occitan (provençal)
Lo Partit Occitan a las municipalas (Jornalet FR3)
Lo Partit Occitan presenta candidats sus Miègjorn Pirenèus a Tolosa, Murèth, az Albi, Lava...
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: guilhemoc
Lo Partit Occitan a las municipalas (Jornalet FR3)
Lo Partit Occitan a las municipalas (Jornalet FR3)
Lo Partit Occitan presenta candidats sus Miègjorn Pirenèus a Tolosa, Murèth, az Albi, Lavaur, San Just sus Viaur, Catus etc. Le Partit Occitan et les électio...- published: 24 Feb 2008
- views: 13528
- author: guilhemoc
Learn Occitan language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire provençal
Lesson to learn Occitan language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabula...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: Languages1001
Learn Occitan language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire provençal
Learn Occitan language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire provençal
Lesson to learn Occitan language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire provençal.- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 774
- author: Languages1001
Jornalet Occitan de France 3 dau 9 Febrièr de 2013
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: SempreOccitan
Jornalet Occitan de France 3 dau 9 Febrièr de 2013
Jornalet Occitan de France 3 dau 9 Febrièr de 2013
- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 693
- author: SempreOccitan
Jornalet occitan 24/03/07 Manif Besièrs
France 3 Sud 24/03/07 http://occitan-warrior.over-blog.com/...
published: 24 Mar 2007
author: scArfi
Jornalet occitan 24/03/07 Manif Besièrs
Jornalet occitan 24/03/07 Manif Besièrs
France 3 Sud 24/03/07 http://occitan-warrior.over-blog.com/- published: 24 Mar 2007
- views: 6175
- author: scArfi
catalan and occitan group work
Catalan - Occitan
"The Instinct Choice"
When we are planning a trip,
Various barriers (...
published: 28 Feb 2014
catalan and occitan group work
catalan and occitan group work
Catalan - Occitan "The Instinct Choice" When we are planning a trip, Various barriers (like distance, language, culture) makes our desicion difficult in deciding destination. As I am gonna show at the video, Catalunya and Languedoc-Roussillon has very similar historical, cultural backgrounds. They share same History, Language and Spirit. So I think this can makes them feel familiar to each other. For that reason,The conclusion is There is unchangable instinctive simpathy between Catalunya and Languedoc-Roussillon, As it is instinct that man loves woman, woman loves man, and it functioning there every single life, even when they are consider "where they will go for a trip" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 카탈루냐-옥시탄 본능적 이끌림 우리가 여행을 계획할 때 (물리적, 언어적, 문화적) 장벽들은 우리의 결정을 어렵게 만들기도 한다. 내가 비디오에서 다루듯이, 카탈루냐와 랑그독-루시용 지방은 굉장히 비슷한 문화,역사적 배경을 가지고 있다. 그들은 같은 역사와 언어와 문화를 공유한다. 그래서 나는 이러한 사실들이 그들이 서로를 친근하게 만들어 준다고 생각하였고 그러한 연유로 나의 생각은 남자가 여자를, 여자가 남자를 사랑하는 것이 본능이듯이 두 지역간에도 변치않는 본능적인 교감이 존재한다는 것에 다다랐다. 그것은 그들의 모든 일상생활에 영향을 미치고 있었고 심지어 그들이 "어디로 여행을 갈것 인지" 를 정할때에도 예외는 아니라는 내용을 담은 비디오이다..- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 36
manif langue provençale
published: 09 Oct 2009
author: MegaMulticultural
manif langue provençale
Romance languages - spoken (watch also: "Romance languages sung")
The four most spoken romance languages: spanish, portuguese, french and italian. In your o...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: campbra
Romance languages - spoken (watch also: "Romance languages sung")
Romance languages - spoken (watch also: "Romance languages sung")
The four most spoken romance languages: spanish, portuguese, french and italian. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful language between them? Poems: Pa...- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 7563
- author: campbra
Sèm Montanhòls / Occitan song, 2 guitars & vocals
Cover of a traditional occitan song, 2 guitars
Folk-blues arrangements by jsebsteelguitar,...
published: 05 Feb 2014
Sèm Montanhòls / Occitan song, 2 guitars & vocals
Sèm Montanhòls / Occitan song, 2 guitars & vocals
Cover of a traditional occitan song, 2 guitars Folk-blues arrangements by jsebsteelguitar, words in french adapted from occitan language & music Reprise, avec adaptation française des paroles, d'un chant révolutionnaire occitan... tendance folk-rock-blues Arrangement mots & musique : jsebsteelguitar Here the traditional polyphonic song in a beautyfull rendition : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrmASIOBwHE- published: 05 Feb 2014
- views: 51
Iversen telling about (Old) Occitan
Occitan - one more language which I understand but don't speak - neither in its medieval n...
published: 13 Oct 2010
author: NJLIversen
Iversen telling about (Old) Occitan
Iversen telling about (Old) Occitan
Occitan - one more language which I understand but don't speak - neither in its medieval nor in its modern form, which lives its own precarious life in the s...- published: 13 Oct 2010
- views: 660
- author: NJLIversen
Occitan Manifestation in Toulouse (Organizers speech)
The manifestation for occitan, speech of the organizers (in occitan language) recorded wit...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: n77raw
Occitan Manifestation in Toulouse (Organizers speech)
Occitan Manifestation in Toulouse (Organizers speech)
The manifestation for occitan, speech of the organizers (in occitan language) recorded with Nokia N77 ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║...- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 923
- author: n77raw
SONOLOCO present official video for OCCITAN WARRIORS from the album Dangerosa
published: 06 Nov 2013
SONOLOCO present official video for OCCITAN WARRIORS from the album Dangerosa ORDER ALBUM AT/ ACHETER L'ALBUM ----------- Brennus Records: http://goo.gl/zKuPDU Amazon: http://goo.gl/afdvQb iTunes: http://goo.gl/AW4fSP Bandcamp : http://sonoloco.bandcamp.com/ DANGEROSA out now worldwide via Brennus Records. Like: https://www.facebook.com/sonolocomusic Follow: https://twitter.com/sonoloco Watch: http://youtu.be/JzmutQ2cV0g Subscribe to SONOLOCO YouTube Official : http://goo.gl/30MCdi CD album DANGEROSA (AD 8993) - BRENNUS RECORDS/ADREIT- 2013 Extrait de l'album DANGEROSA dispo Chez BRENNUS RECORDS (AD8993) ------------------ OCCITAN WARRIORS (lyrics) Hey, listen the song of the survivors The change occured slowly Chaos raced within my brain The night was warm and windless It will be beyond horror, It will be beyond terror, Caus' now the spell is broken From the sunrise to the sunset We are all Occitan warriors, All we are Occitan warriors From the bottom of the crypt Listen the song of the avengers, All around the catle's ruins And everywhere in the city For thousands time you kill us all, Burning our cities, our country, But now the time as changed This is the time of the nuclear mushroom We are all Occitan warriors, All we are Occitan warriors Video clip made in France by d'Oc Prod et Sonoloco Sonoloco official TV, Metal rock,Metalcore,heavy metal,hard rock,occitan, langue occitane, french rock,occitan language, youtube,video- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 111
Youtube results:
How to Pronounce Occitan
Learn how to say Occitan correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials...
published: 24 Feb 2013
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Occitan
How to Pronounce Occitan
Learn how to say Occitan correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of Occitan (oxford dictionary): noun [mass noun] the m...- published: 24 Feb 2013
- views: 19
- author: Emma Saying
SONOLOCO - Occitan warriors - Album DANGEROSA (with lyrics)
OCCITAN WARRIORS Extrait de l'album DANGEROSA disponible en téléchargement immédiat sur ht...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: sonolocoofficieltv
SONOLOCO - Occitan warriors - Album DANGEROSA (with lyrics)
SONOLOCO - Occitan warriors - Album DANGEROSA (with lyrics)
OCCITAN WARRIORS Extrait de l'album DANGEROSA disponible en téléchargement immédiat sur http://sonoloco.bandcamp.com/ Hey, listen the song of the survivors T...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 21
- author: sonolocoofficieltv
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Occitan (France)
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Occitan (France)...
published: 11 May 2012
author: shalom nehaisi
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Occitan (France)
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Occitan (France)
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Occitan (France)- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 20
- author: shalom nehaisi
DV 242. Quand le bouvier (en occitan) : Lo bouier
Cette chanson traditionelle vient du Languedoc, pays du sud de la France où l'on parlait e...
published: 16 Aug 2010
author: dominique dv
DV 242. Quand le bouvier (en occitan) : Lo bouier
DV 242. Quand le bouvier (en occitan) : Lo bouier
Cette chanson traditionelle vient du Languedoc, pays du sud de la France où l'on parlait et où certains parlent encore la langue d'oc ou occitan. Cette chans...- published: 16 Aug 2010
- views: 2970
- author: dominique dv