Tag Archives: LCWR

In this changing media landscape, who gets press credentials?

A reader here recently sent a link to this, on Digital Media Law Project (my emphases):
Who Gets a Press Pass?
The Digital Media Law Project at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Journalist’s Resource project at Harvard’s Shorenstein … Continue reading

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Posted in Biased Media Coverage, Liberals, Magisterium of Nuns, The Drill, Women Religious | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Hey Fishwrap! This is what “sentire cum Ecclesia” REALLY means!

I wonder which of the master wordsmiths at Fishwrap (aka National Schismatic Reporter) cobbled up the clucking editorial cum open letter to Pope Francis.  NSR is displaying their case of the vapors over the mean old Vatican’s treatment of the consciously evolved sister-leaders … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Linking Back, Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, Pope Francis, Puir Slow-Witted Gowk, The Drill, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

Disparity: LCWR v. FFI

I direct the readership’s attention to a post by my friend Fr. Ray Blake, the great PP of Brighton.  He makes a great point about the Holy See’s treatment of the LCWR and treatment given to the Franciscan Friars of … Continue reading

Posted in SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM, The Drill | Tagged , , , | 42 Comments

Fishwrap supports coalition of heretics asking Pope to apologize

The catholic Left will turn on Pope Francis when they finally realize that he is not going to conform to their liberal and heretical notions and agenda.   The cracks are already appearing.  Most liberals have been gushing about him since his … Continue reading

Posted in Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, Pope Francis, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , , | 65 Comments

CDF and LCWR: A “Dialogue” by Prof. Esolen. Fun and sad.

At The Catholic Thing, Anthony Esolen has a great dialogue, I use the word a little loosely, which typifies much of what the LCWR is doing in the face of the CDF’s guidance.  Let’s have a look at a little … Continue reading

Posted in HONORED GUESTS, Liberals, Lighter fare, Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

FUN! In Fishwrap, Barbara Marx Hubbard “responds” to Card. Müller’s remarks to the LCWR.

The champion of all things Left, the National Schismatic Reporter (aka Fishwrap), has run the response of Barbara Marx Hubbard, LCWR’s 2012 keynote speaker, to Card. Müller’s recent pointed speech to the same LCWR.
Barbara Marx Hubbard’s (BMH hereafter) new-gnostic stuff is … Continue reading

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged , , , , , , | 97 Comments

Another liberal writer turns on Pope Francis

The repulsively lefty Maureen Dowd has a piece in the Irish Times… it’s like a perfect storm, no?… in which she lays into Pope Francis.
This is how the Liberal catholic Left will be talking about Francis before too long.
Let’s have … Continue reading

Posted in Green Inkers, Liberals, Pope Francis, Women Religious | Tagged , | 31 Comments

Back to the Future: LCWR nuns and “Conscious Evolution” and gnosticism

Card. Müller, when addressing the LCWR nuns, spoke about problems with their Faith.  He was not being political.  He was not picking on them as “women”.
Card. Müller was effectively asking them: Do you want to be Catholic?
What the nuns are into … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Magisterium of Nuns, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , | 51 Comments


This is big. From the site of the CDF.
This is pretty much self-explanatory.  Just read it through.
CONTEXT: Remember that the nuns were trying to spin what the US bishops and the CDF were, and are, doing as payback for their … Continue reading

Posted in Magisterium of Nuns, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 148 Comments

LCWR’s award this year is an insult to the US Bishops

The LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious) are feeling a little frisky.   I suspect they think that, even though they are being watched by the CDF for their totally weird spiritual notions, they are invulnerable in the age of … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Linking Back, Magisterium of Nuns, Women Religious | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments