
Syria is bleeding
'Syria is bleeding...'
an effort to show current situation of Syria by
Muslim Ummah Solida...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Syria is bleeding
Syria is bleeding
'Syria is bleeding...' an effort to show current situation of Syria by Muslim Ummah Solidarity Forum, watch the documentary & feel the pain of your oppressed Muslim brothers, those are living & suffering in Syria.- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 59

Latest news on Syria operations in Kalamoon
Syria colleague Hossam Zidane said in a news bulletin: the Syrian army continue military ...
published: 29 Nov 2013
Latest news on Syria operations in Kalamoon
Latest news on Syria operations in Kalamoon
Syria colleague Hossam Zidane said in a news bulletin: the Syrian army continue military operations on several areas, and in Damascus was the most prominent where control of the area of Ain egg southwest country, which is considered one of the most strategic points and a major insurgent stronghold in that region , the SAA was able to dismantle many of the improvised explosive devices inside the town, in addition to capture the set of warehouses and stores of weapons and ammunition, the insurgents have their headquarters in Boha were surprised by the army. Zidane added: military operations continued in the town of Deir Attiya also, where infantry units continue to dismantle improvised explosive devices in collaboration with engineering units, while the army was able to tighten control on large parts of the town of Deir Attiya Kalamoon in the countryside of Damascus. He noted that the militants are trying to flee from the army toward the eastern region, which extends toward the mountains of the Syrian desert. He added: the elite forces in the army continues operations in Nabek adjacent to Deir al-Attiya, and targeted several gatherings of the gunmen inside the buildings around town in addition to the points stationed near the highway Bank, in an attempt to cut off highway, as they tried in areas of Deir Attiya and elsewhere. He said our correspondent in Syria colleague Hossam Zidane that the army continues to chase armed groups in areas Yabrood and surrounding farms, were not limited to military operations on it, the army to try to attack an armed group on the Deir Hrouguin in the area Sidnaya, noting that this monastery located high on a hill overlooking the areas Jarrod Rankous and Assal roses. Zidane said that the militants tried to take over this monastery to turn it into a sniper hideout, as was the case in the area of the in Maloula, where they were confronted by the Syrian army and the People's Committees and the number of the attackers were shot dead, while the others withdrew after their losses. He continued as military operations in the areas of Zabadani and Madaya and Alrgaaa, where the army continues to crack down on armed groups in the areas of Kalamoon especially areas adjacent to the Lebanese border, which extends 70 kilometers, and that the gunmen tried after losing area short open gap toward supply Gota militants in the eastern plains and through the mountains with logistics, money, weapons and militants from Lebanon. Zidane said the Syrian army imposed a security perimenter in that area, armed groups recentlytried to break but could not, as he continues the army pursued now in farms Gota East, specifically in the depth of the area Ledger Solomon Army managed entry and combed in addition to the area Qasimia and Seaaria worship and Alnchabh The Monastery of the birds. And between our correspondent in Syria colleague Hossam Zidane said the Syrian army is trying to hit a supply routes that reach from which the militants to areas where Alchtbakat, also continues to prosecute the armed groups that get supplies across the Jordanian border.- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 2520

June 15 2014 Breaking News in Iraq Did USA forces die in vain & thousands USA injured for nothing?
June 15 2014 Breaking News Will Iraq fall to jihadists? Did USA forces die in vain and the...
published: 12 Jun 2014
June 15 2014 Breaking News in Iraq Did USA forces die in vain & thousands USA injured for nothing?
June 15 2014 Breaking News in Iraq Did USA forces die in vain & thousands USA injured for nothing?
June 15 2014 Breaking News Will Iraq fall to jihadists? Did USA forces die in vain and the thousands injured for nothing and lose billions of tax payers dollars in military equipment being taken to Syria? Will ISIS terrorist group create an Islamic caliphate? Then what? Will Obama protect USA civilians & Government & military personnel Here are the latest developments http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/13/will-iraq-fall-to-jihadists-did-us-forces-die-in-vain-will-isis-create-an-islamic-caliphate-then-what-here-are-the-latest-developments/ June 14 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Less than three years after pulling American forces out of Iraq, President Barack Obama is weighing a range of short-term military options, including airstrikes, to quell an al-Qaida inspired insurgency that has captured two Iraqi cities and threatened to press toward Baghdad http://news.yahoo.com/obama-us-send-fresh-help-beleaguered-iraq-191731195--politics.html;_ylt=A0SO8xZ60JpTfioAKSNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dDVkc2U3BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NXSU1DMF8x June 12 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls USA troops out of Iraq Islamic militants move in - Associated Press Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad http://news.yahoo.com/iraq-sunni-militant-group-vows-march-baghdad-080622737.html June 12 2014 Breaking News Washington Post Insurgents seize Iraqi city of Mosul as security forces flee http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/insurgents-seize-iraqi-city-of-mosul-as-troops-flee/2014/06/10/21061e87-8fcd-4ed3-bc94-0e309af0a674_story.html June 12 2014 Breaking News Iraq crisis Islamic terrorists al-Qaeda forces seize Mosul and Tikrit - USA and UK speak of deep concern as al-Qaeda take swathes of northern Iraq, sparking a mass exodus of civilians http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/10894100/Iraq-crisis-al-Qaeda-forces-seize-Mosul-and-Tikrit-as-it-happened-June-11-2014.html June 12 2014 Breaking News 500 thousand civilians men, women and children have fled their homes since fighting escalated since January 2014 http://news.yahoo.com/fighting-iraqs-anbar-forces-500-000-flee-unhcr-185011615.html;_ylt=A0SO8z0tgplTCwoA3p5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEza29jM205BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ0M18x- published: 12 Jun 2014
- views: 9180

Syria: SAA officer speaks on current situation in the country
With translation to english. For real!!!!11...
published: 16 Mar 2013
Syria: SAA officer speaks on current situation in the country
Syria: SAA officer speaks on current situation in the country
With translation to english. For real!!!!11- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 106

news syria current events Assad's Grip on Power Is Questioned war in syria
news syria
current events
war in syria
The Times's Anne Barnard on Thursday's vio...
published: 28 Aug 2013
news syria current events Assad's Grip on Power Is Questioned war in syria
news syria current events Assad's Grip on Power Is Questioned war in syria
news syria chemical current events war in syria The Times's Anne Barnard on Thursday's violence in Syria and the significance of the statement by a top Russian envoy on President Bashar al-Assad's weakening grip. syria news- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 3

What do Americans think about War with Syria
In this video Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to talk to random people about the cu...
published: 29 Aug 2013
What do Americans think about War with Syria
What do Americans think about War with Syria
In this video Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to talk to random people about the current situation regarding Syria. This is an honest look into what random people think about the upcoming war. Everyone who was interviewed was included in this video and we did not edit out anyone who we talked to. As you can see the majority of people we spoke to were against the war, except for one person but a lot of people also seemed not to care about the situation. follow luke on https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange https://facebook.com/LukeWeAreChange http://instagram.com/lukewearechange https://plus.google.com/102322459477834521524/posts Support us by subscribing here http://bit.ly/P05Kqb http;//www.facebook.com/wearechange.org Check out our merchandise: http://wearechange.org/store/ Become a member of The Sponsor Lounge and get exclusive behind the scenes content while helping us grow! Join us today! http:///www.wearechange.org/donate- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 79057

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War
The current crisis in Iraq explained in under 5 minutes.
There is war in Iraq? Again? And...
published: 19 Jun 2014
Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War
Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War
The current crisis in Iraq explained in under 5 minutes. There is war in Iraq? Again? And the US and Iran are talking about working together? And who is this ISIS Terrorist group that is all over the news? And Religion? Oh dear... When exactly has the world gone mad again? It is not possible to explain a complicated topic like this without simplification. We are very aware that this video is not painting a full picture of the situation. But we hope that it may lay the foundation on which you can try to do your own research and understand how horribly Fu**ed up the whole situation is. We did have to produce the video super fast -- thanks a lot to our friends Martin Wackerbauer and Magnus Schlüter for helping us out -- we would not have been able to make this video in time without you guys! Kurzgesagt loves all people as long as they don't hurt others and don't hinder mankind on its quest to the stars. So it was very sad to read so much terrible stuff about the situation in Iraq. Hopefully it will get better. Videos, explaining things. Like evolution, time, space, global energy or our existence in this strange universe. We are a team of designers, journalists and musicians who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful. Visit us on our Website, Twitter, Facebook, Patreon or Behance to say hi! https://www.facebook.com/Kurzgesagt https://twitter.com/Kurz_Gesagt http://www.patreon.com/Kurzgesagt http://www.behance.net/Kurzgesagt http://kurzgesagt.org Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War.- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 301

Current Situation In AlQusair - Syria War
Current Situation In AlQusair Cluster,Weapons,Blast,Destroy,Explosions,Rocket,Mother,beats...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: Bilaad Alshaam
Current Situation In AlQusair - Syria War
Current Situation In AlQusair - Syria War
Current Situation In AlQusair Cluster,Weapons,Blast,Destroy,Explosions,Rocket,Mother,beats,culprit,Bashar,Soldier,Torturing,Citiezen,Syria,FSA,War,Army,Ameri...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 363
- author: Bilaad Alshaam

Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria
August 30 2013 Breaking News President Barack Obama to take on Syria alone? - Last Days Fi...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria
Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria
August 30 2013 Breaking News President Barack Obama to take on Syria alone? - Last Days Final Hour News prophecy update Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region. Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria Breaking News Russia-China warns catastrophic consequences military intervention Syria- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 264

Noam Chomsky (Sept 11, 2013) "Current Situation in Syria"
***LATEST NEW Video of Prof. Noam Chomsky on Syria.***
Starts at 4:05
Thanks to Democracy ...
published: 11 Sep 2013
Noam Chomsky (Sept 11, 2013) "Current Situation in Syria"
Noam Chomsky (Sept 11, 2013) "Current Situation in Syria"
***LATEST NEW Video of Prof. Noam Chomsky on Syria.*** Starts at 4:05 Thanks to Democracy Now.- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 6561

Current situation Syria
For the updated version of the movie check: http://youtu.be/Eg7_7oAQE5U
Love is the key
published: 14 Sep 2013
Current situation Syria
Current situation Syria
For the updated version of the movie check: http://youtu.be/Eg7_7oAQE5U Love is the key Music produced and composed by Andres Video promotion by Tony Snamegaw- published: 14 Sep 2013
- views: 76

Obama: We should explore all diplomatic avenues in Syria Current News
Reaction to Russian proposal to take hold of chemical weaponsReaction to Russian proposal ...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Obama: We should explore all diplomatic avenues in Syria Current News
Obama: We should explore all diplomatic avenues in Syria Current News
Reaction to Russian proposal to take hold of chemical weaponsReaction to Russian proposal to take hold of chemical weapons9/9/13 - (Fox News Full Interview With Chris Wallace) - On Monday, President Barack Obama sat down with reporters from six major networks to discuss his push for intervention into the Syrian civil war. In his interview with Fox News Channel anchor Chris Wallace, Obama embraced the solution to the crisis suggested by Secretary of State John Kerry and embraced by Russia to supervise Syrias surrendering of their chemical weapons stockpiles.Wallace began the interview by asking what Obama believes the fallout will be following a strike. Obama dismissed that question, saying that Americas military forces are aware of what Assads capabilities are.Keep in mind that even [Bashar] Assads allies recognize that he crossed the line in using chemical weapons, Obama said. There is a reason why almost the entire international community has signed a ban on chemical weapons, even during hot wars. And its because they are indiscriminate.Wallace asked if Obama was considering the rhetorical solution to the crisis offered by Sec. Kerry and taken up by Russia as a viable resolution to the crisis: Moscows supervision of Syria handing their chemical weapons to the international community.I think its fair to say that we would not be at this point without a credible threat of a military strike, but I welcome the possibility of the development, Obama said. I think we should explore and exhaust all avenues of diplomatic resolution to this, but I think its important to keep the pressure on and -- to quote or to paraphrase, at least, a former U.S. president, Ronald Reagan -- its not enough just to trust, I think were going to have to verify.So, would you delay a congressional vote until you see where this goes? Wallace asked.Theres a reason why I slowed this thing down to allow for a congressional debate, Obama replied. Weve gone through a lot of war and people are frankly suspicious of a lot of decisions.Wallace pressed Obama whether he would delay a vote. The president replied that there was no expectation that Congress would be finished with its deliberations over the next week or so.Right now, the American people are not persuaded, Obama added. Were going to have time to have a good deliberation in Congress. We will pursue this diplomatic track. I fervently hope this can be resolved in a non-military way.Obama said he discussed a diplomatic resolution with Russian President Vladimir Putin while he was in St. Petersburg last week for a G20 summit. He said that the White House will be in contact with Russian authorities and will thoroughly examine their proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis.Finally, Wallace asked about the collapse of public support for intervention and the likelihood that a vote in Congress authorizing force would fail. Wallace asked Obama how much blame for that situation he thinks he personally bears.Obama replied that much of the resistance to a Syrian strike results from Americas war-weariness. He said that the U.S. can seek to enforce international norms prohibiting the use of chemical weapons without America going on to own the Syrian civil war.President Obama on Monday took a sharp turn away from his red line threat to Syria on the eve of taking his case to the American people, saying in an interview with Fox News that hes open to negotiations on an alternative plan that could avert a military strike. The president was responding to a proposal, formally put forward by the Russians, to have the Assad regime turn over its chemical weapons to international control. We will pursue this diplomatic track, Obama told Fox News. I fervently hope that this can be resolved in a non-military way. The president, while saying his advisers would run to ground that proposal, indicated he still wants Congress to debate a resolution to authorize a strike against Syria. I think it is important for us not to let the pedal off the metal when it comes to making sure they understand we mean what we say, Obama said. But the presidents decision to pursue the diplomatic track is a departure from his decision more than a week ago to pursue a military strike. And it could bring the temperature down a notch in the ongoing stand-off between his administration and the Assad government. The presidents comments come after a proposal to have the Syrian government relinquish control of its stockpile quickly caught fire in the international community and in Washington. Secretary of State John Kerry touched off the discussion with an off-hand remark that Syria could only avert military action if it turned over its weapons within a week. Kerry and his aides afterward claimed the secretary was merely making a rhetorica Current News- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 8

Albania shuns Syria chemical weapons destruction - Current News
Albania shuns Syria chemical weapons destruction
Albania will not allow the destruction o...
published: 01 Feb 2014
Albania shuns Syria chemical weapons destruction - Current News
Albania shuns Syria chemical weapons destruction - Current News
Albania shuns Syria chemical weapons destruction Albania will not allow the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons on its soil, the country's prime minister says. Edi Rama was responding to days of protests in Tirana and other cities. The Balkan nation recently destroyed its own chemical stockpile, and the US had requested that it host the dismantling of Syria's arsenal. Under the deal brokered by Russia to remove Syria's chemical weapons, it was agreed that they should be destroyed outside the country if possible. It is impossible for Albania to get involved in this operation, Mr Rama said in a televised address. But the prime minister attacked the Albanian opposition for having criticised his government's willingness to consider the idea. The US embassy in Tirana said in a statement that it respected the government's decision, adding that America will continue to work with allies and partners as well as the OPCW and the United Nations to ensure the elimination of Syria's chemical weapons program. A key meeting of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) - the international watchdog supervising the destruction - had adjourned for several hours in The Hague, awaiting Albania's decision. BBC Arab affairs reporter, Sebastian Usher, says the OPCW needs to come up with an alternative quickly, as the deadline for a detailed plan on destroying Damascus's toxic agents runs out on Friday. France and Belgium have been named as possible alternative locations for destroying Syria's estimated 1,000 tonnes of chemical arms. 'Extreme situation' Norway has pledged to send a civilian cargo ship and a navy frigate to Syrian ports to pick up the weapons and carry them elsewhere for destruction. However it said that it could not destroy the weapons on its own soil because it lacked the expertise. The OPCW confirmed last month that it had destroyed all Syria's declared chemical weapons production facilities, ahead of a 1 November deadline. The weapons themselves had been placed under seal, it said. Sigrid Kaag, the joint OPCW-UN mission coordinator in Syria, told Friday's OPCW meeting that inspectors were working in an active war zone, in an extreme security situation. Subscribe to The Latest News:- published: 01 Feb 2014
- views: 0
Vimeo results:

5 minutes of Syria
Video from journey
Director of photography: Ruslan Fedotow
Edit/color: Ruslan Fedotow
published: 20 Dec 2010
author: Ruslan Fedotow
5 minutes of Syria
Video from journey
Director of photography: Ruslan Fedotow
Edit/color: Ruslan Fedotow
70-200mm IS, 50mm 1.8

Syria. The other side.
Following the recent events that took place in Syria, people all over the world used to se...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: Ruslan Fedotow
Syria. The other side.
Following the recent events that took place in Syria, people all over the world used to see this country like it presented by media. I have been twice there and can assure you Syria is a wonderful land with its age-old traditions and unique culture. First, I came to Syria together with my friends in August 2010. That's exactly when I shot my first video about the place. Later Blake Whitman showed it on vimeo.com HD channel. The movie was warmly met and watched by a great number of people, what gave me an opportunity to take part in another project in Syria in February this year. It was a documentary about the country made in 20 days. I was DOP in a second unit. The video you see I made together with my friend from my Syrian shot here, at home. I wish people remembered Syria a great and marvelous country like it really is! Thank you!
Director of photography: Ruslan Fedotow
Edit/color: Artem Yakimov
Canon 5D mark2, 16-35mm 2,8L II, 24-70mm 2,8L, 70-200mm 2,8 IS L II, Glidetrack. Editing and color in Sony Vegas 10.
Special thanks: vimeo.com, Blake Whitman, artwarecorp.com, dslrvideo.ru, Marta Khvastova, Dasha Kovaleva, Andrew Mikhnuik.

For still photographs from Syria visit: http://www.jessmaldaner.com/?page_id=1205
Shot ov...
published: 13 Sep 2010
author: Jess Maldaner
For still photographs from Syria visit: http://www.jessmaldaner.com/?page_id=1205
Shot over two and a half days in Syria. Highlights included the old city of Damascus, Krak des Chevalliers, Palmyra, and Ma'lula.
Music: Thievery Corporation, Amerimacka
Technical Specs: Canon 5d Mark II, 50mm 1:1.4 lens, Final Cut Pro.

dedicated to the people in Syria
footage taken 2010...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: Björn Oldsen
dedicated to the people in Syria
footage taken 2010
Youtube results:

May 13 2014 Breaking News France examining 14 cases chemical weapons use Syria
May 13 2014 Breaking News France examining 14 cases chemical weapons use Syria http://news...
published: 15 Feb 2014
May 13 2014 Breaking News France examining 14 cases chemical weapons use Syria
May 13 2014 Breaking News France examining 14 cases chemical weapons use Syria
May 13 2014 Breaking News France examining 14 cases chemical weapons use Syria http://news.yahoo.com/france-says-examining-14-cases-chemical-weapons-syria-174748040.html May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Chemical watchdog to investigate Syria chlorine gas claims http://news.yahoo.com/chemical-watchdog-investigate-syria-chlorine-gas-claims-153446125--finance.html April 28 2014 Breaking News REUTERS USA examining use of toxic chemical in Syria http://news.yahoo.com/u-says-examining-toxic-chemical-syria-172200500.html April 2014 Breaking News Russia's Foreign Minister stating USA policy on Syria aids terrorism http://news.yahoo.com/russia-39-lavrov-says-us-syria-policy-aids-132712486.html March 26 2014 Breaking News Russia Afghanistan & USA involvement Terrorism Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov5Ar_GdzhE February 21 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Iran boosts military support in Syria to bolster Assad Last Days News http://news.yahoo.com/iran-boosts-military-support-syria-bolster-assad-060452411--finance.html February 17 2014 Breaking News Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal - Russia, Iran, China vs USA West - United Nations regional war in Syria - Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal (Iran not allowed in peace talks also supports Assad Regime Iranian revolutionary Guard fighting in Syria and Iran and Russia supplying military weapons to the Assad Regime) United Nations halt relief mission in HOMS - Peace negotiations at the Geneva II talks broke down again over the incompatible agendas of the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition (USA West want ASSAD to step down and support opposition supplying Military weapons), and the United Nations ended its relief mission in Homs.- Foreign Bureau, WSJ's global news update - Last days news update http://news.yahoo.com/video/syria-peace-talks-falter-u-224606112.html February 10 2014 Breaking News Iran leader Alerts Air Force sends warships to USA border http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Rvrlgrvjg February 10 2013 Breaking News Iran warships to USA borders commander stated sending a message http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waWH5R9cBt8 February 10 2014 Breaking News Terrorists from 83 Countries Armed and Funded by Saudi Arabia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQeMkDt_um8 February 10 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls troops out ISLAM jihadists move in training Americans http://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=sq5vy5atDOA February 2014 Breaking News Syria Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHCB-IWuYUs February 2014 Iran Nuclear Islamic Republic last days final hour news prophecy update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW3-EIAjoMI February 2014 Breaking News Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern last days news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqMve7cIqjc February 2014 Breaking News Islamic Republic seeks world domination Last Days news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGw-E0bXVWk February 2014 Breaking News USA plan troops in Afghanistan till end of Obama Presidency http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqv6dMaNCXw February 2014 is a nuclear Iran a threat to israel and the world? Last days final hour news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYxrj4572w4 January 2014 Mortar shell hits Russian embassy - monitoring group - Last Days Final Hour News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH1VcDiFZSs January 2014 USA weapons sent to Syria getting in wrong hands last days end times news update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNkwWfqJE3I January 2014 China And Russia War exercises Japanese waters - last days end times news update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswFlFvBN2o January 2014 NWO Russia biggest war games 160,000 troops 130 planes 70 ships thousands tanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xneZp5Ycm24 February 2014 Did Israel Use Radioactive Uranium in Syrian Missile Bombing? Last Days News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lmb1zwDUtA February 2014 Massive US led military drills Persian Gulf - Last Days News prophecy Update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZK5jikqWiY February 2014 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifMAItGqCK0 February 2014 USA sends 800 more troops to SKorea warned North Korea against provocation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b36olC5Yu-w February 2014 Breaking News Asia Pacific Nuclear Threat Last Days Final Hour News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Fqzz9dpzg- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 13857

Khilafah news recap Syria current events discussion
Recap of Syria situation discussion. By Khilafah News, REAL NEWS 24/7 www.khilafahnews.wee...
published: 07 Jun 2013
Khilafah news recap Syria current events discussion
Khilafah news recap Syria current events discussion
Recap of Syria situation discussion. By Khilafah News, REAL NEWS 24/7 www.khilafahnews.weebly.com facebook.com/KNbulletin @khilafatullah Every day, news, talks, analyzations, Islam Q&A;, science and health Q&A;, Hadith, and quotes!- published: 07 Jun 2013
- views: 115

Syria risks 'lost generation' of children - New Current News
Syria risks 'lost generation' of children - New Current News
Like Subscribe & Share For ...
published: 05 Feb 2014
Syria risks 'lost generation' of children - New Current News
Syria risks 'lost generation' of children - New Current News
Syria risks 'lost generation' of children - New Current News Like Subscribe & Share For More Videos Subscribe To - New Current News http://goo.gl/EEEmnj - Syria risks 'lost generation' of children SUBSCRIBE to The Latest News: Watch the latest video news you can watch from the web Half of Syria's refugees are children with many left orphaned by the country's three year civil war, a new UN report has found. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said many children have been traumatised by the violence. Mr Guterres warned that Syria faces the risk of a lost generation if something is not done to help ease the heavy toll of the conflict.- published: 05 Feb 2014
- views: 5

14 01 2014 Syrian News Breaking News Bible prophecy current events Final Hour Last Days News Update
syria,Syria News ,Syria War , Syria İn Hezbollah, Hezbollah News, Hezbollah İn Syria War, ...
published: 13 Jan 2014
14 01 2014 Syrian News Breaking News Bible prophecy current events Final Hour Last Days News Update
14 01 2014 Syrian News Breaking News Bible prophecy current events Final Hour Last Days News Update
syria,Syria News ,Syria War , Syria İn Hezbollah, Hezbollah News, Hezbollah İn Syria War, syria war 2013,syria news,syria war,syria syria bomb,syria new bombs,syria new news,syria tank bom,syria sniper,Egypt,Egypt, hot , Hot Baby, upskirt- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 53