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Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In "When Prophecy Fails," Leon Festinger developed the idea of cognitive dissonance by studying a UFO cult. He recounts how a woman...
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It sounds like the perfect script for a horror movie: A virus with no vaccine and no cure kills hundreds of people; despite containment efforts, it keeps spreading. But it's...
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The Independent
The Gambia may be the smallest country in mainland Africa but this is no reflection of it rich versatile offering. Already established as a haven for winter sun visitors The Gambia...

Andy Coulson, former News of the World editor and the former spin doctor of British Prime Minister David Cameron, leaves the Central Criminal Court in London, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. Coulson was convicted of phone hacking Tuesday.
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David Cameron's former spin doctor, who faces up to two years in jail, among four ex-News of the World staff awaiting sentence Andy Coulson is expected to get a discount of several months off his sentence for previous good character. Photograph: Neil...
photo: AP / Lefteris Pitarakis
Insecure attachments and emotional eating: Childhood obesity and unhealthy foods
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There's an association between the parents' insecure attachment and their child's consumption of unhealthy foods. Could your relationship with your mom increase your child's chances of obesity? Perhaps the quality of your attachment to both or either...
photo: WN / Emico Silalahi
REPEATED FOR IMPROVED TONAL QUALITY- A medical worker from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers who are working on the Ebola outbreak in Uganda, works at their laboratory in Entebbe 42kms (29 miles) from the capital Kampala Thursday Aug. 2, 2012.
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Red Cross workers carry the body of a woman who died of the Ebola virus during a 1995 outbreak in the Congo. The United Nations health agency said on Thursday it expected the worst Ebola outbreak in history to continue its deadly rampage through west...
photo: AP / Stephen Wandera
Russia's head coach Fabio Capello, center, gestures during the World Cup Group F soccer match against Portugal, at the Luzhniki stadium, in Moscow, Russia, on Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. Russia won 1-0.
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Russia's Fabio Capello was the highest paid manager at the 2014 World Cup, earning an annual salary of $11.2m according to Forbes. Sadly, the Russian Football Union's hefty...
photo: AP / Fabio Capello
Ghanaian soccer fans celebrating in the streets of Accra, Ghana, after their World Cup 2-1 win against the US, that was played in Germany on Thursday, June 22, 2006. The Black Stars advanced to the second round in its first World Cup appearance, beating the Czech Republic and the United States after an opening loss to Italy in Group E. Ghana, one of four African teams making its debut at the World Cup, is the only one still alive.
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Despite earlier reports that trickled in that an Ebola case has been recorded in Ghana, the World Health Organization(WHO) has established that currently,...
photo: AP / Olivier Asselin
A Palestinian youth throws stones at Israeli riot police, not seen, during a protest against Jewish settlements in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, Monday, Dec. 27, 2010. Tensions regularly run high in Silwan, where a small group of Israeli settlers live in heavily guarded enclaves among thousands of Palestinian residents.
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A protester throws a burning tire See Also Arab-Jewish tension in parts of Jerusalem was at fever pitch Thursday afternoon, three days after the funerals for three slain Israeli teens and a day after the alleged revenge killing of...
photo: AP / Adel Hana
A woman harvests magic mushrooms in a grow room at the Procare farm in Hazerswoude, central Netherlands, Friday Aug. 3, 2007.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists studying the effects of the psychedelic chemical in magic mushrooms have found the human brain displays a similar pattern of activity during dreams as it does during a mind-expanding drug trip. Psychedelic drugs such as...
photo: AP / Peter Dejong
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  • Play next
  • NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'...12:35
  • Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to reporters...7:02
  • Kurds Fight for Control of Kirkuk: The Battle for Iraq (Dispatch 3)...7:07
  • Israel Using Teenager Kidnapping to Cripple Hamas...11:43
  • Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina Hits 2 storm 2014!!!...2:13
  • Brazil Investigates Ticket Scalping Operation...0:37
  • Aerial video: Bridge collapses in Brazil World Cup host city Belo Horizonte...1:12
  • BBC News Systematic bribery at GlaxoSmithKline China 'credible' - investigator...3:12
  • US Considers Talks With Iran On Iraq...4:33
  • ESPN Documentary on Dying Indian and Nepalese World cup 2022 Workers...17:06
  • Oscar Pistorius Trial [Day 37]...5:43:50
  • Hurricane Arthur expected to strengthen to Category 2, Fox News...3:02
  • Ukraine crisis: Putin & Fischer press conference in Austria (recorded live feed)...1:17
  • Ministers discuss Ebola in West Africa as patients flee...1:23
add video playlist | | | | | Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. | | | | |

Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
NSA whistle­blow­er Ed­ward Snow­den: 'I don't want to live in a so­ci­ety that does these sort of things'
Kansi, the Bonobo (a chimpanzee relative) talks to reporters African Grey parrot speach and comprehension:
Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to re­porters
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Up until a week ago, the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq was one of the most hotly contested areas in the country, with a mishmash of Kurds, Arabs, and Turkomans, who all had strong claims to the land. Now that the Iraqi army has fled and ISIS has been repelled, the Kurds are fully in control, and hope to integrate the city into the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG).
Despite a large Kurdish presence in Kirkuk, this still might not be so easy. The Arab and Turkoman populations have long resisted Kurdish rule, and the large amount of oil nearby — which all of these groups want a fair share of — will only complicate matters further.
The Kurds, however, insist that control over the city is more a matter of dignity. Beginning in the 1960s and continuing throughout Saddam Hussein\'s rule, many Kurds in the area were forced off the land during an Arabization process, which sought to change the demographics of the city. Poor Arabs were offered land, houses, and money to move to the city and take over formerly Kurdish lands.
During the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, Kurdish forces and American soldiers took the city from the Baathist party. But the Kurdish forces mostly withdrew, and the city was not annexed to the KRG.
Since then Kirkuk has been under a sort of coalition rule, though it is still considered a disputed territory. Kurds have sought to implement Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, which would allow the people of Kirkuk to vote on whether or not the city should join the KRG or remain part of Iraq. But this vote has been delayed numerous times.
As recently as 2012, the Iraqi army and the Kurdish fighters, know as Peshmerga, engaged in a standoff that at times seemed like it could break out into conflict. For now though, the Kurds are firmly in control — though south of the city, sporadic attacks continue. 
VICE News spoke with Falah Mustafa Bakir, the head of foreign relations for the KRG, who said that the Kurds have no intention of giving up their control of Kirkuk.

Here\'s Who Is Fighting in Iraq and Why:

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Kurds Fight for Con­trol of Kirkuk: The Bat­tle for Iraq (Dis­patch 3)
Following apparent kidnapping of three settler Yeshiva students on Thursday, Israeli forces bombed
Is­rael Using Teenag­er Kid­nap­ping to Crip­ple Hamas
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina as Category 2 storm Hurricane Arthur forms Hits Carolina\'s Storm 2014 New Jersey NJ New York NY NC Tropical Storm Arthur Hits Florida Cyclone Hurricane Arthur Cyclone, Tornadoes, approaches N.Carolina vacationers head out Miami forms off coast East Cost Carolina Storms Kill 2 In Midwest Tropical Storm Arthur to Hit Nova Scotia on Saturday July 5, 2014 Florida forms Tropical Storm Arthur!!!

(CNN) -- Sherman Lee Criner is vacationing in a bull\'s eye. Emerald Island, North Carolina, is just west of where Hurricane Arthur came ashore late Thursday with 100 mph winds.
The Category 2 storm made landfall at 11:15 p.m. between Cape Lookout and Beaufort, the National Hurricane Center said. Arthur was charging to the northeast at 15 mph.
Criner didn\'t plan it to be right in its path. He asked his two children and niece where they wanted to spend the holidays, they voted for the beach and he granted the wish.
He thought of canceling the trip as the storm brewed but decided against it.
Hur­ri­cane Arthur makes land­fall in North Car­oli­na Hits 2 storm 2014!!!
Soccer\'s world governing body said Wednesday July 2 it is helping Brazil\'s investigation of a ticket scalping ring believed to be reselling World Cup tickets. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer said the organization was \
Brazil In­ves­ti­gates Tick­et Scalp­ing Op­er­a­tion
Courtesy: TV Globo

An overpass collapsed Thursday in a Brazilian World Cup host city, killing at least two people and trapping a commuter bus, two construction trucks and one car, authorities said. Read more:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Aeri­al video: Bridge col­laps­es in Brazil World Cup host city Belo Hor­i­zonte
In China new details have emerged about the corruption allegations against the British pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smithkline.

The BBC can reveal more content from a series of leaked emails.

GSK is being investigated in the UK by the Serious Fraud Office. And in China police have accused some senior executives of making corrupt payments to doctors and hospital staff of at least £280m.
BBC News Sys­tem­at­ic bribery at Glax­o­SmithK­line China 'cred­i­ble' - in­ves­ti­ga­tor
US Considers Talks With Iran On Iraq

Washington is considering direct talks with Iran on the security situation in Iraq, a US official has told the BBC.

The move comes as US President Barack Obama weighs up options on action to take in Iraq.

Meanwhile the US condemned as \
US Con­sid­ers Talks With Iran On Iraq
The assumed figures says more than 4000 workers from India and Nepal will die before the ball kicks off in 2022 world cup in Qatar for the preparations.
I would not Watch World cup 2022 for humanity if Qatar don\'t improve.
The video belongs to ESPN
ESPN Doc­u­men­tary on Dying In­di­an and Nepalese World cup 2022 Work­ers
Watch the live broadcast from the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria as we continue live streaming the Oscar Pistorius trial. 

Subscribe to eNCA for much more. No Fear. No Favour:


Oscar Pistorius is on trial for shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, in the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Valentines day. 

The trial commenced on 3 March 2014 and has been adjourned for the last month as Oscar Pistorius undergoes Mental Observation for General Anxiety Disorder at the Weskoppies Hospital in Johannesburg.

For the full coverage, in-depth analysis and more on this trial go to:
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Oscar Pis­to­rius Trial [Day 37]
Hurricane Arthur expected to strengthen to Category 2
Well-defined storm surges toward North Carolina.
Hur­ri­cane Arthur ex­pect­ed to strength­en to Cat­e­go­ry 2, Fox News
2014 25 Juni 2014. Bei seinem Staatsbesuch in Österreich traf sich Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin mit den führenden Vertretern der österreichischen Geschäftsw.

25 Juni 2014. Bei seinem Staatsbesuch in Österreich traf sich Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin mit den führenden Vertretern der österreichischen Geschäftsw.

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Vienna and will meet Austrian President Heinz Fischer. With the threat of further western punitive measure against Putin\'s Russia looming in the background,.
Ukraine cri­sis: Putin & Fis­ch­er press con­fer­ence in Aus­tria (record­ed live feed)
West African health ministers meet to discuss response to the deadliest ever Ebola epidemic as doctors in Sierra Leone say infected patients are fleeing. Natalie Thomas reports.

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Min­is­ters dis­cuss Ebola in West Africa as pa­tients flee
Amnesty In­ter­na­tion­al: Stop Tor­ture (Mul­ti­ple Sub­ti­tles)

updated 09 Jun 2013; published 09 Jun 2013
NSA whistle­blow­er Ed­ward Snow­den: 'I don't want to live in a so­ci­ety that does these sort of things'
The Guardian 04 Jul 2014, Former secretary of state tells Guardian that NSA whistleblower should return to US if he is serious in engaging in debate Hillary Clinton said she wants to 'feel her way' to a decision on whether to make a bid for the White House in 2016. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images Hillary Clinton has said Edward Snowden should be entitled to both a legal...
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updated 17 Aug 2013; published 07 Jan 2011
Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to re­porters
The Independent 04 Jul 2014, Scientists have deciphered as many as 66 chimpanzee gestures, which they say are used intentionally by the apes and which provide a potential link with the early development of the human language. From simple requests to complex social negotiation, the chimps were found to use a number of hand and body gestures to get their intentions across....
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updated 23 Jun 2014; published 23 Jun 2014
Kurds Fight for Con­trol of Kirkuk: The Bat­tle for Iraq (Dis­patch 3)
China Daily 04 Jul 2014, Vote to be held 'within months', president of northern region says Massoud Barzani, president of Iraq's northern Kurdish region, has asked his regional parliament to make preparations for a referendum on independence from Iraq. Barzani asked parliament on Thursday to form a committee to organize a referendum, vowing to hold the plebiscite within...
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updated 19 Jun 2014; published 19 Jun 2014
Is­rael Using Teenag­er Kid­nap­ping to Crip­ple Hamas
BBC News 04 Jul 2014, A ceasefire is due to be announced between Hamas and Israel following exchanges of fire along the border with the Gaza Strip, the BBC understands. A source with the militant Palestinian group said a truce had been brokered by Egyptian intelligence officials. Scores of rockets from Gaza have hit southern Israel in recent days and Israel has...
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updated 04 Jul 2014; published 04 Jul 2014
Hur­ri­cane Arthur makes land­fall in North Car­oli­na Hits 2 storm 2014!!!
The Guardian 04 Jul 2014, First hurricane since superstorm Sandy arrives near Cape Lookout late on Thursday night with maximum winds of 100mph Cape Hatteras awaits hurricane Arthur on Thursday. Photograph: John Tully/Corbis The first hurricane of the Atlantic season made landfall on the North Carolina coast late on Thursday night, forcing thousands of holiday-makers to...
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updated 02 Jul 2014; published 02 Jul 2014
Brazil In­ves­ti­gates Tick­et Scalp­ing Op­er­a­tion
Canberra Times 04 Jul 2014, The ticket scam is thought to have netted $101 million since 2002. Photo: Supplied RIO DE JANEIRO: An illegal ticketing scandal rocked the World Cup on Thursday as Germany and France geared up for a titanic quarter-final showdown. Police probing an international scalping syndicate said thousands of illegally sold tickets worth millions of dollars...
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updated 03 Jul 2014; published 03 Jul 2014
Aeri­al video: Bridge col­laps­es in Brazil World Cup host city Belo Hor­i­zonte
Chosunilbo 04 Jul 2014, An unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian World Cup host city of Belo Horizonte on Thursday, killing at least two people, emergency officials said. Television images showed the front of a passenger bus crushed by the...
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updated 03 Jul 2014; published 03 Jul 2014
BBC News Sys­tem­at­ic bribery at Glax­o­SmithK­line China 'cred­i­ble' - in­ves­ti­ga­tor
BBC News 03 Jul 2014, Allegations that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) systematically bribed doctors in China are credible, says an investigator hired by the firm. Peter Humphrey was hired only to investigate who was behind a suspected smear campaign against GSK. But after he finished his report, he learned the details of further allegations against the firm...
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updated 16 Jun 2014; published 16 Jun 2014
US Con­sid­ers Talks With Iran On Iraq 03 Jul 2014, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling It is from ancient Persia (modern Iran) that the game of chess required many of its terms. For example, Persian foot soldiers were the piyadah, or pawns. The chariot was the rukh, or rook (for castle). Their ruler was the shah, from which the word "chess" itself is derived. Shahmat meant "the king is...
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updated 07 Jun 2014; published 07 Jun 2014
ESPN Doc­u­men­tary on Dying In­di­an and Nepalese World cup 2022 Work­ers
Al Jazeera 03 Jul 2014, As hundreds of thousands of football fans enjoy the beautiful games in Sao Paulo, many rural migrants drawn to Brazil’s commercial capital to build stadiums and other infrastructure projects say their lives have been anything but pretty in the lead-up to the mega-event. In fact, many labourers who worked on construction projects ahead of the...
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updated 03 Jul 2014; published 03 Jul 2014
Oscar Pis­to­rius Trial [Day 37]
CNN 03 Jul 2014, July 3, 2014 -- Updated 0854 GMT (1654 HKT) Pretoria, South Africa (CNN) -- Do not be taken in by the fact that Oscar Pistorius is one of the fastest runners in the world -- remember he is disabled, one of his doctors argued at the sprinter's murder trial Thursday. Wayne Derman ran through a long list of the difficulties double amputees experience...
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updated 04 Jul 2014; published 04 Jul 2014
Hur­ri­cane Arthur ex­pect­ed to strength­en to Cat­e­go­ry 2, Fox News
The Florida Times Union 03 Jul 2014, RODANTHE, N.C. | Arthur strengthened to a hurricane early Thursday and threatened to give North Carolina a glancing blow on Independence Day, prompting the governor to warn vacationers along the coast not to risk their safety by trying to salvage their picnics and barbecues. Forecasters expect Arthur to whip past the state's Outer Banks on Friday...
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updated 03 Jul 2014; published 03 Jul 2014
Ukraine cri­sis: Putin & Fis­ch­er press con­fer­ence in Aus­tria (record­ed live feed)
The Guardian 03 Jul 2014, VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press= MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has been slammed for arming rebels and fanning flames of separatism in eastern Ukraine. But there is strong evidence recently that it's just the opposite: He now wants to bring about a truce. To do so, however, Putin must face down nationalists at home pressuring him to...
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updated 03 Jul 2014; published 03 Jul 2014
Min­is­ters dis­cuss Ebola in West Africa as pa­tients flee
Yahoo Daily News 03 Jul 2014, By Kwasi Kpodo ACCRA (Reuters) - West African states lack the resources to battle the world's worst outbreak of Ebola and deep cultural suspicions about the disease remain a big obstacle to halting its spread, ministers said on Wednesday. The outbreak has killed 467 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since February, making it the...
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Edward Snowden should have right to legal defence in US, says Hillary Clinton
Full Article The Guardian
04 Jul 2014

Former secretary of state tells Guardian that NSA whistleblower should return to US if he is serious in engaging in debate Hillary Clinton said she wants to 'feel her way' to a decision on whether to make a bid for the White House in 2016. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images Hillary Clinton has said Edward Snowden should be entitled to both a legal...
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File - President Barack Obama meets with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office Wednesday, July 15, 2009.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Chimpanzee gestures deciphered in 'world first' after scientists decode foot stomps and hand flings
Full Article The Independent
04 Jul 2014

Scientists have deciphered as many as 66 chimpanzee gestures, which they say are used intentionally by the apes and which provide a potential link with the early development of the human language. From simple requests to complex social negotiation, the chimps were found to use a number of hand and body gestures to get their intentions across....
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The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is a species of primate in the family of apes (Hominidae).
photo: Creative Commons / Böhringer

Iraqi Kurds seek independence
Full Article China Daily
04 Jul 2014

Vote to be held 'within months', president of northern region says Massoud Barzani, president of Iraq's northern Kurdish region, has asked his regional parliament to make preparations for a referendum on independence from Iraq. Barzani asked parliament on Thursday to form a committee to organize a referendum, vowing to hold the plebiscite within...
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File - Masud Barzani President of Kurdistan.
photo: WN / Jamal Penjweny

Hamas 'to announce Gaza ceasefire'
Full Article BBC News
04 Jul 2014

A ceasefire is due to be announced between Hamas and Israel following exchanges of fire along the border with the Gaza Strip, the BBC understands. A source with the militant Palestinian group said a truce had been brokered by Egyptian intelligence officials. Scores of rockets from Gaza have hit southern Israel in recent days and Israel has...
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A Palestinians inspect a chicken coop damaged in an Israeli air strike in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on June 25, 2014. The Israeli air force carried out 12 raids on the Gaza Strip overnight after militants fired more rockets at southern Israel, Palestinian security sources said.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina as residents evacuate
Full Article The Guardian
04 Jul 2014

First hurricane since superstorm Sandy arrives near Cape Lookout late on Thursday night with maximum winds of 100mph Cape Hatteras awaits hurricane Arthur on Thursday. Photograph: John Tully/Corbis The first hurricane of the Atlantic season made landfall on the North Carolina coast late on Thursday night, forcing thousands of holiday-makers to...
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Tybee Island Ocean Rescue Senior Lifeguard Jerry Hazellief watches for rip currents from Hurricane Arthur from his lifeguard tower on the beach on Tybee Island, Ga., Thursday, July 3, 2014.
photo: AP / Stephen B. Morton

FIFA official linked to $101 million World Cup ticket scam
Full Article Canberra Times
04 Jul 2014

The ticket scam is thought to have netted $101 million since 2002. Photo: Supplied RIO DE JANEIRO: An illegal ticketing scandal rocked the World Cup on Thursday as Germany and France geared up for a titanic quarter-final showdown. Police probing an international scalping syndicate said thousands of illegally sold tickets worth millions of dollars...
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This June 4, 2014 photo shows a $90 U.S. dollar FIFA ticket for the Spain vs. Chile
photo: AP / Photo

Overpass Collapses in World Cup City; at Least Two Dead
Full Article Chosunilbo
04 Jul 2014

An unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian World Cup host city of Belo Horizonte on Thursday, killing at least two people, emergency officials said. Television images showed the front of a passenger bus crushed by the...
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A woker walks up a ladder on a bridge that collapsed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Thursday, July 3, 2014
photo: AP / Victor R. Caivano

Systematic bribery at GlaxoSmithKline China 'credible' - investigator
Full Article BBC News
03 Jul 2014

Allegations that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) systematically bribed doctors in China are credible, says an investigator hired by the firm. Peter Humphrey was hired only to investigate who was behind a suspected smear campaign against GSK. But after he finished his report, he learned the details of further allegations against the firm...
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FILE - In this July 24, 2013 file photo, a Chinese flag is hoisted in front of a GlaxoSmithKline building in Shanghai, China.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko, File

Did Iran Just Shahmat (Checkmate) the U.S.?
Full Article
03 Jul 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling It is from ancient Persia (modern Iran) that the game of chess required many of its terms. For example, Persian foot soldiers were the piyadah, or pawns. The chariot was the rukh, or rook (for castle). Their ruler was the shah, from which the word "chess" itself is derived. Shahmat meant "the king is...
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File - In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, center, shakes hands with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in their meeting, as Iranian Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri looks on in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Iranian Presidency Office, Mohammad Berno

World Cup workers struggle for basic rights
Full Article Al Jazeera
03 Jul 2014

As hundreds of thousands of football fans enjoy the beautiful games in Sao Paulo, many rural migrants drawn to Brazil’s commercial capital to build stadiums and other infrastructure projects say their lives have been anything but pretty in the lead-up to the mega-event. In fact, many labourers who worked on construction projects ahead of the...
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File - Workers clean the stairs at Arena Corinthians stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Wednesday, June 11, 2014.
photo: AP / Rodrigo Abd

'Disability never sleeps,' Oscar Pistorius doctor argues
Full Article CNN
03 Jul 2014

July 3, 2014 -- Updated 0854 GMT (1654 HKT) Pretoria, South Africa (CNN) -- Do not be taken in by the fact that Oscar Pistorius is one of the fastest runners in the world -- remember he is disabled, one of his doctors argued at the sprinter's murder trial Thursday. Wayne Derman ran through a long list of the difficulties double amputees experience...
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Oscar Pistorius has his tie adjusted by his uncle Arnold Pistorius, right, in court during his ongoing murder trial in Pretoria, Thursday, July 3, 2014.
photo: AP / Herman Verwey

Arthur strengthens to a hurricane as it threatens North Carolina and leaves Florida behind
Full Article The Florida Times Union
03 Jul 2014

RODANTHE, N.C. | Arthur strengthened to a hurricane early Thursday and threatened to give North Carolina a glancing blow on Independence Day, prompting the governor to warn vacationers along the coast not to risk their safety by trying to salvage their picnics and barbecues. Forecasters expect Arthur to whip past the state's Outer Banks on Friday...
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Arthur strengthens to a hurricane as it threatens North Carolina and leaves Florida behind
photo: AP / Vietnam News Agency

Putin under pressure as fighting rages in Ukraine
Full Article The Guardian
03 Jul 2014

VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press= MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has been slammed for arming rebels and fanning flames of separatism in eastern Ukraine. But there is strong evidence recently that it's just the opposite: He now wants to bring about a truce. To do so, however, Putin must face down nationalists at home pressuring him to...
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Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures after signing a treaty to incorporate Crimea into Russia in the Kremlin in Moscow, Tuesday, March 18, 2014. President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a treaty to incorporate Crimea into Russia, describing the move as the restoration of historic injustice and a necessary response to what he called the Western encroachment on Russiaís vital interests.
photo: AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Fear and cash shortages hinder fight against Ebola outbreak
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
03 Jul 2014

By Kwasi Kpodo ACCRA (Reuters) - West African states lack the resources to battle the world's worst outbreak of Ebola and deep cultural suspicions about the disease remain a big obstacle to halting its spread, ministers said on Wednesday. The outbreak has killed 467 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since February, making it the...
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Empty hospital beds are seen at Redemption hospital after nurses and patients fled the hospital due to Ebola deaths in Monrovia, Liberia, Tuesday, June 17, 2014.
photo: AP / Jonathan Paye-Layleh

£160,000 for a tennis match between David Cameron and Boris Johnson - with Lynton Crosby ...
Full Article The Independent
04 Jul 2014

The Conservatives offered up their Australian election chief to act as a “ball boy” for a fund-raising auction tennis match between David Cameron and Boris Johnson which was successfully bid for by the wife of a wealthy Russian oligarch, it has emerged In an attempt to raise more money to bankroll the party’s election campaign, Tories threw in the...
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Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron plays tennis with London mayor Boris Johnson, not pictured, in Trafalgar Square London, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011. The politicians joined paralympic athletes in the square Thursday to mark international Paralympic Day ahead of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

Djokovic downs Dimitrov to reach third Wimbledon final
Full Article The Times of India
04 Jul 2014

LONDON: Novak Djokovic moved a step closer to his second Wimbledon title as the top seed booked his third appearance in the final with a...
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Day 14 of the Sony Open Novak Djokovic (SRB) defeats Rafael Nadal (ESP) for the Men's Championship at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 30, 2014
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Wimbledon 2014: Novak Djokovic takes first set against Grigor Dimitrov
Full Article BBC News
04 Jul 2014

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Watch number one seed Novak Djokovic take the opening set of his semi-final clash with Bulgaria's Grigor Dimitrov 6-4 on Centre Court at Wimbledon. Share this story Share this page print Also related to this story Live Semi-finals: Djokovic v Dimitrov 03 Jul 2014...
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Day 14 of the Sony Open Novak Djokovic (SRB) defeats Rafael Nadal (ESP) for the Men's Championship at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 30, 2014
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Andy Murray pledges to fight back
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Jul 2014

Wimbledon was the last title held by Andy Murray and as the 27-year-old Scot looked to the future following his quarter-final defeat by Grigor Dimitrov he stressed the need to return to winning ways as quickly as possible. Related Articles "It's been a year since I last won an event," Murray said. "The best way to prepare for majors is by winning a...
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 ag2  Andy Murray at the US Open September 3rd, 2006 during match against Fernando Gonzalez
photo: WN / aruna

Milos Raonic now aiming to slay more giants
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Jul 2014

Milos Raonic has taunted the established big four of men's tennis by proclaiming their all-conquering era is over. Wimbledon has seen the rise of a new generation rubber-stamped and Canadian ace-race leader Raonic heads into his semi-final against Roger Federer without fear. With Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal already out, Raonic and Grigor Dimitrov...
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Day 6 - Milos Raonic (CAN) v James Blake (USA) - US Open 2012 USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center New York City, USA - September 1, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Will Neymar Be The Player Of The World Cup?
Full Article Orange News
04 Jul 2014

4 July 2014, 10:12 Will Neymar Be The Player Of The World Cup? Tweet Neymar has always been the face of this World Cup. From arrivals hall advertisements to highway hoardings, his slim features have stared out, that sweet, self-assured smile beaming beneath a variety of haircuts. Now, as Brazil meet Colombia in a quarter-final that has set the...
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Brazil's Neymar forms a heart with his hands as he leaves the pitch after the World Cup round of 16 soccer match between Brazil and Chile at the Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Saturday, June 28, 2014. Brazil won 3-2 on penalties after the match ended 1-1 draw after extra-time.
photo: AP Photo/Hassan Ammar

Wimbledon 2014: Grigor Dimitrov can succeed where so many others have failed
Full Article London Evening Standard
04 Jul 2014

At Wimbledon this week, the 23-year-olds Grigor Dimitrov and Milos Raonic have reached their first Grand Slam semi-finals, which, coupled with the early exits of Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal, has prompted suggestions that we are seeing a shift in power in men’s tennis. Recent history suggests such thoughts may be premature – we have been here many...
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Grigor Dimitrov of Bulgaria
photo: AP / Ermindo Armino

At home in the big time: Eugenie Bouchard aims to crown rise
Full Article Canberra Times
04 Jul 2014

Canadian first ... Eugenie Bouchard hits a return against Simona Halep. In marketability terms, Eugenie Bouchard has been likened to Anna Kournikova, but in no other sense is the comparison valid. At 20, Bouchard is already guaranteed a higher ranking (No. 7) than Kournikova achieved, has won a WTA title (Nuremberg, last month), and has now reached...
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Eugenie Bouchard of Canada turns to her family, friends and coaches as she defeats Simona Halep of Romania in their women’s singles semifinal match at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, London, Thursday, July 3, 2014.
photo: AP / Ben Curtis

Kesha talks surprising secret
Full Article Music News
04 Jul 2014

Kesha is "actually incredibly responsible" when it comes to her career. The Timber singer admitted herself to rehab in January to deal with an eating disorder. But at the time, the 27-year-old was concerned that people would think she was attending for different reasons. "I knew...
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Kesha Live Much
photo: Creative Commons / brittanyanyon

Hayley Williams: I chose Björk over boybands
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Jul 2014

Hayley Williams realised how important music was to her when she first heard Björk's Human Behavior. [TICON-A VIDEO] The Paramore singer has listed the music which has meant the most to her during her lifetime. Although she now fronts a rock band, pop was more her bag when she was growing up. However, hearing the Icelandic singer's track Human...
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Hayley Williams
photo: AP /

Iggy Azalea: ScarJo is everything
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Jul 2014

Iggy Azalea has listed her top five women in entertainment, with blonde bombshells Scarlett Johansson and Dolly Parton making the cut. [TICON-A VIDEO] The Work singer is preparing to wow crowds at UK festival Wireless, which will see the Australian star play in London later today before heading to the Birmingham leg of the shows on Sunday. Iggy has...
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Iggy Azalea performs on stage at 102.7 KIIS FM's Wango Tango at the StubHub Center on Saturday, May 10, 2014, in Carson, Calif.
photo: AP / Paul A. Hebert

How Ariana Grande Is Becoming Pop's Next Global Superstar
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Jul 2014

She's from a tween TV show, she's got eyes bigger than Bambi's and her former boyfriends include a similarly pristine pop heart-throb. Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff and even Britney Spears would all fit that description, but as they continue their journeys away from the kids' series that first plonked them in the public eye, a...
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Ariana Grande performs at the iHeartRadio Music Awards at the Shrine Auditorium on Thursday, May 1, 2014, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Chris Martin talks love for Pulp
Full Article Music News
04 Jul 2014

Coldplay's Chris Martin spoke to Absolute Radio's Pete Donaldson before the station broadcast the bands entire gig live from the Royal Albert Hall, to celebrate the release of new album Ghost Stories. 'I'm going through such a Pulp phase. I just love em. I listen to Jarvis and there's part of me that thinks wow I just can't do that. But I can do...
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Chris Martin
photo: Creative Commons / Wonker Wonker

Bob Geldof opens up about Peaches
Full Article Music News
04 Jul 2014

Sir Bob Geldof gets "assaulted" by grief over his daughter Peaches without warning. The TV star was found dead at the home she shared with her husband Thomas Cohen and their two sons in Wrotham, Kent, in April at the age of 25. An inquest into her death has been adjourned, although it was announced that heroin was likely to have played a part in...
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Bob Geldof
photo: AP / Fabian Bimmer

Hayley Williams: I chose Bjork over boybands
Full Article Music News
04 Jul 2014

Hayley Williams was jerked out of her "boyband phase" when she first heard Bjork. The Paramore singer has listed the music which has meant the most to her during her lifetime. Although she now fronts a rock band, pop was more her bag when she was growing up. However,...
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Hayley Williams of Paramore performs on stage at the American Idol XIII finale at the Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Paul A. Hebert

Gregg Allman in hospital as more dates cancelled
Full Article Music News
04 Jul 2014

It has been a bad year for Gregg Allman as, for the third time, he has been postponed to change his or the Allman Brothers' touring plans. Allman checked himself into a hospital for an undisclosed ailment on Monday, forcing the postponement of three dates and the cancellation...
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Gregg Allman performs at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casinos' Hard Rock Live Hollywood, Florida - January 18, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Del Toro: Pacific Rim 2 not sequel
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Jul 2014

Guillermo del Toro has revealed Pacific Rim 2 will be a standalone story, not a direct sequel of the first movie. The director is working on a script for the sci-fi action film - set in the future when specialist pilots played by Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi, power giant robots to battle monsters who have taken over the world - with Marvel...
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FILE - In this July 28, 2013 file photo, Mexican film director Guillermo Del Toro poses for photographers during a press conference to promote his new film "Pacific Rim," in Tokyo. Harper Design, a HarperCollins imprint, has announced the release of the writer-director del Toro’s latest book, “Guillermo del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions.” The book will hit shelves October 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Itsuo Inouye

photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Dead parrots and lumberjacks please Python fans
Full Article Boston Herald
02 Jul 2014

LONDONComedy is a bit like history. It repeats itself, and what started out as satire can mellow into farce. The Monty Python troupe burst forth from Britain as the 1960s became the '70s, with a delirious blend of satire, surrealism and silliness. Almost 35 years after their last live performance, they have reunited for 10 farewell shows at...
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From left, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones of the comedy group Monty Python pose for photographers during a photo call in London Monday, June 30, 2014, to promote their reunion for a series of concerts.
photo: AP / John Phillips Invision

Cameron Diaz And Jason Segal Talk ‘Humiliating’ Sex Scenes In New Comedy Sex Tape
Full Article Entertainment Wise
02 Jul 2014

Jason Segal and Cameron Diaz are rapidly becoming the King and Queen of the awkward sex scenes have reunited for more “humiliating” frolics in the upcoming comedy Sex Tape. Sex Tape has become one of this year’s most talked about comedies as fans can’t wait to watch Cameron and Jason’s comic...
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Cameron Diaz and Steve Carell
photo: AP / Chris Carlson

Cameron Diaz opens up about new movie, decision not to have children to Esquire magazine
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Jul 2014

Cameron Diaz opened up in an interview with Esquire magazine and revealed why she decided not to have children. According to ABC News, Diaz, who most recently stars in Sex Tape, revealed, “It’s so much more...
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Actress Cameron Diaz reacts as she signs autographs before the world premiere of her new film "Knight and Day" at the Lope de Vega theatre in Seville, Spain on Wednesday June 16, 2010.
photo: AP / Paul White

Robin Williams checks into rehab to work on his sobriety
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Jul 2014

Robin Williams has checked into a rehab facility — but not for an addiction. He is simply working on maintaining his sobriety. “After working on back-to-back projects, Robin is simply taking the opportunity to fine-tune and focus on...
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 Cast member Robin Williams attends the premiere of "License to Wed" Monday, June 25, 2007, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Phil McCarten)   (js1)
photo: AP/Phil McCarten

Jennifer Love Hewitt joins 'Criminal Minds,' returns to CBS
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Jul 2014

Jennifer Love Hewitt is coming back to CBS. She will have a part in the long-running series Criminal Minds. The eye network made the casting announcement on Tuesday afternoon. Hewitt has been cast as Kate...
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 Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt arrives at In Style magazine´s sneak peak at red carpet fashion nf2
photo: APphoto

Melissa McCarthy Shows Off Wild Fashion Streak In Leather Dress And Animal Print Shoes At Tammy Premiere
Full Article Entertainment Wise
01 Jul 2014

Melissa McCarthy ensured all eyes were on her as she attended the premiere of her latest movie Tammy in a trendy leather dress in Los Angeles yesterday. The actress got a thumbs up on Monday night for her stylish red carpet...
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Screenwriter/Producer Melissa McCarthy seen at the New Line Cinema Premiere of 'Tammy' held at the TCL Chinese Theatre on Monday, June 30, 2014, in Hollywood.
photo: AP / Eric Charbonneau

China approves Lenovo, IBM $2.3 billion server deal
Full Article The Guardian
04 Jul 2014

BEIJING (Reuters) - The Chinese Ministry of Commerce's anti-monopoly bureau has approved Lenovo Group's proposed $2.3 billion deal to buy IBM Corp's low-end server business. The...
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Netbook front  Lenovo IdeaPad S9e from the front.
photo: Creative Commons / and3k

Obama hails US job growth figures
Full Article Canberra Times
03 Jul 2014

We are making progress": US President Barack Obama. Photo: AP President Barack Obama has hailed new data showing the US economy churned out 288,000 jobs in June as a sign the long US recovery is gathering momentum. The Labor Department's monthly employment data showed unemployment dipped to 6.1 per cent. "We...
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President Barack Obama delivers his inaugural address after being sworn-in for a second term as the President of the United States by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts during his public inauguration ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Pat Benic/Pool/Sipa USA/dapd

Former Peugeot chairman quits board over public dissent
Full Article The Guardian
03 Jul 2014

By Laurence Frost and Gilles Guillaume PARIS (Reuters) - PSA Peugeot Citroen's deputy chairman Thierry Peugeot was forced out on Thursday after voicing renewed public dissent over a French-backed tie-up with Dongfeng that he had unsuccessfully opposed as chairman. Thierry Peugeot, who had stepped down as chairman earlier this year when the carmaker...
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In this Jan. 11, 2010 file photo the new Peugeot cars logo is seen in Paris.
photo: AP / Jacques Brinon

Dow 101: The Dow and how it works
Full Article The State
03 Jul 2014

The Dow Jones industrial average, an index of 30 U.S. blue-chip stocks, is the oldest barometer of the stock market. On Thursday, it jumped above 17,000 for the first time in its 118-year history. WHAT IS IT? The Dow is a group of 30 big corporations, nearly all of them household names, and its dips and jumps during the trading day reflect changes...
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News headlines from Dow Jones scroll on the "zipper" around the 1 Times Square Building, in New York, Wednesday Jan. 25, 2006.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Wall St Week Ahead-Double-digit profit growth may return in Q2
Full Article Reuters
03 Jul 2014

NEW YORK, July 3 (Reuters) - With all the hoopla over the Dow topping 17,000 out of the way, the market's next focus will be whether the fast-approaching earnings season can justify U.S. stocks continuing their climb further into record territory. Many factors point to a second-quarter earnings season poised to surprise substantially to the upside,...
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Traders work on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange in New York, Tuesday, March 16, 2010
photo: AP / Seth Wenig

Why Google’s Skybox buy is worrying commodity investors
Full Article The Hindu
03 Jul 2014

Last month, Google acquired start-up firm Skybox Imaging for $500 million. The acquisition is considered a steal compared with the $19 billion that Facebook paid to own WhatsApp. In buying the US firm cheap, Google has earned the wrath of commodity investors, particularly those who do not have deeper pockets. The reason: they fear that...
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 mouse and Google mousepad are shown at Google´s New York office Friday, Oct. 27, 2006. The computer search engine company is based in Mountain View, Calif. (jd1)
photo: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Grape King inks pact with Yunnan Baiyou Group Co
Full Article Taipei Times
03 Jul 2014

Grape King Bio Ltd (葡萄王), a supplier of probiotics and mushroom mycelium health foods, yesterday inked a three-year cooperation pact with China-based traditional Chinese medicine maker Yunnan Baiyao Group Co (雲南白藥) to codevelop new products and sell products in the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. The two companies are currently codeveloping...
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Grape King inks pact with Yunnan Baiyou Group Co
photo: WN / Agnieszka D.

Nikkei slips 0.14 pct as investors lock in gains, eye U.S. jobs data
Full Article Xinhua
03 Jul 2014

TOKYO, July 3 (Xinhua) -- The Nikkei stock index edged down 0. 14 percent Thursday as investors opted to lock in gains following the market's recent rise. After an initial round of buying prompted by strong closes overnight on Wall Street, investors hit the sidelines ahead of key U.S. jobs data. The benchmark Nikkei 225 index lost 21.68 points to...
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In this Jan. 13, 2010 photo, a TV cameraman films an electric stock board indicating the benchmark Nikkei 225 stock average lost 144.11 points, or 1.3 percent, to 10,735.03 while passersby check the share prices in Tokyo, Japan. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, says in Tokyo, Monday, Jan. 18, 2010, that China and other developing Asian economies are leading a global recovery that is faster and stronger than expected, but warned that money rushing into emerging markets could lead to asset bubbles. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
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  • Duration: 12:35
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013 | | | | | Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 2660413'I_don't_want_to_live_in_a_society_that_does_these_sort_of_things'

Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to reporters
Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to reporters
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  • Duration: 7:02
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013
Kansi, the Bonobo (a chimpanzee relative) talks to reporters African Grey parrot speach and comprehension:,_the_Bonobo_talks_to_reporters

Kurds Fight for Control of Kirkuk: The Battle for Iraq (Dispatch 3)
Kurds Fight for Control of Kirkuk: The Battle for Iraq (Dispatch 3)
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  • Duration: 7:07
  • Updated: 23 Jun 2014
Subscribe to VICE News here: Up until a week ago, the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq was one of the most hotly contested areas in the country, with a mishmash of Kurds, Arabs, and Turkomans, who all had strong claims to the land. Now that the Iraqi army has fled and ISIS has been repelled, the Kurds are fully in control, and hope to integrate the city into the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). Despite a large Kurdish presence in Kirkuk, this still might not be so easy. The Arab and Turkoman populations have long resisted Kurdish rule, and the large amount of oil nearby — which all of these groups want a fair share of — will only complicate matters further. The Kurds, however, insist that control over the city is more a matter of dignity. Beginning in the 1960s and continuing throughout Saddam Hussein's rule, many Kurds in the area were forced off the land during an Arabization process, which sought to change the demographics of the city. Poor Arabs were offered land, houses, and money to move to the city and take over formerly Kurdish lands. During the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, Kurdish forces and American soldiers took the city from the Baathist party. But the Kurdish forces mostly withdrew, and the city was not annexed to the KRG. Since then Kirkuk has been under a sort of coalition rule, though it is still considered a disputed territory. Kurds have sought to implement Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, which would allow the people of Kirkuk to vote on whether or not the city should join the KRG or remain part of Iraq. But this vote has been delayed numerous times. As recently as 2012, the Iraqi army and the Kurdish fighters, know as Peshmerga, engaged in a standoff that at times seemed like it could break out into conflict. For now though, the Kurds are firmly in control — though south of the city, sporadic attacks continue. VICE News spoke with Falah Mustafa Bakir, the head of foreign relations for the KRG, who said that the Kurds have no intention of giving up their control of Kirkuk. Here's Who Is Fighting in Iraq and Why: Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr:
  • published: 23 Jun 2014
  • views: 119338

Israel Using Teenager Kidnapping to Cripple Hamas
Israel Using Teenager Kidnapping to Cripple Hamas
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  • Duration: 11:43
  • Updated: 19 Jun 2014
Following apparent kidnapping of three settler Yeshiva students on Thursday, Israeli forces bombed
  • published: 19 Jun 2014
  • views: 548

Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina Hits 2 storm 2014!!!
Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina Hits 2 storm 2014!!!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:13
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2014
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- Hurricane Arthur makes landfall in North Carolina as Category 2 storm Hurricane Arthur forms Hits Carolina's Storm 2014 New Jersey NJ New York NY NC Tropical Storm Arthur Hits Florida Cyclone Hurricane Arthur Cyclone, Tornadoes, approaches N.Carolina vacationers head out Miami forms off coast East Cost Carolina Storms Kill 2 In Midwest Tropical Storm Arthur to Hit Nova Scotia on Saturday July 5, 2014 Florida forms Tropical Storm Arthur!!! (CNN) -- Sherman Lee Criner is vacationing in a bull's eye. Emerald Island, North Carolina, is just west of where Hurricane Arthur came ashore late Thursday with 100 mph winds. The Category 2 storm made landfall at 11:15 p.m. between Cape Lookout and Beaufort, the National Hurricane Center said. Arthur was charging to the northeast at 15 mph. Criner didn't plan it to be right in its path. He asked his two children and niece where they wanted to spend the holidays, they voted for the beach and he granted the wish. He thought of canceling the trip as the storm brewed but decided against it. "It's a doable storm," Criner said. The lawyer lives in Wilmington and has sat out hurricanes before. He also felt confident sturdiness of their accommodations of concrete and steel. "We're in an 8th floor condominium," he said. When Arthur's eye wall hits, he will wake up son Sherman, 9, daughter Elizabeth, 14, and niece Mary Brown, 10. They'll to look out the window at the surf below, as the storm surge pushes it up Indian Beach. Stormy holidays Other vacationers hunkered down in hotels along the North Carolina coast Thursday evening as Hurricane Arthur grew into a Category 2 storm. CNN severe weather expert Chad Myers said the storm was getting more dangerous as it developed an inner eye wall. "That's concerning, because the smaller the eye gets, the stronger the winds get," he said. Hurricane Arthur was bearing down on Morehead City, a popular vacation site for the Fourth of July. "The dangerous part of this storm is going to travel right along the coast," he said. Rain was intermittently heavy throughout the day in much of the southeastern parts of the state. The National Weather Service in Wilmington said 1 1/3 inches of rain fell during one hour Thursday afternoon. The office also tweeted that there was some flooding just south of downtown. The storm's strongest sustained winds were 100 mph. North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory told residents and tourists to stay inside while it was dark outside. He said the potential track for the storm would move it closer to land. "We did not expect this western movement," he told reporters Thursday night. "So we're most concerned now about flooding inland and storm surges in our sounds and in our rivers." There were no immediate reports of injuries and some counties reported only minimal damage. The good news: the storm hit Thursday at low tide, the governor said. The bad news: the storm was now stronger. Which areas will Hurricane Arthur impact? N.C. residents prepare for Arthur to hit Holiday travel impeded by weather CNN correspondents at Wrightsville Beach near Wilmington and Atlantic Beach said most people in those two tourist destinations were heeding authorities' calls to stay out of the surf. But people were getting out on the sand to see the dark clouds roll in before heading in for the night. "We are starting to see the water come up a little further," said Marc Leford, the facilities manager at the Shell Island Resort in Wrightsville Beach. "The guests are hanging tight. They seem to be having a good time. They're ready to wait it out." At the Frying Pan Tower, 34 miles offshore from Wilmington, Richard Neal said the winds had shaken the old Coast Guard light station enough to cause some apprehension. Neal has turned the tower into an "adventure bed and breakfast." But after 99 mph winds and 35-foot waves, he said, "We were not expecting it to be this much of an adventure." Neal said there were no guests there and he and his children were sitting around playing cards as the eye passed through. He warned people on land to evacuate. "These are very large waves and the swells are enormous," he said. Arthur is expected to bring storm surges of up to 7 feet, as well as large, damaging waves, high winds and dangerous rip currents that authorities warned could sweep even the strongest swimmers out to sea.
  • published: 04 Jul 2014
  • views: 163!!!

Brazil Investigates Ticket Scalping Operation
Brazil Investigates Ticket Scalping Operation
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  • Duration: 0:37
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2014
Soccer's world governing body said Wednesday July 2 it is helping Brazil's investigation of a ticket scalping ring believed to be reselling World Cup tickets. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer said the organization was "actively assisting" in the investigation and that FIFA representatives will meet with Brazilian officials to discuss its ticketing operations. She also cautioned Brazilian media not to jump to conclusions.;=HOME&TEMPLATE;=DEFAULT
  • published: 02 Jul 2014
  • views: 5

Aerial video: Bridge collapses in Brazil World Cup host city Belo Horizonte
Aerial video: Bridge collapses in Brazil World Cup host city Belo Horizonte
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  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2014
Courtesy: TV Globo An overpass collapsed Thursday in a Brazilian World Cup host city, killing at least two people and trapping a commuter bus, two construction trucks and one car, authorities said. Read more: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Jul 2014
  • views: 9669

BBC News Systematic bribery at GlaxoSmithKline China 'credible' - investigator
BBC News Systematic bribery at GlaxoSmithKline China 'credible' - investigator
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2014
In China new details have emerged about the corruption allegations against the British pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smithkline. The BBC can reveal more content from a series of leaked emails. GSK is being investigated in the UK by the Serious Fraud Office. And in China police have accused some senior executives of making corrupt payments to doctors and hospital staff of at least £280m.
  • published: 03 Jul 2014
  • views: 3'credible'__investigator

US Considers Talks With Iran On Iraq
US Considers Talks With Iran On Iraq
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:33
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2014
US Considers Talks With Iran On Iraq Washington is considering direct talks with Iran on the security situation in Iraq, a US official has told the BBC. The move comes as US President Barack Obama weighs up options on action to take in Iraq. Meanwhile the US condemned as "horrifying" photos posted online by Sunni militants that appear to show fighters massacring Iraqi soldiers. In the scenes, the soldiers are shown being led away and lying in trenches before and after their "execution". The Iraqi military said the pictures were real but their authenticity has not been independently confirmed. The BBC's Jim Muir, in northern Iraq, says if the photographs are genuine, it would be by far the biggest single atrocity since the time of the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Their emergence came as the Iraqi government claimed to have "regained the initiative" against an offensive by Sunni rebels led by ISIS - the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Extremists captured key cities, including Mosul and Tikrit, last week, but several towns have now been retaken from the rebels. Subscribe For Breaking News Tags Iraq conflict: US considers talks with Iran Iraq, ISIL Militants Clash Near Syrian Border John Kerry urges political unity in Iraq before US helps Kerry says US help will only work if Iraqi leaders unite Iraq insurgent advance spreads to northwest Syria pounds ISIL bases in coordination with Iraq Iraqi forces kill 279 Islamic militants in 24 hours Obama Facilitates The Rise Of The Caliphate Iran Sends Two Batallions Of Revolutionary Guards To Defend Iraq crisis: U.S. sends aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf Iraqi PM orders troops to make stand in Samarra; U.S. sends aircraft carrier Iraq crisis: U.S. sends aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf US deploys warship amid Iraq crisis US deploys warship amid Iraq crisis CRISIS IN IRAQ US aircraft carrier moved as militants US deploys warship amid Iraq crisis American Warships Sent To Gulf Region. Look In World US deploys warship amid Iraq crisis US warship ready in PG amid Iraq crisis US deploys warship amid Iraq crisis U.S. orders aircraft carrier on standby for Iraq Iraq crisis: Pentagon deploys warship for strikes Iraq conflict: US sends warship to the Gulf dailyNewsCrunch Iraq conflict: US sends warship to the Gulf - News Sniffer Obama: All options open on Iraq Iraq conflict All options open to fight insurgents Obama Hundreds of Iraqis flee Islamic militant advance IRAQ conflict: All options open to fight insurgents President Obama's Remarks On The Upheaval In Iraq Iraq conflict: All options open to fight insurgents Iraq crisis: Isis gains strength near Baghdad as Kurdish Obama 'Looking at All Options' to Confront Iraq Insurgency Iraq crisis: al-Qaeda militants push towards Baghdad Iraq conflict: All options open to fight insurgents US keeping 'all options' open on Iraq - Obama Iraq conflict: All options open to fight insurgents 'Serious' security concerns as Iraq's second-largest city falls to militants Mosul: Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki calls for state of emergency This is how Allah blesses': Islamists gloat over the fall of Mosul Extremists seize Iraqi city of Mosul Iraq crisis: Islamists force 150000 to flee Mosul Al-Qaeda-linked militants in control of Mosul Tens of thousands flee Iraq's Mosul Mosul is burning, and Iraq could still get worse. Here are 5 reasons why Growing crisis sees Iraq's second city of Mosul fall Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in Mosul Islamic Militants Seize Mosul From Iraq Government Forces Militants overrun parts of Iraq's second largest city of Mosul Iraqi security forces flee posts in Mosul Maliki offers to arm citizens willing to fight ISIS Crisis in Iraq: Mosul Falling to Militants Mosul Iraq, the latest Mosul news Iraq: Al Qaeda Splinter Group Seizes Mosul Iraq Developing: Insurgents Take Over Mosul Mosul falls to militants, Iraqi forces flee northern city Tens of thousands flee Iraq's Mosul Iraq crisis: Islamists force 150,000 to flee Mosul Troops flee as militants seize Iraq city Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul Half a million flee Iraq's Mosul Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul 'We can't beat them,' police say as militants seize Iraqi city EXTREMISTS SEIZE CITY 500,000 flee as Iraqi army gives up fight in Mosul 500,000 Iraqi civilians flee Mosul fighting, migration group says Iraq conflict: US considers talks with Iran US considers talks with Iran to help resolve crisis in Iraq U.S. considers talking to Iran over Iraq crisis Iraq conflict: US considers talks with Iran US considers talking to Iran over Iraq crisis Iraq Conflict: US considers talks with Iran US considers talks with Iran on Iraq US considers talks with Iran on Iraq Militants Claim Mass Execution Of Iraqi Soldiers Iraq crisis pulls in U.S. and Iran as violent militants capture more cities Militants capture more Iraqi cities, post 'massacre' photos
  • published: 16 Jun 2014
  • views: 4621

ESPN Documentary on Dying Indian and Nepalese World cup 2022 Workers
ESPN Documentary on Dying Indian and Nepalese World cup 2022 Workers
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  • Duration: 17:06
  • Updated: 07 Jun 2014
The assumed figures says more than 4000 workers from India and Nepal will die before the ball kicks off in 2022 world cup in Qatar for the preparations. I would not Watch World cup 2022 for humanity if Qatar don't improve. The video belongs to ESPN
  • published: 07 Jun 2014
  • views: 27007

Oscar Pistorius Trial [Day 37]
Oscar Pistorius Trial [Day 37]
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  • Duration: 343:50
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2014
Watch the live broadcast from the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria as we continue live streaming the Oscar Pistorius trial. Subscribe to eNCA for much more. No Fear. No Favour: CLICK FOR KEY POINTS FROM THE TRIAL SO FAR: Oscar Pistorius is on trial for shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, in the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Valentines day. The trial commenced on 3 March 2014 and has been adjourned for the last month as Oscar Pistorius undergoes Mental Observation for General Anxiety Disorder at the Weskoppies Hospital in Johannesburg. For the full coverage, in-depth analysis and more on this trial go to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Live updates: For Reporting and analysis
  • published: 03 Jul 2014
  • views: 22512 Day_37

Hurricane Arthur expected to strengthen to Category 2, Fox News
Hurricane Arthur expected to strengthen to Category 2, Fox News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2014
Hurricane Arthur expected to strengthen to Category 2 Well-defined storm surges toward North Carolina.
  • published: 04 Jul 2014
  • views: 2,_Fox_News

Ukraine crisis: Putin & Fischer press conference in Austria (recorded live feed)
Ukraine crisis: Putin & Fischer press conference in Austria (recorded live feed)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2014
2014 25 Juni 2014. Bei seinem Staatsbesuch in Österreich traf sich Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin mit den führenden Vertretern der österreichischen Geschäftsw. 25 Juni 2014. Bei seinem Staatsbesuch in Österreich traf sich Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin mit den führenden Vertretern der österreichischen Geschäftsw. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Vienna and will meet Austrian President Heinz Fischer. With the threat of further western punitive measure against Putin's Russia looming in the background,.
  • published: 03 Jul 2014
  • views: 1

Ministers discuss Ebola in West Africa as patients flee
Ministers discuss Ebola in West Africa as patients flee
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2014
West African health ministers meet to discuss response to the deadliest ever Ebola epidemic as doctors in Sierra Leone say infected patients are fleeing. Natalie Thomas reports. Subscribe: More updates and breaking news: Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 03 Jul 2014
  • views: 624

Amnesty International: Stop Torture (Multiple Subtitles)
Amnesty International: Stop Torture (Multiple Subtitles)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:33
  • Updated: 21 Jun 2014
  • published: 21 Jun 2014
  • views: 142