Fox's Ed Henry Digs into Obama for 'Changing' Defense of NSA Spying Program
Fox's Ed Henry Digs into Obama for 'Changing' Defense of NSA Spying Program
During an en...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Fox's Ed Henry Digs into Obama for 'Changing' Defense of NSA Spying Program
Fox's Ed Henry Digs into Obama for 'Changing' Defense of NSA Spying Program
Fox's Ed Henry Digs into Obama for 'Changing' Defense of NSA Spying Program During an end of the year press conference on Friday, Fox News' Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry grilled President Barack Obama regarding the National Security Agency's surveillance programs and how the administration is considering reforming those programs. Henry probed Obama over his insistence in the summer that his administration had struck "the right balance" between security and privacy concerns. Henry began by asking Obama what changed from the summer, when he said he "struck the right balance" to today when his administration is prepared to adopt reform recommendations of a panel which investigated NSA practices. "Is it another example of what Julie [Pace] was getting at with the credibility of the American people," Henry said. "Just like health care, if you like your plan, you can keep it. On surveillance, you looked the people in the eye and said we have the right balance. And, six months later, you're saying maybe not." Obama insisted that some of the means that the NSA uses can be shifted to telephone companies. "That might cost more," Obama said. "There might need to be different checks on how those requests are made." "I understand it's a tough job," Henry said, before noting that the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper misled Congress when he said that the NSA was not collecting information on Americans. "Doesn't that undermine the public trust?" he asked. Obama replied that his statements in June are "entirely consistent" with what he said today. "There continues not to be evidence that the particular program had been abused in how it was used," Obama said. However the president noted that the benefits of this program "may be outweighed" by the public's fears over its abuse.- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 126
Fox News' Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Ignores Him Twice
10/11/13 - At Wednesday's impromptu press conference, White House Press Secretary Jay Carn...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Fox News' Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Ignores Him Twice
Fox News' Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Ignores Him Twice
10/11/13 - At Wednesday's impromptu press conference, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney gave President Obama a list of reporters to call on that did not include a single television reporter. During Friday afternoon's late-starting daily briefing, Carney went deep into the briefing without calling on Fox News' Ed Henry, and ignored Henry's attempts to ask a question until Henry finally gave up, walking out of the briefing's final minutes. Carney's snub of TV reporters Wednesday followed recent sharp exchanges with some TV reporters, particularly Ed Henry, whom Carney repeatedly posed as a partisan opponent. At Friday afternoon's long-delayed briefing, Carney had gone through every TV reporter when Ed Henry began to ask his question. He got out "Jay..." before Carney called on The Chicago Tribune's Christi Parsons, and as she asked her question, Henry could be seen shaking his head. Henry tried again on the next question, and when Carney ignored him again, Henry smiled, got up, and walked out. While Fox News hasn't always gotten a question at presidential press conferences, this was the first time in memory that a Fox News reporter wasn't called on at a daily briefing.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 14012
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble - 9/19/13
9/19/13 - If things keep going this way, they'll have to start calling it the White House ...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble - 9/19/13
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble - 9/19/13
9/19/13 - If things keep going this way, they'll have to start calling it the White House Beefing Room. At Thursday's daily briefing, a combative Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry met an equally combative White House Press Secretary Jay Carney in rhetorical combat over the economy, and the ongoing Republican effort to leverage the debt ceiling. Things escalated quickly to Carney challenging Henry to an eventual Crossfire debate. This is the second time he has made such a reference to Henry this month, but the first one was a good deal more friendly. Henry began by asking Carney about the Fed's decision to continue its efforts to stimulate the economy, and what that says about the economy. "Is that not an indictment of the President's policies, since he's had five years now?" Henry asked. Despite the loaded construction, Carney started off with the calm boilerplate about just how bad things were when the President took office, how things have improved, but not enough, and how critical investments in infrastructure, research and development, and education are needed, investments that Republicans want to cut. Then, things took a turn when Henry said "2011, the President signs a Budget Control Act of 2011 — the last time we had this big debt ceiling fight — into law. And he says, 'We have $2 trillion in deficit reduction,' the President says, 'yet it also allows us to keep making key investments in things like education and research that lead to new jobs, and assures we're not cutting too abruptly while the economy is still fragile.' August 2011. Here we are more than two years later, you're saying the same thing about we need to invest in education..." "And how many jobs has the economy created since then?" Carney shot back. Henry replied "And Bernanke yesterday said it's not keeping up, that people are leaving the workforce. That's why the unemployment..." "You and I, we're going to do this on Crossfire one day, I promise," Carney said, adding "And let's be clear that I'll be on one side and you'll be on the other." Carney began making the point that those investments are as crucial today as they were then. "The budget of 2011 did that, according to the President," Henry said. "Two years later..." Carney, clearly perturbed, said "We need to help you with your facts about what happened in 2011." He took Henry through the evolution of the so-called "sequester," which was a part of the Budget Control Act that was never supposed to take place because both sides were supposed to recognize how onerous it would be, and reach an agreement on deficit reduction. "Now, the sequester is indiscriminate, across-the-board cuts, which Republicans bemoaned, until, lacking an alternative, they celebrated, including significant cuts to our military readiness and cuts to Head Start and other programs that are vital to millions of American families across the country," Carney continued. "So again, if you're suggesting by this that we ought to be cutting education, you should say so. If you're suggesting we ought to be — that's what the Republican budget proposes — that we ought to be cutting — we ought not to be funding infrastructure." "The President said we were making those investments," Henry responded. "Two years later, the Fed says it's just not growing." "Ed, have we been growing?" Carney asked. "Has the economy been growing? Yes, it is." "Those are facts," Henry persisted. "That's what he said. He said it's just not growing quick enough for us to take the training wheels off." Carney then explained that the "key investments" that have led to growth ought not to be cut, and that "Republicans have put forward ideas that would bring us back to policies that caused the worst job loss of our lifetimes." Henry then drew laughs from a few reporters when he cracked "Since you said you wanted to focus on facts, yesterday you and the President talked about how 'never in the history of America has the debt ceiling been used to extort a President.' You probably saw The Washington Post looked at that, looked at the facts and gave you four Pinocchios. So are you going to correct that today?" Carney and Henry went back and forth over Glenn Kessler's "Fact Check" for awhile, with Carney standing by his interpretation of the President's use of the term "extort." "There is no question that prior to 2011, there has never been a case where one party with one ideological agenda has threatened to default on the United States obligations for the first time in its history," Carney said. For what it's worth, Kessler, in an update to his fact check, appeared to concede Carney's point, but maintained that it differed from the President's.- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 144
Jay Carney lashes out at Ed Henry over Benghazi email grilling
Jay Carney tells Fox's Ed Henry that talk about the latest Benghazi email is just "conspir...
published: 01 May 2014
Jay Carney lashes out at Ed Henry over Benghazi email grilling
Jay Carney lashes out at Ed Henry over Benghazi email grilling
Jay Carney tells Fox's Ed Henry that talk about the latest Benghazi email is just "conspiracy theory."- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 8288
President Barack Obama Tells White House Reporter to Go to Hell
President Barack Obama shuts up CNN reporter Ed Henry after a ridiculous and baiting quest...
published: 25 Mar 2009
author: FooFoo2013
President Barack Obama Tells White House Reporter to Go to Hell
President Barack Obama Tells White House Reporter to Go to Hell
President Barack Obama shuts up CNN reporter Ed Henry after a ridiculous and baiting question.- published: 25 Mar 2009
- views: 138734
- author: FooFoo2013
Fox News Ed Henry Explains His White House Press Briefing Walkout
10/14/13 - On the Kilmeade & Friends radio show Monday morning, Fox's White House reporter...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Fox News Ed Henry Explains His White House Press Briefing Walkout
Fox News Ed Henry Explains His White House Press Briefing Walkout
10/14/13 - On the Kilmeade & Friends radio show Monday morning, Fox's White House reporter Ed Henry explained his controversial "walk out" of Friday's White House press briefing. According to Henry, he did not leave out of anger, but because he had been overlooked twice and needed to run and make a live appearance for the network. "What happened Friday? It looked like you got fed up and said, 'To heck with this,' he's not calling on you," host Brian Kilmeade asked. "Nah, that's not it," Henry replied. "What really happened was that the briefing went on for about 40 minutes and I didn't get a question. For whatever reason. I guess Jay Carney will have to answer that. I don't know why, I guess, maybe he was upset. I wasn't." Henry explained that the briefing was lengthy, started about three hours late, and that he had been overlooked a few times, and so he made the decision to exit the briefing in its last few minutes in order to make a live TV hit with Fox's The Five. "I was going to be late," Henry continued. "I would have stayed longer if Jay had called on me. But he didn't. I had work to do." The White House reporter also pointed to the fact that NBC reporter Chuck Todd got his question answered and then walked out afterwards. "I don't hear anyone saying, 'Oh my God, he staged a protest.' No, he had to go file a piece for NBC's Nightly News, just as I had to go do a live hit with you on The Five, and I had to file my piece for Bret Baier and Special Report." Ultimately, he said, at the next White House briefing, he would anticipate that Carney will call on him for a question or two.- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 15
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble Sep 19 2013
If things keep going this way, they'll have to start calling it the White House Beefing Ro...
published: 18 Oct 2013
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble Sep 19 2013
Jay Carney Challenges Ed Henry to a Crossfire Debate In EPIC Briefing Rumble Sep 19 2013
If things keep going this way, they'll have to start calling it the White House Beefing Room. At Thursday's daily briefing, a combative Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry met an equally combative White House Press Secretary Jay Carney in rhetorical combat over the economy, and the ongoing Republican effort to leverage the debt ceiling. Things escalated quickly to Carney challenging Henry to an eventual Crossfire debate. This is the second time he has made such a reference to Henry this month, but the first one was a good deal more friendly. Henry began by asking Carney about the Fed's decision to continue its efforts to stimulate the economy, and what that says about the economy. "Is that not an indictment of the President's policies, since he's had five years now?" Henry asked. Despite the loaded construction, Carney started off with the calm boilerplate about just how bad things were when the President took office, how things have improved, but not enough, and how critical investments in infrastructure, research and development, and education are needed, investments that Republicans want to cut. Then, things took a turn when Henry said "2011, the President signs a Budget Control Act of 2011 — the last time we had this big debt ceiling fight — into law. And he says, 'We have $2 trillion in deficit reduction,' the President says, 'yet it also allows us to keep making key investments in things like education and research that lead to new jobs, and assures we're not cutting too abruptly while the economy is still fragile.' August 2011. Here we are more than two years later, you're saying the same thing about we need to invest in education..." "And how many jobs has the economy created since then?" Carney shot back. Henry replied "And Bernanke yesterday said it's not keeping up, that people are leaving the workforce. That's why the unemployment..." "You and I, we're going to do this on Crossfire one day, I promise," Carney said, adding "And let's be clear that I'll be on one side and you'll be on the other." Carney began making the point that those investments are as crucial today as they were then. "The budget of 2011 did that, according to the President," Henry said. "Two years later..." Carney, clearly perturbed, said "We need to help you with your facts about what happened in 2011." He took Henry through the evolution of the so-called "sequester," which was a part of the Budget Control Act that was never supposed to take place because both sides were supposed to recognize how onerous it would be, and reach an agreement on deficit reduction. "Now, the sequester is indiscriminate, across-the-board cuts, which Republicans bemoaned, until, lacking an alternative, they celebrated, including significant cuts to our military readiness and cuts to Head Start and other programs that are vital to millions of American families across the country," Carney continued. "So again, if you're suggesting by this that we ought to be cutting education, you should say so. If you're suggesting we ought to be — that's what the Republican budget proposes — that we ought to be cutting — we ought not to be funding infrastructure." "The President said we were making those investments," Henry responded. "Two years later, the Fed says it's just not growing." "Ed, have we been growing?" Carney asked. "Has the economy been growing? Yes, it is." "Those are facts," Henry persisted. "That's what he said. He said it's just not growing quick enough for us to take the training wheels off." Carney then explained that the "key investments" that have led to growth ought not to be cut, and that "Republicans have put forward ideas that would bring us back to policies that caused the worst job loss of our lifetimes." Henry then drew laughs from a few reporters when he cracked "Since you said you wanted to focus on facts, yesterday you and the President talked about how 'never in the history of America has the debt ceiling been used to extort a President.' You probably saw The Washington Post looked at that, looked at the facts and gave you four Pinocchios. So are you going to correct that today?" Carney and Henry went back and forth over Glenn Kessler's "Fact Check" for awhile, with Carney standing by his interpretation of the President's use of the term "extort." "There is no question that prior to 2011, there has never been a case where one party with one ideological agenda has threatened to default on the United States obligations for the first time in its history," Carney said. For what it's worth, Kessler, in an update to his fact check, appeared to concede Carney's point, but maintained that it differed from the President's.- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 0
Jay Carney Calls Out Fox News' Ed Henry For Use Of Shooting Metaphor
At Thursday's White House daily briefing, Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henr...
published: 19 Oct 2013
Jay Carney Calls Out Fox News' Ed Henry For Use Of Shooting Metaphor
Jay Carney Calls Out Fox News' Ed Henry For Use Of Shooting Metaphor
At Thursday's White House daily briefing, Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry revisited the topic of the metaphors being deployed around the current government shutdowndefault debate, asking specifically about President Obama's use of a hostage metaphor during his speech today. Press Secretary Jay Carney reminded Henry of numerous examples of such metaphors by others, including one by Fox News' Ed Henry, from Tuesday. Henry began by asking Carney about President Obama's remarks on market reaction to a default. "What you're saying about all the potential bad consequences, on top of that treasurer's report John mentioned that said the crisis would be worse than 2008, Washington should actually be more worried than they are right now," Henry said. "Don't both parties usually in times of crises, try to calm the country down? Why are you trying to make them more worried?" A sarcastic Carney replied "I encourage you to test how it plays, Ed, if you go on the air and say, 'America, chill out, default is not a big deal.' It is a big deal, and the American people need to know that." Referencing President Obama's 2011 speech at the Tucson memorial service, along with last month's mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, Henry asked Carney "Is it good to say the american people are putting guns to their head? Carney reminded Henry of Republicans who have used the same imagery, and added "You, yourself, referred to Republicans shooting at themselves the other day in the briefing. I think that the people who watch this could probably get through that."- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 0
Misleading The People? - Fox News' Ed Henry & WH Have Heated Exchange - Allen West - On The Record
Misleading The People? - Fox News' Ed Henry & WH Have Heated Exchange - Allen West - On Th...
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: Mass Tea Party
Misleading The People? - Fox News' Ed Henry & WH Have Heated Exchange - Allen West - On The Record
Misleading The People? - Fox News' Ed Henry & WH Have Heated Exchange - Allen West - On The Record
Misleading The People? - Fox News' Ed Henry & WH Have Heated Exchange - Allen West - On The Record.- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 305
- author: Mass Tea Party
Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal
Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal
May 20, 2014
published: 20 May 2014
Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal
Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal
Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal May 20, 2014 www.FreeBeacon.com- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 2458
Fox Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Snubs Him Twice
t Wednesday's impromptu press conference, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney gave Pres...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Fox Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Snubs Him Twice
Fox Ed Henry Walks Out of White House Briefing After Jay Carney Snubs Him Twice
t Wednesday's impromptu press conference, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney gave President Obama a list of reporters to call on that did not include a single television reporter. During Friday afternoon's late-starting daily briefing, Carney went deep into the briefing without calling on Fox News' Ed Henry, and ignored Henry's attempts to ask a question until Henry finally gave up, walking out of the briefing's final minutes. Carney's snub of TV reporters Wednesday followed recent sharp exchanges with some TV reporters, particularly Ed Henry, whom Carney repeatedly posed as a partisan opponent. At Friday afternoon's long-delayed briefing, Carney had gone through every TV reporter when Ed Henry began to ask his question. He got out "Jay..." before Carney called on The Chicago Tribune's Christi Parsons, and as she asked her question, Henry could be seen shaking his head. Henry tried again on the next question, and when Carney ignored him again, Henry smiled, got up, and walked out.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 116
Obama Respond to Fox News Reporter Ed Henry's Tough Benghazi Question?
During his first presidential news conference since June, President Barack Obama was press...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: 5k1killer
Obama Respond to Fox News Reporter Ed Henry's Tough Benghazi Question?
Obama Respond to Fox News Reporter Ed Henry's Tough Benghazi Question?
During his first presidential news conference since June, President Barack Obama was pressed by Fox News' Ed Henry to say whether he issued any "orders" to a...- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 2726
- author: 5k1killer
Obama rips Ed Henry Over Benghazi Justice Question,WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT AFTER IM GONE
Obama rips Ed Henry Over Benghazi Justice Question,WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT AFTER IM G...
published: 10 Aug 2013
Obama rips Ed Henry Over Benghazi Justice Question,WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT AFTER IM GONE
Obama rips Ed Henry Over Benghazi Justice Question,WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT AFTER IM GONE
Obama rips Ed Henry Over Benghazi Justice Question,WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT AFTER IM GONE facebook.com/andrewbsheets- published: 10 Aug 2013
- views: 34
Youtube results:
Obama To Ed Henry: "I Didn't Know You Were The Spokesperson For Mitt Romney"
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: Greg Hengler
Obama To Ed Henry: "I Didn't Know You Were The Spokesperson For Mitt Romney"
Obama To Ed Henry: "I Didn't Know You Were The Spokesperson For Mitt Romney"
http://townhall.com/tipsheet.- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 56080
- author: Greg Hengler
Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks
During his first presidential news conference since June, President Barack Obama was grill...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: martysoffice
Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks
Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks
During his first presidential news conference since June, President Barack Obama was grilled by Fox News White House reporter Ed Henry over whether he believ...- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 4424
- author: martysoffice
Bush attacks Barack Obama
Ed Henry analyzes attacks by George Bush, as he lays out a hardline view and attacks Democ...
published: 15 May 2008
author: ghinsey88
Bush attacks Barack Obama
Bush attacks Barack Obama
Ed Henry analyzes attacks by George Bush, as he lays out a hardline view and attacks Democrats for seeking resolution to conflict with Iran.- published: 15 May 2008
- views: 24097
- author: ghinsey88