2014 Rurikids - Vladimir Putin and Prince Albert of Monaco - Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1
Рю́риковичи - The Rurikid dynasty was founded in 862 by Rurik, a Varangian prince. Rurikid...
published: 11 May 2014
2014 Rex Chr. Ringnes Morgenstierne Soltikoff, Prince of Norway (Denmark and Russia) Rurikid
House of Rurik Reclaiming the Throne | Why Pretender's bid to reclaim throne by 2014 may a...
published: 28 Sep 2013
2014 Putin's Handlers - Prince Albert of Monaco and Harald Hardrada of Norway | Rurikids
Puppetmasters: Paris Foreign Missions Society | In 1991, Putin, Sobchak and Kryuchkov secr...
published: 15 May 2014
1943 Stoltenberg's Nazi uncle murdered Gorbachev's PoW uncle in Narvik concentration camp
Rurikids: Hitlers barnekonge i Norge og Hirdvaktbataljonen av 1942 - Beisfjord fangeleir ...
published: 11 Feb 2014
1957 - 2014 Prince of Monaco expecting twins, Grace Kelly's offspring - Lutheran gene Chromosome 19
Varangian Rurikids: Albert and his twin brother? Allegedly, in March 1958, Grace Patricia ...
published: 19 Jun 2014
Duchy of Kiev: Paradox Mega Campaign - Crusader Kings 2 - Part 8
The war for Rus wages on, and Hungary loses more troops from walking through our lands tha...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: Miskatonic81
Dmitry Pozharsky
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Pozharsky Description: Dmitry Mikhaylovich ...
published: 03 Feb 2014
ATR Live Crimea/Ukraine
Rus was founded by the people ATR Live Crimea/Ukraine of Rus, Varangians who first settled...
published: 27 Feb 2014
2/27/2014 Ragnarök Crimea - Franco-Soviet Knights of Malta refresh 1856 Treaty of Paris
WAR GAMES 2014 -- On February 27th, the day Quisling and Dimitrov had set the Reichstag on...
published: 09 Mar 2014
2/23/2014 Чекист Baptist «pastor» Turchynov - 1st President of Ukraina EUSSR | Trail of Blood
Kievan Rus' -- After successfully staging Op 2/22/2014 Ragnarök Ukraine by Galician Waffe...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Начны Ваўкавыск / Vaŭkavysk / Wołkowysk
Ваўкавыск — горад у Гарадзенскай вобласьці Беларусі, разьмешчаны на рацэ Рось. З'яўляецца ...
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: TBT iTV
Rurik (2007) Varangian Vladimir 'The Great' Putin to recreate Tsardom of Russia by 2014
The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two -- In 7 years, after Time magazine named him '...
published: 12 May 2014
Feb. 12, 2008 Federalization of Ukraine announced by Putin - Byzantine EURussia to rise by 2014
Varangian Vladimir 'The Great' Putin, with the help from his relative Harald Hardrada, poi...
published: 18 Apr 2014
1 May 2014 Stoltenberg's NATO official: Putin now an adversary, Gaddafi's fate to follow
In 2011, Norway's 卐 Nazi Clan Heiberg Stang Stoltenberg Hauge & Co (StatoilHydro) murdered...
published: 04 May 2014
Youtube results:
13 May 2014 Full Mother's Moon gives rebirth to NovoRussia - Новоро́ссия, Kievan Rus'
Full Moon in Scorpio: Death and Rebirth of the Tsardom of Russia - Новоро́ссия Novorossiya...
published: 12 May 2014
28 March 2014 Gog and Magog appoint Ahriman Stoltenberg to lead crusade against Vlad the Impaler
First "they" build them up (Steinerskole and LSD), and then "they" drop them down - on eac...
published: 28 Mar 2014
17 January 1944 Asperger's Quisling and NKVD Maria never married; Operation Trust (операция "Трест")
Recently declassified after 70 years, Vidkun Quisling's passport, stamped 17 January 1944,...
published: 25 Mar 2014
17 January 1980 Maria Quisling found dead after a meeting with Ketil Lund and Jens Chr. Hauge
Finn Thrana, who was also Paulician Maria (Boskowitz Blavatsky) Quisling's "trustee" after...
published: 25 Mar 2014
