
Learning Mantra - MAHĀ KARUṇĀ DHĀRANĪ in Sanskrit
Learning Buddhist Mantra - MAHĀ KARUṇĀ DHĀRANĪ [The Great Compassion Mantra] in Sanskrit. ...
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Mantra - MAHĀ KARUṇĀ DHĀRANĪ in Sanskrit
Learning Mantra - MAHĀ KARUṇĀ DHĀRANĪ in Sanskrit
Learning Buddhist Mantra - MAHĀ KARUṇĀ DHĀRANĪ [The Great Compassion Mantra] in Sanskrit. MAHĀ KARUNĀ DHĀRANĪ (महा करुणा धारनी), popularly known as the Great...- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 683
- author: mysongbox

Karuṇā Poetry Reading in Second Life® by Jenaia Morane (720p)
Testing streamed HD 720p (1280x720) - "Ever So Slowly" by Gwynette Writer, read by Jenaia ...
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: Bernadette Daly Swanson
Karuṇā Poetry Reading in Second Life® by Jenaia Morane (720p)
Karuṇā Poetry Reading in Second Life® by Jenaia Morane (720p)
Testing streamed HD 720p (1280x720) - "Ever So Slowly" by Gwynette Writer, read by Jenaia Morane. Karuṇā Project: dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, outreach, ...- published: 16 Dec 2008
- views: 849
- author: Bernadette Daly Swanson

Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 ~ Closing Ceremony & Cylindrian Live!
Watch in HD 720p: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpWsSaXCaIM&fmt;=22 Karuṇā Project: dedica...
published: 14 Dec 2008
author: Bernadette Daly Swanson
Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 ~ Closing Ceremony & Cylindrian Live!
Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 ~ Closing Ceremony & Cylindrian Live!
Watch in HD 720p: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpWsSaXCaIM&fmt;=22 Karuṇā Project: dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, outreach, and support opened in Second L...- published: 14 Dec 2008
- views: 529
- author: Bernadette Daly Swanson

Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Cách Phát Âm
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Nhien Bui
Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Cách Phát Âm
Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Cách Phát Âm
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya 南麻 啊`啦雅 瓦路给帝 雪瓦`拉亚 bodhi sattva-ya 布迪 萨特瓦雅 maha sattva-ya 麻哈 萨特瓦雅...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 308
- author: Nhien Bui

Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~World AIDS Day 2008 ~Poetry Reading
Watch in HD 720p: (HD 720p) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdd3dnxmX5Q&fmt;=22 Karuṇā Proje...
published: 15 Dec 2008
author: Bernadette Daly Swanson
Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~World AIDS Day 2008 ~Poetry Reading
Karuṇā Project Second Life® ~World AIDS Day 2008 ~Poetry Reading
Watch in HD 720p: (HD 720p) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdd3dnxmX5Q&fmt;=22 Karuṇā Project: dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, outreach, and support opened i...- published: 15 Dec 2008
- views: 764
- author: Bernadette Daly Swanson

Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra
Quan Âm Thập Nhất Diện Thần Chú....
published: 19 Sep 2009
author: Khanhnam Mani
Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra
Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra
Quan Âm Thập Nhất Diện Thần Chú.- published: 19 Sep 2009
- views: 5175
- author: Khanhnam Mani

Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Phạn Ngữ (Có Chữ)
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: Nhien Bui
Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Phạn Ngữ (Có Chữ)
Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī - Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Phạn Ngữ (Có Chữ)
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya 南麻 啊`啦雅 瓦路给帝 雪瓦`拉亚 bodhi sattva-ya 布迪 萨特瓦雅 maha sattva-ya 麻哈 萨特瓦雅...- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 810
- author: Nhien Bui

Nilakantha Dharani नीलकण्ठ धारनी Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒 + txt
The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकण्ठ धारनी) also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा करुणा धारनी)...
published: 01 Jan 2011
author: psychozof
Nilakantha Dharani नीलकण्ठ धारनी Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒 + txt
Nilakantha Dharani नीलकण्ठ धारनी Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒 + txt
The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकण्ठ धारनी) also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा करुणा धारनी), popularly known as the Great Compassion Mantra in English, and kn...- published: 01 Jan 2011
- views: 5047
- author: psychozof

Kaha Kahu Hari Karuna Teri - Sadguru Brahmanand Swami
A Bhajan composed by S.G. Brahmanand Swami,
English Transliteration (LYRICS):
Kahā kahu ...
published: 04 Sep 2013
Kaha Kahu Hari Karuna Teri - Sadguru Brahmanand Swami
Kaha Kahu Hari Karuna Teri - Sadguru Brahmanand Swami
A Bhajan composed by S.G. Brahmanand Swami, English Transliteration (LYRICS): Kahā kahu Hari karuṇā terī, Pashu miṭāī manushya mohe kīno, Annajal poshat sānj saberī... Garbhvāsmahī paryo adhomukh, Jaṭhar agni tan dāh ghanerī, Tehī dukh te mohe rākhī liyo tum, Nāth tum hī mero hāth graherī... karuṇā 1 Bahār āy, bhayo unmat mai, Jaṭhar trās sabhī bisrerī, Tumku bhūl fūlso fīrat hu, Kahī na jāt mūrakhatā merī... karuṇā 2 Parāpār pūraṇ Purushottam, So muj kāj nar deh dharerī, Brahmānand kahat Prabhu tumku, Dayāsindhu sab ved kaherī... karuṇā 3 Gujarati Lyrics - ગુજરાતી શબ્દો: કહા કહું હરિ કરુણા તેરી, પશુ મિટાઈ મનુષ્ય મોહે કીનો, અન્નજલ પોશત સાંજ સબેરી... ગર્ભવાસમાંહી પર્યો અધોમુખ, જઠર અગ્નિ તન દાહ ઘનેરી, તેહી દુઃખ તે મોહે રાખી લિયો તુમ, નાથ તુમ હીં મેરો હાથ ગ્રહેરી... કરુણા ૧ બહાર આય, ભયો ઉન્મત માઈ, જઠર ત્રાસ સબહી બીસરેરી, તુમકું ભૂલ ફૂલસો ફિરત હું, કહી ન જાત મૂરખતા મેરી... કરુણા ૨ પરાપાર પૂરણ પુરુષોત્તમ, સો મુજ કાજ નર દેહ ધરેરી, બ્રહ્માનંદ કહત પ્રભુ તુમકું, દયાસિંધુ સબ વેદ કહેરી... કરુણા ૩- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 18

Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Nhạc Chú Đại Tiếng Phạn (Có Chữ) - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
Namo Avalokitesvaraya Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya. I venerate the Great Bodhisattva Avaloki...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: Nhien Bui
Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Nhạc Chú Đại Tiếng Phạn (Có Chữ) - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Nhạc Chú Đại Tiếng Phạn (Có Chữ) - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
Namo Avalokitesvaraya Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya. I venerate the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvaraya. 1. Namah Ratnatrayaya. 2. Namo Arya- 3. VaLokitesvaraya....- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 444
- author: Nhien Bui

Ei Boro Koruna Koro ~ Agnideva Dasa
A Bhakti art devotional slideshow featuring artwork images of Srila Prabhupada, India's gr...
published: 12 Feb 2014
Ei Boro Koruna Koro ~ Agnideva Dasa
Ei Boro Koruna Koro ~ Agnideva Dasa
A Bhakti art devotional slideshow featuring artwork images of Srila Prabhupada, India's greatest exponent of Vedic culture to the world. The Bengali song "Ei Boro Koruna Koro" composed by Vaisnava Acharya Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura is performed by HG Agnideva Dasa. The lyrics and English translation follow.... EI BORO KORUNA KORO - VAISNAVA VIJNAPATI SONG 2 by Narottama Dasa Thakura. (1) ei-bāro karuṇā koro vaiṣṇava gosāi patita-pāvana tomā bine keho nāi (2) jāhāra nikaṭe gele pāpa dūre jāy emona doyāla prabhu kebā kothā pāy (3) gańgāra paraśa hoile paścate pāvan darśane pavitra koro-ei tomāra guṇ (4) hari-sthāne aparādhe tāre hari-nām tomā sthāne aparādhe nāhi paritrāṇ (5) tomāra hṛdoye sadā govinda-viśrām govinda kohena-mora vaiṣṇava parāṇ (6) prati-janme kori āśā caraṇera dhūli narottame koro doyā āpanāra boli' TRANSLATION 1) O Vaisnava Gosvami, please be merciful to me now. There is no one except you who can purify the fallen souls. 2) Where does anyone find such a merciful personality by whose mere audience all sins go far away? 3) After bathing in the waters of the sacred Ganges many times, one becomes purified, but just by the sight of you, the fallen souls are purified. This is your great power. 4) The holy name delivers one who has committed an offense to Lord Hari, but if one commits an offense to you, there is no means of deliverance. 5) Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says, "The Vaisavas are in My heart." 6) I desire the dust of your holy feet in every birth I may take. Please consider Narottama yours, and be kind upon him.- published: 12 Feb 2014
- views: 272

Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn Rất Hay - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: Nhien Bui
Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn Rất Hay - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit - Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Phạn Rất Hay - Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼: namo 'ratna 'traya-ya 那摩 `拉特纳 特`拉雅雅 namah a'rya valokite xuva'ra-ya 南麻 啊`啦雅 瓦路给帝 雪瓦`拉亚 bodhi sattva-ya 布迪 萨特瓦雅 maha sattva-ya 麻哈 萨特瓦雅...- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 1076
- author: Nhien Bui

Salvador, 16/06/2013, Brasil
Audição/Audición/Public Listen@Restaurante Ciranda Café Cultu...
published: 18 Jun 2013
Salvador, 16/06/2013, Brasil Audição/Audición/Public Listen@Restaurante Ciranda Café Cultura e Artes ~ KARUNA Sessions http://sessions.krn.cc ~ 010 - DIMITO (Dubkraft, Family Step) ~ "Dimito (Dubkraft/Family Step) Producciones y sesiones a los platos de música paciente, limpia, profunda e hipnótica. Dimito bebe de diferentes y variadas influencias musicales, pero de todas ellas destacan el Dub, las electrónicas más atmosféricas y todo lo que tenga que ver con los graves y subgraves." ~ https://soundcloud.com/dubmitry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxOZbPSk-ck http://www.mixcloud.com/dimitry-elnino/sin-luz-dimito-mix/ http://www.mixcloud.com/dimitry-elnino/dubmitry_ke-pena-me-dub-mix_-noviembre-2011/" ~ We are KARUṆĀ http://krn.cc/- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 68

Karuna Project Second Life ® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 - Poetry Readings (HD 720p)
Testing HD 720p - (1280x720) - Karuṇā Project: dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, outreach, ...
published: 17 Dec 2008
author: Bernadette Daly Swanson
Karuna Project Second Life ® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 - Poetry Readings (HD 720p)
Karuna Project Second Life ® ~ World AIDS Day 2008 - Poetry Readings (HD 720p)
Testing HD 720p - (1280x720) - Karuṇā Project: dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, outreach, and support opened in Second Life® on December 1 - World AIDS Day, ...- published: 17 Dec 2008
- views: 1545
- author: Bernadette Daly Swanson
Youtube results:

Mantra Music Party - Śrī Rādhikā stava
Klaipėdos Vaišnavų Kultūros Centras
Atlikėja: Vytautė
Śrī Rādhikā-sta...
published: 10 Mar 2014
Mantra Music Party - Śrī Rādhikā stava
Mantra Music Party - Śrī Rādhikā stava
Klaipėdos Vaišnavų Kultūros Centras http://kvkc.lt/wp/ Atlikėja: Vytautė Śrī Rādhikā-stava rādhe jaya jaya mādhava-dayite gokula-taruṇī-maṇḍala-mahite dāmodara-rati-vardhana-veśe hari-niṣkuṭa-vṛndā-vipineśe vṛṣabhānūdadhi-nava-śaśi-lekhe lalitā-sakhi guṇa-ramita-viśākhe karuṇāṁ kuru mayi karuṇā-bharite sanaka-sanātana-varṇita-carite O Rādhā, o Mādhavos numylėtine! O ta, kurią garbina visos jaunos Gokulos mergelės! Visa šlovė Tau! Visa šlovė Tau! O ta, kuri rengiasi tokiu būdu, kad sukelti Viešpaties Dāmodaros meilę ir prisirišimą tau! O Vrindāvanos, Viešpaties Hari malonumu giraitės, karaliene! O jaunas mėnuli, kuris patekėjo iš karaliaus Vrišabhanu vandenyno! O Lalitos drauge! O ta, kuri savo nuostabiomis draugiškumo, maloningumo ir ištikimybės Krišnai savybėmis laimėjai Višakhos prielankumą! O ta, kuri pripildyta gailestingumo! Ta, kurios dieviškas savybes aprašo didieji išminčiai Sanaka ir Sanātana! O Rādhā, prašau, būk maloninga man!- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 133

Túlio Fernandes - Acoustic live from ...
published: 12 Nov 2013
http://interventionatshift.krn.cc http://live.krn.cc Túlio Fernandes - Acoustic live from Brasil. http://soundcloud.com/oficialtulio DJ DuBem live from SHIFT. http://soundcloud.com/djdubem support us http://facebook.com/shiftberlin START YOUR SHIFT! http://facebook.com/berlinmusicdays http://fb.krn.cc- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 13

Great compassion mantra (Sanskrit) 大慈悲心真言 (梵語)
The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकण्ठ धारनी) also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा करुणा धारनी)...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Great compassion mantra (Sanskrit) 大慈悲心真言 (梵語)
Great compassion mantra (Sanskrit) 大慈悲心真言 (梵語)
The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकण्ठ धारनी) also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा करुणा धारनी), popularly known as the Great Compassion Mantra in English, and known as Dàbēi Zhòu (Chinese: 大悲咒; pinyin: Dàbēi zhòu) in Mandarin Chinese, is a dharani of Mahayana Buddhist origin. It was spoken by the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara before an assembly of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, devas and kings, according to the Mahakarunikacitta Sutra. Like the now popular six-syllable mantra Om mani padme hum, it is a popular mantra synonymous with Avalokitesvara in East Asia. It is often used for protection or purification. This version is a "prayer" to the "Great compassion Mantra"/大悲咒, it is not the actual mantra itself. _______________________________________ I do not own any copyright of the audio track. My purpose for up loading this on to YouTube is to share this Great Mantra/Sutra with the world and for those who search for it. My deepest sincere Thank You to all for allowing me to accomplish this task in life. May all be bless with merits ~ Amitabha 阿彌陀佛 Namasté ~- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 1256

Mantra Music Party - Gurudeva
Klaipėdos Vaišnavų Kultūros Centras
Atlikėja: Vytautė
published: 10 Mar 2014
Mantra Music Party - Gurudeva
Mantra Music Party - Gurudeva
Klaipėdos Vaišnavų Kultūros Centras http://kvkc.lt/wp/ Atlikėja: Vytautė Gurudeva Gurudev! kṛpā-bindu diyā, koro' ei dāse, tṛṇāpekhā ati hīna sakala sahane, bala diyā koro', nija-māne spṛhā-hīna sakale sammāna korite śakati, deho' nātha! jathājatha tabe to' gāibo, hari-nāma-sukhe, aparādha ha 'be hata kabe heno kṛpā, labhiyā e jana, kṛtārtha hoibe, nātha! śakti-buddhi-hīna, āmi ati dīna, koro' more ātma-sātha jogyatā-vicāre, kichu nāhi pāi, tomāra karuṇā-sāra karuṇā nā hoile, kāndiyā kāndiyā, prāṇa nā rākhibo āra Gurudeva! Suteik man lašą savo malonės -- padaryk šį savo tarną nuolankesniu už šiaudą. Suteik man jėgų pakęsti visus įvykius gyvenime. Leisk man netrokšti garbės ir šlovės sau. Suteik man galią tinkamai pagerbti visas gyvas būtybes pagal jų padėtį (o visus vaišnavus pagal jų lygį). Tuomet aš galėsiu palaimingai giedoti šventą vardą, ir mano įžeidimai išnyks. O man šeimininke! Kuomet tu palaiminsi mane savo malone ir aš galiausiai pasieksiu savo gyvenimo sėkmę? Aš esu toks puolęs, jog neturiu nei jėgos nei intelekto. Prašau paimk mano sielą ir padaryk mane tokiu kaip tu. Kai aš tikrinu save, aš nerandu jokių gerų savybių. Tavo malonė yra mano egzistencijos esmė. Jei tu nebūsi maloningas man, tuomet karčiai verkdamas aš nebegalėsiu palaikyti savo gyvenimo.- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 133