
Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2013 HIV/AIDS PSA
World AIDS Day 2013:
I decided to do a little PSA for World AIDS Day 2013. I don't know ...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2013 HIV/AIDS PSA
Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2013 HIV/AIDS PSA
World AIDS Day 2013: I decided to do a little PSA for World AIDS Day 2013. I don't know how I got the idea to even try to pull this off but I tried. The only thing I wish people would take from this is to know your HIV status. It's very hard to want to know your status but the sooner you do the better. Whether it is HIV positive or negative it will be alright. At least now you can take the precautions or continue to take the precautions that you need to protect yourself and others from the HIV virus. I've had many friends pass away and today I really remember then and take a moment to sit by myself and ask why did they have to leave this earth so young? I know it's not my fault and I don't feel survivor's guilt at all, but I feel for the world. The world will not know the wonders that many of my friends that have passed away from HIV/AIDS complications could give to it and to their own communities. Today a lot of people would think that I am out going to a World AIDS Day event, but today I stayed home with my husband and my son. I looked at him today thinking, "man oh man I hope that he is listening to my message and better yet learning from it. I hope that he knows how much I love him and understand why I do, what I do. It is because of him and his friends that I hope for the future and I will do my best, even if it takes my last breath.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 60

In Marokko ist AIDS ein Tabuthema | Journal
Jeden Tag sterben etwa 4000 Menschen an AIDS. Zwar können Medikamente inzwischen helfen, d...
published: 01 Dec 2013
In Marokko ist AIDS ein Tabuthema | Journal
In Marokko ist AIDS ein Tabuthema | Journal
Jeden Tag sterben etwa 4000 Menschen an AIDS. Zwar können Medikamente inzwischen helfen, das Virus im Körper über Jahre in Schach zu halten, aber ihren Schrecken hat die Krankheit noch nicht verloren. Weltweit gibt es 35 Millionen Infizierte. Vor allem in Südafrika, Botswana, Thailand und der Ukraine. In Marokko werden tagtäglich zehn Menschen mit HIV infiziert, vier sterben an AIDS.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 889

Justin's HIV Journal World AIDS Day HIV/AIDS & The Black Church
Ive always wondered why my community (Gay Black Men) have been hit the hardest by HIV/AIDS...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal World AIDS Day HIV/AIDS & The Black Church
Justin's HIV Journal World AIDS Day HIV/AIDS & The Black Church
Ive always wondered why my community (Gay Black Men) have been hit the hardest by HIV/AIDS, especially in the DC area. Then I thoughtthere are a numbers of r...- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 6049
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin's HIV Journal: NBC Channel 4 World AIDS Report 2009 3% of DC Residents have HIV/AIDS
Today I reminisced to when I started out as an AIDS activist. This was my first news inte...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Justin's HIV Journal: NBC Channel 4 World AIDS Report 2009 3% of DC Residents have HIV/AIDS
Justin's HIV Journal: NBC Channel 4 World AIDS Report 2009 3% of DC Residents have HIV/AIDS
Today I reminisced to when I started out as an AIDS activist. This was my first news interview and I couldn't believe I found it after all these years. I was actually looking back on some old photo of friends and x-boyfriends that passed away. I found this news interview and it was when I was about 29, which was about 5 years ago. Now I look at my life now and I didn't think I would be married legally and I didn't think I would be a father. I didn't think that I would've come out with a children's book about HIV or have done HIV activism as deeply as I have now. Sometimes I think about my death and I wonder if my son will know about the work I've done. I wonder if he knows about how serious HIV/AIDS really is. I know several generations before me probably said the same things about me when I was "growing up gay". Some of them are still around probably shaking their heads at some in my generations that shrug their shoulders at HIV/AIDS. We will never know until time tells us the truth and only truth can come with time.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 251

Justin's HIV Journal: "Little Feet, Big Steps" A children's AIDS Walk book
"Little Feet, Big Steps" follows a young girl named Gabby through her discovery of what it...
published: 05 May 2013
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: "Little Feet, Big Steps" A children's AIDS Walk book
Justin's HIV Journal: "Little Feet, Big Steps" A children's AIDS Walk book
"Little Feet, Big Steps" follows a young girl named Gabby through her discovery of what it means to bring communities together and be apart of something big....- published: 05 May 2013
- views: 368
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin's HIV Journal: Justin talks about Raw Sex, Roulette Parties, HIV/AIDS and BDSM
This is the show Guys At Brunch I was on the show back in 2011. It was amazing but I love ...
published: 14 May 2013
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: Justin talks about Raw Sex, Roulette Parties, HIV/AIDS and BDSM
Justin's HIV Journal: Justin talks about Raw Sex, Roulette Parties, HIV/AIDS and BDSM
This is the show Guys At Brunch I was on the show back in 2011. It was amazing but I love these guys so I had to post it here The Guys at Brunch was formed t...- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 1743
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin's HIV Journal Washington DC AIDS 5K 2009
Hello Everyone, This years Washington DC AIDS Walk/5K was a complete success. Last year I ...
published: 04 Oct 2009
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal Washington DC AIDS 5K 2009
Justin's HIV Journal Washington DC AIDS 5K 2009
Hello Everyone, This years Washington DC AIDS Walk/5K was a complete success. Last year I raised $700.00 and this year I raised a $1350.00 dollars for the ca...- published: 04 Oct 2009
- views: 1324
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Tony Brown's Journal Aids
A clip from The Great and long missed Tony Brown's Journal Show....
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: TheCoEvi
Tony Brown's Journal Aids
Tony Brown's Journal Aids
A clip from The Great and long missed Tony Brown's Journal Show.- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 481
- author: TheCoEvi

Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2012 Fox 5 News WTTG Interview
This World AIDS I remember all that I've known who are infected with this disease and that...
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2012 Fox 5 News WTTG Interview
Justin's HIV Journal: World AIDS Day 2012 Fox 5 News WTTG Interview
This World AIDS I remember all that I've known who are infected with this disease and that have passed because of it. I was lighting my candle and a lot of f...- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 923
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin's HIV Journal: HIV Blogger Only 1 Year Older Than AIDS Discovery
I was able to dig up this clip from News Channel 9 on the anniversary of HIV a couple of y...
published: 06 Mar 2013
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: HIV Blogger Only 1 Year Older Than AIDS Discovery
Justin's HIV Journal: HIV Blogger Only 1 Year Older Than AIDS Discovery
I was able to dig up this clip from News Channel 9 on the anniversary of HIV a couple of years ago here is the story written in its entirety. Thank you to Br...- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 559
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

OMICS Publishing Group-Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
OMICS Publishing Group, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research is an Open Access scientific J...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: OMICSPublishingGroup
OMICS Publishing Group-Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
OMICS Publishing Group-Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
OMICS Publishing Group, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research is an Open Access scientific Journal which is peer-reviewed. It publishes the most exciting resea...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 18
- author: OMICSPublishingGroup

Jack Layton on AIDS from CBC's The Journal in 1985
"Is AIDS the illness metaphor of the 1980s?" Commentary by then-Toronto Alderman Jack Layt...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: Leslie Stojsic
Jack Layton on AIDS from CBC's The Journal in 1985
Jack Layton on AIDS from CBC's The Journal in 1985
"Is AIDS the illness metaphor of the 1980s?" Commentary by then-Toronto Alderman Jack Layton, about how AIDS victims have become the symbol of society's fear...- published: 02 Dec 2011
- views: 761
- author: Leslie Stojsic

The Official Tony Brown's Journal -- First AIDS Whistle Blower
Watch TonyBrownsJournal.com
Dr. Robert Strecker, produce...
published: 04 Jun 2014
The Official Tony Brown's Journal -- First AIDS Whistle Blower
The Official Tony Brown's Journal -- First AIDS Whistle Blower
Watch TonyBrownsJournal.com http://www.TonyBrownsJournal.com Dr. Robert Strecker, producer of "The Strecker Memorandum," alleges that the AIDS virus is man-made. On this program, Dr. Strecker contends that the disease will annihilate the African population in several decades. Dr. Daniel Hoth of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Dr. Lydia Bond of the World Health Organization challenge Dr. Strecker's ideas.- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 2
Youtube results:

Justin's HIV Journal: HIV/AIDS Questions & Answers from George Mason University Students
Hello everyone Another World AIDS Day has come and gone. This year was a little different ...
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: HIV/AIDS Questions & Answers from George Mason University Students
Justin's HIV Journal: HIV/AIDS Questions & Answers from George Mason University Students
Hello everyone Another World AIDS Day has come and gone. This year was a little different for me. I was actually asked to speak at George Mason University ab...- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 989
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Justin's HIV Journal: Justin writes childrens book about HIV/AIDS called, "I Have A Secret"
Hello Everyone, Well I have some exciting news to share with all of you. I have written a ...
published: 14 Mar 2011
author: Justin B. Terry-Smith
Justin's HIV Journal: Justin writes childrens book about HIV/AIDS called, "I Have A Secret"
Justin's HIV Journal: Justin writes childrens book about HIV/AIDS called, "I Have A Secret"
Hello Everyone, Well I have some exciting news to share with all of you. I have written a children s book about HIV/AIDS. I decided to write this book for al...- published: 14 Mar 2011
- views: 612
- author: Justin B. Terry-Smith

Tony Brown's Journal - Does Crack Cocaine Cause AIDS?
Tony Brown's Journal - Does Crack Cocaine Cause AIDS?...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: vpositivo
Tony Brown's Journal - Does Crack Cocaine Cause AIDS?
Tony Brown's Journal - Does Crack Cocaine Cause AIDS?
Tony Brown's Journal - Does Crack Cocaine Cause AIDS?- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 234
- author: vpositivo