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Let the truth prevail: Confronting Power Finance Corporation Limited

Let the truth prevail: Confronting Power Finance Corporation Limited

Cross-posted from  I usually find newspaper advertisements boring, but a small invite to pre-bid conference for proposed   4000 MW Ultra Mega Power Plant (UMPP) caught my attention.  Ignoring a restraining order by the National Green Tribunal India, the project promoter Power Finance Corporation Limited, India has announced bid process […]

water water everywhere not a drop for you

water water everywhere not a drop for you

It is indeed unfortunate that we live in times when Government ministers, the elected representatives of the people are the most insensitive to the needs of their constituencies. In the state of Maharashtra, we recently had a minister make a comment about urinating in order to tackle the disastrous drought […]

Coal kills – a new report reveals the deadly impacts of coal

Coal kills – a new report reveals the deadly impacts of coal

Coal Kills! We knew it all along and now a strong report has confirmed the obvious. A new report from Urban Emissions supported by Greenpeace and Conservation Action Trust shows that in the year 2011-12, 80,000-115,000 premature deaths have been reported due to emissions from coal. The report, the first […]

A journey from food bowl to ash dykes: Lessons from Punjab

A journey from food bowl to ash dykes: Lessons from Punjab

 Punjab, the food bowl of India has been learning ground for    agriculturists, scientists, and farmers.  Even before the Green Revolution, the farmer community in Punjab was known for its agricultural practices. Till date small farmers in states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, praise the skills of farmers from Punjab […]

कोयले की व्यथा

कोयले की व्यथा

मैं कोयला हूँ। मैं  प्रकर्ति का वो अनोखा रूप हूँ जिसे उसने सेकड़ो साल अपने गर्भ में संजो के रखा। में वो पुत्र हूँ जो अब अपनी माँ के  विनाश का सबसे बडा कारण बन गया है। उद्योगिक क्रांति ने ना सिर्फ समस्त विशव का नक्शा बदला अपितु  मेरे प्रति लोगो का नज़रिया भी बदला। […]

CCI, a detrimental proposal for inclusive growth

CCI, a detrimental proposal for inclusive growth

New year came with rather distressing news for India’s forests and our environment with the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Investment (CCI). To be headed by the Prime Minister himself, the CCI is expected to grant fast track clearances to large scale infrastructure projects above 1000 crores (180 million […]

A story of a solar solution!

A story of a solar solution!

We usually equate Goa with sunny beaches, coconut trees and a laid back life. But in the interior regions of Goa and Karnataka lie the most beautiful forests teeming with wildlife. One such area is the Castle Rock- Kuveshi region that is part of the Western Ghats landscape .The area […]

IEAs dirty future

IEAs dirty future

The international energy agency has put out a new report on coal that declares that coal will hold sway over our energy mix and dominate it by 2017. The new annual Medium-Term Coal Market Report (MCMR) that IEA released has disturbing projections for the growth of coal usage around the globe. […]

A photo montage: A national day of action on coal

Across 23 states in India, thousands of people got out of their homes and onto the streets for India’s Day of Action on Coal. From rallies by women in Bundi, Rajasthan to Gram Sabha’s in villages in coastal Maharashtra pledging not to sell their land to proposed thermal power point […]

Dragged into the rat hole

Dragged into the rat hole

This blog was contributed by Risa Monica Kharmutee, Media Centre, Impulse NGO Network, Shillong.  Impulse NGO Network fights for child rights, especially combating child trafficking under the Meghalaya Model, on the issue of combating child trafficking from the borders of Nepal and Bangladesh to the coal mines of Jaintia Hills district, Meghalaya. Coal […]