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News :: International : Radical Culture
2014 Bikeathon Sets New Fund Raising Record for Bikes Not Bombs
18 Jun 2014
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Photo by Sean Madsen
Thank you to everyone from the BNB community for being part of the Bikes Not Bombs' 27th annual Bike-A-Thon! We are so thrilled to report that this year's Bike-A-Thon had a record 746 registered riders and has raised over $204,000 to support the work of Bikes Not Bombs! In addition to providing critical funds for BNB's youth and international work, the Bike-A-Thon is important because it helps strengthen the movement for environmental sustainability and social justice. We could not have done it without the amazing support of our volunteers, riders, event sponsors, and dedicated members of the BNB community. From all of us at BNB, thank you!!

Between the four routes, Bike-A-Thon riders collectively rode 26,540 miles on June 8th! Equal to almost 4 trips between Boston and our partner in Amuru, Uganda (6,753 miles per trip).

From BBQs, to homemade t-shirts, to ice-cream sales, Bike-A-Thon riders went all out to help us set a new fundraising record this year. For the ninth year in a row, Jon McCurdy came in as the top individual fundraiser, bringing in $8,783 for BNB's programs. Second and third place went to Kate Mills and Dave Boudreau, long time BNB and Bike-A-Thon supporters, who raised $3,397 and $3,260 respectively.

There were so many amazing teams riding on June 8th this year. Team Seusscycles came in strong by not only recruiting 36 first-time riders (a new record), but also riding 50-80 miles dressed up as various Dr. Seuss characters. We also welcomed Team Haley at their first Bike-A-Thon, a group of 26 adults and kids from the Haley Pilot School in Roslindale. You couldn't have missed Pup's Peeps either who made custom t-shirts and brought a huge lawn sign to stake out their territory on the field. We have to give a special shout-out to the BCU 50K team who raised over $20,000, marking their 5th year in a row as the top fundraising team.

The Bike-A-Thon simply would not have been possible without support from our sponsors and community partners. A HUGE thanks is certainly in order. Thanks to: Amir's Natural Foods, Pedro's , Ride Studio Cafe , Jason and Fischer, Chef Brian Sway, City Feed & Supply, Ula Cafe, Sam Adams, CBC Brews, and The Pedal Pushers Club.

With such a small staff, BNB could not have pulled off the Bike-A-Thon and Rider After Party without the support of our volunteer crew, nearly 100 strong! There are too many people to thank here, but special shout outs to our check-in volunteers, communications team, nurses, rider food servers, route markers, route leads and sweeps, rest stop volunteers, following vehicle drivers, photographers, videographers, face painters, and everyone else who lent a hand.

See much more results, thank yous, and photos on the Bike-A-Thon results page.

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