Mini Maker Faire is Coming this Saturday from 10am - 4pm at the IMC. Free, family friendly event.


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Join us this Saturday from 10am - 4pm for the 3rd Annual Urbana Champaign Mini Maker Faire! This is a one-day, family-friendly event that celebrates arts, crafts, engineering, music, science, and technology projects and the Do-It-Yourself spirit in our community. At the UC Mini Maker Faire, the focus is on the process of making -- not just the finished product.  It is located at the IMC at 202 S. Broadway Ave. in the Urbana downtown post office building (now a media and arts center!)
This year we're featuring 19 wonderful local makers including:
Meet more makers and learn about the faire at

More ways to connect:

Like us on Facebook

Join the Event

Follow us on Twitter


Interested in volunteering? 

We still need people, learn more here.

Or help out by just sending this email along to friends!



There is free parking in the city parking deck across the street (between Elm and Main)

Special thanks to our Sponsors:
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