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Sun Jun 22 2014 (Updated 06/25/14) Cows, Rice Fields and Big Agriculture Consume Well Over 90% of California's Water
Reducing Beef Intake by One Pound Saves More Water Than Not Showering for Six Months California is experiencing a serious drought and the media is filled with recommendations about how to save water: Switch to dry landscaping; don't run water when you are shaving or brushing your teeth; install low­-flow shower­heads; and don't wash your car. All those ideas would help, but much less than people think.

According to a 2012 report by the Pacific Institute, only 4% of California's water is used by individuals. An astounding 93% of California's water goes to agriculture; and most of that 93% is misused or wasted. Humans drink less than one gallon of water per day. A cow drinks 23 gallons per day — and we have 5.5 million of them.

Low-flow showerheads help save much less water than people think. Most people shower once a day and use an average of 14 gallons of water. You could save more water by reducing your beef intake by one pound than by not showering for six months!

photoRead More | pdf"California's Water Footprint" report by the Pacific Institute (PDF)

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